CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 SERIES-7 HARYANA DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK Part - A & B . DISTRICT YAMUNANAGAR VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY VILLAGE AND TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Sunil Gulati of the Indian Administrative Service Director of Census Operations, Haryana (i) CENSUS OF INOlA 2001 INDIA .~. HARYANA DISTRICT Y AMUNA NAGAR Km ;) o 5 10 15 20 Km '-. C.D. BLOCKS A SADAVRA B BILASPUR C MUSTAFABAD D RADAU R E JAGADHRI F CHHACHHRA ULl C.D. BLOCK BOUNDARY EXCLUDES STATUTORY TOWN (S) BOUNDARIES ARE UPDATED UPTO 1.1.2000 PARTS OF TAHSIL CHHACHHRAULI FALL IN C.D. BLOCK BILASPUR P PART OF C.D. BLOCK B1LASPUR B PART OF CD. BLOCK CHHACHHRA ULI F TCYrAL AREA OF DISTRICT (In Sq. Km) 1768.00 TOTAL POPULATION OF DISTRICT .. 1.0 4].630 TOTAL NUMBER OF TOWNS IN DISTRICT ..... 11 TOTAL NUMBER OF VILLAGES IN DISTRICT .. 639 mSTRICT Y AMUNANAGAR BOUNDARY: STATE; DISTRICT ... ...... ". ". "...... .. - .. - .. .. _.. _.. CHANGE IN JURISDICTION 1991 - 2001 TAHSIL; C.D. BLOCK ... .. ..., ...... ... ... .. K:m. 10 10 Km. HEADQUARTERS ; DISTRlCT " TAHSIL " C.D. BLOCK .. ® @ 0 " ,,_ ... .. ... .. __..;. N;,;;H:.....;,;"73;;;__ NATJONAL HIGHWAY ......... ............ ......... ...... -;---" - ..- . .., STATE HlGHWAY ... ............ ... ... ...... ... ... '" .. SH 6 L "'<,.. .. ,r,( IMPORTANT METALLED ROAD .. \ ~ TAHSIL i CHHAC-·" RAILWAY LlNE WITH STATION, BROAD GAUGE RS ,r r . I-!flRAULl. ' ... '_"l ,.. ! RIVER AND STREAM. ... ... ... ." .. ... .. .. - ' TAHSIL .' ./ • ~ JAGADHRI 1(. CANAL ... ... ... ...... .. ............ ......... .. , ... ... .. Kharwan VILLAGE HAVING 5000 AND ABOVE POPULATION WITH NAME • _'" & URBAN AREA WITH POPULATION SIZE - CLASS I , lV V 1\. ,.,­ TELEGRAPH OFFICE ... ... .. ...... ... ... .. .. .. TO r DEGREE COLLEGE TECHNICAL INSTITUTlON .....' ......... .. ••• BOUNDARY . STATE I DISTRICT RH . CB REST HOUSE AND CANAL BUNGALOW ... ................... ......... TAHSIL Other villages having College I Technical Institution I • D6.rpur AREA LOST TO DlSTR1CT - RH I CB / FB etc. are shown as ...... ...... ... ...... ... ... ... .. PB KURUKSHETRA The maps included in this publication are based upon Survey.oflndia map with the permission of the Surveyor General ofIndia. © Government ofIndia, Copyright 2007. Product Code Number . ??-17?-200 l-CEN- Book(E) (ii) Herbal Nature Park, Chuharpur A herbal nature p ark at Chuharpur Reserve Forest near Khizrabad on Bhud Kalan road developed by the Forest Department lies in the mountain belt of Siwaliks in Yarnunanagar. Haryana. It has a rich variety of medicinal plants. In view of great increasing market demand of medicinal plants both at national and international level, there are great avenues for systematic efforts to realize and commercialize the potential medicinal wealth of this region. Chuharpur Reserve Forest has an area of 184 acres with medium tree density of Khair. Simbol, Teak, Shisham etc. In 2002, about 6,100 medicinal value tree species and 61 ,000 herb species have been planted in 50 acres of the Reserve Forest land. Main objectives to develop this herbal park are conservation of medicinal plants for study and research, developing a gene pool of indigenous and exotic plant species, popularization of cultivation and use of Indian medicinal and aromatic plants, establishment of sustainable medicinal plants resource base and developing a center for tourist attraction to help popularize Indian Ayurvedic System. Main· attractions of the park include landscaping and walkways, demonstrative herbal garden, poly-house, green-house, information hut, lake fernery house, cactus house, herbarium-building and tourist rest house. Contents Pages Foreword IX Preface " XI Acknowledgements XI1 District Highlights - 2001 Census XllI Important Statistics in the District XlV Ranking of Tahsils in the State XVI District at a glance: Yamunanagar xvii Statements 1-9 : Statement 1 Name of the headquarters of the district/tahsils, their rural-urban status and distance from district headquarters, 2001 XVlll Statement 2 Name of the headquarters of the district/C.D. Blocks, their rural-urban status and distance from district headquarters, 2001 XVlll Statement 3 Population of the district at each Census from 1901 to 2001 XVllJ Statement 4 Area, Number of villages/towns and population in the district and tahsil, 2001 xx Statement 5 C.D. Blockwise number of villages and rural population, 2001 xxi Statement 6 Population of Urban Agglomerations/towns, 2001 XXI Statement 7 Villages with population of 5,000 and above at C.D. Block level as per 2001 Census and amenities available XXll Statement 8 Statutory towns with popUlation less than 5000 as per 2001 Census and amenities available XX11J Statement 9 Houseless and Institutional population of tahsils, rural and urban, 200 I XX11J Analytical Note (i) History and scope of the District Census Hand Book 3 (ii) . Brief