IT-TLETTAX-IL LEĠIŻLATURA P.L. 1090 Dokument imqiegħed fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra tad-Deputati fis-Seduta Numru 74 tal-25 ta’ Jannar 2018 mill-Ispeaker, l-Onor. Anġlu Farrugia. ___________________________ Raymond Scicluna Skrivan tal-Kamra 24th Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth (CSPOC) 8-13 January 2018 Seychelles Hon Anglu Farrugia, Speaker RAPPORT LILL-ISPEAKER DWAR PARTECIPAZZJONI F'KONFERENZA/LAQGMA/ZJARA TA' NATURA PARLAMENTARI BARRA MINN MALT A 1. TITLU TAL-KONFERENZA/LAQGMA: 24TH CONFERENCE OF SPEAKERS AND PRESIDING OFFICERS OF THE COMMONWEALTH 2. DATA: 8-13 TA' JANNAR 2018 3. ISEM IL-MEMBRU /I LI PPARTECIPAW: Speaker Anglu Farrugia 4. SUGGETT /1 FUQ L-AGENDA: KOPJA TAL-PROGRAMM ANNESS MA' DAN IR-RAPPORT (ANNESS I) 5. KONKLUZJONIJIET TAL-LAQGMA, JEKK IKUN IL-KAZ: Fil-bidu tal-konferenza, uhud mill-partedpanti li huma membri fil-lnunitat permanenti iltaqghu ghall­ i. laqgha annwali taghhom. Malta hi patti minn dan il-kutnitat bhala raprezentanti tal-gzejjer Brittanid u r-Regjun tal-Mediterran. F'din il-laqgha giet diskussa !-agenda proposta ghall-konferenza, u gew diskussi 1-possibilitajiet ta' fejn jistghu jigu organizzati 1-laqghat u 1-konferenzi li jmiss. r· Il-konferenza kienet forma ta' diskussjonijiet imqassma fsezzjonijiet u workshops, fejn gew maghzula 1-kelliema, li kienu Speakers minn pajjizi varji tal-Commonwealth biex jaghmlu 1-Indirizz Ewlieni. Speakers ohra gew maghzula sabiex jaghmlu indirizzi iqsar ftl-workshops li segwew. Is-sezzjonijiet kienu mqassma kif gej: " 1. The role rif the Speaker in strengthening Parliamentary diplomacy in both regional and international moperation 2. Use rif technolof!Y to support lVIembers and House Business 3. Strengthening Parliamentary mearch for the effidive functioning rifLegislatures 4. Emerging S eturity Issuesfor Par!iamentatiam L-ahhar sessjoni Plcnarja kienet dwar kif 1-Ispeakers jistghu jsahhu 1-itwoli taghhom bhala istituzzjoni ta' kontabilita u trasparenza. N.B. (i) Fil-kaz ta' dclegazzjoni ta' aktar minn delegat wiehed, jista' jsir rapport wiehed li jingabar mill-kap tad-delegazzjoni li fih jitnizz1u 1-interventi kollha u r-rapport jigi ffirmat minn kull de1egat. ' ' (ii) Inti gentilment mitlub/ ali twassa1 dan it-rapport gtund 1-iSpeaker sa mhux aktar tard minn ghaxart ijiem minn meta tkun intcmmet i1-konferenza/1aqgha. " 6. INTERVENT /1 MAGMMUL/ A MILL-MEMBRU /1: L-intetventi kollha tal-Onot. Speaker Anglu Farrugia huma annessi flr-rapport Anness, II. 7. DOKUMENTI IMPORT ANTI TAL-KONFERENZA/LAQGMA LI TMOSS LI GMANDHOM IKUNU MEHMUZAJEKK IKUN IL-KAZ. • ANNESS I- PROGRAMM • ANNESS II- RAPPORT DETTALJAT TAL-KONFERENZA (EN) • ANNESS III- LISTA TA' SUGGETTI, U DOKUMENTAZZJONI TA' PREZENTAZZJONIJIET TAS-SESSJONIJIET U WORKSHOPS • ANNESS IV- SOMMARJI TAL-WORI<:SHOPS • ANNESS V- DATI U LOKAZZJONIJIET TA' KONFERENZI U LAQG!i'AT TA' KUMITATI I 8. JEKK TIXTIEQ LI TITQASSAM STQARRIJA GMALL-ISTAMPA MILL-PARLAMENT ANNETT! ABBOZZ TAL-ISTQARRIJA GMALL-ISTAMPA U X-XANDIR. ,, Abbozz Anness VI.I PR 180017 VLII - PR 180030 VI.III - PR180048 r· ' " Onor. Anglu Farrugia Data Speaker H " ,, ' ' 24"'CSPOC 8 -13 JANUARY 2018 SAVOY RESORT AND SPA, SEYCHELLES NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF SEYCHELLES DRAFT PROGRAMME (As of December 19, 2017) 1 24 h CONFERENCE OF SPEAKERS AND PRESIDING OFFICERS OF THE COMMONWEALTH (CSPOC) THE SAVOY RESORT & SPA, SEYCHELLES 8 -13 JANUARY 2018 I All day arrivals and registrations Venue: Amirantes Conference Room Lobby Savoy Resort and Spa I 1700-1800 Meeting of Standing Committee (Standing Committee Members Only) •• !' Venue: Marie Louise Room ! Savoy Resort and Spa 1800-2000 Dinner for Standing Committee attendees and Spouses .' Venue: Grand Savoy Restaurant Savoy Resort and Spa robes but can change Venue: Amirantes Conference Savoy Resort and Spa 1000-1030 Break 1 I' I I " 24"'CSPOC ~· ~~~~ · ~ ~ .. CSPDC 8-13 JANUARY 201 --------- SAVOY RESORT AND SPA, SEYCHELLE Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF SEYCHELLES 1030- 1130 Opening Plenary 1 • Presentation of the draft Agenda for the 24 h Conference e Election of two Vice Chairs • Nomination procedure for the 2018-2020 Standing Committee • Venues for future conferences and meetings • Items stemming from Standing Committee Meeting 1130- 1300 Keynote Addresses Topic 1 - The role of the Speaker in strengthening parliamentary diplomacy in both regional and international cooperation Topic 2 - Use of technology to support Members and House Business Working Sessions on topics 1 and 2 Venue: Marie Louise Room Savoy Resort and Spa Venue: Room 3 Savoy Resort and Spa 1300- 1400 Lunch Venue: Grand Savoy Restaurant Savov Resort and Spa 1400- 1530 Working Sessions on topics 1 and 2 Delegates to participate in the opposite workshop that they attended in the morning Venue: Marie Louise Room Savoy Resort and Spa 2 2411'CSPOC •· ~~~:- ~ ~'"£:SPDC 8~13JANUARY2018 ----------------- SAVOY RESORT AND SPA, SEYCHELLES ~onference of Speakers and Presiding Off1cers of the ~ommonwealth NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF SEYCHELLES Venue: Room 3 Savoy Resort and Spa 1530-1600 Break 1600-1630 Regional caucus meetings ! Venue: Marie Louise Room Desroches Room Alphonse Room iI Room 1 I L, ' Room2 I' Room 3 GM's Board Room r. Savoy Resort and Spa 1930-2130 Official Cocktail Venue: to be confirmed F-· ~' 0900-1000 Keynote Addresses Topic 3 -Strengthening Parliamentary Research for the Effective functioning of Legislatures Topic 4- Emerging Security Issues for Parliamentarians Venue: Amirantes Conference Savoy Resort and Spa 3 0 I " 24"'CSPOC ~· (~~~·~ ~ ~"CifiOC 8-13 JANUARY 201. --------- SAVOY RESORT AND SPA, SEYCHELLE Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF SEYCHELLES 1000-1030 Break 1030-1200 Working Sessions on topics 3 & 4 Venue: Marie Louise Room Savoy Resort and Spa Venue: Room3 Savoy Resort and Spa 1200-1300 Lunch Venue: Grand Savoy Restaurant Savoy Resort and Spa 1300-1430 Working Sessions on topics 3 & 4 Delegates to participate in the opposite workshop that they attended in the morning Venue: Marie Louise Room Savoy Resort and Spa Venue: Room 3 Savoy Resort and Spa 1500-1600 Visit to the National Assembly Evening Free Venue: Amirantes Conference Savoy Resort and Spa 4 24'1'CSPOC •· ~~~-~ ~ ~"CSPDC 8-13 JANUARY 2018 ~----------------- SAVOY RESORT AND SPA, SEYCHELLES Gonference of Speakers and PreSiding Officers of the