The Osler Library of the History of Medicine McGill University, Montreal Canada Osler Library Archive Collections P97 OSLER SOCIETY OF MONTREAL FONDS PARTIAL INVENTORY LIST This is a guide to one of the collections held by the Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill University. Visit the Osler Library Archive Collections homepage for more information P97 Osler Society of Montreal fonds.- 1921-2010.- 80 cm of textual records and 3 tape recordings. Administrative History: The Osler Society of Montreal was founded in 1921 by four second year medical students to foster the ideal of a balanced liberal education in medicine. The first Annual Dinner was held in 1923, the beginning of a long tradition, featuring speeches by prominent medical experts. Custodial History: Old accession numbers 301, 324, 367 and 469. Scope and Content: The fonds documents the Osler Society’s activities. The fonds contains lectures, dinner menus, list of speakers, newsletters, papers, posters and tape recordings. Source of supplied title proper: Based on the documents in the fonds. Language: The documents are in English. Finding Aids: Partial inventory list available for acc. 324. General Note: Ongoing accruals expected. Records of the Osler Society are transferred to the Osler Library Archives annually. Inventory list last updated for accruals April, 2013. OSLER LIB&i.RY KSS. COLl.Jl:'.&ION AND ARCHIVES ACCESSION _ ...3w:; 2l+'.------- DATI --:F:..::e::,:b::,.ru,::::&rY==..I:....=ll:=.1-'. ___ 19..2l DtPOSITOR __-=O;,;;;s=le,;;;,;r:.....;::::S:.;::o.,:.:ci::.;e:..,:tr:;L.L,-=M.:.,:o:..:;n:;.;;tr.::..,e..;.,;al=----------.,; DATES LOCA. TIOH REFERENCE ITEM I DOCUMENT ., '~ . Osler Society, Montreal [Papers presented at meetings at the Soc- iety], 1921-1956. 1,2/3 linear'feet. .. Incl. 2 tapes, 1956, 1960-63. Inventol7' available: inquire at Referenc4 Desk. '.-~- "._-_.-- . Deposi ted by the' Society, Feb. 11, 1971 • Cf. letter frail the co-President, Mr. Robert R. Rothwell in Accession Case rue " : ! , , • I ! I i - . I i, , , . • I I I ! i I I i I : ; . OL 8/3/72 OSLER LIBRARY MSS. COLI..Et:t'ION AND ARCHIVES ACCESSION ..::.3:..:2~4!:....-___________ O(~~'~ __________________________________________Osler Society, Montreal __ D"TEMarch e 19~ REFERENce ITEM IOOCUMeNT OATES LOCI. TIC Osler Society, Montreal [Papers presented at meetings of the So­ ciety], 1954-1966. 53 items I Additional papers, including chronological list of papers presented between 1921-1963 and list of speakers at the Osler Society, 1923-1948. Deposited by the Society, 1973. Inventory available: inquire at Reference Desk. e I I I I I i I i I i , I , I I I I I ,I I I , ,I I I I . ,~ I I I I I I I , I ,I I i ! I j e. f I I I I I I I , c OL 8/3/72 OSLER LI13~'-.t\RY USS. COLLECT-ION AND ARCllIVl~S ACCESSION _,;;;.;;N..,;;.O.,.;.._3.;;...;;;;.24..:...-______ DATE 19 DEPOSITOR _-=-.:...=..;:......-Osler ____Society,---::...:.... __________Montreal -..,.._~ _-=F:....;e:;;;b:...::rua;.::;::~r.tl..y_1=.;1=__ ___ ?I_._ ITEM NO. ITEM I DOCUMENT DATES • LOCATION • 1 . Astwood, Milla rd Box The medicine of the Bible. Dec. 3rd. 1927. 2 Michael, Paul. " [Osler Library] • 1927/8 Deposited with the Society, May 16, 1956. 