AccountEdge® Network Edition Implementation Guide Networking Basics Setting Up Your Network Starting FileConnect Working with Company Files Acclivity LLC Websit e: accountedge.com © Accli vity LLC 2009 © MYOB Technology Pty Ltd 2009 All rights reserved. Disclaimer Information supplied by the member companies of the MYOB group (whether in user d ocu men ta ti on a nd ot he r li ter atu re , vi de o or a ud io mat eri al , tr ai ni n g cou rs es , web s it es, ad vice given by staff, or provided by other means) is intended only to illustrate general principles, and may not be complete, accurate or free of error. As accounting standards, taxation requirements, legislation and the circumstances of individual businesses vary widely, this information cannot be considered authoritative and may not apply to your specific situation. You should obtain competent advice from a qualified accounting, taxation, information-technology or legal professional bef or e a ct ing on such informa tion. To the e xtent per mitte d by law, me mber companies of the MYOB group are not liable for any special, consequential, direct or indirect damages arising from loss of function, profits or data resulting from your application of such inform ation. In the event that any of the above lim it ations are found to be une nf or ce able , the MYOB member company's liability is limited to the return of any fees or monies paid for the p urch as e of th e pr od u ct or serv ice. 2 Trademarks Acc ountE dge is a re gist er ed t ra dem ar k of MYOB US , Inc . in th e United Sta te s. Adobe, Acrobat, Acrobat Reader, Ad obe Reader, PDF and PostScript are trademarks or re gist er ed t ra dema rk s of Ad obe Syste ms In corp orat ed . Address Book, AirPort, Apple, AppleTalk, Finder, iBook, iCal, iMac, Macintosh, Mac, the Mac logo, PowerMac, PowerBook, QuickTime, the QuickTime logo, Rendezvous and the Rendezvous logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the USA and other countries. Mac, the Mac logo, the QuickTime logo and the Built for Mac OS X graphic are trademarks of Apple Inc. used under license. MobileMeSM is a service mark of Apple Inc. American Express and AmEx are registered trademarks of American Express Company, its subsidiaries and affiliates. Google Maps™ card links included with permission. Intuit, Q uic ken and Quick Books ar e re gist er ed tra dem ar ks of Int uit Inc . Mastercard is a registered trademark of MasterCard International Inc. Microsoft, Entourage, Excel, Internet Explorer, Office, Outlook, Windows, Windows Server and Word are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the USA or other countries. SM2DGraphView Copyright 2002-2008 Snowmint Creative Solutions LLCsnow min tcs.com / vCard is a registered trademark of the Internet Mail Consortium. VISA is a re gist er ed tra dem ar k of Visa Int er nat ion al Se rv ic e Associat ion. Other products and services mention ed may be trademarks, registered trad emarks or service marks of their respective owners. SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT 3 Acclivity LLC End User License Agreement This is an agreement (the “Agreement”) between you, the end user, and ACCLIVITY LLC. “Software” is defined as the ACCLIVITY computer program and user documenta- tion tha t is inc luded w it h this Agr eement a nd any upda tes or ma int ena nce relea ses related thereto. By installing and/or using this Software you agree to become bound by the terms of t his a greem ent . Do not use the Soft wa re until y ou hav e c ar efully r ea d this Agreement. Included with the Software is software provided by Aatrix Software, Inc., (“Aatrix Module”). By using the Aatrix Module you also agree to become bound by the te rms of the “Aa tr ix End User Lic ense Agre em ent ” prov ided w it h the Aat rix Mod ule and further, you agree that your use of th e Aatrix Module is limited to a term of one year from the dat e y ou regist er with ACCLIVITY to use the Aat rix Module. IF YOU AGREE WIT H THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, CLICK THE “ACCEPT” or “AGREE” BUTTON WHILE INSTALLING THIS SOFTWARE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO T HE TERMS OF T HIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT USE THIS SOFTWARE. PROMPTLY REMOVE IT FROM YOUR COMPUTER. You may then return the entire package and your receipt within 30 days to the place from which you obtained the Software for a refund of the purchase price. Until return of this package has been accepted, you are governed by this Agreement. This Softw are is pr otected by copyr ight law s a nd in terna tional tr ea ties and may on ly be used in ac cor danc e w it h the License t er ms and c onditions. TRIAL VERSION SOFTWARE LIMITAT ION. If this Software is a trial version it has restriction s on its use and is intended to be used only for evaluation purposes. This soft- ware may be used for 30 days as of the first time you run the software. Upon lapse of such period the software will disable automatically. If you wish to use the software after the tryout period, you need to purchase and activate a Commercial License for contin - ued use. Upon your purchase of the full version Software product license and accep- tance of the terms and conditions of the software license agreement accompanying the full version software product, the restrictions in this paragraph (Trial Version Software Limita tion) shall no longer app ly , but the remainder of this Softw ar e License Ag reement shall remain in full force and effect, and in the event there is any conflict between this Agreement and the full version software license agreement, the full version software li ce ns e a gre e ment s hal l c ontr ol. LI CENSE. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Acclivity LLC grants to you, the orig- in al purc haser , a r oya lt y- fre e, non- tr ansfe rab le (e xc ep t as spe cifie d be low ), non -exclu- siv e Lic ense ( the “L ic ense ”) to use t he Soft war e, un le ss ot her wise a gre ed t o in writing by A CC L IV IT Y a s fol l ows : a. ONLINE ACT IV A TI ON The Software requires online activation and registration in order to use the Software under the terms of the License. If you do not activate 4 your copy of the Software, your copy of the Sof tware will disable automatically 30 days after you first install the Software. You are required to enter personal information during online activa- tion. You need an active, functional internet connection to activate your copy of the Software. Your licensed use of the Software is bound to the comp uter (s) you used to comp lete act iv at ion . You ma y need to reac tiva te your cop y of the Soft wa re after r epla cing the logic boa rd of your computer or otherwise ch anging the hardware configuration of your comput er . You m ay need to c onta ct A cclivity to com plete reac ti- va tion. This Lic ense d oes not a llow the Soft wa re to be ac tiva ted and used on more computers than the number of computers you have purchased Licenses for. b. NUMBERS OF USER S. i. Single Site License. You may install and use the Software on only one computer that you own or operate and must not use or permit the usage of the Software on more than one com- pute r or comp uter te rm ina l a t a ti me by m ult ip le use rs unl es s add it iona l lice nses ar e p urcha sed. A dditional lic enses a re required for each user accessing the software by way of ASP/ter- minal servers/web clients or other remote connection. You may transfer the Software and its License from one such computer to another that you own or operate provided that you Deregister your soft wa re a nd Rea ctiva te. In event of an upgr ade or prod uct exchange, the license hereby granted shall automatically trans- fer to the new version or products, but you will be required to Activate such upgrade. ii . Ad dit ional Lic en ses. You m ay ins ta l l t he s oft war e on the num- ber of com puters that you have purchased Additional Licenses for. Ad dition al licenses can be purchased for your business from Acclivity to allow multiple installations and for simultaneous user access to accounting files across a network. Additional Lice nses ar e a lso r equire d for ea ch user ac ce ssing the softw are by way of ASP/terminal services/web clients or other remote connections. One license shall apply to one individual named user within your legal entity. Add itional Licenses can be purc hased for use on com puters used remot ely, by the original purchaser only. c. UPD AT ES AND UPG RADES.
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