180 W 170 W 160 W 150 W 140 W 130 W 120 W 110 W 100 W 90 W 80 W 70 W 60 W 50 W 40 W 30 W 20 W 10 W 10 E 20 E 30 E 40 E 50 E 60 E 70 E 80 E 90 E 100 E 110 E 120 E 130 E 140 E 150 E 160 E 170 E 180 E -2 +4 CQ DX ZONES Franz Josef Land OF THE WORLD (Russia) ITU DX Zones of the world N can be viewed on the back. 80 Svalbard (Norway) -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 +1 +2 +3 +5 +7 +9 +10 +11 +12 19 1 2 40 -1 Jan Mayen (Norway) +11 70 N 70 Greenland +1 +2 Finland Alaska, U.S. Iceland Faroe Island (Denmark) 14 Norway Sweden 15 16 17 18 19 International Date Line 60 N 60 Estonia Russia Canada Latvia Denmark Lithuania +7 Northern Ireland +3 +5 +6 +8 +9 +10 (UK) Russia/Kaliningrad -10 Ireland United Kingdom Belarus Netherlands Germany Poland Belgium Luxembourg 50 N 50 Guernsey Czech Republic Ukraine Jersey Slovakia St. Pierre and Miquelon Liechtenstein Kazakhstan Austria France Switzerland Hungary Moldova Slovenia Mongolia Croatia Romania Bosnia- Serbia Monaco Herzegovina 1 Corsica Bulgaria Montenegro Georgia Uzbekistan Andorra (France) Italy Macedonia Azores Albania Kyrgyzstan Portugal Spain Sardinia Armenia+4 Azerbaijan 40 N 40 3 4 5 (Portugal) (Italy) Turkmenistan North Korea Greece Turkey United States Balearic Is. Tajikistan +1 Day NOTES: (Spain) 20 23 South Korea Gibraltar Japan Tunisia Malta China Cyprus Syria Iran Madeira Lebanon +4.5 +8 This CQ DX zones map and the ITU zones map on the reverse side use (Portugal) Bermuda Iraq +3.5 Afghanistan an Albers Equal Area projection and is current as of July 2010. Morocco Jordan Israel Pakistan 30 N 30 Canarias Iles Guadalupe (Spain) Algeria Kuwait Midway Islands (Mexico) +5.5 Nepal Bhutan Libya Bahrain 21 24 25 27 31 The boundaries of CQ zones 12, 13, 29, 30, 32, 38 and 39 converge Bahamas, The India SEE INSERT Western Sahara Egypt Qatar United Arab Emirates Mexico Bangladesh at the South Pole. Turks and Caicos Islands 33 34 Saudi Arabia Taiwan Hawaiian Islands, U.S. Cuba +6.5 British Virgin Islands Oman Myanmar (Burma) Hong Kong Virgin Macau 20 N 20 Anguilla Haiti Dominican Islands French Saint Martin/St. Maarten Mauritania Laos Iles Revillagigedo Cayman Islands Puerto Antigua and Barbuda Mali The Caribbean insert on this side is enlarged approximately 180%. (Mexico) Republic Niger Wake Island 31 Clipperton Is Belize Jamaica Rico Guadeloupe Philippines Johnston Atoll 6 (France) 8 St. Kitts and Nevis Yemen Paracel Islands Dominica Cape Verde 22 Thailand Northern Mariana Islands Guatemala Eritrea Honduras Montserrat Martinique Senegal Chad Netherlands Antilles Guam St. Lucia Barbados Gambia, The Sudan Vietnam The Caribbean insert on the ITU zones side is shown smaller to El Salvador Nicaragua Aruba Curacao Grenada Andaman & St. Vincent and the Grenadines Burkina Faso Nicobar Islands Cambodia Bonaire Trinidad and Tobago Guinea-Bissau Guinea Djibouti Benin Lakshadweep Islands (India) Spratly Islands accommodate the ITU prefix listings. N 10 Costa Rica (India) Nigeria Panama Sierra Leone +5 Pacific Islands (Palau) Venezuela Ghana Ethiopia Sri Lanka 26 Federated States of Micronesia Ivory Coast Maldives Marshall Islands Guyana Liberia Central African Republic South Sudan Brunei French Guiana Togo Cameroon On the ITU zones map, all zones in