The Grand Valley Ledger V Volume?, Issue 21 Serving Lowell Area ]£* Readers Since 1893 June8f 1983 Election to decide milioge and board seats The l^well Area Schools an- which the community has used to Lowell Township in Kent Kent County and Campbell Township in Ionia County Pre- non. Grattan. and Vergennes in nual eleclions will be held Mon- fund the school system since county, and Boston Township in Township in Ionia County and cinct No. 3: Vergennes Kent county, and Keene day. June 13 in three precincts. 1978 and an increase of 3.9 Ionia County. Precinct No. 2: those portions lying south of the Township Hall, comer of Bailey Township in Ionia County. To be decided in the election are mills, which is felt necessary to Bowne Township Hall. 6059 centerline of Cascade Road in Drive and Pamell Avenue in '^the two new board of education operate the schools on a six hour Linfield. Alto. Michigan, con- Cascade and Lowell Townships Vergennes Township, consisting members, the millage renewal day. to retain athletics, music, sisting of Bowne Township in in Kent County and Boston of the townships of Ada. Can- and millage increase. art. busing and other out of class Nine individuals are running activities. for two open board scats; Diana The polls of election will open Kwant's valedictory address is a hit Fulkerson. James Goulooze II. at 7:00 A.M. and close at 8:00 Geogre Bloc her. Roger Kropf. P.M. at three polling sites. Pre- John Kwant Valedictorian of I also saw pride in the area's, that the Lowell Showboat would But right now. the Lowell Sandra Nagy. Robert William cinct No. I: Runciman Elemen- the 1983 LHS graduating class, churches, where almost every once again entertain people from School System is facing a crisis Kmsey. R Stanley Williams. tary School. 300 High Street. captured the minds of the near major denomination is present all over the state. Although it and I'm sure you're all aware of G M Ross and JoAnn Murphy Lowell Michigan, consisting of capacity crowd in attendance at and plays a valuable part in will not be a part of our summer what it is In a little over a week The millage propositions the City of Lowell and those por- the amphitheatre Sunday with a strengthening the Lowell Area. this year. 1 know inside that the you will have the chance to de- placed before the voters Monday tions lying north of the centerline Commencement address that hit 1 saw pride In one of the smal- people of Lowell will not let a cide whether or not the Lowell j\V»re the renewal of the 17 9 mills. of Cascade Road in Cascade and home to the 180 graduates and lest YMCA's in the country be- tradition fizzle out and die. School System will continue to onlookers alike. cause it continues to grow and Event- function and provide quality For one not directly involved. expand its programs and ac- ually the showboat will be back education for your children High School Commencements tivities. And last and most important You may ask why 1 take an in- are usually a bit too staged, loo I saw pride in the Area's Art of all. I saw a pride in the com- terest in this subject I'm ceremonial, and too rehearsed Council which does a tremend- munity's school system. Pride graduating. I'm done Well I for the average person to devote ous job in planning and staging that extended to both the educa- have a younger brother and sister his time in attendance. But cultural events that the whole tion your children were receiving who have to return to school next John's address made the cere- community can take part in. and the athletic program that ev- year. I want them to have the mony strikingly different from I also saw pride in the numer- eryone can participate in. When same education and oppor- the old "Be true to your school". ous civic groups that Lowell has Extra curricular activities were tunities that I had Please I'm "Now we are going to enter the - Rotary. Lions, and Jaycees to threatened due to budget cuts. I asking you. don't let the Lowell real world" and "Congratula- name a few which have all done saw a community pull together to School System go under Be- tions are in order" profile which more than enough for the Lowell raise the funds necessary so that cause if you do. so will this com- has drawn audience's eyes to Area children would not lose a vital munity and everything it repre- ward the exit signs for generat- I saw a city that put on its best part of their school day. sents ST. MARY NEWS. ions. one week out of the summer so John's speech advanced a