Species Spectrum of Flea Beetles (Phyllotreta spp., Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) Attracted to Allyl Isothiocyanate-Baited Traps Miklo´ sTo´ tha,*, E´ va Csonkaa, Flo´ ria´n Bakcsab,Pa´l Benedekb, Istva´n Szaruka´nc, Stanislav Gombocd,g, Teodora Toshovae, Mitko Subcheve, and Istva´n Ujva´ryf a Plant Protection Institute, HAS, P. O. Box 102, H-1525, Budapest, Hungary. Fax: +361-3918655. E-mail: [email protected] b University of Western Hungary, Agricultural Faculty, Mosonmagyaro´ va´r, Hungary c Debrecen University, Centre for Agricultural Science, Debrecen, Hungary d University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Agronomy, Ljubljana, Slovenia e Institute of Zoology, BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria f Chemical Research Center, Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest, Hungary g Present address: Phytosanitary Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia * Author for correspondence and reprint requests Z. Naturforsch. 62c, 772Ð778 (2007); received March 20/April 26, 2007 In field tests in Hungary, Slovenia and Bulgaria, in allyl isothiocyanate-baited traps signifi- cantly more beetles of Phyllotreta cruciferae, Ph. vittula, Ph. undulata, Ph. nigripes, Ph. nodi- cornis, Ph. balcanica, Ph. atra, Ph. procera, Ph. ochripes, Ph. diademata and Psylliodes chryso- cephalus (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Halticinae) were captured than in unbaited control traps. With the exception of Ph. cruciferae, this is the first report on significant field attraction by allyl isothiocyanate for these species. The species spectrum captured included six impor- tant agricultural pests. At all sites a great portion of the catch (ranging from ca 30 to 98%) was Ph. cruciferae, irrespective of the plant culture. The second most abundant species present at most sites was Ph. vittula. The present results are very promising from the point of view of applicability of allyl isothiocyanate in Europe as a bait in cabbage flea beetle traps for detection and monitoring. Key words: Phyllotreta, Allyl Isothiocyanate, Trapping Introduction Vincent and Stewart, 1984; Pivnick et al., 1992; Smart and Blight, 2000). The objective of the There are more than 250 flea beetle species (Co- present study was to investigate the range of Phyl- leoptera, Chrysomelidae, Halticinae) present in lotreta species responding to allyl isothiocyanate in Hungary, Bulgaria and Slovenia (Kaszab, 1962; Hungary, Slovenia and Bulgaria, so that the appli- Gruev and Tomov, 1986; Brelih et al., 2003). The cability of this attractant for plant protection pur- economically most important flea beetle species poses can be evaluated. This volatile compound belong to the genus Phyllotreta, and feed on sev- has been described as one of the most potent at- eral cruciferous cultures in Europe and also on tractants for certain flea beetles in other regions other continents (Jourdheuil, 1966; Sa´ringer, of the world (Görnitz, 1956; Feeny et al., 1970; 1998). Thus, attractant-baited traps would be very Vincent and Stewart, 1984; Pivnick et al., 1992). useful both in the detection of the occurrence of overwintering adults in early spring, or in monitor- Materials and Methods ing their flight pattern and in giving estimates of the size of the local populations to aid the control Traps of the beetles. CSALOMON“ VARL+ funnel traps (Plant It has long been known that plant-derived iso- Protection Institute, HAS, Budapest, Hungary) thiocyanates, as secondary metabolites arising were used in most tests. These were originally de- from the decomposition of non-volatile glucosino- veloped for catching larger moths (To´ th et al., lates, attract some species of flea beetles (Görnitz, 2000; Subchev et al., 2004), but proved to be appli- 1956; Feeny et al., 1970; Burgess and Wiens, 1980; cable also for capturing flea beetles (To´ th et al., 0939Ð5075/2007/0900Ð0772 $ 06.00 ” 2007 Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, Tübingen · http://www.znaturforsch.com · D M. To´ th et al. · Flea Beetle spp. Spectrum Attracted by Allyl Isothiocyanate 773 2004). In some preliminary tests sticky delta CSA- SuperANOVA“ v1.11 (Abacus Concepts, Inc., LOMON“ RAG traps were used (Szöcs, 1993; Berkeley, CA, USA). To´ th and Szöcs, 1993), while in most tests in 2004Ð “ 2006 CSALOMON KLP+ “hat” traps (Plant Results and Discussion Protection Institute, HAS) were used (To´ th et al., 2006). All types of traps were placed at soil level. Ph. cruciferae Goeze A small piece (1 cm ¥ 1 cm) of household anti- At most experimental sites our traps baited with moth strip (Chemotox“, Sara Lee, Temana Intl. allyl isothiocyanate caught large numbers of Ph. Ltd, Slouth, UK; active ingredient 15% dichlor- cruciferae. Catches in baited traps were always sig- vos) was placed each catch container of the nificantly higher than in unbaited ones. Since our VARL+ and KLP+ traps as a killing agent for cap- results clearly confirmed earlier reports on the ac- tured insects. tivity of this compound for this species (Görnitz, 1956; Feeny