media kit 2020 Multichannel PRINT 2019 WEB MOBILE EVENTS INFLUENCERS MC@WORK CLUB AWARDS BRAND EXTENSION #INFLUENTIAL #CAREERORIENTED #EDUCATED #POWERFUL #AMBITIOUS #PROVOCATIVE #UPSCALE #SOPHISTICATED Brand audience 3 599 685 people Source: NRS Russia 2019/4, December 2019; google analytics November 2019 PRINT MIKHAIL RYABOV Creative Director Keeping high brand standards Creative team SOPHY SAMOYLOVICH Fashion director Young, dynamic, passionate fashion visionary ANNA BURASHOVA ANASTASIA KHARITONOVA Editor-in-chief Beauty director Intelligent, authoritative, influential Leading authority in Russian beauty market Audience READERS: MAIN CORE 206 685 1824 WOMEN: 18% 75% TOP MANAGERS, BUSINESS OWNERS, 2534 SPECIALISTS 42% 71% 3544 HIGH INCOME 20% 58% 4554 WITH HIGH 15% EDUCATION Income group- 71% can buy expensive things or full in- Co-owners, come, not restricted private business in finances AFFINITY INDEX AFFINITY INDEX 201 126 MARIE CLAIRE MARIE CLAIRE Source: Mediascope, NRS-Russia, 2019/4, NRS-Russia (+Zodiac), May- October 2019, Mediascope: Web Index, Russia, 0+, December 2019 COMPETITION Income group can buy expensive things or full income, not restricted in finances Affinity Index 166 149 146 MARIE CLAIRE HARPER’S BAZAAR VOGUE Income C; Affinity Index 287 287 202 MARIE CLAIRE HARPER’S BAZAAR VOGUE Sourse : Mediascope; NRS-Russia (+Zodiac). May - October 2019 Editorial axes FASHION BEAUTY I wish! @WORK shop tour JOURNALISM jewelry art POWERFUL news PEOPLE accessories body&soul modern talking here&now heroes EDITORIAL STRATEGY COOPERATION WITH INFLUENCERS, CELEBRITIES AND BLOGGERS MODERN TALKING GUEST EDITORS STAR EDITORSINCHIEF MC powerful people #CELEBRITIES ACCOUNTS NataliaRenata VLitvinovaodianova Natalia Vodianova 2.4m2,1m817k followers Polina Kitsenko 2,1m2.4m followers 539k580k Alexander Tsypkin followers 178k Andrey Malakhov followers 2,3m2.4m followers Bigger size Special covers Exclusive rubrics Exclusive content MARCH BIG FORMAT Beauty Issue April Focus on beauty New reading of the standard headings #FASHION #EDUCATION #SMART #LEASURE CIRCULATION 100 000 AUGUST SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT Editorial calendar New Laws of Life for Powerful People MONTH THEME The Big Bang Theory Newton's law of gravitation BIG SIZE Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection BEAUTY APRIL General relativity ISSUE MAY Six degrees of separation JUNE The B-theory of time MC JUNIOR SEPTEMBER Mendeleev's periodic trends OCTOBER Kant's Theory of Categorical imperative NOVEMBER Law of large numbers DECEMBER Law of conservation of energy Distribution philosophy MOSCOW REGIONS 80.0% 80.0% 74.2% 70.0% 70.0% 63.1% 72.3% 60.0% 58.4% 60.0% 44.2% Full-Page 56.6% 50.0% 50.0% Spread Back cover 40.0% 40.0% Inside back cover 26.8% 29.1% Opening DPS 30.0% 30.0% Second DPS 20.0% 20.0% Third DPS Fourth DPS 10.0% 10.0% Fifth-Tenth DPS 00.0% 00.0% Special position single page ELLE MARIE CLAIRE* GLAMOUR VOGUE HARPER’S BAZAAR ELLE MARIE CLAIRE* VOGUE First 1/3 of the magazine First ½ of the magazine PRINT RUN 99 667 COPIES First 1/3 of the magazine 45 188 MAIN FORMAT 52 479 TRAVEL FORMAT MOSCOW 63,0% Beauty Section opener 14 REGIONAL COMPANIES ST. PETERSBURG 7,0% ROSTOVONDON 1,9% First spread in Beauty section VORONEZH 1,2% MARIE CLAIRE VOGUE HARPER’S BAZAAR SAMARA 0,2% EKATERINBURG 2,0% 1/2 of page AVG. CIRCULATION (JANDEC 2018) 97 667 84 