BRITISH COMMONWEALTH COUNTRIES: VITAL RECORDS CIVIL REGISTRATICN Following is a partial list of British Ccmmcnwealth countries with dates when civil registration began, and the places you should writ~ to obtain information: Ccuntry or Prevince Q!!! Where to Write .Au$t'ralia Registrar Ganer-a! of each area. N.S. wales 1 Mar 1856 Sex 30 GPO, Sydney, N.S.W., 2001 Queensland 1 Mar 1856 Treasury Bldg., Brisbane, Queensland 4000 So. Australia Jul 1842 8ex 1531 H Gr\), Adelaide, S.A. 5CCCl Victoria 1 Jul 1853 295 Cuesn St., Melbourne, Victoria XCO W. .Australia 1841 Cak!eigh 61dg., 22 St. Gear-ge's Terrace, Perth, W.A. eoco Nc. Terr. 1870 Mitchell St., Box 1281. OarNin, Nc. Territory England 1 Jul 1837 Registrar General's Office, St. catherine's House, 10 Kinsway. Loncen, 'AC2S 6 JP England. Ireland 1864 Registrar General, Custcme House. Dublin C. 10, Eire, (Recuolic(Republic of Ireland) Genealogical Society has bir~h, marriage, and death indexes 1864-1921. Nete: Birth, rtarl"'iage,rmt'l"'iage, atld death records farfor Nor~hern Ireland frcm 1922 an: Registrar General, Regis~erOffice, Oxford House. 49~5 Chichester St. Selfast STI 4HL, No~ !re1.a.rld Genealcgical Scciety has birth, narriage, and death recordreccrd indexes 1922-l959~ New Z!!aland marriages Registrar General, P.O~ Sox =023, wellingtcn, New Zealand. 1008 birth, deaths 1924 Scotland 1 Jan 1855 The Registrar General, Search Unit, New Register House, Edinburgh, EHl 3YT, SCCtland~ Genealogical Saei~tyScei~ty has bir~h,birth, marriage, and death indexes 1855-1955, or 1956, and birt%'\ crarriage, and death cer~ificates 1855-1875, 1881. 1891. Tasnania 1 Dee 1838 Sex 87SJ, I-'!ct::art, Tasrrania 7CC1 wales 1 Jul 1837 ,~:e: Civil registration infcrmatien fer other ceuntriescountries is availacle frem the Genealcgical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City. Civil Registration Address List The recording of births, marriages, and deaths in m any English speaking countries is called "civil registration." You can write to the addresses in this handout to obtain a birth, marriage, or death certificate from the various countries listed. Since prices for copies of certificates keep changing, you will need to ask for the price in your letter and offer to pay the required fee. Key to Information Ë This list will tell you if the library has indexes or certificates. Look in the Family History Library Catalog for more details. Ë The date on the right is the earliest on which certificates were m ade. You can obtain them from that date to the present. Ë B M D = Birth, Marriage, and Death certificates available. AUSTRALIA New South W ales B M D 1 Mar 1856 (includes Norfold Island until 1 Jan 1886) Registry of Births, Death, & Marriages, GPO Box 30 Sydney, New South Wales 2001 AU STRALIA (Library has indexes 1856-1905) Queensland B M D 1 Mar 1856 Registrar General Prior to 1890 P.O. Box 188 State Archivist North Quay, Queensland 4002 P.O. Box 1397 AU STRALIA Sunnybank Hills, Queensland 4109 (Library has indexes 1856-1899) AU STRALIA South Australia B M D 1 Jun 1842 The Principle Registrar GPO Box 1351 Adelaide, South Australia 5001 AU STRALIA (Library has indexes 1842-1905) Tasmania B M D 1 Dec 1838 Registrar General Prior to 1899 GPO Box 875J The Office of Archives of Tasm ania Hobart, Tasmania 7001 91 Murray Street AU STRALIA Hobart, Tasmania 7001 (Library has indexes 1838-1899 & some certificates) AU STRALIA Victoria B M D 1 Jul 1853 The Registrar General P.O. Box 4332 Melbourne, Victoria 3001 AU STRALIA (Library has indexes 1853-1940) Western A ustralia B M D 1 Sep 1841 The Registrar General=s Office P.O. Box 7720 Cloister=s Square, Western Australia 6850 AU STRALIA (Library has indexes 1840-1896) Australian Capital Territory B M D 1 Jan 1930 The Registrar, Birth Death & M arriage Registry, GPO Box 788 Canberra, Australia Capitol Territory 2601 AU STRALIA Northern Territory B M D 18 May 1870 The Registrar General GPO Box 3021, Darwin, Northern Territory 0801 AU STRALIA CHANNEL ISLANDS Guernsey B M D Aug 1842 (includes Alderney, Brechou, Herm, Jethou, and Sark) La Societe Guernesaise, The Royal Court House St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 2PB CHANNEL ISLANDS (Library has indexes 1840-1966 & some certificates) Jersey B M D Aug 1842 The Superintendent Registrar 10 Royal Square St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 4WA CHANNEL ISLANDS ENGLAND B M D 1 Jul 1837 General Register Office Smedley Hydro Trafalgar Road Southport, Merseyside PR8 2HH ENGLAND (Library has indexes 1837-1980) IRELAND Republic of Ireland B M D 1 Jan 1864 Registrar General Joyce House 8-11 Lombard Street East Dublin 2 IRELAND (EIRE) (Library has indexes 1845-1958 & some certificates) Northern Ireland B M D 1922 Registrar General Register Office 66 Balmoral Avenue Belfast, BT9 6NY NORTHERN IRELAND (Library has indexes 1922-1959 & some certificates) ISLE OF MAN Birth 1849 Marriage (dissenters 