et al., 1970; Burgess and Wiens, 1980; Baits Vincent and Stewart, 1984; Pivnick et al., 1992), no detailed catch figures are given in this paper. Ph. Allyl isothiocyanate was purchased from Sigma- Ͼ cruciferae is one of the most important pest flea Aldrich Kft. (Budapest, Hungary) and was 95% beetles in Hungary, Bulgaria and Slovenia (Ka- pure as stated by the supplier. For making up the szab, 1962). It causes damage on several cultured baits 100 mg amounts were administered onto a “ cruciferous plants such as cabbage, rape varieties, 1 cm piece of dental roll (Celluron , Paul Hart- white mustard, kohlrabi, kale, cauliflower and mann, Heidenheim, Germany), which was placed broccoli (Sa´ringer, 1990; Vig, 1992; Bala´zs et al., into a tight polyethylene bag (ca. 1.0 cm ¥ 1.5 cm) 1998; Spila´k et al., 1998; Vörös and Garamvölgyi, made of 0.02 mm thick polyethylene foil (PE bag). 1998). In Bulgaria, the species was also found on The dispensers were heat-sealed and attached to Reseda spp. and the ornamental plant Alyssum 8cm¥ 1 cm plastic handles for easy manipulation (Gruev and Tomov, 1986). The species is also able when assembling the traps. In later experiments to propagate several plant pathogens (Markham 100 mg of allyl isothiocyanate were administered and Smith, 1949; Dillard et al., 1998; Stobbs et al., into 0.7 ml polyethylene vials with lid (No. 730, 1998). Kartell Co., Milano, Italy) (PE vials). These vials were used with closed lids (so that allyl isothiocya- nate penetrated through the walls only) in the field Ph. vittula Redtb. tests. Baits were wrapped singly in pieces of alumi- In our experiments the second most frequently num foil and stored at Ð65 ∞C until use. In the captured species was Ph. vittula. Traps with allyl field, old baits were replaced with new ones at 2Ð isothiocyanate caught significantly more than un- 3 weeks intervals. baited ones at many of the test sites, suggesting strong attraction by this compound (Fig. 1). We Field tests are not aware of any previous reports in the litera- ture on the attraction of allyl isothiocyanate for The tests were conducted at several sites in this species. Ph. vittula, unlike other pest cabbage Hungary (26 experiments), Slovenia (2 experi- flea beetles, causes damage not only on Crucife- ments) and Bulgaria (1 experiment). The traps rae, but also on monocotyledonous plants such as were arranged as blocks so that each block con- maize, barley, winter wheat and millet (Nagy and tained one trap baited with allyl isothiocyanate Deseö, 1969; Vig, 1996, 1998; Szeöke, 1997). It is and one unbaited control trap. Traps within blocks a well-known vector of brome mosaic virus (Ry- were separated by 8Ð10 m, and blocks were sited den, 1989). at least 20Ð30 m apart. Technical details of single experiments are available from the authors ar- Ph. undulata Kutsch. chives on request. Capture data were transformed to (x + 0.5)1/2 This species was caught in sizeable numbers at and analyzed by Student t test or one-sample t test three sites, traps with allyl isothiocyanate in all (in case unbaited traps captured zero), as appro- cases catching significantly more than unbaited priate. All statistical procedures were conducted traps (Fig. 2A). There were some previous reports using the software packages StatView“ v4.01 and on traps baited with allyl isothiocyanate catching 774 M. To´ th et al. · Flea Beetle spp. Spectrum Attracted by Allyl Isothiocyanate a known vector of turnip yellow mosaic virus (Markham and Smith, 1949). Ph. nigripes Fabr. The species was caught in significantly higher numbers in baited than in unbaited traps at two sites (Fig. 2B). There are no previous reports on the attraction of this species by allyl isothiocya- nate. Ph. nigripes is a frequent, serious pest of cab- bage in Western Europe (Kaszab, 1962; Sa´ringer, 1990). Ph. nodicornis Marsh., Ph. balcanica Heikert., Ph. atra Fabr. These species were caught in sizeable numbers at one site each, by allyl isothiocyanate-baited traps capturing significantly more than unbaited ones (Figs. 2CÐE). We found no earlier reference on the attraction of these spp. to allyl isothiocya- nate in the literature. From these species Ph. atra is a very serious pest of cruciferous crops in Europe (Kaszab, 1962; Sa´ringer, 1990; Vig, 1992; Bala´zs et al., 1998; Spila´k et al., 1998; Vörös and Garamvölgyi, 1998). The host plant of Ph. balca- nica, which is a rare species in the region, is re- ported as Sinapis, Rorippa and Diplotaxis (Gruev and Tomov, 1986). Ph. nodicornis feeds on plants belonging to the genus Rezeda (Kaszab, 1962). Ph. procera Redtb., Ph. ochripes Curt., Ph. diademata Foudb. On the respective single test sites per species, significantly more beetles were recorded in baited Fig. 1. Catches of Phyllotreta vittula in traps baited with vs. unbaited traps (which caught zero), indicating allyl isothiocyanate and in unbaited traps. P values de- rive from Student t test (unpaired or one sample, as ap- possible attraction by allyl isothiocyanate; how- propriate).
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