Folder 4 Raoul Wallenberg Material

Folder 4 Raoul Wallenberg Material

--... ,",-.. ..:.... ..... ___ . R. A o« ~. w ••• .,;!'>H~ .a;.;:.~~~~£ ·~ W~t ;?d.:.: A.~.~ ~ ., .. ~- - e~ec-.<--t>,s. ~ l~H 1'1~~~~'~'-:i fi,-:; j),Afl-:(~) 4~ .t> ~eo~_,(.o~c_.., [_ f>OS<E"Vt>t.-"f · .· P~.c:. · (~~ 3 '~. ~) •.. ,_ --·. -~: .. ____ -- -..... --···-- --~--- .... w-·· ····_ ... ---~~. ., •• ·"-~~~rc:, ~~1 . .... -~- '' ... ~ ..... ·' ,.,___,: .::r:-. ··t· . 9;EPA~~MENT _,,_J: T~ULTEG2~~~ \r·; c6~~~~~~~T~6Ns .1\ ·STATF AND RECORDS I '- J\t""ust.- 3\ 10.:14 u·c . 1 I lllistr:lbution of trr E · • y· ,,). ~ ~ 0~- -t~"~:1';;:;;~~ ,,, .;""~;~Jc··~~~- ~.L0 ':.:._CONIRULC~ P . ' . .,- >::_;:_::/:_;,~:;_:·.· , :~ o_~~~~~ ~~.~A:?\ ?o:. ~':~cuci ty n<.>aon~ -~~f.! ~ · ~~AflO~A~~·:,': : .. ;.:: A~~:.H ... :_~.~ ...:.; ·. · , t>:lx~ .ot.thi.r~ !H::.a~e. :muzt l ·[ "'mr~"KHOiJ&{.' :. :. ':,'''OIVISIONOF '-. \-);' c.l...Only .iu:~o.:;de4.; . ~ "'""""" . 1 •. r COMMUNICATIONS&RECOIUlS.:~ -~-~-==~·~~-~· ~.....,..~=..;~ 15!30 /}; (' ' • ;y-' .·· .. ... ·. Th@~~~e ~elCJ~,;tcr Ol~sn b .mm e~e. ?loase .ask w~~nb~~ •l)ax-~onall)> t" contact i'0l1x ; :~-/·' . } L '.: .· ... ·.. ··. '.· . Sz::mtl~~.:;.lO [email protected]~gy·Ut .. , Hulia:?$St~ 3~-698. .. ·. ·.. ·. ·.·: .; ·;;.-~ ,: .. ~ - . ~- :. \ •, . ~- ; . · tl'fid oa-aJ.j.i: itall~~l.n that thioough a fl'icnd in i.os Ang~Jtles, -·, -- ~a.U~~~rg hail hl9~d.trem E~«Jfl$ ·B~gdanfi"1.---Nllom ~iallenbe;rg . .· ' ' . l . ·.. · do;.cd not· {repeat gflt) lrntiwo A0. m. me~JHI gf verif;yill$ li!a B'~:Ai•!J.i.:::~~1~ ·~~ to ·~~ me3S~£tfl~ t~all~:nb;.n•!$ shtmld rahr to the .· . ···-· .... · J. :··· ' :rouo'Wi.,l",g p:t>~p~'l·tlg~ll~(l 'b;r 87.-~il'lt;rzaa:y~ Bogdantty's rub~ . -~. ' . C'utt' l:2,nktll end po~ii,:~t l'J:a;l;~h~ 0:.1rs;, Be;JEiianf'.fy 0 ~ fur coat • gold . ·.. ~ . .. .. · bJrD.~•~l0t, and brotlt)h :w:l~h g:re~at ratonam~ .lti~bnlmrg ohGUJ.d ' ' ' . - . .. ~ . ~ ~- : . ~ . eli!Jo. Ojtpl'fillllll Beg~t'ir'.~ ec:.'l~a:ril tor ~·1ik1 '~ well-being o · . ' ', - . - .· ,,· " . :.: ~- ... ): ,,· .' ·. '·,:' . - . t~.all@ril:le~ ~hould i,tii!l 6zent1:r'&aaJ' that .Bogdal'itty e.xpe~is . tbB:t· .· S~liJnt1~ ~~-l 'b~ ~nl,t·ud to go ~0 Std. tzerland 0001\ and y ' . ··.. ··. .. ~u~w~at~ ~t lw Tply tol" .9. v1s~ 1m'l~diatrol;ro Bogdantt1 wnnt~;; 3_:1Msnti~ay t'p b~l sure tha."t wh~n h«~ goes to S~i.tzerland ........). l·-·;,,.,, .. :. .. .·.- C;ll' ht."'i.l a:t !ii!:l C&i!$ pod tlori of all the enter- . ,i'~.rt-.i9::rt:lps k.·.····· .....til~ ·· .... ·... p:r'.i.n~~:B" Sz~mti~m~y mtist~ Of. ccul'se.~ tl'nat tb1a meMage with ·the"-~g~~t.-:c~mtiekn~l3-.c~-~enti~Chlot-(~·t !1ot-}-· ·· ·- ~+---~-- ---- .·-. ··-··_.-_.. .T··. be ad~isl;ld' by \'le.llenb~rg ,of th~ reasomi he b b~ing a!lked "_·---:- ' -___ - -, ··-' _- : . .-- . wh1. to c;o to ·· iilt~re"Bt 1n· th~ · ..... _1JEGLASSIFmD _· ~,Or State[)ept. Lett<Jr~ Ul-7tf By a H. Parks Date~ S-EP 27 197l I --~----"1 ., • ' '':.,_ • "'' ..,.• .., '''< ~~ ' • ~ I ,, .. '-.