History of the District 4 (v) (iii) Adminstrative Set-up 5 (iv) Physical features 7 Location and size 7 Physiography 8 Drainage 8 Climate' 8 Natural Economic resources, namely, Fores.try, Minerals and mining, Soil and cropping pattern, Land and land-use pattern, Tenancy, Agriculture, Irrigation, Animal husbandry, . Fishery, Industry, Trade and commerce, Transport, Electricity & power and Gram Panchayats 9 (v) Census Concepts 18 (vi) Non-Census Concepts 23 (vii) 2001 Census findings - Population and its distributions 27 Brief analysis of PCA data based on inset tables 1 to 36 34 Brief analysis of the Village Directory and Town Directory data based on 54 inset tables 37 to 47 Brief analysis of the data on houses and household amenities, Houselisting 61 Operations, Census data based on inset tables 48 to 52 (viii) Major social and cultural events 66 (ix) Brief description of places of religious, historical or archaeological importance 68 and places of tourist interest in the district (x) Scope of ViUage Directory and Town Directory 71 PART A - VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Section I - Village Directory (a) Note explaining the abbreviations used in Village Directory . 75 (b) List of villages merged in towns and outgrowths at 2001 Census 78 (c) C.D. Blockwise Village Directory Data Sadaura C.D. Block (i) C.D. Block Map 83 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages alongwith location codes 1991 and 2001 85 (iii) Village Directory 86 Bilaspur C.D. Block (i) C.D. Block Map 101 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages alongwith location codes 1991 and 2001 103 (iii) Village Directory 106 Mustafabad C.D. Block (i) C.D. Block Map 133 (vi) (ii) Alphabetical Iist of villages alongwith location codes 1991 and 2001 135 (iii) Village Directory 138 Radaur C.D. Block (i) C.D. Block Map 155 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages al~ngwith location codes 1991 and 2001 157 (Ui) Village Directory 160 \.. Jagadhri C.D. Block (i) C.D. Block Map 179 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages alongwith location codes 1991 and 200 t 181 (iii) Village Directory 184 Chhachhrauli C.D. Block (i) C.D. Block Map 207 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages alongwith location codes 1991 and 2001 209 (iii) Village Directory 214 (d) Appendices to Village Directory Appendix I Abstract of Educational. Medical and other Amenities in villages- C.D. Block level 246 Appendix IA Villages by number of Primary Schools 250 Appendix IB Villages by Primary, Middle and Secondary Schools 250 Appendix IC Villages with different sources of drinking water facilities available 250 Appendix II Villages with 5,000 and above population which do not have one or more amenities available 251 Appendix IIA Census Towns which do not have one or more amenity 251 Appendix III Land utilisation data in respect of Census towns/non-municipal towns 252 Appendix IV C.D. Blockwise list of inhabited villages where no amenity other than drinking water facility is available 252 Appendix V Summary showing number of villages not having Scheduled Castes population 252 Appendix VI Summary showing number of villages not having Scheduled Tribes population 252 Appendix VIlA: List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled 253 Castes to the total population by ranges Appendix VIIB: List of villages accordi~g to the proportion of the Scheduled 267 Tribes to the total population by ranges (vii) Section II - Town Directory (a) Note explaining the abbreviations used in Town Directory 268 (b) Statement I Status and Growth History 272 (c) Statement II Physical aspects and location of towns, 1999 274 (d) Statement III Municipal finance i998-99 274 (e) Statement IV Civic and other amenities, 1999 276 (f) Statement V Medical, Educational, . Recreational and Cultural facilities, 1999 278 (g) Statement VI Trade, Commerce, Industry' and Banking,1999 282 (h) Statement VII Civic and other amenities in slums, 1999 284 (i) Appendix to Town Directory - Towns showing their outgrowths' with population 288 PART B - PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT (a) Brief note on Primary Census Abstract 291 (b) District Primary Census Abstract (General) 294 (c) Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract i.e., Urban blockwise figures of Total, SC and ST Population 300 Primary Census Abstract for. Scheduled Castes 314 C.D. Block wise Village Primary Census Abstract 320 Urban Primary Census Abstract 410 ANNEXURES Annexure I Number of villages under each Gram Panchayat (Data could not be compiled) 431 Annexure II Fertility and Mortality, 1991 Census 431 Annexure III Various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage, 1991 Census 435 Annexure IV Percentage distribution of Migrants b/place of birth/place of last residence, 1991 and 2001 Censuses. 436 Annexure V Briefaccount of main religions
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