Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal Alfred Geroldinger On the structure and arithmetic of finitely primary monoids Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Vol. 46 (1996), No. 4, 677–695 Persistent URL: http://dml.cz/dmlcz/127327 Terms of use: © Institute of Mathematics AS CR, 1996 Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences provides access to digitized documents strictly for personal use. Each copy of any part of this document must contain these Terms of use. This document has been digitized, optimized for electronic delivery and stamped with digital signature within the project DML-CZ: The Czech Digital Mathematics Library http://dml.cz Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 46 (121) 1996, Praha ON THE STRUCTURE AND ARITHMETIC OF FINITELY PRIMARY MONOIDS ALFRED GEROLDINGER, Graz (Received October 3, 1994) 1. INTRODUCTION T. Tamura initiated the investigations of commutative cancellative archimedian semigroups which were later called N-semigroups by M. Petrich (cf. [Pe, Ta] and the literature cited there). Motivated by problems in ring theory M. Satyanarayana studied commutative semigroups where all proper ideals are primary ([Sa, An]); he called these semigroups primary In order to generalize the classical concept of a divisor theory, F. Halter-Koch con­ sidered commutative cancellative monoids where all non-units are primary ([HK1]); he also used the notion primary monoid. In particular, one-dimensional noetherian domains allow a divisor homomorphism into a coproduct of primary monoids. This makes it possible to study the arithmetic of such domains by studying the arithmetic of primary monoids (cf. [HK2]). It was this application which was the main motiva­ tion for the present paper and in particular our arithmetical results should be seen in this respect. First, we show that the concept of N-semigroups and both notions of primary semi­ groups coincide for commutative cancellative monoids. In section 3 we deal with the integral closure and complete integral closure of primary monoids. In [HK2] finitely primary monoids were defined as certain submonoids of finitely generated factorial monoids. In section 4 we derive a characterization of finitely primary monoids in terms of their complete integral closure (Theorem 1). This allows us to character­ ize integral domains whose multiplicative monoids are finitely primary (Theorem 2). The final section is devoted to the arithmetic of primary monoids. We show that finitely primary monoids have finite catenary degree (Theorem 3); as a consequence we obtain that the multiplicative monoid of invertible ideals of a one-dimensional 677 noetherian domain o, wliose integral closure is a finitely generated o-module, has finite catenary degree (Theorem 4). 2. PRELIMINARIES Throughout this paper, a monoid means a commutative cancellative semigroup with identity. In general monoids will be written multiplicatively except when we s consider additive submonoids of (N , -f). N+ denotes the set of positive integers and N = f^J+ U {0}. For basic notions concerning commutative semigroups we refer to [Gi2; chapter I]. Let H be a monoid and Hx its group of invertible elements. H is said to be reduced ifHx = {1}. A non-empty subset / C H is called an ideal if HI C /: an ideal / is said to be proper if / ^ H. Let I C H be a proper ideal. / is called maximal, if it is not contained in any proper ideal; / is said to be prime, if O,b G H and ab G / implies that a G / or b G /. /is called primary, if a, b G H, ab G I and a $ I implies that bn G / for some n G r\J+. Obviously H \HX is the unique maximal ideal of // and H \HX is a prime ideal: by definition every prime ideal is primary. If / C H is an ideal, then n yfl = [a G H | a G I for some u G ^+} is called the radical of /. The following facts may be proved as in commutative ring theory: let / be a proper ideal. a) If / is primary, then \fl is prime. b) If \JI is maximal, then / is primary. c) \fl is the intersection of all prime ideals containing /. Let H be a monoid; an element q G H is said to be primary, if the ideal qH is a primary ideal (equivalently: q $ Hx and a,b G H, q \ ab and q \ a implies q \ bn for some n G N+). Obviously, every prime element is primary; however there are primary elements which are not irreducible and irreducible elements which are not primary. Let H be a monoid and Q(H) a quotient group of H with H C Q(H). For a submonoid S C H we define the congruence modulo S in H by rt = /nnodS if a~lb G Q(S) 678 (or equivalently, aS n bS ^ 0). We denote by H/S the factor monoid of H with x respect to the congruence modulo S. In particular we set Hred = H/H . A submonoid S C H is called divisor closed, if a G H, 6 G S and O | b implies a e S. Obviously, a proper subset S C H is a divisor closed submonoid if and only if II \ S is a prime ideal of H. We say that a submonoid 5 C H is saturated, if S = H C\ Q(S). Obviously, every divisor closed submonoid is saturated. Lemma 1. Let H be a monoid with H / Hx. Then the following conditions are equivalent: 1. Hx and H are the only divisor closed submonoids of H. 2. H has exactly one prime ideal. 3. All proper ideals are primary. 4. All non-units are primary. 5. Ifa.beH and b g Hx, tIien O | bn for some n eN+. Proof. 1. -=t> 2. This follows from the above remark. 2. => 3. Let I C H be a proper ideal. Since \/I is the intersection of all prime ideals containing I, 2. implies that \fl — H\HX. H\HX is the unique maximal ideal of H and hence I is primary. 3. => 4. Obvious. 4. => 5. Let O, b G H and b $ Hx. Then Ob is primary and Ob | Ob; since Ob { O, it follows that Ob | bn+1 and hence O | b11. 5. => 1. Let 5 C H be a divisor closed submonoid with S / Hx. For b G S\HX we have {O G H | O | On for some n G f^+} C 5 C H and the first set equals H by 5. • Definition 1. A monoid H with H ^ Hx, which satisfies the equivalent conditions of the previous Lemma is called primary. Remark. Parts of the above Lemma may be found in [Sa; Theorem 2.11], [HK1; Theorem 1.8] and [Gel; Proposition 3]. Let <p: H —> D be a monoid homomorphism; <p is called a divisor homomorphism if O, b G H and <^>(a) | <p(b) implies a \ b (equivalently: ip(H) C D is saturated and the induced homomorphism <prt.(i: Hred -> I^red is injective); furthermore (p gives rise to a unique group homomorphism Q(<p): Q(H) -> Q(-O) (cf. [G-HK; section 2]). Lemma 2. Let (p: H -> I) /je a monoid homomorphism. 1. If H is primary and (p(H) ^ (p(H)x , then ip(H) is primary. G79 2. If (p(H) is primary and Ker Q(<p)Hx jHx a torsion group, then H is primary. 3. If D is primary, H / Hx and <p a divisor homoinorphism, then H is primary. 4. H is primary if and only if Hred is primary. Proof. 1. Let <p(a),(p(b) G <p(H) be given with a,b G H and suppose that (p(b) <fc (p(H)x. Then b £ Hx and hence there exists some n G N+ with a | 6n which implies that <D(a) | <p(b)n. 2. Let a,b e H with b £ Hx be given. First we verify that (D(6) £ (p(H)x: assume to the contrary that <p(b) G (D(H)X. Then there exists some c e H such that 1 = (p(b)(p(c) = (p(bc). Since Ker Q((D)HX/HX is a torsion group it follows that (bc)m G Hx for some m G N+ and hence b G Hx, a contradiction. Since <D(H) is primary and <p(b) £ Hx, we have <p(ac) = (p(bn) for some c e H and some n e N+. Therefore Q((p)(acb~n) — 1 and thus (acb~n)m G Hx for some nm mEN+ which implies that a | b . 3. Let a,be H with b g Hx be given. Then <D(b) ^ Dx and hence <p(a) | (^(b)n = (D(bn) for some n G N+ which implies that a \ bn. 4. Since the canonical homomorphism IT: H —> Hred is a surjective divisor homo- morphism, the assertion follows from 1. and 3. D 3. INTEGRAL CLOSURE AND COMPLETE INTEGRAL CLOSURE Let H be a monoid. The integral closure H C Q(H) and the complete integral closure H C Q(H) are defined by H = {x G Q(H) | xn G H for some n G N+} and H = {x € Q(H) | there exists some ce H such that cxn G H for all n G N+}. H is called integrally closed, if H = H and completely integrally closed (c.i.c), if H = H. Obviously HCH = H CH = H c Q(H) ; in general we have H ^ H. If H is primary then H is c.i.c. ([Gel; Theorem 4]). X Since Q(Hred) = Q(H)/H we obtain HrTd = H/Hx 680 and Hied = H/Hx. Hence H is integrally closed (resp.
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