MASS SAID 1ST TIME AT DENVER GENERAL HOSPITAL Jontent* CopTrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1938—Pennission to Reproduce, Excepting on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue HAPPY NEW YEAR! Divine Sacrifice DENVER CATHOLiC May Be O ffered There Each Month Splendiii Report of Year’s Work Made by REGISTER Chaplain, Rev. Matthias Justen, The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Retpster. We Have C.SS.R., of St. Joseph’s Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, and Seven Smaller Services. Mass was said in the tuberculosis department of the VOL. XXXIV. No. 19. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, DEC. 29, 1938. $2 PER YEAR Denver General hospital Dec. 25 for the first time since bu ’ the institution was founded. The Rev. Matthias Justen, C.SS.R., assistant at St. Joseph’s parish and chaplain at the hospital, celebrated the Mass at 7 o’clock, which was attended by 25. Many of the worshipers were participating in the ceremony for the first time in two years, because com­ Headlines of 1938 Reveal municable disease had kept them within the institution. One of the sun porches at the hospital, previously used for Con­ fessions, was converted into a Notable Progress of Church chapel and Father Justen made :ai h< use of a Mass kit which the Very Kt (B y George Kelly) Among the important events of Blanca, was erected and dedica­ Rev. Christian Darley, C.SS.R., With only a few hours remain­ the past year was the inaugura­ tion ceremonies were conducted by pastor of St. Joseph’s, had used S ing before the curtains of time are tion of the Legion of Mary in Bishop Vehr in November. when he was a chaplain with the dropped forever on 1938, the Colorado. Early in October Miss Chapels at Chama and Ortiz were American army in the World war. ,clerg:y and laity of the Diocese of Mary Duffy of Dublin, Ireland, one also blessed at the same time. Father Justen said that Mass : Denver can hang up their calen- of the organization’s most ener­ may be said on first Fridays here­ Redecorations in diocesan after in order to provide shut-in bi ,dars Jan. I with the satisfaction getic and outstanding leaders, ar­ churches accounted for much of that they have added another suc- rived in Denver with the avowed Catholics in the institution with the money spent in building activ­ the opportunity of hearing Mass . cessful year to the history of intention of establishing branches ity. The following churches or ‘ Catholicism in Colorado. Led by of the world-famed organization at least once a month. chapels were rejuvenated by means Mother Erich Hughs, newly ap­ the Most Rev. Bishop Urban J. in this region. Working con­ of the paint brush and hammer in Annual Report on Vehr, the Church in the Centen- stantly on an eight weeks’ crusade pointed provincial for the Midwest the past year: St. Anthony’s hos­ province of the Sisters of St. Mission Work Given snial state progressed under the that took her to all parts , of the pital, Denver; St. Joseph’s, (C. 1 banners of Catholic Action, peace, Denver diocese and into Wyoming, Francis of Penance and Christian SS.R.), Denver; mission chapel. Charity, formally erected in Den­ ^or nearly two years Father Jus­ freedom, and justice. Miss Duffy laid the foundation Rouse; St. Rosa’s home, Denver, ten has been administering to the for a great’ lay apostolate. ver in November, will arrive here and St. Francis de Sales’, Denver. Friday afternoon. Mother Lid- religious needs of Catholic patients in the hospital and in his annual BIJILDING ACTIVITY A $4,000 air conditioning sys­ wina Jacobs, provincial superior of GREAT IN DIOCESE the order, is accompanying the report compiled this week revealed tem was installed in Holy Ghost that 2,250 inmates had been cared Completion of the remodeling on church, Denver, while a basement first superior of the new province, the Register plant and the instal­ as is Sister Bernice of New York. for in 1938 as against 1,635 the Registorials chapel was constructed at Loyola previous year. Last rites were ad­ lation of new machinery at a total church, Denver, by volunteer work­ Announcement has also been cost of $100,000 headed the year’s ministered to 459 while in 1937 ers led by Brother John Echever- made of the appointment of a the total was 211. At least 254 of building program. Work was be­ rla, S.J. former superior of St. Elizabeth’s n tTHE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL those receiving Extreme Unction gun on the Gallagher Memorial Lots costing $2,600 were pur­ school as head of the California i aJv s . b o y s t o w n died shortly afterward. Baptisms chapel at Mt. Olivet cemetery, chased in Glenwood Springs for province of the