3 MfLeod,-- J. Wendell. ... Michael Servetus and the discovery of the pulmonary circulation. Nov. 6th, 1928. 4 Horsfall, Frank L. II. The 1.ife bf William Harvey. Nov. 6th, 1928. • " 5 Phelps, M. O. n " The life and work of Lawson Tait., 1929. 6 MCKinnon, Douglas D. It "Lord Lister"; a biographical sketch. Oct. 28, 19'29 • 7 Hebert, A. J. Barlow n • [Sanitation in Shawinigan Falls area and its relation to typhoiq] [n.d.] [1st. page lacking]. 8 Public Hygiene and Sanitary If . SCience. [n.d.] 9 Abey, W. J. H. It Medicine in early Frencb Canada. [ri.A.] '10 . Alward, H. C. .,11 History of Egyptian Medicine. [n.d.] r~ed. '24" 11 Esda1e, W. Rupert II Tne histoty of'syphi1is or Were the sailors of Columbus. the first European syphll~tics'l [n.d.] t~ed. '26" '- 12 Wall, Jack " Quackery [n.d.] 13 Ramsay, Clyde Neville It . Periods and masters in medicine. , ,.. Nov. 7, 1921 • -. ", Ross, H. G. n .' , .. > Primitive mediCine. ,. , , Dec. '6, 1921 " OL 8/3/71.. OSLER LIm{Al"Y USS. COLLECTION AND ARCHIVES ACCESSION No. 324 .~,,-~ .. ---.~ -. D£POSITqR _----==O~s::....::l:..::e::..:r:.....;:;S..;;;o.;;;c..:;;.ie.;;;.t;;;..y.... ,~' ..;;;Mo=n::.:t..;;;r..;;;e=a-=l _________ DATE February 11 191:1 , ITEM NO. ITEM I DOCUMENT OATES LOCATION • 15 Ward, R. V. Box 1 The literary works of sir William Osler. 1921. 16 Crocker, W. F. " Ch~nese medicine. April 5, 1922. 17 Tidmarsh, C. J. " On quackery. January 9, 1922. 18 Geddes, A. K. Medicine in Shakespeare. February 1923. , .' 19 ,Tidmarsh, C. J. It Civilizad..on and Eugenic~. March 26, 1923., 20 Roach, R. D. 11 "The Country Phy(}ian" [~]. Jan. 30, 1923 21 Ward, R. V. ~ tI , '. The History' and development of aseptic surgica,l technique. Februa,ry 26, 1924," 22 Michae 1, Pau 1 " • Medicine and the Fine Arts. 1925 23 Milliken, J. An outline of the medical history of ,Canada. March 15, 1929 . " " 24 Littlefield, L. A. fl' History of yellow fever. January, 1929 25 Michael, Paul II Prior to opening of Osler Library at McGill. [Xerox, with letter of presentation to Dr. D.G. Bates from John S. Welton, May 5, 1970~ 26 Croll, L. D. II .. "Sir William M8cEwenu : March 9,1926 27 Worthington, R. L. " Mary Tofts, the Rabbet [~] - Breeder. Feb. 3, 1931 28 Gardner, C. M. " [Louise Bourgeoi.s]. March 3,' 19.31 29 l!'isk, Gay H. .. " " • . " Bortl\:·Amer£ean:Abord.g1na1iitiled-tcU.r.ab.i . ,:iurgeq;:?'leb.'3, 1931.. " .. ;; ... .. ..... ' . : : ~. "', OL 8/3/72 osum. LI13i~ARY HSS. COLLECTION AND ARCHIVES ACCESSION _N_o_. _3_24______ _ DEPOSIT<?R _____________________Osler Society, Montreal' _ DATE __Februarv~=:=.!:..J_"__~'___ 11 I9__ 7/ ITEM NO. ITEM I DOCUMENT DATES LOCATION I • Gay H. Box 1 30 Fisk .. Sir Ronald Ross, artist and s'cientist. Nov. , 1932 31 Watson, W. E. " Early E~yptian medicine. Jan. 1933 32 Alexander, J. D. F'. " The life of Daniel Drake. Feb. 7, 1933 - -, " -- --_.- - • 33 Elliott, Harold' "- " "Harvey Cushing" - medical doctor. 19331 ,. 34 Nichol1~; John V. V. " Osler and'Books. 