292 DODDINGTON, CHESHIRE. [ KELLY'S Derricutt Francis, farmer & wool· *Lawrence J oseph, blacksmith, Light- wedding & funeral equipages fur- buyer, Royals green wood green nished (S. T. O>oke, proprieror), Gleave Simon, farmer, Manor farm, Lievsley George, farmer, Royals grel'n 1Vrenhury station 'Vilkesley Meadows Waiter, farmer, Blackhurst Simcock George Hy. farmer, Dodcott Gouldbourn Edwd. farmer, Wilkesley Powell Jame!>, blacksmith, Wilkesley Spibey John, .farmer, Northwood tHarris John, farmer, Yew Tree ho Purgold A.dolph D. farmer, Park view Stant William, cowkpr. Royals green *Hocknell Alfred, farmer, Newtown tSalamanca Family & Commercial tStevenson Thos. frmr. Pinsley gru *Hocknell Henry, farmer, Haywood Hotel & Posting house; spacious Thomason John, farmer *Huntbach Robert Jo!Wph, farmer, stabling,loose boxes & coach houses, Vernon George, farmer, Walk mill Lightwood green pleasurl'! parties &c. catered for, Ya.rwood Jonn. frmr. Bntterley heys DODDINGTON is a small tQwnship, 3 miles from has been res-tored by Lord Tollemache, and is now the Betley Road station on the main line of the London and residence of 'Mr. Thomas Nod>en. The area is r,r3o acres; North Western railway from Crewe to Stafford and 5 rateable value, £1,659; the ~pulation in 1901 was 149. south-east from Nantwich, and in x84o was formed into a Wall Letter Box cleared at 4.30 p.m.-Letters through parish from the civil parish of Wybunbury ; it corn- NanDwich. Woore (.Shropshire) is rthe neares-t money prises Checkley, Hunsterson and Bridgemere, in the order & telegraph office, about r' miles distant Crewe division of the county, hundred, union, county National School (mixed), erected in 1 s7s by <the late Sir court district and petty sessional division of Nantwich and Henry Delves. BroughtAm bart. for I08 children; average rural deanery of Nantwich and archdeaconry and diocese atwndance, 64 ; :Miss Susan Georgina Grieve, mi!>tress; of Chester. The church of St. John, erected in 1837 by the school is supported by Government grants & Sir John Delves Broughton hart. who died in 1847• is a voluntary subscriptions.. building of stone in the Gothic style, occupying a. pleasant site on the west side of Doddington Park, and consists of CHECKLEY - CUM - WRI:XEHILL (formerly called chancel, nave, porch and a. turret containing one bell, Checkleigh) iil a township and village on the Staffor<Lshire and contains an organ: the interior was redecorated and border of the county, 7 miles south-ea.st [ram Nantwich, furnished aoout rBgx, at a cost of over £xoo, and now x mile south from Betley &ad station, <Jn the London and affords sittings for 170 persons. The register dates from North Western ro.ilway, and 6 miles north-east from And­ the year 1838. The living is a vicarage, nEllt yearly value !em station on the section of the Great Western railway £2o2, in the gift of Sir Delves wuis Broughton hart. and from Nantwich to Market Drayton and Wellington. There held since r88o by the Rev. John Francis Bames M.A. is a Primitive 'Methodist chapel here, built in r824, and of University College, Durham_ Doddington Hall, the seating roo persons. ·Sir Delves Louis 1Broughton hart. property a.nd residence of Sir Delves Louis Rroughton is lord of the manor and principal landowner. Checkley hart. is a mansioi[JJ of stone delightfully situated in the Hall is now occupied as a farmhouse. The area is 1,429 midst of a well-wooded park containing a lake of 57 aCTes; rateable value, £4,128; the populat,ion in HJOI acres: the house, begun in 1777, from a design of Samuel was 200. Wrinehill is a hamlet partly !in Cheshire and Wyatt esq. -was finished in the year 1796, and is massively pal'hly in Staffordshire. built, the walls being in 'SQme places 6ft. t'hick. Sir Delves Wall Letter Box, Wrinehill, cleared at 6. 