Hid 1 A T STATE SIGNAL VOL. L XXXVII, NO. 13 TRENTON STATE COLLEGE. TRENTON, NEW JERSEY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1962 SEB Votes Down Labor Party Leader Speaks On Its Constitution Campus Sorority Season Continues Following a motion suggested by its president, Jim Florio, the Student Ex­ ecutive Board voted to defeat the new With Open Rushing Period Constitution under consideration. (The entire Constitution was printed in last February ninth was the date that initiated a period which, to week's Signal.) Upon this defeat, the many of the women of Trenton State College, will be of great Board is working under the old, and concern and which will serve to heighten the social atmosphere of more cumbersome constitution. the campus. On that date, the sororities of Trenton State began After considerable discussion, the their annual formal rush season. As a prelude to rushing, a panel Board decided that the defeat of the discussion was held on February 7, the newly proposed Constitution was the purpose of which was to provide non- sorority women inviting them to attend only real action to take. As some of the sorority women with specific informa­ formal rush parties. board members pointed out, a constitu­ tion about becoming sorority members At these parties, the sororities will tion implies an autonomy; they felt and enabling them to address questions formally entertain the women of their this autonomy does not exist on the to the Inter-Sorority Council members choice. The latter will have an oppor­ Trenton State campus. Board members and representatives who composed the tunity at this time to express interest recalled the many times their efforts had panel. in certain sororities from whom they been thwa rted by moving things through received an invitation. These parties, "improper chan nels." The New Sorority extending from March 13 through After the Constitution was defeated, Rushing System March 25, are the culmination of open it was suggested that a set of principles rush season. for the Student Executive Board be The sorority system regarding rush­ On March 27, a Preference Day will drawn by the ne xt meeting. These prin­ ing and pledging which will be in force be held. Each non-sorority member will ciples would state the desires and rea­ this year will consist, first of all, of a list, in order of her choice, all the so­ sons for st udent government. The decla­ series of informal parties which each rorities whose formal parties she has ration will be presen ted for consideration Hugh Gaitskell charms audience with British-American comparisons. sorority will sponsor. The purpose of attended. Bids to pledge will then be on Monda y. these parties is to provide a means sent out. Gaitskell Discusses whereby all interested non-sorority women of each sorority and learn about Purposes of Pledging Dr. Hayden U.S.-British Relations Human Relations Project presents the individual aims, interests, and ac­ "The Changing Scene in Inter- tivities of their respective sororities. There are many purposes which a Announces Dean's List In Speech At Trenton group Relations" Wednesday, Immediately following the informal period of pledging serves. Just as any February 28, 8 p.m. in Centen­ parties, a second phase of the rushing organization desires to acquaint its new Students Hugh Gaitskell, leader of the British members with its functions and with Labor Party, concluded an informative nial. Film, "Morning For Jimmy," during which sorority and non-sorority Dr. Velma D. Hayden, Dean of the one another by means of an initiation speech by reminding Americans that to be shown March 1, 8 p.m. in women will begin the process of mutual College, has announced that a total of and orientation program, so too a so- "The most single important prospect for selection. During the last week of open 458 students qualified for the Dean's Library Room. roriety considers it a necessity that a peace is Anglo-American Relations," rushing, invitations will be sent to non- List at the end of the first semester. planned period of united activity pre­ when he addressed nearly a thousand Dean Hayden said 147 seniors, 145 cede final membership in that sorority. people last Friday night in Kendall Hall. juniors, 107 sophomores, and 59 fresh­ In order to enable the new prospective The distinguished visitor spoke here as men comprised the total number being Dr. Kinter Requests Compliance sorority members to get to know the part of his two day trip to the United honored. members and their fellow pledges better States. To Campus Parking Memorandum Dean's List students are: and to provide an opportunity for the After describing myths that citizens Seniors: Gail Teeple, Carole Gier- sororities to begin functioning as units, of the United States and Britain believe Wide disemination was given last week FACULTY AND STAFF: man, Mrs. Lenore Levine, James Florio, the period of pledging has been ex­ about each other, the speaker