333 90 000 NOVOSIBIRSK 5,4% 1/3 of page Special posicion VLADIVOSTOK 0,8% ( ) COVER PRICE RUR 450 000 970 000 665 000 CIS 1,8% Source: HSM monitoring, November 2019 *market share, (%) POSIPTIOrintN rates RATE 445 000 RUR PPOPOOPSSOISTI900TISIOTIOIIOTN NIO000NN RUR RRRAATEARTETEATE FFuFululFl-llP-luP-aPlla-gaPgegeaege 445450445445 000 000 000 000 RU RU RU RURRRR Back cover POSIT1 IO325N 000 RUR RATE SSpSprpSearearpeadrdead d 900900900900 000 000 000 000 RU RU RU RURRRR Inside back cover Full-Page 555 000 RUR 445 000 RUR BBaBacaBckcka kc cc ockovo vceveorervrer 11 1325 350 1325 325 000 000 000 000 RU RU RU RURRRR Opening DPS Spread 1 560 000 RUR 900 000 RUR InInIsnsiIdesindeides iba deba bac cbakck kc cc ockovo vceveorervrer 555560555555 000 000 000 000 RU RU RU RURRRR Second DPS Back cover 1 275 000 RUR 1 325 000 RUR OOOpenpenpenOpenininigng giD nD gPDP SPDSSPS 11 1560 600 1560 560 000 000 000 000 RU RU RU RURRRR Third DPS Inside back cover 1 175 000 RUR 555 000 RUR SSeSeceScondcondeondcond D D PDP SPDSSPS 11 1275 325 1275 275 000 000 000 000 RU RU RU RURRRR Fourth DPS Opening DPS 1 075 000 RUR 1 560 000 RUR TThThihrTidridrh dD iDr dPDP SPDSSPS 11 1175 200 1175 175 000 000 000 000 RU RU RU RURRRR Tenth DPS Second DPS 1 025 000 RUR 1 275 000 RUR FFouFououFrtrouhtrht hDr Dt hPDP SPDSSPS 11 1075 100 1075 075 000 000 000 000 RU RU RU RURRRR Third DPS 1 175 000 RUR Special position singFFlieFfit fihpatFfht-ihT-fgtT-enhTeen-enTthtenht hD Dt PhDP SPDSSPS 11 1025 050 1025 025 000 000 000 000 RU RU RU RURRRR Fourth DPS 1 075 000 RUR First 1/3 of the magaSFSzpeSipefnetpeShccpe -ia–cTiailena c1lpo li/po a1potlhs spo iDtsiitoniiPtsonioniSt is ons insini gns495glgielnel egpa pa lepa000g gpaegee gRUe R 1 025 000 RUR First ½ of the magazFSiFneiFrpeisriFsrt s –tci1 rti1 s/1a13/t/l3 / 113poo o/ f3o fst fhetoi hetfiheon tm hem masa gimangag475azalzgienezia neipanez 000i– neg– –1e1 /–1 /RU1/1/1R 495550495495 000 000 000 000 RU RU RU RURRRR First 1/3 of the magaFFziFriirnesrisFrtst ti½ rt1–½ s½/ to32 o½ f /o 1ft fhefto hettfhe tm hem maa gmagagaza955zginezianeiinez i– ne000– –11 /–1/1/ /1RU1/1 R 475495500475475 000 000 000 000 RU RU RU RURRRR FFiFriirsriBsFrts tti1E rt½1 s/A13/t 3 /o U13o fo/ f T3ot fthe Yfheto het fhe SE m tm hem amaCga gmaagTagzaIOzaizgneinezianeNinez – i– ne– 1–2/2 /1–21/1/21/1 9554751955 050955 000000 000 000000 RURU RU RURURRRRR Beauty Section openFiresrt 1/3 of the maga475zineBB BE000 E–AEBA2AUEU /RUU1ATTYTUY YRTSE SE YSE CSECCTTIO955TCIOIOTNNIO N000N RUR First spread in BeauBeauBeauBeautyBeau steytytc ySe tSet iyoSe ncSectcitonitonciont iopenon open open925 openeeBr e000rEreAr U RUTYR SECT475475IO475475N 000 000 000 000 RU RU RU RURRRR FBeauFiFrisriFSsrts tiMsr tst pysAtpr peadrLsSeeadrpLeadr ceadF ti iOnoni ni nRBeau Beaui nopenMBeau BeauATStyteyt ysr st eysec ecstciteoitocinontinon 925475925925925 000 000 000 000 RU RU RU RURRRR 1/2 of page 385 000 RUR 1/3 of page First spread in Beau250tSyS 000MSsMeMSAAcMAL tLRUiLoAL nLLF RF LOFO ORFRORMMMRA925AMTSATSTSA TS000 RUR Special posicion 11/12/2/ 12o /o f2o fpa fopa pafg pagegeege Extra change 10% 385385385385 000 000 000 000 RU RU RU RURRRR 11/13/3/ 13o /o f3o fpa fopa pafg pagegeege SMALL FORM250A250250TS250 000 000 000 000 RU RU RU RURRRR Spe1SpeSpe/2Spe cocicfai aipalac lpo ilpoa gpols eposiscicicsonionionc ion E385ExExtxrtEart arx 000act rc hanachanhan c RUhanggege eR10 g10 e10% %10%% 1/3 of page 