LIST OF APPENDIX I to XtfIII Page r 38 =27 SW*',1'"dLo:C'|f,- IX l sl. Appendix Description Page No. No. No. 1 I Composition of Society/Trust 27 2 II Information about members of Society / zB Trust who are members of other Societv / Trust 3 III Information about promoting Society / 29 Trust - other Educational Institution(s) 4 TV Information about promoting Society/Trust - other activities 5 V Information about Off-campus centre (s) 6 VI Information about Off-shore campus 3o centre(s) n VII Information about courses run under distance education mode & studv centre(s) B VIII Information about programme permitted to 31 be offered by Gazette Notification 9 IX Information about programmes now offered 32 10 X Approval of relevant statutory council(s) taken to start new course(s) 11 XI Information about courses which are not specified bv the UGC 33 L2 XII Information about complaints received under Grievance Redressal Mechanism 13 XIII Information about Teaching Staff 34 L4 XfV Information about Librarv 35 15 XV Information about the equipment 36 16 XVI Sports Infrastructure 37 17 XVII Information about composition of statutory bodies of Universitv rB XVIII Information about Non-teaching staff of 3B University LNCT UN IVERS ITY, B II O PAL UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI.11O OO2 Appendix - I Composition of the Society/Trust Name Address Occupation Designation in the Society I Trust Sh. J.N. Chouksev Educationist Chairman & and Social Managing 3r, Shyamla Worker Trustee Hills, Bharat Smt. Poonam Bhawan Road, Educationist Trustee Chouksey Bhopal and Social Worker Sh. Suresh Chouksev Educationist Trustee and Social Worker D-7ot, Pushpa Smt Pratibha Nagar, Bhopal Educationist Trustee Chouksev and Social Worker Sh Anupam 31, Shyamla Educationist Trustee Chouksev Hills, Bharat Bhawan Road. Bhopal 27 LNCT UN IVERS ITY. B H O PAL UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI.11O OO2 Appendix - II other Societv/Trust Name of the Address Name of Designation in Members Society / the Society / Trust Trust Sh. J.N. chouksey 31, Shyamla H.K. Secretary I Hills, Bharat Education Bhawan Road, Society Bhopal Jai Narain Advisor Shiksha Samiti Rishiraj Chairman Memorial Welfare& Education Society Lord Chairman Krishna Bank Adhikari Shiksha Samiti Smt. Poonam Chouksey 31, Shyamla 1. H.K. Chairperson Hills, Bharat Education Bhawan Road, Society Bhopal z. JaiNarain Chairperson Shiksha Samiti Sh Anupam Chouksey 31, Shyamla 1. H.K. Jt. Secretary Hills, Bharat Education Bhawan Road, Society Bhopal z. Rishiraj Secretary Memorial Welfare& Education Society 3. Lord Treasurer Krishna Bank Adhikari Shiksha Samiti 28 \-\ t.' n.t) LNCT UNIWRSIW. BIIOPAL .V.-O),.tY r::-,{rt :-.1:Yi1 t:\./;RSlTy .i' -- 'l; i .l 1 U NIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELH!.110 OO2 Appendix - III Information about promoting Societv/Trust - other Educational Institution Name of the University / Educational Activities Institution Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal Engineering Instt. BE/ME/M.Tech Lakshmi Narain College of Technology & Engineering Instt. Science, Bhopal BE/ME/M.Tech & Diploma in Engg Lakshmi Narain College of Pharmacy, Bhopal Pharmacy Instt. - B.Pharm, M.Pharm Lakshmi Narain College of Technology (MBA), Management Instt. - MBA Bhopal Lakshmi Narain College of Technology (MCA), Computer Tech. - MCA Bhopal Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Indore Engineering Instt. BE/ME/M.Tech & MBA Chouksey Engineering College, Bilaspur Engineering Instt. BE/ME/M.Tech., MBA & Diploma in Engg Chouksey School of Pharmacy, Bilsapur Pharmacy Instt. - B.Pharm, M.Pharm. D.Pharm & Ph.D. CLC Homoeopathy Medical College, Bilaspur Medical College - B.H.M.S. A lLr 29 r-ucT uNrvERsITY, BH OPAL UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI-110 OO2 Appendix - IV Information about promoting Societv/Trust - other activities Narne of the Organization Activities N$oft Ie Appendix - V Information about off-campus centre(s) S.No. Address of the Off-campus Courses Run centre TNT,',a.{F A\ to.t^tl}S,^ a\r \t rr 4rl}r#rJ.l.Lr\e ^TkTl,'o. Appendix - VI Information about offshore campus centre(s) Address of the Off shore camDus centre Appendix - VII Information about Courses run under distance education mode and study centre(s) Address of the No. of Students Study centre L f.j CT l.j i'i i1,;'E RS ITY =:-:,;trAL UNIVERSIry GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI-110 OO2 Appendix * VIII Notification of the State Governrnent Programme Sanctioned Actual Intake Enrolrnent UG . MBBS 150 150 - B.Sc.(N) 100 100 - P.B.B.Sc.(N) 3o 22 PG - MD/MS 17 11 - M.Sc.(N) 25 25 Diploma PG Diploma Certificate Courses M.Phil Ph.D. Any other (pl. specifv) LhJC-I'UI'JIVTRSiTY a:-:otr3.i_ 3L LNCT UNIVERS ITY. B H O PAL U NIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI-110 OO2 Appendix - IX fnformation about the programs now offered: Prograrnrne Sanctioned Actual Intake Enrolrnent UG - MBBS 150 150 - B.Sc.