n e s - T lhelP in rISe ^ACJCWLEJ^COM T w i n F a lIlSj^Idaho/lO l s O thy^:ar, No. 237 T hursdday. A ugust 25, 200)05 50 ccncs G o o d m40RNING c A P R EESIDENTIIA L v i s nT . W e a t h e f Todaiday; Sunny id warm. ' Highgh82.1ow54. ( u s h 1 P a g e A 2 s p e faks ttoldlaho<ans I d a h o I M/lagic Valleyy residents pr;raise the preesident - /ith some exjcceptions Sandy MIHer lAMPA —'^Thc president fininished his speech and Death sought fbr de his way out of the Idaho> Ccntcr,( shal^g hands I autographing a few dckct stutubs along the way. T h e Prosecutors williU sseek death o f the crowd slowly m ade itsI vwiyvt out of the audiiori- penalty for murdi , hoping to lemember where tiithc^d parked their cars. ' suspect . paring themselves for th e tnifDffic jam that awaited, P a g e C 3 Icanwhllc. In a room {ust outlutslde die main holl. a dlcr audicncc waited for a m 1 President George W. Busli.I. T1i( ^ sliaiv a :d. tiiese “Gold Star fainilies.'' AllAl have lost a lovc^ one ■ M o n e y ; •aq o r Afglionistan. Each famll;lily was given a num ber when .it was called, No alH>urpose sn led into a smaller Top shoemakersrstalk i m com fonably fur* Inside technology, perhsrhaps more led w idi a Icadior sofa clinirs and flowere. 'TMldenfk v e n to u r ^ than ever. lorlan Rowe pf Good- iffers at the gas pump. P a g e E l Ls o m em ber o f ohe of .......................P*««A3 le families. She be- c n Gold Star mom a tN m proteater Cindy ■ ago when her son. Stie«loehan returns to PretWeirt OIlMrgem W. Buih gIvM a speechI to ttwusande< of mllttary service« mefflbers and their fsmlllea W S p o R 'r e win i c Capt. Alon llov^*, Toxaxas..................Page A3 Idaho Centar:ar InI Nampa. The apeech tasted1 forfoi almott an hour and he thanitnked the eWtena of Idaho for th killed when an Impro- By Si arexniosive device dct- Tlmea^:ed In Iraq^ A! Anbar I’rovinciice. Rowe, one o f nine 0 M arini» and soldiers w hoI hhave lost their Uvcs in I w a s 35 years old and left beliiiliind tt wife, Davm. a n d *aq wai m a dsm e all childrcn, Blake, now 6, and CaltUn, 4. llic y Iri rdividles fan a n d a i ! there to meet the president.t. toi a So wros Alan's ta- re st oJam f es Rowe of'Uvin Palls, andid his wife, Sharon. _ Relativives react B u m .orlan he Rowe said she told BushII howI touched she was p rc pis^peech: o r ----------------------------- M(e ca slated dial w e owe it to thehose men, my son In- differeiently after I sm ollciL‘d, to finish diejoh diL7 believeved in and died doing," wddiun P said . ^ecs. death 0of loved one I b o nirian, d . I who said she's always bc>enb “apolidcal.’* sold FlgMln’ back: The in Iraqihg the president had nodiinglg to do widi her. It was voUeyball team loolbtoloc By Sandy Mn:irniiM a n de rw son. P . w a s k return to nationallal Tlme»N«w»f» vwriter______________ P a feel good any tim e I d o anyUiiiling to honor my son." . procningnce. ■ .-A-*, g ro o maid . X .n ishv ed as the second tim e Dawn Roitowe and h e r children Page B l TW IN FAUALLS —Wins can dhride ^ a n d d ll countries. M arl Pl0{lease see BUSH, Page . T hey cann ddivide families, too. ' in g Ls a O p i n i o n W hen a foifamily loses a loved o n e / J th o se in battle. fccU;clingsrundecp.'nieydo / J ............................... c a m c a Speaking up: Jeronromc and inthcRtnwfacramily.Svpt.3wilimark ' k other nearby citiesies should Uie nrsl annl>miveisory o fd ie d eath o f ~3 c tnntAfn 35*ycar-oJdId Marine Capt. Alan ^ r their aacrtflces. w a s kill make their vievwks k n o w n Rowe, w ho w ) was killed w hon a n im* K f vised C5 on coal plant, toda'day's provlscd cxpl.xplosive devicc detonat* H editorial says. o n a te d c d in Iraq'ss AlA Anbar Province. He Id alio ^ IPage A6 left behind1 a wife. Dawn, a n d two sm all chlldrciIrcn, Uluke, now 6. a n d ®®P':apt. Alan Rowe died In Iraq aimImost a year a£o. C oidin. <1. III!Eiu also left beh in d par* nuy . •/ were th I T P en ts. a sisteriter, nunts. u nclcs a n d r;„ni C o m i n g