parenthesis indicate areas of Kiribati Colombia Suriname Malaysia Somalia 35 Equatorial Guinea open ocean. Howland Island 7 9 37 Singapore +9 Baker Island Congo Uganda Kenya Nauru Jarvis Island Ecuador Sao Tome and Principe Gabon Indonesia Rwanda +10 Russian time zones were readjusted on March 28th, 2010. For more Burundi Seychelles Papua New Guinea 28 Ascension Zaire Tanzania, United detailed information, please visit: (UK) Republic of Solomon Islands Tokelau British Indian Ocean Territory Tuvalu Marquesas Island -9.5 Peru Glorioso Islands Timor-Leste (East Timor) www.worldtimezone.com/time-russia24.html S 10 Comoros Christmas Island +12 Malawi Mayotte Western Samoa 36 Angola Cocos (Keeling) Islands American Samoa Wallis and Futuna 10 11 Zambia Mozambique Information about the changes to the International Date Line in 2012, around the Samoan, Brazil Vanuatu Bolivia St. Helena Kiribati Islands can be found at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Date_Line +13 Niue French Polynesia Rodrigues Fiji Zimbabwe Madagascar Mauritius 20 S 20 Tonga Cook Islands Reunion Botswana New Caledonia Paraguay Namibia +9.5 Icom America would like to thank the ARRL for providing country code information. Pitcairn Islands -8.5 +11 Australia Swaziland Easter Island Norfolk Island Icom America developed these maps with the ARRL as a public service for the promotion of Lesotho 30 S 30 +11.5 Amateur Radio. South Africa +10.5 32 12 Desventuradas Islands Argentina Uruguay (Chile) -11 San Ambrosio For further information about zones consult the following web sites: -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 Islote González -4 -2 Tristan da Cunha 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +12 Roca Catedral (UK) Île Amsterdam San Felix (France) www.arrl.org/awards/dxcc Desventuradas Chile Gough Is www.itu.int S 40 (UK) 80 W 70 W 60 W 50 W www.itu.int/GlobalDirectory/gdmap.htm Chatham Islands New Zealand (New Zealand) United States -5 Crozet Islands +12.75 Prince Edward & Marion Islands (France) The Bahamas Caribbean Sea INSERT (South Africa) 4 5 Kerguelen Islands (France) 50 S 50 13 38 39 29 30 32 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) Aukland Islands Turks and Caicos Islands (New Zealand) Cuba Heard Island & McDonald Islands (Australia) Campbell Islands South Georgia Macquarie Island (New Zealand) Bouvet Island (Australia) 6 8 British Virgin Islands -4 -3 South Sandwich Is Desecheo I. Anguilla 20 N 20 Haiti Dominican Cayman Islands French Saint Martin/St. Maarten Jamaica Republic Puerto Rico Antigua and Barbuda Navassa I. Virgin Islands Belize Guadeloupe Mexico St. Kitts and Nevis 60 S 60 Guatemala Montserrat Dominica South Orkney Aves I. Martinique South Shetlands Honduras Aruba St. Lucia Netherlands Antilles St. Vincent and the Grenadines El Salvador Curacao Grenada Nicaragua Bonaire Barbados Costa Rica Trinidad and Tobago 10 N 10 Panama Colombia Venezuela 7 Guyana 9 70 S 70 ©2013 Icom America Inc. The Icom logo is a registered trademark of Icom Inc. All information is subject to change without notice or obligation. 