FRONTIER COMMUNITY COLLEGE March 18 College Showcase 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. March 27 Senior Citizens Day V YAGER 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. March 27 Wayne Co Scholastic Bowl 9:30 a.m. matches begin 6:30 p.m. fi nal matches The Year of the Volunteer March 28 Breakfast with the Bunny Featuring FCC Student Sara Buchanan 9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. The fi rst time Sara Buchanan volun- are needs big- teered with Hope Ministries food pantry ger than her in Geff, IL, she was both nervous and own. She says excited. Her job was to give each family “volunteering a jar of peanut butter. After everyone is being the was served, Sara remembers the awe- hands and feet some feeling of helping others in need. of Jesus.” Her That was over six years ago! Sara cred- volunteer ex- its her pastor with getting her involved. perience has Performances Sara continues to be very active with taught her to Hope Ministries. The volunteers and be a team play- April 10 & 11 families that are served through the food er. The lessons pantry have become extended family. learned include The Frontier Community College Founda- Love and excitement for volunteer work responsibility, tion is presenting Annie Jr. on April 10 and has caused Sara’s family and friends organization and creative thinking skills. 11 performed by Gruen Vocal Studio. The to become involved with the ministry. Sara will graduate from Frontier Com- show will be held at the First Christian There are between 20 and 30 volun- munity College with her associate in Church in Fairfi eld. teers of all ages with the food pantry. science & art degree and a certifi cate in Dinner Theater Hope Ministries serves 250 families graphic design in May, 2015. The April 10 performance is a dinner each month. theater. Tickets are $35 each or $250 for Sara loves caring for the needs of oth- a table of 8 and can be purchased from ers. Volunteering has shown her there a Foundation member. Doors open at 5 p.m. with dinner served at 5:30 p.m. The show will begin at 6:30 p.m. Show Only The April 11 performance is the show Community Job Fair only. Tickets are $5 for ages 3 through 12; $10 for junior high, high school, and April 1, 2015 college students; and $15 for adults. Tickets can be purchased at Frontier The Community Job Fair at Frontier Community College has been postponed to Community College or from a Foundation April 1, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Workforce Development Center on campus. member. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. with The Job Fair is designed to give individuals an opportunity to meet face-to-face the show starting at 6:30 p.m. with potential employers in a large setting and learn about possible job openings. The job fair is open to the general public. The list of attending employers is post- All proceeds go towards Frontier Com- ed at www.iecc.edu/fcc. munity College scholarships. March 2015 • The Offi cial Newsletter of Frontier Community College • Volume 17 Number 3 8-Week Classes Starting Soon in March Basic Computer Skills 5-8:20pm Albion Tuesday, March 17-May 12 Fairfi eld Monday, March 16-May 11 Flora Tuesday, March 17 - May 12 Fairfi eld Frontier Community College (FCC) Participation in the Community Art Photography I, March 19 - May 14 in Fairfi eld is hosting the third annual Show is open to adults, college stu- Thursday, 6-7:40pm, Workforce Dev Ctr Community Art Show on Friday, April dents, and high school students. Par- 24, 2015. Entry categories include: ticipants are allowed to enter three, Yoga, March 16 - May 11 painting, drawing, sculpture, photogra- display-ready pieces from one or more Monday, 6-7:40, Foundation Hall phy, stained glass, and computer-gen- categories, and there are no entry fees. Flora erated designs. Drop off dates are April 22, 8 a.m. to Food Sanitation & Safety, April 7-16 4:30 p.m., and April 23, 8:00 a.m. to Tuesday/Thursday, 4:30-8pm, FHS The show will spotlight featured artists: 12 p.m. (noon). If an individual cannot Jason Gualdoni, Photography; Brad drop off during the day, the Learning Lawrenceville Yeager, Mixed Media; Sam Resor, Resource Center is open until 6:30 Photography II, March 17 - May 12 Sculpture/Woodworking; and a Mary p.m., but staff is not responsible for Tuesday, 6-7:40pm, LHS Porter Exhibit. There will be a stained damages. glass fl ower pot display provided by the Louisville students enrolled in the Stained Glass An individual with an extensive art Total Body Workout, March 18 - May 13 Wednesday, 6-7:40, Community Ctr classes through FCC. background will judge artwork prior to the show. First through third place Newton The show will