VocabularyVocabulary InstructionInstruction Foundations 1 ObjectivesObjectives ¾¾ ToTo understandunderstand thethe importanceimportance ofof vocabularyvocabulary inin termsterms ofof readingreading achievementachievement andand schoolschool successsuccess ¾¾ ToTo understandunderstand thethe vocabularyvocabulary gapgap andand exploreexplore waysways thatthat teachersteachers cancan helphelp closeclose thatthat gapgap ¾¾ ToTo reviewreview researchresearch--basedbased activitiesactivities thatthat makemake aa difference!difference! 2 TheThe ResearchResearch ¾¾ Dr.Dr. JoeJoe TorgesenTorgesen www.fcrr.comwww.fcrr.com ¾¾ Dr.Dr. IsabelIsabel BeckBeck BringingBringing WordsWords toto LifeLife ElementsElements ofof VocabularyVocabulary ¾¾ Dr.Dr. RobertRobert MarzanoMarzano BuildingBuilding BackgroundBackground KnowledgeKnowledge AcademicAcademic VocabularyVocabulary 3 fcrr.orgfcrr.org --Materials:Materials: KK--11 AA ProfessionalProfessional DevelopmentDevelopment DVDDVD andand 33 Books:Books: 1.1. PhonologicalPhonological AwarenessAwareness andand PhonicsPhonics StudentStudent CenterCenter ActivitiesActivities 2.2. Fluency,Fluency, Vocabulary,Vocabulary, andand ComprehensionComprehension StudentStudent CenterCenter ActivitiesActivities 3.3. TeacherTeacher ResourceResource GuideGuide toto accompanyaccompany thethe professionalprofessional developmentdevelopment DVDDVD 4 StartingStarting OutOut…… NAEP National Assessment of Educational Progress (1998) 30% of the 60% 5% Can read at start of school 20-35% Find learning to read 60% fairly easy Find learning to read challenging Experience extreme difficulties Source: 5 What’s Vocabulary? 6 VocabularyVocabulary KnowledgeKnowledge Learning, as a language based activity, is fundamentally and profoundly dependent on vocabulary knowledge. Learners must have access to the meanings of words that teachers, or their surrogates (e.g., other adults, books, films, etc.), use to guide them into contemplating known concepts in novel ways (i.e., to learn something new). Baker, Simmons, & Kame'enui, 1998 7 TheThe ImportanceImportance ofof VocabularyVocabulary TheThe importanceimportance ofof vocabularyvocabulary knowledgeknowledge toto schoolschool successsuccess,, inin general,general, andand readingreading comprehension,comprehension, inin particular,particular, isis widelywidely documented.documented. Becker, 1977; Anderson & Nagy, 1991 ¾¾ VocabularyVocabulary GapGap 9 Reading and the Brain Broca’s area Inferior frontal gyrus Parieto-temporal (articulation/word (word analysis) analysis) anterior posterior Occipito-temporal (word form) 10 ClosingClosing thethe AchievementAchievement GapGap ItIt isis nownow wellwell acceptedaccepted thatthat thethe chiefchief causecause ofof thethe achievementachievement gapgap betweenbetween socioeconomicsocioeconomic groupsgroups isis aa languagelanguage gapgap.. --E.D.E.D. HirschHirsch 20032003 11 UnderstandingUnderstanding thethe LanguageLanguage GapGap ¾ HighHigh knowledgeknowledge 3rd3rd gradersgraders havehave vocabulariesvocabularies equalequal toto lowlow performingperforming 12th12th graders.graders. ¾ TopTop highhigh schoolschool seniorsseniors knowknow 44 timestimes thethe wordswords ofof lowerlower performingperforming classmates.classmates. ¾ 1st1st gradegrade studentsstudents fromfrom highhigh SESSES groupsgroups knowknow aboutabout twicetwice asas manymany wordswords asas lowerlower SESSES students.students. ¾ StudentsStudents needneed toto learnlearn anan estimatedestimated 40004000--50005000 newnew wordswords eacheach year.year. ¾ VocabularyVocabulary atat thethe endend ofof 1st1st gradegrade isis aa surprisingsurprising indicatorindicator ofof highhigh schoolschool readingreading achievement.achievement. 12 StagesStages ofof ReadingReading DevelopmentDevelopment PREALPHABETIC Pre-k or PRELITERATE STOP PARTIAL or EARLY cat fog Late k to ALPHABETIC pet bin early grade 1 FULL or LATE street rake Late grade 1 to ALPHABETIC sang turn early grade 2 CONSOLIDATED un-re-li-a-ble Late grade 2 ALPHABETIC or ORTHOGRAPHIC un-reli-able Grade 3+ 13 Source: WRFFTAC 2005 Ehri 1995, Moats 2000 MeaningfulMeaningful DifferencesDifferences Actual Differences in Quantities of Words Heard In a typical hour, the average child would hear: Welfare: 616 words Working Class: 1,251 words Professional: 2,153 words Actual Differences in Quality of Words Heard Welfare: 5 affirmations, 11 prohibitions Working Class: 12 affirmations, 7 prohibitions Professional: 32 affirmations, 5 prohibitions Hart & Risley 1995, 2002 14 MeaningfulMeaningful DifferencesDifferences Words Words Words heard in heard in heard 4 years a 100-hour a 5,200 per hour week hour year Welfare 616 62,000 3 million 13 million Working 1,251 125,000 6 million 26 million Class Professional 2,153 215,000 11 million 45 million Hart & Risley 1995, 2002 15 Variation in the Amount of Independent Reading Percentile Minutes Per Day Words Read Per Year Rank Books Text Books Text 98 65.0 67.3 4,358,000 4,733,000 90 21.2 33.4 1,823,000 2,357,000 80 14.2 24.6 1,146,000 1,697,000 70 9.6 16.9 622,000 1,168,000 60 6.5 13.1 432,000 722,000 50 4.6 9.2 282,000 601,000 40 3.2 6.2 200,000 421,000 30 1.8 4.3 106,000 251,000 20 0.7 2.4 21,000 134,000 10 0.1 1.0 8,000 51,000 2 0 0 0 8,000 16 R.C. Anderson, 1992 ImportanceImportance ofof IndependentIndependent ReadingReading ResearchResearch hashas shownshown thatthat childrenchildren whowho readread eveneven tenten minutesminutes aa dayday outsideoutside ofof schoolschool experienceexperience substantiallysubstantially higherhigher ratesrates ofof vocabularyvocabulary growthgrowth betweenbetween secondsecond andand fifthfifth gradegrade thanthan childrenchildren whowho dodo littlelittle oror nono reading.reading. 17 Anderson & Nagy, 1992 PartnerPartner activity:activity: TheThe GAPGAP keepskeeps gettinggetting bigger!!bigger!! ¾¾ DiscussDiscuss howhow thisthis informationinformation maymay influenceinfluence youryour instructionalinstructional decisions.decisions. 18 HowHow ManyMany WordsWords DoDo PeoplePeople Know?Know? ¾ThereThere areare roughlyroughly 88,70088,700 wordword familiesfamilies usedused inin booksbooks upup toto 1212th grade.grade. ¾AboutAbout halfhalf thethe wordswords wewe readread areare thethe 107107 wordswords ofof highesthighest frequency.frequency. AnotherAnother 5,0005,000 wordswords accountaccount forfor thethe nextnext 45%,45%, soso thatthat 95%95% ofof thethe texttext wewe readread consistsconsists ofof aboutabout 5,1005,100 differentdifferent wordswords (Adams,(Adams, 1990).1990). Steven Stahl, 1999 19 ¾ 300300--500500 wordswords perper yearyear cancan reasonablyreasonably bebe taughttaught throughthrough directdirect instructioninstruction ((88--1010 wordswords perper week,week, 5050 weeksweeks perper year).year). ¾ MostMost ofof thesethese newnew wordswords learnedlearned mustmust comecome fromfrom contextcontext (Sternberg,(Sternberg, 1987).1987). ¾ ELLELL studentsstudents relyrely moremore heavilyheavily onon directdirect instruction.instruction. 20 ¾¾VocabularyVocabulary InstructionInstruction 21 EffectiveEffective InstructionInstruction ¾¾KeyKey ingredientsingredients ofof successfulsuccessful vocabularyvocabulary developmentdevelopment involvesinvolves thethe teachingteaching ofof specificspecific wordswords ANDAND providingproviding directdirect instructioninstruction inin wordword learninglearning strategies.strategies. 22 TheThe FourFour PeasPeas ofof VocabularyVocabulary ProvideProvide opportunitiesopportunities forfor readingreading widewide andand readingreading volumevolume withwith accountability.accountability. PrePre--viewview thethe texttext toto determinedetermine whichwhich wordswords toto teach.teach. PrePre--teachteach meaningfulmeaningful wordswords andand phrasesphrases.. ProvideProvide directdirect instructioninstruction andand multiplemultiple exposuresexposures ofof thethe vocabularyvocabulary inin reading,reading, writing,writing, listeninglistening andand speaking.speaking. 23 VocabularyVocabulary instructioninstruction isis NOTNOT justjust…… ¾¾ TeachingTeaching DolchDolch wordswords ¾¾ TeachingTeaching decodingdecoding ¾¾ GuessingGuessing thethe meaningmeaning ofof aa wordword inin aa sentencesentence 24 VocabularyVocabulary InstructionInstruction-- WordsWords areare learnedlearned directlydirectly…… ¾¾ ExplicitExplicit instructioninstruction z ConstructingConstructing definitionsdefinitions z AnalyzingAnalyzing wordword structurestructure z ExploringExploring wordword relationshipsrelationships ¾¾ MultipleMultiple exposuresexposures andand examplesexamples ¾¾ HighHigh readingreading volumevolume andand languagelanguage volumevolume ¾¾ SchoolSchool LanguageLanguage -- AdultAdult TalkTalk 25 WordsWords areare learnedlearned IndirectlyIndirectly ¾¾ ListeningListening toto storiesstories ¾¾ TeacherTeacher languagelanguage ¾¾ IndependentIndependent readingreading ¾¾ ListeningListening toto adultadult talktalk 26 Words are learned indirectly… ¾¾ RarityRarity andand varietyvariety ofof wordswords foundfound inin childrenchildren’’ss booksbooks isis greatergreater thanthan thatthat foundfound inin adultadult conversation!conversation! ¾¾ MoreMore wordswords areare learnedlearned throughthrough readingreading thenthen fromfrom spokenspoken language.language. ¾¾ SoSo read,read, read,read, read!!!!!read!!!!! 27 ¾¾ VocabularyVocabulary growthgrowth positivelypositively affectsaffects comprehensioncomprehension 28 VocabularyVocabulary affectsaffects comprehensioncomprehension ¾¾ VocabularyVocabulary knowledgeknowledge isis directlydirectly
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