41389 180 W 170 W 160 W 150 W 140 W 130 W 120 W 110 W 100 W 90 W 80 W 70 W 60 W 50 W 40 W 30 W 20 W 10 W 10 E 20 E 30 E 40 E 50 E 60 E 70 E 80 E 90 E 100 E 110 E 120 E 130 E 140 E 150 E 160 E 170 E 180 E ITU DX ZONES OF THE WORLD +4 ITU PREFIXES COUNTRY/PLACE LATITUDE/LONGITUDE ITU PREFIXES COUNTRY/PLACE LATITUDE/LONGITUDE 1A* (SMO) of Malta (Rome) 41N, 12E FT5W Crozet Is 46S, 52E 1S* Spratly Is 8N, 111E FT5X Kerguelen Is 49S, 70E 2I Northern Ireland 53N, 005W FT5Z Amsterdam & 37S, 77E 75 Franz Josef Land 3A Monaco 43N, 7E St. Paul Is (Russia) 3B6, 3B7 Agalega & 16N, 59E FW Wallis & Futuna Is 13S, 176W St. Brandon Is FY French Guiana 4N, 53W 3B8 Mauritius 20S, 57E G England 54N, 2W N 3B9 Rodriguez Is 19S, 63E GD Isle of Man 54N, 4W 3CØ Annobon Is 1S, 5E GI, GN Northern Ireland 53N, 005W 80 3C1 Equatorial Guinea 2N, 10E GJ, GH Jersey 49N, 2W 3D2/C Conway Reef 21S, 174E GM Scotland 55N, 3W Svalbard 3D2/F Fiji 18S, 175E GP, GU Guernsey 49N, 2W (Norway) 3D2/R Rotuma Is 12S, 177E GS Scotland 55N, 3W 3DA Swaziland 26S, 31E GT Isle of Man 54N, 4W 3V Tunisia 34N, 9E Wales 52N, 3W +1 +2 +3 +5 +7 +9 +10 +11 +12 3W Vietnam 16N, 106E GW England 54N, 2W 3X Guinea 11N, 10W GX Solomon Is 8S, 159E 3Y Bouvet Is 54S, 3E H44 Temotu Islands 10S, 165E 3Y Peter 1 Is 68S, 90W H4Ø Nicaragua 13N, 85W 4J-4K Azerbaijan 40N, 47E H6-H7 Hungary 47N, 20E 4L Georgia 42N, 43E HA Switzerland 47N, 8E -12 -11 -10 -9 -5 -4 -3 4O Montenegro 42N. 19E HB Liechtenstein 47N, 9E 4P-4S Sri Lanka 7N, 81E HBØ Ecuador 2S, 77W 4U, 4UØITU-4U9ITU, ITU Headquarters 46N, 6E HC-HD Galapagos Is Ø, 90W 4U1WRC HC8-HD8 South Shetland Is 62S, 58W 4U, 4UØUN-4U9UN, United Nations HQ 41N, 74W HFØ Hungary 47N, 19E -1 4W Timor-Leste 8S, 125E HG Haiti 19N, 72W 26 1 2 3 4 5 Jan Mayen 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 4X, 4Z Israel 32N, 34E HH Dominican Rep. 19N, 70W (Norway) 5A Libya 25N, 17E HI Colombia 4N, 72W 5B Cyprus 35N, 33E HJ-HK Malpelo Is 4N, 82W N 70 5C-5D Morocco 32N, 5W HKØ San Andres & 13N, 82W Greenland 5H-5I Tanzania 6S, 35E HKØ Providencia 5J-5K Colombia 4N, 72W HL Korea, South 38N, 127E 5N-5O Nigeria 10N, 8E HO-HP Panama 9N, 80W 5R-5S Madagascar 20S, 47E HQ-HR Honduras 15N, 86W +11 +7 +9 +10 +11 5T Mauritania 20N, 12W HS Thailand 15N, 100E Alaska, U.S. +1 +2 +3 +5 5U Niger 16N, 8E HV Vatican (Holy See) 41N, 12E 17 Iceland 5V Togo 8N, 1E HZ Saudi Arabia 25N, 45E 5W Samoa 13S, 172W I Italy 42N, 12E Faroe Is. 5X Uganda 1N, 32E IMØ,ISØ Sardinia 39N, 9E (Denmark) Norway Sweden Finland 5Y-5Z Kenya 1N, 38E J2 Djibouti 11N, 43E 6D-6J Mexico 23N, 102W J3 Grenada 12N, 61W International Date Line 6K-6N Korea, South 38N, 127E J4 Greece 38N, 22E N 60 6V-6W Senegal 14N, 14W J5 Guinea-Bissau 12N, 15W Estonia Russia 6Y Jamaica 18N, 77W J6 Saint Lucia 14N, 61W Canada 7J-7N Japan 36N, 138E J7 Dominica 15N, 61WQ Latvia Denmark 7O Yemen 15N, 48E J8 Saint Vincent 13N, 61W Northern Ireland 27 Lithuania 7P Lesotho 29S, 28E JA-JS Japan 36N, 138E (UK) Russia/Kaliningrad 7Q Malawi 13S, 34E JD1 Minami-Torishima 24N, 154E Belarus Ireland United Kingdom +7 +8 7S-8S Sweden 62N, 15E JD1 Ogasawara 28N, 142E Netherlands Poland +6 7T-7Y Algeria 28N, 30E JT-JV Mongolia 46N, 105E Germany Belgium 32 (82) Luxembourg 50 N 50 29 30 31 33 34 35 7Z Saudi Arabia 25N, 45E JW Svalbard 78N, 20E 9 Guernsey Ukraine Czech Republic Jersey 8J-8N Japan 36N, 138E JX Jan Mayen 71N, 8W St.
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