'Jan. 10, 1933 35 De Smit, Raymond W. " "Life of William Beaumont". Feb. 28, 1934 I 36 'Hart sough, C. W. :" E. Y. Davis. Feb. 7', 1933 I "This paper. is in my care • Since it is one ' , of my r~sponsibi1ities to see that much "of the material ~ich it contains does not get -' into prj..nt, it was agreed that the paper • should be handed over to me, instead of being filed with the, other Osler Society papers in the Medical Library". - W. w. " ; Francis. May, 1934. ; .,1,.-~ -' ' , ./k-c.. ,?JI 37 Maycock, W. de A. " Sir John Harington. Oct. 23, 1934, ' , , ; . 38 Hanson" A. G. " S. Weir Mitchell.' Jan. 29, 1935 " " 39 ' Theobald, Louis C. " Renaissance medicine at Padua. Dec. 4, 1935. '., 40 TrintCi-ngham, H. L. .. : " Leeuwenhoek 'and his microscope. , , - Oct. 29, 1935 " . " 41 Garo1, H. W. " " John Hughlings Jackson 1835':1911 " Nov • 2, 1936 . , 42 ,Jones, Orville N. " The great white eagle; the story of Dr~ John ' , f • " McLoughlin, ''Father of ,Oregon" • .- " .. .. October 25,' 1936. , " ,f ' , , , ,.' ' , , , " , .. " , " --- --' -- _. .. ..... ~ OL 8/3/71. OSLER LI13:\AR'i }ISS. COLLECTION AND ARCHIVES ACCESSION No. 324 --=..=.::.=~"--_=.:=--_February 11 " OEPOSIT(!R Osler Society, MOntreal OA TE __ 19 _ • • ITEM NO. ITEM I DOCUMENT DATES. LOCATION 43 Meakins, J. F. Box 1 Osler in England. Jan. 21, 1936 44 Dud ley, Seymour II Hideyo Noguchi. 1936 45 Freeman, Rpbert G. .. Osler; boyhood and life in Montreal. January 21, 1936. 46 Sbarbaro, Victor .. Sir William Osler in America. Jan. 21, 1936 47 The medical writings of sir William Osler. " 48' Jaques, P. Box 2 , A short history of pathology. 30 Sept., 1941 49 ' Hart, George G. " ,Edward.Livi~gstone Trudeau; the beloved ., physician. March. 1941 50 Goodrich, F. W. " Panama, pirates, and preventive medicine. 22 Jan. 1941 51 .' Woods, Robert P. 'II , ',' William Shakespeare, medical observer 0 January 23~ 1940 . 52 Smith, Kenneth W. ,It , An history of the obstetrical forceps. Oct. 10, 1940 :, It' 53 'Argo, William L. ; '. ~. .: Some surgical highlights. January 23, 1940 54 Johnson, Arno,ldL •. S~las Weir Mitchell. Noveiuber 16, ,19~9. 55 , Reed, William A. " II Douglas Argyll Robertson. 56 Sahler, C, 0', . ", Anesthesia,' March 5, 1940' : " ~ 57 Straub, L, R. • HippocratiC orthopa~d~cs. March 5, 1940 " .. ":. -~ ... " 58 Cameron.. Douglas G,. , II, S(.IIJle inspirational glimpses from the life', ,,' and teaching of Hughlings Jackson.Dec.14!·39. OL 8/3/72 OSLER LI13:\A:~Y HSS. COLLECTION AND ARCHIVES ACCESSION __N_O_._3_2_4 _____ _ OEPOSITQR __O=s,:;le!:::,;r::.......:S:..::o;,;:c:.:i:,::e:.::,t,LY.z..' ....::M:.::;o:..:n.:..:t:.:r;..;;e;.;;;a;.;;;i~ ________ QATE _---.lill-Je;:.lb.L.Inu,Jw8u.ry+---.l..J,.., ___ 197/_ ' ITEM NO. ITEM I DOCUMENT OATES LOCATION • 59 Chesney, L. Parker Box 2 Silas Weir Mitchell, scientist and man,of letters. November 16th, 1939. 60 Davidson, C. S. II Pr~-Harveian Medicine. 4 April, 1939 61 Kerr, Ashton L. .. Some famous names of forgotten doctors •. 62 Putnam, Malco 1m .. A few highlights in the history of paediatrics up to the 18th century.n. x. ,', 39. 63 Rodi, Albert H. It · liThe Horse and'Buggy Do.ctor", a book review. 4 April, 1939. 64 Wheelock, G. H. II . The history of' the C., A. M. C. 11. x. 39 • .. 65 Smith, Frank B. .. •• Surgery among the ancients. 20 Jan •.; 1937 66 Wilson, J.
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