1849,conformists 1884) Death 1 Apr 1878 Registrar General Government Office Finch Road Douglas ISLE OF MAN (Library has indexes 1849-1964 & some certificates) NEW ZEALAND B M D 1 Jan 1848 Registrar General P.O. Box 31-115 191 High Street Lower Hutt NEW ZEALAND (Library has indexes 1840-1920) SCOTLAND B M D 1 Jan 1855 Registrar General Search U nit New Register House Edinburgh, EH1 3YY SCOTLAND (Library has indexes 1855-1955 & some Certificates) WALES B M D 1 Jul 1837 General Register Office Smedley Hydro Trafalgar Road Southport, Merseyside PR8 2HH ENGLAND (Library has indexes 1837-1980) ENGLAND Bibliography for Gazetteers and Maps Bartholomew, John. The Survey Gazetteer of the British Isles. (Contains a list of civil parishes and small localities.) (BYU Map Collection, 914.2, B28 and also Hist./Rel. Ref. DA/64D/.823) _""?'::.,.,..~=---;,......,...' Revised Half-Inch Series of Great Britain. (GS Ref. Folio 942, E 7b. - atlas Or 942 E 7b - individual maps) Gardner, David E. and et al. A Genealo ical Atlas of En land and Wales. (Contains maps of each county and indicates parishes and chapelrles (BYU Hist/Rel. Ref. G1816/.E6225/G27x) Great Britain. Census Office. Population Tables, 1801-1851. (Gives number of inhabitants in census. The main value of this source is to serve as a gazetteer to locate parishes, townships, and places that are not identifiable elsewhere.) (8YU 372,154 & 372, 155) 1m erial Gazetteer of En land and Wales, 1868 (Gives good details on each place GS 942.E5 " ,.' • £9{ 02.0,3o( Kelly's Directories. There is a directory for each county. These directories give facts about each parish such as when church was built, date registers commenced etc. Also, chapeleries and smaller divisions within each parish. Gives details on small place names. Helpful in noting churches built after 1813 up to 1837. There are other directories compiled by White etc. that are also good Check to see what is available for the county needed. Lewis, Samuel. A Topographical Dictionary of England. Vols. 1-4, 1831 Edition (Contains a short history of each county, parish and chapelry. Also contains a list of ecclesias~ical oarishes and scme chaoeleries and their courts of jurisdiction.) (BYU Hist/Rel Re-F DA/625/.L67- also Map Collection g14.2/L588t - see also microfiche 6,02?~~3) A Topographical Dictionary of Wales. Vols 1-2 (Other information same as above) Ordinance Survey Maps. (A catalogue giving details of all maps published by the Ordinance Survey is available free on request to the Ordinance Survey, Romsey Road, Maybash, Southampton S094DH, England - excellent maps. Some are at BYU Library in Map Collection.) Humphery-Smith, Cecil R., ed. The Phi11imore Atlas and Index of Parish Registers. Sussex, Eng.: Phillimore &Co., 1984. IBYU Hist/Rel Ref CS/434/.H85x/19R4) Smith, Albert Hugh. The Place-Names of the West Riding of Yorkshire. (English Place-Name Soclety, Vols. 30-31) Cambrldge: At the Unlversity Press, 1963. (There are volumes for most counties) (GS 942/B4pn and BYU 914.2/En36s) Smith, Frank. A Genealogical Gazetteer of England, An alphabetical dic­ tionary of places with their location, ecclesiastical jurisdiction, population, and the date of the earliest entry in the registers of every ancient parish in England; Baltimore,: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1968. A Series of Parish Outline Maps for the Counties of England and Wales by the Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies, 58 Northgate, Canterbury; Kent, England. (Gives parish boundaries, probate jurisdictions and the beginning date of parish registers. Some discrepancies. London maps good.) 12 Se enteenth Century Immigration to North America From Gre'at Britain and Ireland The GeMalOllcal Department of The Church of Jesus Christ of LatwMiay Saints Series A. No. 53 1976 ~ , '". ==.,,",~': , ....' . ~,'''' .- .- . --".- ­ , -- ..... :::'''':"""---- . .c--- . ~-.:-. --'. --~; , -.... ----; I ••..--." • / \ ". '. :', ":" .... ---.. " , " , - •• .. I .' , ..... ' , ~ '-- ~ , .... .. ' , \ _~ \ .. 4 '_. , . ...... ... .. 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'~i.;' ::;-~- .-..---:; - _. ~.- .---; .., . ~ ... -"- . .\ I• Copyright ~ 1977 Corporation of the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints All Rights Reserved Printed in the United States of America For a list of other research papers in this series. write to: The Genealogical Department 50 East North Temple Street Salt Lake City. Utah 84150 USA Seventeenth Century Immigration to North America From Great Britain and Ireland Early Discoveries and Settlements Virginia Colonization The New World was settled over a long period of The first English settlement to survive perma· time by people of every class, condition, and type, nently was sent out in December, 1606, by the including adventureres and slaves, rich men and London Company.
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