(N) 100 100 - P.B.B.Sc.(N) 3o t, PG - MD/MS 17 11 - M.Sc.(N) 25 25 Diploma PG Diploma Certificate Courses M.PhiI Ph.D. Any other (pl. snecifr) .{ (-\ f\\ ry-^rP \.-OlH'\ \ Y/ t V ia: ',:,),-;-t :<l'l?. L!'iC-f Ui\iIVFRSITY ,., -- ;::..i : - :.i_: 1 32 LNCT UN IVERS ITY. B II O PAL UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI.11O OO2 Appendix - X Approvals of relevant statutory council(s) have been taken to Start New Course(s): Name of the Course Statutorv Council Whether Alrproval Taken N$ DT Appendix - XI Information about the courses which are not specified by the UGC S.No. Course Date of starting Whether applied to UGC for specification $W6-{ rd\--t*J]$ r,. I{,']1 ,.'', *,Ni\1y':t au:lffiwL!Jl.rr,\e",' Appendix - XII Mechanisrn Name of the Compliant Date of Action taken complaint against complaint by the University F: L:'$h-:-F.:"-rt t-ld CT l.i t I l'/E !1 S :TY 33 LNCT UNIVE RS ITY. B H O PAL UNIVERSIry GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI.11O OO2 Appendix - XIII Dept Name Designat Age Education Teachin Date of Whet Regul Scal No. o t. of the ion al D Appointm her af or eof of Teach Qualificati Experie ent full Adho pay publi er ons nce in time c catio (whether years or ns qualified part as per time UGC norms) Attached List of Medical and Nursing Faculty ReferAnnx. T&8 c" l'{l]:l=ur} i r tr ' LNCT tlf ii1,/[F.SiT'{ 34 LNCT UN IVE RSITY, B II O PAL UNIVERSIry GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI.I1O OO2 Appendix - XIV Information about the Librarv Total Space (all Computer / Total No. of Ref. All Research kinds) Communication Book (Each Journals facilities Departrnent) subscribed on a regular basis Ground Floor - 44 Computers Anatomy - 383 PRINT COPY 66+s Sq.ft with Internet & Biochemistry - International Basement Online Journals 239 Journals r9o49 Sq.ft Services Physiology 35 Total 240 National 24694 Sq.ft. Microbiology - Journals - 2gB 113 Pharmacology - 339 ONLINE Pathology - g7z Forensic Med. - Medline with full Text available Surgery- 961 EBSCO host Medicine - 996 Pediatrics - 482 Radiology - 4o7 Dermatology - 292 Anesthesiolory - 259 Gynecology - 447 Ophthalmology - 48o Orthopedics 333 TB & Chest - L29 ENT - r7g Dental- 15 Psychiatry- 244 tr\ ../ Kax"-i- 35 nhE;.s-{-RAR LNCT UN IVERS ITY, B H OPAL LhicT ul{lvrRSl-l-Y i r'. :f -_! I-j ./: I -. UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI.I1O OO2 Appendix - XV fnformation about the equipment S. Itern Description Location Value Present Date of No. Department (in Rs.) Condition Purchase s?o fl .\ tut$,Ntt (E-UU(9JI(U,}S(E( . aN71!"0n l)Ko llQl 'Ft t"; ' *: ' ;,.'T l' i,;11-;' " 36 LNCT UNIVERSITY. BHOPAL UNIVERSIW GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI.11O OO2 Appendix - XVI Sports Infrastructure I. Facility Open Play Ground(s) for outdoor sports (a) (Atheletics, Football, Hockey, Cricket, etc.) YBS, 1,So,ooo Sq.ft (b) Track for Athletes NO (c) Basketball Courts YES (d) Squash / Tennis Courts YES (e) Swimming Pool (size) PROPOSED (0 Indoor Sports facilities including Gymnasium YES (g) Any other Table Tennis, Carrom, Badminton, Chess 37 LNCT UNTVERSITY, BHOPAL UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI.I1O OO2 Appendix - XVII Separately for Governing Board, Executive Council, Board of Management, Academic Council, Finance Committee, Board of Studies, others. s. Name Profession Full Postal Date of No. Address constitution Amnaemffixeme Iosed es ) NruE (Ato G} Appendix - XVIII Name Designation Age Qualification Scale Date of Trained of Appointment YES/NO pay lf Yes, gt re details @l ncE, Ds desd l-RtIRI'\{ a9 t@ 1E) n AV--'- '{*''-. Li-ICT UNiVERSITY 38 LNCT UNIVERSITY, BHOPAL UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI.I1O OO2 Appendix - XVll (A) lnformation about the Composition of the statutorv bodies of the universitv Governing Bodv S. Date of Name Profession Full PostalAddress No. Constitution 1 Shri Jainarayan Chancellor Address: 31 Shamla Hills Bharat Chouksey Bhawan Road Bhopal Pin Code : 462002 Mob. No. 9827 054601 Email id- 2. Dr. S C Tiwari Vice- Chancellor Address: C319 Chinar Woodland Chunna bhatti Kolar Road, Bhopal Constitution Mob. No.9425005097 of Email id-drsctiwariT@gmail, com Governing 3. Shri Dharmendra Managing Director Address: , C-56, Shahpura, Bhopal Body Gupta Mob. No.9827056161 Dated Email id-dgbhopal@yahoo. co. in On 4. Ku. Poojashree Address: 31 Shamla Hills Bharat 28t07t2015 Chouksey Bhawan Road Bhopal Pin Code :- 462002 Mob. No. 9425006381 Email id-poojashree@lnctgroup. i n 5. Dr B.K. Sharma Retired MD. LD.P.L. Address. C- 42 Takshila Aoartment lP Extension .Delhi Mob.
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