49 Trichopterological literature Springer, Monika 2006 Clave taxonomica para larvas de las familias del orden Trichoptera This list is informative which means- that it will include any papers (Insecta) de Costa Rica. - Revista de Biologia Tropical 54 from which fellow workers can get information on caddisflies, (Suppl.1):273-286. including dissertations, short notes, newspaper articles ect. It is not limited to formal publications, peer-reviewed papers or publications Szcz§sny, B. 2006 with high impact factor etc. However, a condition is that a minimum The types of caddis fly (Insecta: Trichoptera). - Scientific collections of one specific name of a caddisfly must be given (with the of the State Natural History Museum, Issue 2: R.J.Godunko, exception of fundamental papers e.g. on fossils). The list does not V.K.Voichyshyn, O.S.KIymyshyn (eds.): Name-bearing types and include publications from the internet. - To make the list as complete type series (1). - HaqioanbHa axafleMia Hay« YKpamM. as possible, it is essential that authors send me reprints or ), pp.98-104. xerocopies of their papers, and, if possible, also papers by other authors which they learn of and when I do not know of them. If only Torralba Burrial, Antonio 2006 references of such publications are available, please send these to Contenido estomacal de Lepomis gibbosus (L.1758) (Perciformes: me with the complete citation. - The list is in the interest of the Centrarchidae), incluyendo la primera cita de Ecnomus tenellus caddis workers' community. (Rambur, 1842) (Trichoptera: Ecnomidae) para Aragon (NE Espana). - Boletin de la SEA 39:411-412. 1999 Tsuruishi.Tatsu; Ketavan, Chitapa; Suwan, Kayan; Sirikajornjaru, rionoB.AneKCM 1999 Warunee 2006 Kpacwviup KyiwaHCKM Ha 60 TOAMHU. - Historia naturalis bulgarica Importance of water flow on larval growth and pupation of 10:6.12. Himalopsyche acharai (Malicky and Chantaramongkol, 1989) (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae). - Hydrobiologia 563:537-540. 2001 Tsumishi, Tatsu 2006 Czachorowski, Stanislaw 2001 Life cycle of Himalopsyche japonica (Morton) (Trichoptera: Trichoptera - chrusciki, in: Gutowski, J.M. & Jaroszewicz, B. (eds.): Rhyacophilidae) in two high mountain streams in Nagano, central Katalog fauny Puszczy Bialowieskiej, pp. 247-248. Instytut Japan. - Hydrobiologia 563:493-499. Badawczy Lesnictwa, Warszawa. Yang, Lianfang; Wang, Beixin; Liao, Qirong 2006 Yang, Lianfang; Sun, Changhai; Yang, Weifang 2001 Brachycentridae, Calamoceratidae, Hydropsychidae, Goeridae, Trichoptera. ln:Hong, W.U. (ed.): Insects of Tianmu Mountain Lepidostomatidae, Leptoceridae, Molannidae and Stenopsychidae, Nature Reserve: 506-519. pp. 195-198 in: Jin, Daochao; Li, Zizhong (eds): Insects from Chishui spinulose tree fern landscape. Chishui suoluo jingguan 2005 kunchong, Guizhou Science and Technology Publishing House. Csabai, Zoltän; Mora, Arnold; Boda, Pal; Cser, Balazs; Malnas, 2007 Kristof 2005 Contribution to the aquatic insect fauna of the northern part of the Buczynska, Edyta; Buczynski, Pawel; Lechowski, Lech; Stryjecki, Bakony Mountains (Ephermeroptera, Coleoptera, Heteroptera and Robert 2007 Trichoptera). - Folia Mus. Nist.-Nat. Bakonyiensis 22:69-100. Fish pond complexes as refugia of aquatic invertebrates (Odonata, Coleoptera, Heteroptera, Trichoptera, Hydrachnidia): a case study 2006 of the pond complex in Zalesie Kanskie (Central-East Poland). - Nature Conservation 64:39-55. Bälint, Miklös; Särkäny-Kiss, Andrei; Braun, Mihäly 2006 Changes in caddis larvae community composition: effect of Cannings, Robert A.; Roberts, Gina 2007 unknown contaminants. - Pp. 73-80, in: Donelly, K.C. & Cizmas, The Helicopsychidae, a caddisfly family new to British Columbia L.H. (eds): Environmental health in Central and Eastern Europe. (Insecta: Trichoptera). - J. Entomol. Soc. British Columbia 104:89- Springer, Dordrecht. 