THE CADET ISSUED BT THE CORPS OF VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE VOL. XIII LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, SEPTEMBER 27, 1919 No. 2 -O ANOTHER HEAD FOR R. 0. T. C. AND HAMPDEN-SIDNEY V.M. I. AGAIN RANKS CADETS MEET CORPS OF CADETS 0. R. C. OFFER TODAY FIRST AMONG DISTIN- Colonel Nelly Succeeds Major MANY ADVANTAGES This afternoon at three-thirty GUISHED COLLEGES Purdie as Commandant the old team will be out on the Many Cadets Seize Opportuni- hill in their first game of the Report Shows That Customary Ever the old order changeth, giv- ties Given By War Depart- year. While it is not expected Place of Honor is Maintained ing place to the new. For the fourth ment that Hampden-Sidney will give time in the brief span of four years us much trouble, it is our duty War Department, we have a new commandant. Each In February, 1917, three units of to be out there giving the team Washington, June, 1919. of the other has come contributed his the Reserve Officers' Training Corps, all we've got. Bulletin. bit and returned to whence he came. the infantry, cavalry, and field ar- Get out there early and help No. During the war the commandant tillery were established at V. M. I. put the old pep into the team Distinguished Colleges and Honor then detailed here, Capt. Hodges, was This year the Engineers unit was that is going to make this Schools for the year 1919. Based called to the active service and Lieut. added. This school is, of course, a Thanksgiving one long to be re- upon reports of officers detailed for Derbyshire took up the duties of member of the senior division. The membered in the annals of V. the purpose of making the annual commandant, which he discharged instruction is divided into a basic M. I. Athletics. inspection of the military depart- with credit to himself and benefit to and an advanced course. Members of No team can accomplish any- ments of educational institutions at the Institute. the former are required to receive thing-worth while without the which officers of the army are de- Shortly after the signing of the an average of three hours of mili- enthusiastic support of every tailed as professors of military armistice Col. Derbyshire was ap- tary instruction per week through- one who is supposed to be back- science and tactics the following pointed executive officer and his out the academic year; those of the ing them. Let's show them that named institutions are announced as place filled with another V. M. I. latter, five hours. But this is of no we are behind them until the distinguished colleges and honor graduate, Major K. S. Purdie. He concern to the cadets, since the train- last down is made. schools, respectively, as contemplated was a graduate of the Class of 1912 ing prescribed by the Institute regu- -O by par 130, compilation of Orders and while a cadet was a cadet cap- lations is much in excess of even the 1881-1915 as changed. tain and star football player. Be- latter requirement. A cadet is au- Distinguished Colleges fore coming to us Major Purdie had tomatically a member of the basic CORPS TO GO TD Agricultural and Mechanical Col- seen service at Ft. Amador, C. Z., as course for the first two years of his lege of Texas, College Station, Texas. well as in the states. He is a grad- cadetship, since there is no other ob- RICHMOND OCT. 11 Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. uate of the Fortress Monroe C. A. ligation other than the drill, which Michigan Agricultural College, O. T. C., where he was elected presi- he undergoes anyway. He receives Tribute To Be Paid To Distin- West Lansing, Mich. dent of his class. no compensation. Those who are in guished General and Former Norwich University, Northfied, He came here at a time when a their third year are eligible for the Commandant of Cadets Vt. strong hand was needed to bring or- advanced course. To become a mem- Oregon Agricultural College, Cor- der out of the chaos, then prevailing ber, a cadet must agree 'M serve dur- From: Chief Marshal Parade in vallis, Oregon. as a result of the demobilization of ing the remainder of his cadetship honor Unveiling Monument to Gen. Pennsylvania Military College, the S. A. T. C. units. Although the and to attend a camp of probably one Chester, Pa. Jackson. measures of discipline that he adopt- month's duration and no longer than St. Johns College, Annapolis, Md. To: Virginia Military Institute. ed may have seemed at the time six weeks during the intervening The Citadel, Charleston, S. C. Subject: Unveiling of the Statue somewhat chastic, chastic measures