THE SUNDAY OEEGOTAN, POETLA2TD, JUSTE 18, 1C5. - ' Important Arm of National Defense Fully Represented EXHIBIT OF UNCLE SAM'S NAVAL POWER in Fine "Government Exhibit at Exposition. ry. 'jtr' 1 Vi 1. riofttlur Dock. 2. Battiwhlp In Dock. 3. Tj-pc-a of T"ar Vessels. 4. Hodera "aval Goiu. alongside of the naw Kearsarse to em- phasize the change and progress In TO: past 40 years. la naval architecture in tho The ttvo half- models of the old line-o- f- V .battle ships. Ohio and Washington, on the wall, show by comparison the progress of. the century. Another exhibit that has been at- tracting a great deal of attention is the Franklin life buoy, designed by a retired naval officer. It is the most effective life buoy e;er made, and a man overboard with one of these pro- tectors has a reasonable chance of res- cue., even if he Is left behind by his ship. The buoy Is annular in shape and the air chamber is made of sheet copper, divided into four water-tig- ht com- partments, in order to minimize the possibility of damage through punc- turing any portion of the chamber, and contatns 4310 cubic Inches of air space. support one man easily in a - JET' It will iiit? sitting position, and will- - sustain the weight of three men in the water when assisteJ by their own efforts. It is fitted with life chain and han- dles, and 'aa.3 automatic lighting and position torches for night signals. Two "3 metal bands, 1 by of an inch, are attached to opposite parts of the air chamber, at the outer ends of which are fitted the arrangements for carry- ing tho lighted torch when let go at. night, or elevated signal for day use. Tho torches are pivoted at the sides of the bucy. so that no matter which side "of the buoy floats uppermost, the weight Of. the lower ends of the torches which sir contain the chemical for producing the light will causo the torches to remain perpendicular, thus Insuring a constant signal. Metal guide rods are attached to the side or stern of the ship to keep the buoy In place when stowed, and also to guide the buoy when dropped overboard. A-- life chain is arranged m through the center open space, upon which a person may be supported. The arrangement for Illumination con- sists jf two small tin cases containing phosphide of calcium. These cases are placed within receptacles at the lower end of the torches, rods passing down through the tubes forming the upper portion of them, act as stoppers to the top of these cases, preventing the admission of water to the chemical until the buoy Is dropped. "When the buoy Is dropped the. rods ara checked and. remain attached to the ship: the stopper Is thus drawn out of the end of the tin case containing the chemical. "When the buoy reaches the water the lat- ter enters the lower end of the torch through the perforations before men- tioned, and coming Into contact with the phosphide of calcium emits a bright flame. as. There are other objects and groups of Interest without number In the Navy De- partment's exhibit. The Government Board has aimed, within imposed limita- tions, to present an exhibit that will give the average visitor a general idea of the United States Navy, of Its vessels and 4 weapons and their progress and evolution to the present date, as well as an idea FT of the work of the Navy In all parts of the world, and of the organization of this Important arm of National defense, to- gether with a representation of life on board a vessel of war. Careful observers and even experts find the exhibit accurate to the last detail, with a large store of technical Informa- tion on the most Important features of naval progress. The exhibit is in charge of Julian Metcalf, chief special agent of 15- - 5J ' pis-I- MS 41 13 mm 3 I ft .4 if- mm m -- 1m , JfONO th aaoft Interesting things fir gens a iKcilon&l model of a ch shown torpedoes, which the Russo-Japane- tug about the same axl? in opposite di- freah water. Weight of torpedo, ready fsr ships of e ceatery back the "Washing- the Navy Department for the Lewis atA .shown. In. tho bis United States cannon the largest weapon uad by war have brought forward as one of rections, la order to neutralise their In- discharge, with loaieC war heai. ahost ton and. Ohio. Then there is a model Clarlc Exposition. v Navy exhibit t the Lewis and battleships. Several of the biggest bat- the greatest fighting forces In modern dividual tendewtM caace tit torpeds 1300; weight of wet goBcetton. approxi- of the Txnarmored steel submarine tleships of the Navy, Including Ore- t Clark Exposition are specimens of the the naval warfare. The torpedoes are of the to roll. mately. 133 potmfis: lam th of torpedo, five' Holland. The models are of Missed, a gun gon, are fitted OP with the mammoth Whitehead variety, and were constructed Tasters, or IS S iaehee; greateet diem, wood and are accurate reproductions of Treat. with which Uncle Bam upholds the weapons, Are proJectOe The torpedo, is maintained at constant feet "his which a weighing for the Government by a private firm. fey eter. iS centisseters. or 17.7 inches; speed, the vessels themselves, made complete Washington Post. honor of Navy and the rights of his 1100 pounds. This Is the only model, depth horizontal rodders, and on a territory the The Whitehead torpedo Is composed chief- straight eeurse by vertical vanes set at abcet kaota; raae (at M kaots seeed). la every detail and bear the minutest A Sioux Indian In South Dakota. Invited when the occasion necessitates. others being real guns. The enormous ly of steel, and Is cigar-shape- It U about 1500 yarde. inspection. Five of the number -- an angle predetermined by experiment; that Senator Klttridge, of that, state, to the Every modern and effective gun. projec- weight prohibited the shipment of a. made In five section, but dismounted aad Torpedoboats are also shows la ac- took part In of Santiago are gun here, model was there- or by movable vertical makers controlled the battle wedding of his daughter. Senator Kltt- tile and shell med by the Navy are and the assembled In four principal parts: the curate models set In xlaea cases. These grouped of heml-cyclora- r by an arraacemeat knewa as the Obry" at the north eni the shown, and the guna ere fore sent in place of it. head,-al- flute, and Immersion chamber, models, as well as reproductions of the namely, Oregon, ridge was unable to be present at the nup- attended by three-In- ch gear, which consists, essentially, of a the Iowa. There are twe gun, x. after body and tall, all fitted together Navy's greatest bettleehips. made event, the Indian laconically de- Government attaches, who operate and five-Inc- gyroscope eentrelllsg the zeetioa of the are Texas, New York and Brooklyn: and tial but x h gun. a Colt's auto- with sleeve Joints and held together Re- rapld-ftr- by valves steerutg eagiae. par- by the Bsreav of Ceastraetles. aa tw0 part tKo of scribed the affair subsequently to Illus- cvteln the mechanism of the weapons matic a gun. and several smaller Joint ratsws. The motive power i the This that took la battle tar th information of Exposition visitors. weapons. of the ticular torsedo is fitted with aa exercise pair. MoJels are also shown of the., old Maalla- - Bey are grouped at the other trate what the Senator had missed. torpedo Is compressed ia sloop-of-w- ar " , Z J3 air. It head, which is steel, iateeded for drill Kearsargo aad two aW end. namely, the Olyrapla Balti- - degs." said Pser-Xio- pteatx llttoa, tusu usA rajU axe JLsetteek sweeeAeei f and "Four "aad J1 i Tn lii i I Ii f S.bIi r jBiHfcl .JChe jli TesiwTgQ. i9laec.
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