Gommonwealth NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF SEYCHELLES 0930-1100 Special General Plenary Keynote Address to launch the discussion on The Role of the Speakers in strengthening Parliament as an Institution of Accountability, Openness and Transparency Venue: Amirantes Conference Savoy Resort and Spa 1100- 1130 Break 1130-1230 Closing Plenary Session • Venues for future conferences and meetings • Items stemming from the Standing Committee Meeting • Election of the 2018-2020 Standing Committee • Closing remarks i' Venue: Amirantes Conference I Savoy Resort and Spa 1230-1300 Press Conference by Standing Committee Members Venue: Marie Louise Room Savoy Resort and Spa 1230-1330 Lunch Afternoon free 1800-2000 Cocktail Reception hosted by H.E Caron Rohsler, British High Commissioner Venue: British High Commissioner's Residence Bel Air 5 ' ' " 24"'CSPOC ~·< ·~- ~ ~--CIPDC 8-13 JANUARY 20.: ------------------- SAVOY RESORT AND SPA, SEYCHELL1. Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF SEYCHELLES Pick up from Savoy Hotel Wild South Drive Tour of Mission Lodge Cap Lazare & Photo Taking Lunch Departures 6 Parliament of Malta REPORT FOLLOWING 24th CONFERENCE OF SPEAKERS AND PRESIDING OFFICERS OF THE COMMONWEALTH Report of Conference and Breakdown of Sessions and other Meetings Mahe, Victoria, Seychelles, 8-13 January 2018 l ,, '~ 11 ' ':·.'-';,/ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ;, PARLIAMENT OF MALTA ' ' " Speaker Han Angelo Farrugia attended the 24'h Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth, between 8 and 13 January 2018 in Mahe, Victoria, Seychelles. The Conference, which is held on a bi-ennial basis, serves as an opportunity to "maintain, foster, and encourage impartiality and fairness on the part of Speakers and Presiding Officers of Parliaments, promote knowledge and understanding of parliamentary democracy in its various forms, and develop parliamentary 11 institutions' . 2. .-, [ ... 'i'l{~~ The Conference brings together the Speakers and Presiding Officers of the national parliaments of the independent sovereign states of the Commonwealth. It was created in 1969 as an initiative of, then Speaker of the House of Commons in Canada, the Honourable Lucien Lamoureux. Thus, Canada also holds the permanent Secretariat of CSPOC to support its activities. The Conference was spread over three days, where a number of meetings were held. These included the sessions of the Conference itself, as well as executive meetings pertaining to the Standing Committee, of which Malta holds the British Isles and Mediterranean representation up until the start of the Conference and was re-elected for a second term (2018-2020). The Standing Committee oversees CSPOC activities. It is composed of 15 members. The Committee is chaired by the Speaker of the lower House of the jurisdiction hosting the next conference. In accordance with the Standing Rules, the Committee membership is composed of regional representatives and three ex-officio members (the last host, the current host and the next hosting member). The election of the Standing Committee members usually occurs during the closing plenary
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