Pasre D BAPTIST MESSENGER August 10,1939 PROGRESSIVE CLASS CIRCLE MEETINGS, AUG. 14, 1939 B. T. U. OFFICERS FOR NEW YEAR Every' Progressive member enjoys Anna Bagby, at the jchurch, 10:30 Our B. T. U. attendance is running that enthusiastic smile that our Presi- a. m. ; ahead of last year, but not far enough dent, Mrs. Homer Jamison, has when ahead. In our business meeting last FIILS'T BAPTIST CHUFLCH EDITION the attendance reaches one hundred Aurora Koon, Mrs. R. M. Fletcher, week, enthusiasm was high to attend fifty-one, on a hot Sunday morning. All 2231 West 18, 12:15 p. m. Falls Creek and then increase our at- enjoyed the inspirational song service. Berta K. Spooner, Progressive room, tendance for August and September. , Several true-and-tried gospel songs at the church, 10:30 a. m. | In order that our work may move off were sung for the opening of the class. Bettie Lide, Mrs. M. E. Reynolds, 705 in .high in early fall, the General Direc- Mrs. Smoot led the opening prayer. Eubanks, 10:30 a. m. j tor is asking for a nominating com- In the announcement of the sick, we Blance Rose Walker, at thd church, mittee to select departmental directors. were indeed sorry to know that Mrs. 10:30 a. m. j The committee: Neal Boyd, Carl Fitch, Nathan Stewart and Mrs. McAlpine had Mrs. Hugo Mohr, Miss Lorene Agee[ Earl Hester, at the church, 10:30 H. Killingswbrth, Dr, W. R. White! been called out of the city, their moth- a. m. ers being ill. and G. A. Carlton. The first meeting Edith Humphrey, picnic, place to be of said committee will be held in the "Expect Great Things from God; Attempt Great Things for God Mrs. Pearl James was ill in Wesley announced. Hospital following an accident while on Pastor's Study, Sunday, August 13, at her vacation. We pray for a speedy re- Elizabeth R. Pool, Mrs. Wyatt Bar- 5:15. covery for all the sick and shutrins. bee, 1925 West 28, 10:30 a. m. First Baptist Church August 17, 1939 Oklahoma City Mrs. C. S. Speers led in a special prayer Elkin Lockett, to be announced. ORGANIZATION for those in sorrow and those who are Esther Olsen, Mrs. K. Gavett, 1525, Sunday school classes above the In- ill. Classen, 10*30 a. m. termediate Departments should appoint . We welcome Mrs. Speers back to the Golden Jubilee, Mrs. T. C. Ingram, nominating committees to make recom- class after five weeks' absence with a 2714 N. Robinson, 10:30 a. m. mendation for class officers, at once, Of course, the church elects the teach- This Cannot Continue badly sprained foot, caused by a fall. Jewel Reed, Mrs. John Gragg, 2019 Mrs. J. R. Cravens, a former member of West 17, 10:00 a. m. i ers and departmental superintendents, the class, now living in Shawnee, John Lake, Mrs. W. A, Hall, 3100 but these class officers are of great brought a special message in song, ac- West 20, 10:30 a. m. importance. Please do this at an early W. R. White companied by Mrs. Kingston. She sang Lucy Smith, to be announced. date. "I Want My Life To Count For Jesus." Park Anderson, choir room at the There have been more than 2,000 additions in a little over four ,-; *,.; ^ i* ? ;*>; Mrs. W, A. Holt, our devotional lead- church, 10:30 a. m. PEARL TODD BUSINESS er, always inspires our hearts with a Pearl Jones, at the church. WOMEN'S CIRCLE years. If we say there has been a net increase of approximately 1,000, splendid message. She took for her Rosalie Mills Appleby, Mrs. Sidney The Pearl Todd's Business Women's has the increase in Sunday school, Training Union, and other church Scripture the sixth chapter of Ephesians, Cook, 1601 East Park, 10:30 a. m. Circle will meet August 14 at the leaving with us Paul's message to be Victor Koon, at the church, 10:30 church/ Dinner at 6:15. Please make activities kept pace? Well, in Sunday school we would be averaging ambassadors for Christ. a. m. reservation by Sunday evening. around 2,500 if we were enlisting them. We run perhaps around 150 to We are indeed grateful to Mrs. W. R. White, who has so faithfully brought 200 strangers. Where are the others? our lessons the past few weeks. We feel very fortunate to have the service of Frequently on normal days, we have been overflowing our audi- Mrs. .White. She always fills our hearts torium for over two years during spring and fall. This last season it to over-flowing with her heart-search- Program for Sunday, August 16,1939 ing messages. was almost an every-Sunday occurrence. Very few seemed to care if , COME OUT NEXT SUNDAY AND Sunday School