-.,~ .. ,... ~ '-··. ~~-,., .. , ·'l' .···~··· ·c· c:··~·;:\.· . ·~ ,. ,, -2- #l5eo; .. fi,~l{st 3#!,-{~:t';J:·{.~}:·u~:-···.··~ ~Ifu.olm .. ' . ··. ;·, _._::<~~;~·,::·;' . ··. ··:.. ..... ·-· .• _:; .. ;·. :J·-.:. -1 ... l• »'or your):1nt-o1'111aUoaj,.BogdaJ1tt7 .11 ·• Hungarian r.aiding . -. -_ ~i' ·-- : .. ·- . '·. -~-:- •I'• ·- . .: . • .- - • • in I..os Angoi••.~ who ~* .eub9tan-ti&l. int, 1n se?eral 1 luga ~n-t'trp~tie~ ot. ~ll:\·ob.··s~enu~ 1s manager. Union"· Bank or Bldherlanci aot' as .:Bog~:ty 8 a trua~u and will .a"~ e.z~ntll'!llal ~o ~o to to d1etcuia bullinu• --~-------n~_~b.m~~-·"'~~:Pmo.a~B.~t·p~Jec.t t4:ro 1;o adtquate aoor~O. .. .. ,._ Of SUPJilJ·-' . Of pei\g~s .llgainat bloekad tranO$ or dollars and ·to hav~ S~nt1~ t1M.Ort~o. to lll(li@UN coo;p~rat:l.on of Cit individual. ; . named' .. l ·1n,pa..'"'ag;!lph- ·- . ',' ' '' thl"0.a.. D~p~tm<ant•s 1426. · ot .July i?~ WR!Ps ~5P :and ·~ith who!ll Bggdanf:r;v and are w9ll .s.eq"~intgd,; lttor ~:r.raa~on1'ou.ici(;) not {lt'ttp~!lt n.l)t) bol1~Ys that a~curirig ·!lie or ~tsntlr~'ll eoopel'a'Uon ia appropriate~ the Board d.o not (repeat not) auk ad~l¢2. " :... ' . ',;' in~nct. :-,' ~n·a' ·. -- .. , •. Wsli~nee:rg· -to cont4\~t; sz.enti~ until the j]~• ZQad a.n oppo-rtun1 t1 to coneider au~l-1 ;i'$G.Ii!Ono. i .'S'1:E:T ··I~fiZ3 .·ACi'UlG .. -1 ·----~:J.J-·---c-~~~~c---·-- ~ ~ --~ WRB~Nl-iV~KG 8/2/.R..-4 . -liE - ··"·-~.. ··-··· H H .~- I( ;\· ___ j :i;¥:7{1~ / ., . ! : ~ 1.... ~,- '!.\. .1;\' .···,· ( .. ,I 1'1 .... aa wan.u-..~ to c~ MIX k.atu.e,.,, 10 th--.orllt.;. lh24ap.u,. tel~ 358-698• mut ol'allT ~.u h1a that. t~ a friall ill i.ooe b&el-. ~ea'bo'• ha• bea;d, ,._ __. ~ vholt WaU.u.q 4oe• not! (~ tlOt) bow.. ·A• a. m..- ot nri~ hb aMtettent .. to the ••up.,. WAU.U.7fr shouJ.d. "'•" t• \u followJ.Jtg prop­ en,. )7· Snsliaqt ·. :Bo~·• ~ a!14f ·liJtka P4 p.._. watch• Hrs .. '~aatt.J:•• tv:o'*i"- i:oU bi'aOelel,. -tiDd. 'bnoob riih r;reea. a~oua. Wall~ allhlcl al" np:Nu :ae~r,•s cotleea for Miki•s well-'beiJI&. _ f!a!le,a~-~-~itll.--heali.Dq tlsa\ Jlo~.f'T lbX,pMh 'ibM 'ben\~ · · -- t1ill ~ aU:ei M: - to g, .. Uz•1').q& toea ad. tu&gesh thai! he eppl¥ tor a. '· ·. ' visa tntcl~atelT., :Bo&dMft;r waa\• i.laenUzilq to be uun thal whell ho goee to Switaului. ha ha• at hb i"in&en1pa the cash p~dtion ot all tb.& enhl:l­ :prbn... SzenU:J!IIi7 JIIQO• o~ counu•,. tnat this me ..age whh the highe.' eon.i'~,. s:nU1'11a7 obwlclM• (~~ea11 no11) be a.d.rteell 'b7 WallenbeJ"g . ott~. Ha$OU wr .b b kbc ubc1 t.o ~to ·hl,serled. retahoit..:to.-~bit!Ow, "~br.-:-ot'~..Jot.lll'!tt~.-:11!.hl:&"t iD.' the;maUer.;; .·, _.. · · l'ol" -~ !:n~uOJ4 ~17 ia a H'IUltar1mt reddiDg 1a Lo• Angeles who. ha• sul»atantial. !n.ilenets :1D. · BeT~Btal ~ enterprises of which Sz&Qtirlllq 1a ~·. thlioD ~Of' Slrlhn~ acts I:Ul Jlogdal'lft)"1tJ tr1111he and 'Iilli aak· SseaU~ to go to Mh~Wland. t._, dbcua 'busine.. proOleae.. The plUZpO••• nl' pl'f)Jen ~to ~- adequat• nourc. of~ of' peD&Os $ins\. blo0b4 fi'uoja ol' doUara .ua. to 'haye SzenUJ'Jllq lllldariake to aeove co0l)erat1oa of bai'Yicl'IIAl ~ ba 1>~ tbn• of Deparlaent•e · . · I of· . ·· • mm'• 5$• * 'lfltll whoa ~o~ ancl SsenUrmq ~ well >;.