May 8, 2008 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 6 8369 Carl and his wife, Carol Ann, recently com- The injured football player was tended to by their contributions to the Southern Nevada mitted $5.1 million to the college for the devel- Jaquette and Johnston, who decided that his community, and for their recognition by the opment of an interdisciplinary science center. abdominal pain was serious enough to call for SBA as the 2008 Home-Based Business of The Montante family’s donation is the largest an ambulance. It turned out that the injured the Year. in the Canisius’ history. I applaud his desire to player was suffering from a ruptured gall blad- give back to his community and believe his der, which would have caused blood poisoning f contributions to education and science will and possibly death if left untreated. Were it have a great impact on the future of Western not for Jaquette and Johnson’s accurate initial TRIBUTE TO THE DON BOSCO New York. examination and determination, it is unlikely WRESTLING TEAM Madam Speaker, I am proud to congratulate that his injury would have been treated in Carl J. Montante for this great honor and ap- time. plaud him for his service and dedication to the The quick thinking and calm demeanor dis- HON. BRUCE L. BRALEY Western New York community. I wish Carl and played by these two athletic trainers serves as OF IOWA his family the best in the years to come. a wonderful example to all those who care for f others. I commend Sue Wilson and Brian IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jaquette for their outstanding professional RECOGNIZING THE MULTIPLE Thursday, May 8, 2008 work and dedication to the young athletes they SCLEROSIS SOCIETY AND THEIR serve. I am honored to represent each of them Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speaker, I NOBLE CAUSE in the United States Congress, and I wish rise today to recognize the outstanding results them the best in their careers. achieved by the Don Bosco wrestling team at HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS f the Iowa State Wrestling Tournament in Des OF TEXAS Moines this past winter. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PAYING TRIBUTE TO ROBERT AND JUDY ALVAREZ Don Bosco rolled to its third straight Class Thursday, May 8, 2008 1A title with a stunning 81 point win over New Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, every London/WMU. This win set a new class record hour in the United States someone new is di- HON. JON C. PORTER with 175.5 points. Also celebrating his third agnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. It is a lasting OF NEVADA straight win was Bart Reiter, a junior, who be- disease which attacks the central nervous sys- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES came a three-time state champion and joins tem, and can be extremely disabling. This Thursday, May 8, 2008 only 13 other three-time winners this decade. week the National Multiple Sclerosis Society is Mr. PORTER. Madam Speaker, it is my dis- I congratulate Don Bosco for winning the in town to promote awareness of people living tinct pleasure to rise today to honor Mr. and Iowa Class 1A state championship. The last with MS—approximately 400,000 Americans Mrs. Robert and Judy Alvarez by entering their team to win three in a row was Lisbon from and 2.5 million people worldwide. names in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, the of- 1988–1990. Many Americans know a person living with ficial record of the proceedings and debates of multiple sclerosis, a mother or father, a son or Madam Speaker, I am extremely proud of the United States Congress since 1873. Today the accomplishments of the Don Bosco wres- daughter, another family member or friend, or I honor Mr. and Mrs. Alvarez for being award- maybe even a colleague. For me, it was a tling team, both on and off the mat, and I am ed with the Small Business Administration’s proud to serve them in Congress. member of my staff. This brave and strong (SBA) 2008 Home-Based Business of the woman inspired me to get more involved in Year, sponsored by the SBA’s Nevada District f the battle to live in a world free of multiple Office. sclerosis. RJ Communications Concepts, LLC was es- As a medical doctor prior to coming to Con- HONOR POLICE OFFICERS tablished by Bob and Judy Alvarez in 1995. gress, I’m working to find sensible solutions The company began as a home based busi- for the health care challenges that Americans ness and represents a culmination of the cou- face. As the co-chair of the newly formed Con- HON. LAMAR SMITH ple’s combined 60-plus years of work within gressional Multiple Sclerosis Caucus, I intend OF TEXAS the telecommunications industry. Their experi- to bring the needs of those individuals into the ence, hard work, and dedication quickly re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES larger discussion of quality health