iilifomla. who told her Alan wcvould Bush even diougli sll th er. lar cousins. lave been horrilied to see liis namena Inviiadon. M arii _________ Many inI didie Rowe family were leingused as political propagar:anda. "I declined the G too happylia{ to wake up last Rowerc Pauls said she chose nonot to causc we'd alrcady r s to rend a Times-News repKL'ply to their e-mail. said Dawn, w ho m e e lu d ed , t a peace vigil die niglit - f r Twin Falla m ident Julie Fansellelow, right, alone with 'I dccided not lo dignify ddielr last December at th M arianSO othera, piotest alone CanAdada Road Wednesday In |9jj|||||l bef^-jnGoo'looding diat q u esd o n ed comom m enis by responding, b u t onlyc at ’Rventynlne • Pal M aria the reasoningmg behind the Iraq war. vvlsii;lsh to express sympadiy for th em hom e in Yucca Valle) f th e Idaho Center In Nampa beflefore a vlilt from The accompaiipanying p h o to show ed ndand die oilier true believers whov But when Dawn .> fo r h eBnt r a Qeorge Buah. D ia n a RoweVC Pau^, Alan's sister, fccli!ei die need to react in such ameg* n featuring Rowe Pau “I feel button \vith a p h o to o f ntivelive and destructive manner*r to- changed her mind,jg/\ ' « sho said her brother. , . ward'ard diose who only desiree ac- "Wiien I rcad aboi It wns It came out in die paper, coun3uninbility. honesty and pea(face." lng,Ispcniadiousah otestersalstiom ake die first respoipojtsc from my family shele said.» own money to get n w as dte nastysty e*mall," Rowe Pauls H er| sisier-in-low. D aw n Ro'(owe, children on im airplii said earlier diisweck.diii yyan-,Ian’s widow, hadn't plan n edid lo sliarcmysldeandmj eir presencee known She's rcferrirrring to a n e*muii from travelavel lo Iduho on W ednesday:iy to Are you read)ady? a cousin ajidid :his wife w ho live in mleet eet with President GeorRCc w . Please see I Istopher SmHh w ill foibllow.- , a ted Press writer Man:insell joined Laura The 2005 Magic V -------------------------------M cCartirthy of Eogle — Focus on Footb iI>A — A day after whosee 21-year-old son supplement. Bushh says figliht in Iraq1 wiM conf at her 20-ycar-old Gavin 1 has been serving ; so n o n a plane for w ith didie Idalio Army Na- FHday In1 T h a Asaoctatedted Prese_____________ winin tliet war on tenor,” Busii titold Referring snecificaim :ond tour in Iraq, tional I ' Guard In Urkuk. The Tlm es^ev Nationtional Guard troops and ddi ieir otnving deatli toll, a 1 Mansell cimie to Iraq, siriince December— in N A M P A-President -., Bush vow ed famillmilies. Afterward, he m et privavale- In his remarks on ir > for her first ami- a desigiignated “pcace pen" I she'd received an I n d e x anew that dicrtlere would be n o retreat lywidi wit reladves of troops I^led.‘d in 491 Guard and Rl‘sc mbnstradon, lust oioutside die Idaho from the war/ar in Iraq as h e a d - IraqiqandAfdianisian. a hod lost dieir lives, "y i has to slop.- die r sports arena as part Businesses/Services ............E12 dressed a rocldcldng crowd of military BusliBus pr^ed die unique rolele of honor their sacrifice:C I invitation be- 3ut ISO people w ho ly m et wiili him," m o th e r said “ L 'l . Classified................... cA-tc rom ilies in Nampa,Na a supp o rd v e Guorciard members, who serve bobe d i their mission." h e sai( !sday. holding a itcd I*resident Bush's ' ■ ^ con trast to thethi anti-war clemon* their:oir slates and dicir country. Me>^ore In all.-morc th ann 2, e t the president Formerof Tv her son, Scott, speechh >o n the w ar on ter- Comics..................................D3 sirato rs w hoI iiriiave l>ecn shadow ing dionn n 243,000 ! National G uard mlem- et tary service membeithe Marine base .(,„,• so < Palms near her ilRn.J calliiii! for lijs iCommunity...........................C6 liim w herever[;rhcgoe.<;. 1; bersrs have-beeni called up for tdie killed in Iraq a n d Afgl home. "Maybe if crc wcrc quiie a few C5 “So long ass rI'm die prcsident. w c war.ir.
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