250 000 RUR Special posicion Extra change 10% 2020 closing & on-sale dates MATERIAL DEADLINE ONSALE DATE FEBRUARY 11 January 10 December MARCH 14 February BIG SIZE 13 January APRIL BEAUTY 13 March ISSUE 7 February - 17 April JUNE 10 March JULY - 12 June AUGUST 11 May SEPTEMBER 14 August MC JUNIOR 10 July OCTOBER 11 September 7 August NOVEMBER 16 October 10 September DECEMBER 13 November 9 October JANUARY 11 December 14 November DIGITAL #FASHION LEGENDS #POLITICAL OLYMPUS #ANTIAGE #CAREER #LOVE STORY #DYNASTIES #LIFESTYLE #SUCCESS STORY #BUSINESS UPSCALE POSITIONING Traffic 3:15 min UNIQUE VISITORS 3 393 000 VISITS 2 965 000 1,94 PV/UV PAGEVIEWS 8 337 000 MOBILE TRAFFIC +46%* Source:Google analytics: November 2019 *nov`18 vs. nov`19 Audience WITH HIGH EDUCATION 49,6% HIGH INCOME 29,8% TOP MANAGERS, BUSINESS OWNERS, SPECIALISTS 45,7% Main core 1824 5,3% 2534 20,9% 3544 19,3% 4554 17,2% COMPETITION 4,61 3,19 1,2 3,25 0,95 MARIE CLAIRE.RU BAZAAR.RU BURO247.RU VOGUE.RU TATLER.RU Source: WEB-Index, Russia, 12+, October 2019 Social media INSTAGRAM FOLLOWERS* 80 000 followers +57% 255 926 Source: HSM monitoring. *November 2018-November 2019 BRAND SAFETY TERRITORY SPECIAL PROJECTS Digital rates, RUR (CPM) FORMATS RATES 1000x500 3200 1000x350 2000 1000x250 1500 1000x150 900 300x600 1600 FULLSCREEN 5000/3800 ARTICLE 162000 INSTAGRAM 125000 & Special projects EVENTS SPONSORSHIP CONTENT Brand expansion PRIX D’EXCELLENCE DE LA BEAUTE MC@WORK #SHOES FIRST #GET FRAMED #WATCH ME #BLOGGER PARTY @WORK For powerful people with purpose BUSINESS CONFERENCE BUSINESS COMMUNITY NETWORKING EVENTS ALL YEAR @WORK Business club POWERFUL NETWORK TO DRIVE YOUR BUSINESS FORWARD Talented entrepreneurs Influential Top managers Strong opinion leaders PRIX D’EXCELLENCE DE LA BEAUTE 2020 The most prestigious beauty award EDITORIAL COVERAGE WEBSITE CEREMONY SOCIAL MEDIA The international initiative FEBRUARY`2020 #SHOES FIRST Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world PARTY WITH BLOGGERS AND CELEBRITIES SPECIAL DISCOUNTS TAILORMADE SHOOTING SEPTEMBER` 2020 #GET FRAMED The definitive guide to fashioning your eyewear collection FASHION STORY RETAIL EVENT SPECIAL OFFERS MAY`2020 #WATCH ME Even in this age everything, nothing beats the timeless watch FASHION STORY RETAIL EVENT SPECIAL OFFERS MAY`2020 #BLOGGER PARTY gathers together the most stylish and popular social media influencers WOWEFFECT EVENT #events VIP SUPPER COCKTAIL PRIVATE SHOPPING PRESENTATION EXHIBITION Tailor-made upon request Event rates FORMATS RATES Retail event from 350 000 rub Brand event from 700 000 rub participation Tailor-made from 900 000 rub upon request Contacts Brand Director, Alena Tkach [email protected] Editor-in-Chief, Anna Burashova [email protected] Creative Director, Mikhail Ryabov [email protected] Fashion Director, Sophia Samoylovich [email protected] Beauty&Health Director, Anastasia Kharitonova [email protected] Editor-at-Large MarieClaire.ru, Pershina Zhanna [email protected] Advertising Sales Director, Anastasia Yanshevskaya [email protected] Advertising Sales Manager, Elena Ivinitskaya [email protected] Advertising Sales Manager, Drugaleva Darya [email protected] Senior Brand Manager, Elizaveta Nikishina [email protected] Brand Manager, Evgeniya Molchanova [email protected] Address: derbenevskaya street, 15B, 115114, Moscow, Russia .
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