be open to the public on ribbons will be placed on selections by Microsoft Word, March 19 - April 9 Friday evening from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 the judge prior to the show opening at Thursday, 6-7:40, Newton High School p.m. with an opportunity to walk through 4 p.m. Guests attending the show will and view all of the entries. There is no be asked to vote for one Best of Show Call 842-3711 to register. admission fee and the show will be piece in each age category (adult, col- held in Classroom Building West on lege, and high school). Frontier’s campus. Light refreshments will be served. Scholarships Fall 2015 Deadline March 31 Though the fall semester is still months Wildlife Photographer away, it is imperative that college students apply now for fi nancial aid. Frontier Com- Tom Ulrich munity College (FCC) has several tuition waivers and cash scholarships available Tom Ulrich, world-renowned wildlife pho- ly 1980s. He now resides in Montana when for the Fall 2015 semester. March 31 is tographer provided an exciting photography not traveling. the priority deadline so students should presentation the week-end of March 6 and begin applying very soon. Depending 7 in Fairfi eld. Ulrich’s show featured the on specifi c guidelines, awards are based bird migration of South Texas, the Ecuador on merit, fi nancial need, or program. The rainforest humming birds, and extensive applications are available iecc.edu/fcc or coverage of Glacier National Park. by calling the Financial Aid Offi ce at 842- 3711. A freelance photographer now for 40 years, Ulrich is highly acclaimed around the world College bound students are also encour- for his nature photography skills. A native of aged to complete the Free Application for Ulrich paid a visit to the Photography II Chicago, Ulrich attended Southern Illinois Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This appli- class and discussed how he got his start in University-Carbondale. Upon graduation in cation determines eligibility for grants, stu- photography, storing photos, and general 1971, Ulrich began teaching science class- dent loans, and work study. The family’s photography tips. He also allowed time for es at Fairfi eld Community High School. In 2014 tax information is needed to com- students to ask questions. Adjunct faculty 1975, Ulrich made the decision to become plete the FAFSA application. If a student Jason Gualdoni arranged for Ulrich’s visit. a freelance photographer while teaching needs assistance with the application, science classes for Frontier Community contact the Financial Aid offi ce. College, remaining in the area until the ear- FronƟ er Community College (618) 842-3711 Toll-Free: 1-877-464-3687 www.iecc.edu /fcc Page 2 Tsamma Juice College Showcase a Bobcats Athletic Program Sponsor March 18 The Frontier Community College Foun- 60,000 ‘likes’ on Facebook. The College Showcase, “Frontier – the fi t dation is in the beginning stages of for YOU!” at Frontier Community College developing “The Bobcats Club.” This Take a few minutes to go on Facebook (FCC) has been postponed to Thursday, organization will and “Like” Tsam- March 18. The event will begin at 10 a.m. assist with gaining ma Juice and show and end at 1:30 p.m. and is open to the boosters and do- your support for the general public and high school juniors and nors for the athletic Frontier Communi- seniors. programs as well ty College Bobcats Attendees can explore a wide variety of as funding for the Athletic Program. potential career options. The college will education of the Once you do, ask highlight both Career and Tech programs athletes. your friends to do and the two-year associate transfer de- the same. grees. The Frontier Com- munity College- Tsamma is the fi rst The morning will provide an opportunity for Foundation has premium watermel- interaction with instructors, walk through acquired a corpo- on juice to market the classroom labs, hear from a student panel, learn about fi nancial aid and career rate sponsor “Frey and is made with readiness. Lunch will be provided and door Farms/Tsamma 100% juice. prizes presented. Juice.” Frey Farms is ownded and operated In return, they are asking for assistance by President Sarah Frey-Talley, her in developing a grass roots social media four brothers. They have farms locat- campaign to help boost the exposure ed in Florida, Georgia, Missouri, Arkan- FCC Alumni Network and sales of Tsamma Juice. sas,Illinois, Indiana, and West Virginia. March Meeting Sarah Frey-Talley is a 1999 graduate of The goal that has been given to the Frontier Community College. The next Alumni Network meeting is March 19 at 6 p.m.
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