30 p.m.; sun- Louis Broughton bart. is lord of the manor and sole d landowner. The soil is sandy; •subsoil, sand. The chief ays, '9·4° a.m crops are barley, rye, oats and potatoes, but mostly used Let.ter:s for Checkley, through Nantwich; for Wrinebill, as pasture. The area of the township is 541 acres of land through Crewe. Betley is the nearest money order & and S6 of water; rateable V'alue £g56; the population of telegraph office, about 2 miles distant the township in rgor was 70 and of t-he parish 590. HUNSTERSON (formerly oalled Huntsterton) is a Letters through Nantwich. Wybunbury is the nearest village and township, 5 ~ miles south-east from Nantwich money order & telegraph office, r! miles distant and 4 nol"lth-east .from Audlem station, on th~ Market BRIDGEMERE (anciently called Bridesmer~) is a Drnyrton to Nantwioh section of the Great Western rail­ small township and village, 6! mile.li south-east from way. Sir Delve.s .IA:luis Bronghton hart. is lord of the Nantwich and 3 miles from Betley Road Station, on the manor and ~wle landowner. The area is 1,570 acres; rate­ wndon and North Western railway. There is a Wesleyan able value, £2,067; the !papulation in rgor was 165. Met,hodist chapel here, erected in r83r. ISir Delves Louis Wall Letter Box cleared at 6 p.m Broug~on bart. who is lord of the manor, and Lmd Letters through Nantwich. Audlem is the nearest mane~ Tollemache are the chief landowners. Bridgemere Hall order & telegraph office DODDINGTON. CHECKLEY. Turner George, farmer Barnes Rev. John Francis 1\I.A. (vicar) (Letters for Wrinehill received througtJ 'l'urnock \Vm.Irmr.Checkley 'Wood ho Broughton Sir Delves U:Juis bart. J.P. Crewe.) WalleyAnn(Mrs. ),frmr. Gheckley brook Doddington hall Large Miss, Wrinehill villa, Wrinehi~ HUNSTERSON. Loring John, The Cottage :Moore William, Wrinehill Barnett Joseph farmer Foxes bank Cheshire Rt.blcksmth.; &atHunsterson Moss Thomas, The Laurels, Wr~neh~ll Basford Joseph, cowke~per Edwards Philip, farmer & miller,Dod- Muckley Wm. The Laurels, Wrmehdl Bebbington Wm. Hy. frmr. :Manor ha dington mill Emberton Wm. farmer,Demesne farm COMMERCIAL. Cheshire Robert, blacksmith; & at Loring John, land agent to Sir D. L. Bebbington George, cowkeeper Doddington Broughton hart. The C<Jttage Bebbington Charles, farmer Cooper Jn. (Mrs.), farmer,Foxes bank Boulton Fredk. & William, farme::-s Dobson Fanny (Mrs.), frmr. Foxes bnk BRIDGEMERE. Brereton Edwin (Mrs.), farmer Fatherson Fred, farmer, Brown moss Basford Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer Brown sword John, blacksmith,Wrinehl Glover .Arthur, farmer Brereton Frank, builder Clarke Henry David,Lord Nelson P.H Glover George, farmer, Brown moss Cope Samuel, wheelwright & shopkeeper, Wrinehill Gresty John, farmer Dutton Jn. farmer, Bridgemere farm Cooper Edward,wheelwright,Wrinehill Lunt Owen, cowkeeper Evans Alfred, market gardener Darlington Richd. farmr.Checkley hall Moulton JDseph, farmer Evans Betsy & Helen (Misses),farmrs Duun Alien, farmer Moulton Thomas, cowkeeper Evans Charles, farmer Green Henry, farmer MDulton Wm. farmer & coal dealer Evans James, carpenter Green William, farmer Perry George, cowkeeper Hall John, cowkeeper Hardern Thomas, Blue Bell P.H. & Pickin John, cowkElilper Jinks George, farmer baker, Wrinehill Reade Edwart.!, cowkeeper Lea Edward, farmer, Wheel green Johnson Samuel,draper, ironmonger & Shropshire John, farmer Lockett William, cowkeeper proprietor of "The Staffordshire Smith Jesse, cowkeeper, Brown mos1 Xoden Thos. farmer, BridgemBre hall CnrP All," 'Vrinehill Smith John, farmer, Foxes bank Platt Henry, cowkeeper Latham Jn. farmr. & butchr.Wrinehill Smith Veruon, farmer, Green fields Platt Peter, farmer MDss William Geo. frmr. Randilow Sutton Sarah Ellen (Mrs.), farmer. Potts John Samuel, blacksmith Silvester Thomas, farmer Pewitt hall Salmon William, shopkeeper Timmis Jame!!, Crown inn, Wrinebill Williamson James, farmer, Wood end DODDLESTON (or Dodleston) is a township and Oastle, Chester union and county coul"Tt district, and rural parish, 2 miles from Kinnernon station on the Chester deanery, archdeaconry 13nd diocese of Chester. The church and Denbigh sootion of the London and North Western of St. Ma.ry is an edifice of red ·sandstone in the Gothic railway, I from Balderton .s-tation on the Chester and style, wnsisting of chancel, nave of four buys, north aisle, Wrexham line of the Great Wes.tern railway, 5 south-west nvrth porch and an embattled western tower containing from Che~ter, 7! north from. Wrexham, and 175 miles a dock and 5 bells; Sir Tboma•s Egerton, Baron Ellesmere from London, in the Eddris.bury division of the county, and Visoount Broclcley, and wrd Chancellor, x6o3-17, was Broxton hundred, petty sessional d-ivision of Chester interred here on his d"Bath at York House, Strand, r5 .
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