summer between his second and first University of California, Berkeley, to Gen. Stonewall Jackson. were necessary. We believe that he class year. In return, he receives a Cal. 1. The officers and corps of cadets had the Institute at heart at all living stipend of fifty cents ($.50) a University of Florida, Gainesville, of the Virginia Military Institute are times and that he is to be congratu- day while at school, transportation Fla. invited to parade and to be present lated upon the results that he has from school to camp and from camp Virginia Agricultural and Mechani- at the ceremonies incident to the un- obtained in less than six months. home at the rate of four cents ($.04) cal College and Polytechnic Insti- veiling of the equestrian statute to Col. Nelly, Major Purdie's succes- a mile, and fourteen dollars for the tute, Blacksburg, Va. Gen. Jackson on Saturday afternoon, sor, was appointed to the U. S. M. purchase of a uniform. Virginia Military Institute, Lex- Oct. 11, at 4 ofclock. A. from West Virginia, after having ington, Va. If a cadet wishes to obtain a com- 2. Other details will be supplied spent one year at V. M. I. He grad- mission in the O. R. C., he must at- when made. Honor Schools uated with the Class of 1902 from the tend a commission camp after grad- (Signed), Culver Military Academy, Culver, academy, and was commissioned as uation and then put in his applica- CHAS. J. ANDERSON. lnd. Kemper Military School, Boone- (Continued on Page Eight) tion through his company command- The monotony of the academic ant at camp, who, after he has made year at V. M. I. is about second to ville, Mo. FLAGS DEDICATED BEFORE his recommendation, sends it to Col none in any college in the country, Kentucky Military Institute, Lyn- BOARD OF VISITORS Nelly, professor of military science and when the opportunity presents don, Ky. and tactics, detailed here by the gov- itself for the evasion of a few days New Mexico Military Institute, On Saturday afternoon the regu- ernment to take charge of the R. O of this toilsome life, there comes with Roswell, N. M. lation post flags that fly over bar- T. C. Col. Nelly makes his recom- it a thrill that the Keydets seldom Northwestern Military and Naval racks on either side of Jackson mendation from the cadet's record at experience. On the morning of the Academy, Lake Geneva, Wis. statue were dedicated before the the Institute and his own personal 10th of October, sharply at 8 o'clock, Sewanee Military Academy, Se- Board of Visitors. The corps form- knowledge and sends it on to Wash- the corps will entrain for Richmond, wanee, Tenn. ed at the regular time for Saturday ington. If the commission is re- commanded by Col. Nelly, command- Shattuck School, Faribault, Minn. evening inspection, and was march Staunton Military Academy, fused, the cadet is under no further ant of cadets. The journey will be ed to the parade ground. Here they Staunton, Va. obligation; if granted, he is bound made along the James River division passed in review before the Board of St. John's Military Academy, Dela- to attend a camp, not exceeding fif- of the C. & O. railroad via Lynch- Visitors. After this the companies field, Wis. teen days, each year for five years burg. Upon arrival in Richmond the were formed in close column on the St. John's School, Manlius, N. Y. if the government sees fit to hold battalion will be marched to their parade ground, facing the flags and (A. G. O. 357.) one. He receives transportation quarters, which will probably be in on a line perpendicular to theirs. the armory of one of the military or- By order of the Secretary of War. With the battalion standing at pre both ways and the pay of his rank ganizations there. Here everything PEYTON C. MARCH, sent arm, and the citizens at atten- while in active service. possible will have been done to make General, Chief of Staff. tion, amid the stirring strains of the The facts about the R. O. T. C. and for the care and comfort of the Official, "Star Spangled Banner," the nation- the O. R. C. are before us. What are corps. P. C. HARRIS, al emblem, and the state flag rose we going to do? What ought we to The parade, which commences at The Adjutant General. slowly to the top of the flag poles do! Before the war, a spirit of 4 p. m. the 11th, will extend out It was a pleasure sight to the spec- selfish commercialism seemed to pre Franklin street and Monument ave- From the above alphobetical list tators, and also an improvement vail in the business world, but Amer nue to the statue of Gen.
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