BMB Rep. 2016; 49(1): 37-44 BMB www.bmbreports.org Reports Contiributed Mini Review Isoforms, structures, and functions of versatile spectraplakin MACF1 Lifang Hu1, Peihong Su1, Runzhi Li1, Chong Yin1, Yan Zhang1, Peng Shang1, Tuanmin Yang2 & Airong Qian1,* 1Key Laboratory for Space Bioscience and Biotechnology, Institute of Special Environmental Biophysics, School of Life Sciences, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710072, 2Honghui Hospital, Xi’an Jiaotong University College of Medicine, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710054, P. R. China Spectraplakins are crucially important communicators, linking ability of interacting with all three types of cytoskeletal fila- cytoskeletal components to each other and cellular junctions. ments, i.e., F-actin, MTs, and IFs (1). Microtubule actin crosslinking factor 1 (MACF1), also known Spectraplakins are exceptionally long and gigantic with mo- as actin crosslinking family 7 (ACF7), is a member of the spec- lecular weight of >500 kD. They are multi-domain cytoskele- traplakin family. It is expressed in numerous tissues and cells tal proteins and master orchestrators for coordinating cytoske- as one extensively studied spectraplakin. MACF1 has several letal elements by binding to F-actin, MTs, and IFs (1, 2). isoforms with unique structures and well-known function to be Spectraplakins are evolutionarily conserved. They belong to able to crosslink F-actin and microtubules. MACF1 is one ver- both spectrin and plakin superfamilies (3). “Spectraplakins” are satile spectraplakin with various functions in cell processes, named as combinations of “spectrin” and “plakin” because embryo development, tissue-specific functions, and human they share features of both spectrins and plakins (3, 4). So far, diseases. The importance of MACF1 has become more appa- mammalian spectraplakins have two members: microtubule rent in recent years. Here, we summarize the current knowl- actin crosslinking factor 1 (MACF1) and bullous pemphigoid edge on the presence and function of MACF1 and provide per- antigen 1 (BPAG1). The spectraplakin family also consists of spectives on future research of MACF1 based on our studies Shot/Kakapo (in Drosophila), Magellan (in zebrafish), and and others. [BMB Reports 2016; 49(1): 37-44] Vab-10 (in Caenorhabditis elegans). MACF1, also known as actin crosslinking family 7 (ACF7), MACF, macrophin, and trabeculin-, is a widely expressed INTRODUCTION critical spectraplakin (1). By crosslinking both MTs and F-actin and by controlling the cytoskeletal dynamics, MACF1 plays Cytoskeleton in most multicellular organisms is a highly or- key roles in the regulation of cell migration (5-8) and cell pro- ganized and interconnected network of filaments composing liferation and the maintenance of tissue integrity (9, 10). In ad- of microfilaments (F-actin), microtubules (MTs), and inter- dition, MACF1 mediates signal transduction pivotal for embryo mediate filaments (IFs). Cytoskeletal network acts as a cyto- development (11). More recently, a human disease caused by plasmic scaffold, defining the cell shape, cell mechanical prop- MACF1 mutation has been reported (12). erties, and functions of many other cellular events, including In this paper, basic molecular characteristics of MACF1 are cell polarization, migration, division, adhesion, intracellular introduced and current knowledge on MACF1 is reviewed by trafficking, and organelle locomotion. Thus, cytoskeleton is highlighting its versatile functions. In addition, perspectives on both static and adaptive, providing a dynamic cellular archi- future research of MACF1 are provided based on studies by us tecture that can remodel itself to respond to cellular changes. and others to provide researchers the current status of MACF1 The tight organization and dynamics of these filaments strong- research. ly depends on their associated proteins. It has been demon- strated that spectraplakins are cytoskeletal crosslinkers with MACF1: GENE, ISOFORM, AND TISSUE DISTRIBUTION Gene and isoforms of MACF1 *Corresponding author. Tel: +86-29-88491840; Fax: +86-29- ∼ 88491840; E-mail: [email protected] MACF1, a large protein with molecular weight of 600 kD, was first discovered by Byers et al. in the effort to screen for http://dx.doi.org/10.5483/BMBRep.2016.49.1.185 additional members of the actin crosslinker superfamily (13). They isolated a partial cDNA of MACF1 using degenerate pri- Received 8 September 2015, Revised 12 October 2015, mer-mediated PCR and named it ACF7. Subsequently, murine Accepted 27 October 2015 ACF7 was further characterized (14) and its full-length cDNA encoding a 608-kD protein was cloned (15). Due to the associ- Keywords: Function, Isoform, MACF1, Structure, Spectraplakin ISSN: 1976-670X (electronic edition) Copyright ⓒ 2016 by the The Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/li- censes/by-nc/4.