Franciscan Sisters. Denver, being constructed at a totaled 67, Communions, 200 (in I the site of a new church, which She is Mother Emma Gale, who addition to those receiving the cost of $40,000. ^ Colorado needs a Monsignor Ed- is to be erected with funds de­ was superior at St. Elizabeth’s Viaticum); Confessions, 583, and “ \ward J. Flanagan and a Boyg A new rectory is being erected rived from a campaign now under from 1933 to 1936, when she was in Alamosa with contributions of 830 visits were made to the hos­ llown. The dailies have "been car­ way. Seven stained glass windows transferred to Charleston, W. Va. pital. As a result of Father Jus- rying frequent first-page stories parishioners and friends defray­ were oresented to Blessed Sacra­ The province of which Mother ing most of the $9,000 expenses. ten’s missionary work 13 were about the difficulties at the State ment parish and three new altars Erich will be superior includes converted to the faith. Industrial school for boys at A new church was completed at were installed at St. Thomas’ sem­ territory west from Chicago to Frederick in July costing $5,500, Approximately one-third of the Golden. The institution, to quote inary, bringing the total to six. and including New Mexico, Colo­ patients at the hospital are Cath­ I the A’etes, “has been in a state of and with $1,500 given by the Ex­ New pews, costing $5,000, the gift rado, and Wyoming. The West tension society, St. James’ church, olic and Father Justin explained 'j||unrest for years.” Raymond W. (Turn to Page 2 — C olum n 1) Coast province, of which Mother that it would be impossible for ^ ^Combs will become superintendent Emtna has been named provincial, him to reach them all without the ' ^'hen the resignation of the pres- was also established this year, and co-operation of the nurses, in­ i-4fnt head of the school is effective the mother-house is located at Mt. ternes, and orderlies, most of Jan. 1. He announces that he in- Alverno, near Los Angeles. whom are non-Catholic. The Re- [iniisil C.C.I. Forgiveness, Justice, and Charity Mother Erich comes from Al­ I Itends to introduce military disci- demptorist is completing his sec­ Llpline and to reform the vocational liance, Nebr., where she was su­ ond full year as chaplain at the Aftraining system. perior. Previously she had been Denver General with the best mis­ stationed in New York and Wash­ sionary record established since ,_i But w’hat is really needed it is Needed for Peace, Says Bishop ington-. Although never stationed Cimpossible for a state school to womiiiiiiiiES St. Joseph’ began serving the hos­ PElilS BUILT BT in Colorado, she has visited here ■have. Yon sawr the movie, Boyg pital as a mission. flToicn. You remember that Father Men’s forgiveness, justice, and of Redemption to the human race. being our brother in Christ the several times. planogan’s plan is to appeal to ■eharity toward other men are A crude, cave in JuUside..Ehel- Lord. That, in reality: is His St. Elizabeth’s convent, the only needed to establish peace on earth, tered the Creator of the universe, message to the world from the house conducted by the sisters in *the best that w in » hgy. aqtL-Io Colorado before they got the new Lourdes School develop loyalty and responsibility m FIST yEM the Most Rev. Urban J. 'Vehr, dumb animals tempered the frosty stable of Bethlehem, "Peace on ENMLL-EH Bishop of Denver, declared in his chillness of that hallowed birth­ earth to men of good -will.” m motherhouse, has a community of by leaving discipline largely in the six. At the provincial house, the Albuquerque Plant hands of the lads themselves. An extensive mission program, sermon at the Solemn Pontifical place, as angelic choirs sang a new ‘In All Save Sin’ Youngsters need love and trust. most of it under the auspices of Midnight Mass in the Cathedral song of welcome of the Deity to Bostonians believe in Catholic Convent of the Immaculate Heart In an infinite wisdom that orders of Mary, 5200 Federal boulevard, The priest gives what they must the Confraternity of Christian Dec. 25. The talk, which paid par­ earth, “Glory to God in the high­ all things in accordance with eter­ Action. At least nearly 200 of As Newspaper Quits ihave spiritually as well as the Doctrine, directed by the Rev. F. ticular attention to the Nativity est and on earth peace to men of them do, for they swung into of which Sister Immaculate has nal design and plans, the Second been temporary superior, there are {things necessary for material life Gregory Smith, was carried on in and the ideal of peace, follows in good will.” Person of the Blessed Trinity as­ action very fast early this month Albuquerque, N.
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