For AH Ages, 9:30 people were turned away and many more were kept away because they HEAR MRS, WHITE AND RECEIVE 1 Morning Worship, 11:00 A BLESSING. YOU ARE MISSING A heard that they could not get in after a certain time. In many sections GREAT TREAT WHEN YOU STAY Organ Prelude, "Onward Christian Soldiers" there is a decline in church attendance. In one big city they have 40 AWAY. Arranged by E. V. Mclntyre Hymn seats for every member. In our church we have four members for every THE VOTA VITA CLASS Invocation seat. If we had no visitors and all of our resident members wanted to The Vota Vita Class had ten present Announcements G. A. Carlton with several visitors, Sunday. The group 1 come to church, over 3,000 could not get into our auditorium. This just captains and vice president of this class Offertory, "A Memory! . Gillette are really, at work, and our attend- Duet, '"The Lord Is My Shepherd" . Henry Smart does not make sense. I realize that they will not all come at one time, ance is improving each Sunday. Mrs. Marie Quillen and Doris York but there is no provision for those that do come, and those who could ood brought a fine lesson on the Sermon ___| . Dr. W. R. White "Courage of Our Conviction," and Mrs. Invitation Hymn be induced to come. v - Glenn Cartwright had a most interest- Benediction ing devotional. The class will have its Postlude, "Postlude in C" - - —Costa This big bloc of unenlisted, untouched church members for whom regular monthly business meeting we have made no provision will some day become a dead weight arounc} Thursday evening, at eight o'clock, at | B. T. U. at 6:45 the home of Mrs. Mildred Bourassa. 1 Evening Worship at 8:00 our necks. What is happening to them? God only knows the tragedies We urge that each member be present. Organ Prelude j "Buona Notte" ^Nevin that are occurring in many of their hearts and homes. What are we do- Hymnsj : < EUNICE CLASS Prayer -.'• . ing about it? We have some plans to arouse them a n d reach them! ; us give thanks for the blessings as a class we have enjoyed. To Announcements } What will we do with them when they come? fotion some, Mrs. McDaniel led the Offertory, "PreWe in E" . Rdad Sible study during July in her sweet Quartet JL1 Selected Yes, we are doing two things and providing two things. We have and beautiful manner; the interest in Mrs. W. R. White, Mrs. Will Davis the radio and the Baptist Messenger. These constitute our regular pro- ''~^~~ »tr**-J V.V5"3*£J the class has kept at par through the I Homer Hurt, Will Davis summer days; and Mrs. Pearl Jones Sermon j ;__ „_ __Dr. W. R. White vision for them. This is good, but not enough. ^•:;^>-£ i Ui'tiH- from Good Will Center brought a very Invitation Hymn inspiring lesson last Sunday on the cour- Benediction First Baptist Church, several hundred churches would thank God age of our convictions. Postlude, "Allegro" Berg Hvto ~\ •&>%$$ We are sure next Sunday will be for the privilege of facing your problem. You cannot rest on the glories .equally fine, so let's all come and help Roy B. Parker, Director of the past. Your destiny as a great church hangs in the balance. In Rosanna Parker, Organist make it so. the meantime, we €an visit our members and pray with them. **a The Nominating Committee has been > i named and will have a report ready at the September business meeting. I say the problems above cannot continue. Same as our garments will cut down to the pattern, our crowds will level down to our faith. "According to thy faith so be it unto Thee." PageB BAPTIST MESSENGER August 17,1939 MEN HEAR MUSIC ward the sea; and the rugged Kickapoo ALFORD CLASS -: , ;' ;•.> i*,r -a iw The Orchestra is being ably directed Hills—silhouetted against the western Despite the heat and the absence of '^:i.tefife&£*t*8! sunset, seemed to symbolize the majesty so many of our class from the City by PetevLong, and a special number was was" given by the quartet of the and the unchangeable greatness of the the Alford Class enjoyed a good attend-' First Methodist Church", accompanied Great Scout Master. Every boy-heart ance and a splendid lesson brought by by the Orchestra, being from the Opera, beat faster as young, eager eyes drank our teacher, Mrs. Alford. Stressing the "Rigoletti," which was splendidly ren- in, with awe and wonder, this unforget- thougfit that we may be helpful to oth- dered and warmly received. Our fine table masterpiece.
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