<_~I a~uainted .. · · · · · ' · I ! I:t to~ aDT ~~·aoa. 70\\ do no.t (repeat 1lot) 'be).i..,-e tbab Jecur:lng hie or Sll:entti=qls c:oopenti,m t. ~l'ia\er n\l'rlse the .JJo&l'tl thereof BDd do not (~t; no') aU: Wnllen"bers to cont~ct. S:1ent1~ ll!ltU the lloard bas · had an oppo_nwai v to. considn suqh reason~ · · . ; . ' 'l'l!I3 IS tmB CABLif TO STOCX!lOL~ 1JO. S5 _.__---:: ~---.-.·---~-------.---~,..--,----- -~-----,--"C'"-DE€fiASS:IFIED--- ~ State Dept~ L~·tter, 1-11-72 Auguat 2, 1944 By R H. Parks Date 10:20 a.m., . _- ---:-:---S E P 2 7 1972 )Jiiio ch-au~;;sy (for the. Seo:y) Abra1tliJn'1oh, Coh~. 'IAll36is, Friedman, Hodel, Laughlin, Lesser, Y!inn, Mannon, 1foyol"1lla.ek, Cable r..onti-ol - ·"-·--- --- -- ··,1 INCOMING-· '"\ -. ·. OF ) ....... ) ·.'~DIVISION ,. -,... ·rE:-LE &FfA#i-- COMMUNICATIONS I '\ AND RECORDS LC - 180 Distribution of true rending only by ·Dated ;~ugu13t 19, 1944 special arrangement. - (')Vi) Roo 'Sl. 2:45 p.m. ' . ·., ;-~~:---r-.n"'A'>:::"t'l.fu.__,._...,.,;....~~ Socrotcr;}r .oi' Btnto, ~~~~Qh t t._.; c r.;t' t~t i~'( !t !; ~ .! ' . ', - -~ .. "':' W:l: 1- I :X 31£3,2_, J,ugust 19,·3 > FOR. 1iRB N0. • 1'4 Tho J<\ossrigc contninodJin V/RB 65 (DopElrtmont 's 1550 of ~ugust 3; 7 p~m.) d~ivorcd porsonEllly to rJullonborg by First Socrotury::t'lwedish LcgEJtion Budapest r.rho is temporarily hcir.c nnd nill return to. Budapest in. about 8· VfOek. it :was not considered ndvisubl~ to request Swedish F;oroign Office to trunsmit ~ mcss~go· of this nature. ·' { / .- ~ .· •. ' DECLASSIFIED -- - ----'•~ ~.§~t~_):J~i'E--~~~l::!_H_L~c:_ ~Y R a Par~ Date ff:P-2{- 1972 -"· -_ - -'-------=-=---- ~---·-- ~------- -- ,·. :, LEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PERSONAL AND j;.l, '. • . ;;·~tt· Stockholm, Sweden l.ugust 10, 1944 Dear Jolm: Another letter for the purpose ~-oCgiV:ing---:_vou some of the background with· respect to th~ situation here, which it is not supply in my various cables. First of all I wa.YJ.t to say hoY/ mu0lj. I appreciate the· strong support you are giving me on ithe va:r:ious programs. It not onl;>r has been a gree,t help in keeping things active here, but has been very, iJ1lportant ~o me perso11ally for reasons which you will understand. · I have continued 'to be te~~ibl~r; busy, but just now things seem to pe much 'bE:Jtter_ orga.i-!H~ea and. I'm able to push. aheacl .On m~r- various other. duties a.s well, The next time you write I would like v'9ry much to get your views as to;:.what you ponsider.:futu,re W.R/B, activities \•ii-l-1 be. I have been going on_:J;llJLassu.l)lption that it will wind up ________ .. ______ ,_ ... _,.vi th -the -elose- c5J:'-me war in Europe. It is important to me since it .

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