discussed to a memorandum from Mr. Kinter's 1. Bliss Hall side of roadway to base­ Connie K aist, Richard Wilde, Claudette tended this year. It will consist of two differences in attitudes on China, Com­ office. It is imperative that the contents ball backstop Gribi, Carol Lott, Katherine Saunders, phases. munism, Colonialism, and Europe. of this memorandum be strictly adhered 2. Parking area at rear of Woodside Joseph Wrobel, John Faubl, Anthony In discussing these four topics, Gaits­ to. There are always a few individuals and Lakeside dormitories Unintensified Pledging Conger, Kve tuse Dueben, Bonnie Kaist, 3. Parking area on east side of Green kell emphasized the fact that the British who do not get the word and when im­ Marianne Cardillo, Joan Manahan, Se­ Unintensified pledging, as the first believe in negotiations with the Rus­ portant information is diseminated those Hall rena Morandi, Margaret Shaw, Ellen 4. Parking area near Norsworthy phase has been termed, will begin on sians and he feels an agreement with that do not get the word are the ones Fink, Patricia McClelland, Lynn Mickel, April 9 and end on April 18. During Russia is possible. He also noted that who are guilty of infractions. circle Mary Ann Rainey, Dolores Horrigan, this period, all pledges will plan, par­ Britain recognizes Communist China and The memorandum is being repeated VISITORS PARKING: Packlyn Molthop , Frank Nunziato, Bar­ ticipate in, and sponsor an inter-sorority said the Red Chinese should be ad­ here for just those individuals: 1. Area at rear of Green Hall bara Fowler, Elsie Gulick, Brenda Gar- service project. Intensified pledging will mitted to the United Nations. He also TO: ALL STUDENTS, FACULTY, Copies of current regulations may be don, Joan Kolsby, Sandra Lee Hirsch- begin on April 23 and extend to the 27th commented on feelings about a nuclear AND STAFF picked up at the Business Office at any man, Carl Perry, Dorothy Murray, of that month. war, issues related to Colonialism, and SUBJECT: PARKING REGULA­ time. These regulations will be strictly George Meyer, Robert Fischo, Connie It is hoped by all of the sororities that Britain's relationship to the European TIONS enforced for the following reasons: Genard, Kathleen Judge, Kathleen each non-sorority member who partici­ nations. On Monday, February 12 a number of 1. Safety and general welfare of all Camisi, Betty Jean Oneal, Kathleen pates in rushing will find this a time of A question and answer session fol­ warning notices were issued to owners pedestrian traffic on campus. Burns, Joseph Abruscato, Gale Farrell, not only enjoyment but will use it as lowed in Allen House Drawing Room. of automobiles which were either im­ 2. Access roads to all buildings must Elaine Jones, Marilyn Kondor, Joan an opportunity to enrich her college life The program was sponsored by the properly parked or not registered for be kept clear for emergency ve­ Scheese, N ancy Stover, Harriet Sanford, by meeting new people, by making new Social Studies Association. parking. hicles such as ambulances, fire Stephen Seu, Barbara Flach, Bette The response to these notices has been trucks, police, etc. friends, and thus extend her personal Saunders, Madeleine Wilson. most gratifying and I would like to ex­ 3. The general appearance of the and social contacts with others on the Janet Breckenridge Temple's Dean Urges tend my thanks ot all participants. campus area must be improved. campus. As outlined in the "Traffic Rules and Also: Janet Breckenridge, Ronald Council Evaluation In addition to the above memorandum Brown, Barbara Magson, Joan Probert, Regulations for 1962-63" the following second notices of infractions will be Philadlephia, Pa.—(IP.)—Dean of areas have been designated as parking placed on your windshield. These sec­ John Johnse n, Josephine Holmes, Har­ Men Carl M. Grip said here recently Marine Aviation Officer riet Mallow, Mary Ann Schiavi, Emily areas: ond notices appear below. that Temple University's Student Coun­ Interviews TSC Students Sutkowski, Barbara Meszaros, Arlene STUDENTS: cil is in a strategic position to evaluate Memorandum Newman, Paul Wilberscheid, Abby 1. Old Inn parking lot The Marine Corps Aviation Officer its structure. "You will not this year, You were previously notified that your Bloch, Edith Finn, Charles Lehrer, 2. Industrial Arts parking lot Selection Officer, Captain A. J. Ketter­ once and for all, solve all student prob­ automobile was improperly parked. Joan Hendess, Carol Manners, Robert 3. Campus side of Lake Boulevard ing, will be on campus February 28, lems," he said. "But you could make a Please accept this reminder that if your Newman, Th omas Snyder, Virginia Jak- 4. Athletic field side of Bliss Hall 1962 to interview students for Marine great and lasting contribution to the automobile is again found improperly stas, Rosema rie Koch, Karen Anne Bel- flight training programs.
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