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Versatile spectraplakin MACF1 Lifang Hu, et al. ation of murine ACF7 with both actin and MTs, ACF7 was re- diversity. Several MACF1 isoforms (Fig. 1) produced by alter- named MACF to represent microtubule actin cross-linking native splicing and different promoter usage have been factor. Meanwhile, human cDNA was cloned independently reported. Three murine ACF7/MACF1 isoforms with a com- by two groups and named macrophin and trabeculin-, re- mon 3’ sequence but a unique 5’ region were first identified spectively (16, 17). by Bernier et al. (14). Isoforms ACF7-1 and ACF7-2 contain MACF1/ACF7 is encoded by MACF1 gene located on hu- identical actin-binding domains (ABDs) but different 5’UTRs, man chromosome 1p32 or mouse chromosome 4 (13, 14, 18). while isoform ACF7-3 contains a unique 5’UTR and a longer Human MACF1 gene contains at least 102 exons and spans N-terminal sequence with just the second half of the ABD (14). over 270 kb. Genomic organization analysis of human MACF1 Subsequently, a fourth isoform MACF1-4 was cloned (18). gene has demonstrated that MACF1 and ACF7 are the same Different from the three MACF1 isoforms mentioned above, gene (18). MACF1 gene is a hybrid of genes encoding plakins MACF1-4 has no ABD at the N-terminus. Instead, it has plectin and spectrins/dystrophins (15, 18). MACF1 shares similar gene repeats (Fig. 1). Later, another alternatively spliced murine iso- sequences with plectin, a well-characterized plakin. It has the form of MACF1 encoding a gigantic protein of approximately same exon-intron boundaries for N-terminal actin-binding 800-kD was revealed (21). It was named MACF1b with the domain (ABD), one large exon encoding plectin repeats, and original isoform renamed as MACF1a. MACF1b harbors extra a similar serine/glycine-rich C-terminus containing GSR plakin repeats between the plakin domain and the spectrin re- repeats. In addition, the spectrin repeats in MACF1 are sim- peats of MACF1a (Fig. 1). With different N-terminal domains, ilar to those of dystrophin gene. This hybrid gene structure of the first three isoforms ACF7-1, ACF7-2, and ACF7-3 were re- MACF1 reveals that it is related to Drosophila gene shot and named as MACF1a1, MACF1a2, and MACF1a3, respectively Caenorhabditis elegans gene vab-10. Due to the hybrid struc- (21). While studying the role of MACF1 in the nervous system ture of these genes and their combined features of both spec- by adopting MACF1a conditional knockout (cKO) mice, a nov- trin and plakin family members, they were assigned to the el isoform MACF1c was found by Goryunov et al. (22). spectraplakin family (3). MACF1c is identical to MACF1a except that it has no N-termi- Like dystonin/BPAG1 (19, 20), MACF1 displays isoform nal ABD domain (Fig. 1). Fig. 1. Isoforms of MACF1 with a combination of different unique domain structure. There are seven main types of functional domains, including an actin binding domain (ABD) with CH1 and CH2 fragments, a plakin domain, a spectrin repeats rod domain with 23 -heli- cal spectrin repeats, two EF hand motifs, a GAR domain, plectin repeats domain, and plakin repeats domain (PRD). A, B, C represents different types. 38 BMB Reports http://bmbreports.org Versatile spectraplakin MACF1 Lifang Hu, et al. In addition, a putative MACF/MACF1 isoform MACF2 has out expression in the heart, skeletal muscle, or the liver (24). been reported by Sun et al. (23). Based on sequence homology MACF1b is expressed in all tissues and throughout the devel- analysis, a partial human cDNA clone (KIAA0728) encoding a opment of mouse embryo (21). polypeptide sharing 68% amino acid identities with human MACF1 is widely expressed in human tissues, including pi- MACF was found and called MACF2. However, they found tuitary, adrenal, thyroid, salivary gland, mammary glands, pan- differences in chromosomal locations and nucleotide sequences creas, heart, and skeletal muscle at different levels (13, 16, 17). between MACF and MACF2 transcripts based on unigene data- MACF1a2 is highly expressed in the brain, heart, lung pla- base, suggesting that human MACF and MACF2 represent two centa, liver, kidney, and pancreas (16), while the hybridization distinct protein products from two different genes (23). signals of MACF1-4 are visible in all tissues, with the strongest Consequently, MACF2 was demonstrated to be an isoform of signals in the heart, lung, pituitary gland, and placenta (18). BPAG1 and renamed as BPAG1-a (20). Therefore, up to date, a total of six isoforms of MACF1 (MACF1a1, MACF1a2, MACF1a3, UNIQUE DOMAIN STRUCTURE OF MACF1 MACF1-4, MACF1b, and MACF1c, Fig. 1) have been reported. Generally, the structure of MACF1 contains three main do- MACF1’s tissue distribution mains: an N-terminal domain containing an ABD and a plakin, As a cytoskeletal linker protein, MACF1 is ubiquitously ex- a rod domain composed of spectrin repeats, and a C-terminal pressed in different tissues with some isoforms having different domain consisting of EF-hand calcium-binding domain and a distributions (Table 1).
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