care. sulted in the company expanding beyond the Madam Speaker, we must work together to walls of the Alvarez’s home. Thursday, May 8, 2008 improve access to quality health services, to Today, the company covers a wide range of break down barriers, and to make MS thera- Mr. SMITH of Texas. In a few days, thou- services. The distribution of electronic compo- pies more affordable. I ask other Members of sands of police officers from around the coun- nents and testing equipment comprises over the House to join me in this noble cause. We try will travel to Washington, DC for National half of the company’s business. The company must always remember that behind every sta- Police Week. also provides services for multiple fields, in- tistic is the face of a family member or friend. cluding information technology supplies, con- This occasion provides Congress with the We have a shared responsibility to offer help sulting, training equipment and business provi- opportunity to honor those who have given and hope. There is no better time than now to sions. their lives to protect our families, constituents, begin offering it. In addition to the professional accomplish- and communities. f ments, Bob and Judy have been good com- In my district, ‘‘The Memorial Wall’’ stands TRIBUTE TO BRIAN JAQUETTE munity partners to a variety of local non-profit in the San Antonio Police Academy’s court- AND SUE WILSON organizations in Southern Nevada. Through yard and lists the names of those forty-eight their company, Bob and Judy helped organiza- officers who have sacrificed their lives while HON. TOM LATHAM tions including the North Las Vegas Boys and fighting to keep San Antonio’s neighborhoods OF IOWA Girls Club, the Nathan Adelson Hospice and safe and crime-free for our children. the Sunrise Children’s Foundation, among oth- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES We can honor their legacies and the lives of ers. According to Judy Alvarez, ‘‘We feel a Thursday, May 8, 2008 other police officers by bringing legislation to level of social responsibility . Even if you’re the floor that will help Federal, State and local Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise today small you can still do something.’’ Additionally, law enforcement officials combat crime. to recognize high school athletic trainers Brian as a former member of the U.S. Air Force, Jaquette of Fort Dodge High School and Sue Bob and his wife, Judy has also provided as- For example, the bill Congressman FORBES Wilson of Johnston High School, for their sistance to Nellis Air Force Base. and I introduced, H.R. 3156, the ‘‘Violent quick thinking in treating a football player who Madam Speaker, I am proud to honor Mr. Crime Control Act of 2007,’’ would do just that. suffered serious internal injuries during a foot- and Mrs. Robert and Judy Alvarez for their ac- Why is the Democratic leadership in Con- ball game last fall. complishments as small business owners, gress stalling crime legislation? VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:34 Nov 09, 2010 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR08\E08MY8.000 E08MY8 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 8370 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 6 May 8, 2008 KEEP STARRETT CITY Had I voted, I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on the excellence of the program. President and AFFORDABLE rollcall No. 294. CEO A.R. Sullivan has assembled an award f winning faculty, including program director HON. ANTHONY D. WEINER Chef Tom Hickey, a Culinary Olympics medal PASS A CLEAN AND HONEST winner who has overseen culinary operations OF NEW YORK SUPPLEMENTAL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for presidential inaugurations; catering depart- ment chair chef Kimberly Jones, who has de- Thursday, May 8, 2008 HON. JOE WILSON veloped nationally renowned recipes and ca- Mr. WEINER. Madam Speaker, I rise to dis- OF SOUTH CAROLINA tered some of the world’s highest profile cuss the need for additional affordable hous- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES events; chef John Castro, our local celebrity ing across the nation. Financial planners sug- Thursday, May 8, 2008 chef who bested the competition on the TV gest that families devote 30 percent of their in- Food Network’s Throw Down with Bobby Flay come to paying for housing costs. But for Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Madam and has been featured on the Travel Channel; many families across the country such a rule Speaker, American men and women are on and baking and pastry department chef, the of thumb sounds more like a pipe dream. Ac- the front lines of the Global War on Terrorism nationally ranked Derek Spendlove, who won cording to the 2006 American Community Sur- defeating our enemies abroad so we do not a gold medal in the 1988 Culinary Olympics.
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