new St Mary's Altar Society rummage sale will be held June 16 and hope m an old foundation In 17 from 9-5. and June IS from 9-12 at St Mary's School in Lowell. these times of uncertainty, it was Merchants donate to Showboat Please drop off donated items after Masses June 11 and 12 Pro- refreshing to find a leader of to- ceeds will benefit Process Six and the Altar Society morrow pointing toward an es- St Mary's June rattle tickets will be on sale before Masses tablished base Here is a portion through June 19. hirst prize will be a hand crocheted afghan and sec of John's address: \ond pn/e will be a lawn chair (When) "I began to search for the good in Lowell, for what it JULY 4TH COMMITTEE MEETING had to offer me I began to see things that I had never seen be- There will be a meeting Wednesday. June 8lh at 7:301' M in the fore. 1 saw people who were office of the hrestation on Monroe Street of all workers and any proud and positive about their other interested persons in this year's July 4th festivities All par- community. Proud of what I ticipating clubs and organizations are urged to have a representative asked myself' Proud of a lot of 1 at this meeting. things. Proud of things like a city CAMARO DRAWING APPROACHING FAST whose stores and factories prosper. A city where every year f The Lowell Showboat Camaro raffle is well into the black, mean- new businesses come to invest in ing that every ten dollar ticket sold between now and the last-ap- Lowell and its future proaching Jul\ 4ih drawing date is ten dollars that will go to reduce the Showboat's debt Tickets are available at several locations AppoinlmenLs not always around town including: Lippen's. State Savings Bank. Thomet needed at Vanity Hair Fash- Chevrolet and Buick. Wesco. Crystal Flash. That Special Place. ions. Open five days I^owell, Lowell Auto Body. Big "D" Auto Trim. Eberhard's. Ptaller's 897-7506. Riverfront Clothing. Anderson s Family Shoes. The Grand Valley Do you want a sports pro- Local merchants presented checks totaling $450 raised in the coupon pomotion to decrease the Ix'dger and Lowell Cits Hall Five thousand tickets were printed, Showboat s debt to Ray Quada. Showboat President. Pictured above. Mark Nyp of Lipperts but a realistii- total of final sales will hopefully be around 2.5(X). gram next year? Pharmacy. Dave Clark of Dave Clark Plumbing and Heating. Duane Lambert of Lambert's Va- making the <hJu . ol w inning the "S13.000 car much better, especially Athletics can not be funded riety. Ray Quada. Evelyn West of West Apparel. Howard West of Anderson Family Shoes, and for those holding several tickets. or promoted by the same small Bob Pfaller of Pfaller's Riverfront Clothing. 1 Remember, if you would like to pitch in and give Showboat a group of people who promoted hand b\ selling tickets at your place ol work, to relatives or whereve this past year. stop by the Grand Valley Ledger You can return what you don't If the extra curricular pro- Lowell graduates win scholarships sell, so don't worry about getting stuck with a handful of ten dollar grams are to continue for the tickets '83-"84 school year we need a Lorrayne Althaus.422 N Jet and community activities and Two other area students. John yes vote on both millage propo- ferson. Lowell, and Timothy high grades Family income is Kwant. 13322 (irand River l)r OFF THE BLOTTER sals. John Carless. 1 HMO Wood- not a lactor. states Jerry Rose. SE of Lowell and Eleanore Signed & Pd for by bushe. Lowell, have won Stu Ol director ol admissions and Fischer. 7hM Aspenwood. of Culminating a three week investigation. Lowell [vilice obtained a Lowell Athletic Boosters dent Life Scholarships at Oak- scholarships Ada. were awarded S750 inon- confession from a lh year old |u\enilc in connection with the killing land University and will receive Student Lite Scholarship stu- renewable) scholarships when ol the male swan on the Flai River in Mas He will be referred to PRECISION & FASHION <.1000 a year lor lour years start- dents will live in Ol' residence they enroll at I'M ['A luvenile court ai a later date ISAIRSTYI.ING - For both ing next lall halls and help prov ide leadership The scholarships were based Steven Kikulski, age *5. was arrested Wednesday evening on a men and women. Man's World The awards are based on an lor a wide range of campus ac on grades, class ranking and test Inend ol the court warrant and a bench warrant lor lailure to appear Halrslyling.
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