90. Bertuetti, Elisabetta; Ludovici, Omar; Valle, Maro 2006 Crisci-Bispo.Vera L.; Bispo.Pitagoras C; Froehlich,Claudio G. 2007 I tricotteri (Insecta Trichoptera) dell provincia di Bergamo Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera assemblages in litter in (Lombardia Italia). - Riv. Museo Civico di Sei. Nat „Enrico Caffi" a mountain stream of the Atlantic rainforest from southeastern 24:99-123. Brazil. - Rev. Brasil. Zool. 24:545-551. Czachorowski, Stanislaw; Veith, Matgorzata 2006 Czachorowski, S.; Moroz, M.D. 2007 Chrusciki (Trichoptera) srodkowego odcinka rzeki Lupawi. - (Caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the protected territories of Byelorussia). Röznorodnosc Biologiczna (Slupsk - Ustka):69-73. [Caddisflies of - Entomolog. Obosrenije 86:546-556. [Russian] the middle course of the Lupawa River] Czachorowski, Stanislaw; Pietrzak, Lech; Zawal, Andrzej 2007 Jurolajc, Karolina; Kosztowny, Magdalena 2006 ChruSciki (Trichoptera) rezerwatu "Jezioro Szarc" i jego otuliny. - Bioindykacja zmian w krajobrazie kulturowym - Chrusciki drobnych Parki nar. Rez. Przyr. 26:105-114. [Caddisflies of the "Szare Lake" zbiornikow urbicenoz i agrocenoz. - Röznorodnosc Biologiczna Nature Reserve and ist buffer zone] (Slupsk - Ustka):74-77. Doi, Hideyuki; Takemon, Yasuhiro; Ohta; Taichi; Ishida, Yuko; Marchant, R.; Ryan, D. 2006 Kikuchi, Eisuke 2007 Distribution maps for aquatic insects from Victorian rivers and Effects of reach-scale canopy cover on trophic pathways of streams: Ephermeropteran and Plecopteran nymphs and caddisfly larvae in a Japanese mountain stream. - Marine and Trichopteran larvae. - Museum Victoria Science Report 8:171 pp. Freshwater Research 58:811-817. 50 Gibson, Chris 2007 Wilcock, Helen R.; Bruford, Michael W.; Nichols, Richard A.; What decline of the caddisfly? - Atropos 32:39. Hildrew, Alan G. 2007 Landscape, habitat characteristics, and the genetic population Huenken, Andreas; Mutz, Michel 2007 structure of two caddisflies. - Freshwater Biology 52:1907-1929. On the ecology of the filter-feeding Neureclipsis bimaculata (Trichoptera, Polycentropodidae) in an acid and iron rich post- Winterbourn, Michael J. 2007 mining stream. - Hydrobiologia 592:135-150. Stable isotope analysis identifies morphologically indistinguishable caddisflies. - New Zealand J. Marine Freshw. Research 41:401- Hylis.Miroslav; Obomik.Miroslav; Nebesarova.Jana; Vavra.Jiri 2007 404. Aquatic tetrasporoblastic microsporidia from caddis flies (Insecta, Trichoptera): characterisation, phylogeny and taxonomic Yuan, Hong-Yin; Sun, Chang-Hai; Yang, Lian-Fang 2007 reevaluation of the genera Episeptum Larsson, 1986, Pyrotheca Descriptions of two new species of Psilotreta (Trichoptera, Hesse, 1935 and Cougourdella Hesse, 1935. - European Journal of Odontoceridae) from China. - Ada Zootaxonomica Sinica 32:947- Protistology 43:205-224. 951. Katano, Izumi; Doi, Hideyuki; Houki, Akiko; Isobe, Yu; Oishi, Zhou, Xin; Kjer, Karl M.; Morse, John C. 2007 Tadashi 2007 Associating larvae and adults of Chinese Hydropsychidae Changes in periphyton abundance and community structure with the caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) using DNA sequences. - J. NABS dispersal of a caddisfly grazer, Micrasema quadriloba. - Limnology 26:719-742. 8:219-226. 2008 McNeely, Camille; Power, Mary E. 2007 Spatial variation in caddisfly grazing regimes within a northern Balint.M.; Barnard.P.C; Schmitt.T.; Ujvarosi.L; Popescu.O. 2008 California watershed. - Ecology (Washington) 88:2609-2619. Differentiation and speciation in mountain streams: a case study in the caddisfly Rhyacophila aquitanica (Trichoptera). - Miserendino, Maria Laura; Brand, Cecilia 2007 J.Zool.Syst.Evol.Res. 46:340-345. Trichoptera assemblages and environmental features in a large arid Patagonian river. - Fundamental and Applied Limnology 169:307- Bälint, Miklös 2008 318. 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[Bulgarian] (south-eastern Poland). - Annales Univ. Mariae Curie - Sklodowska Lublin, Sec. C 63:13-22. Sun, Chang-hai 2007 Two new species of Philopotamidae (Insecta: Trichoptera) from Cartwright, David I. 2008 China. - Nanjing Nongye Daxue Xuebao 30:71-73. A review of the Australian species of Ecnomina Kimmins and Daternomina Neboiss (Trich: Ecnomidae). - Zootaxa 1774:1-76. Tajmrova, Lenka; Helesic, Jan 2007 Circadian changes in feeding activity and diet of Hydropsyche Chvojka, Pavel 2008 saxonica (Trichoptera). - Int. Rev. Hydrobiology 92:539-544. Trichoptera of the Jizerske hory Mts and Frydlant region (northern Bohemia, Czech Republic). - Sbornik Severoceskeho Muzea, Thiele, Volker; Berlin, Angela 2007 Pfirodni Vedy (Liberec) 26:49-77. [Czech] Lepidopteren- und Trichopterenbiozönosen in einem Moorkomplex bei Karhujärvi (Nordostfinnland). - Telma 37:117-132. Coppa.Gennaro; Jolivet, Samuel 2008 Redecouverte de Tricholeiochiton fagesii
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