Up the Wreake! April 2019 The Upper Wreake Community Magazine 2 MAIN STREET FRISBY ON THE WREAKE The Bell Inn MELTON MOWBRAY Fine Ales and Good Food LE14 2NJ FOOD SERVED Tuesday night for Homemade Pies 5.30 – 8.30pm Wednesday to Saturday (Wednesday Sausage and Mash Night) 12.00 – 2.30pm 5.30 – 8.30pm Bookings Traditional Sunday Lunch advised 12.00 – 4.00pm please Quiz Night on the last Tuesday of every month DoTel: you 01664 434736have Email: a [email protected] to Sell orwww.thebellinnfrisby.co.uk Let? Selling or letting your property in the Offer! fees Strawberry earn Wreake area? from selling or –letting 20% of all in the Wreake area will go towards the We offer a FREE no obligation valuation Rotherby Church Fund We provide professional photos We always provide a floor plan for sales and lettings We have over 30 years’ experience within the property industry We have excellent local knowledge and provide realistic valuations One of the last remaining independents, offering a personal, high quality service. www.strawberrylettingsandsales.co.uk Tel: 01509 414787 Solar panel repairs and servicing Come to the experts in renewables and energy efficiency We specialize in • Energy efficient gas, oil and biomass boilers 20 year old boiler 60% efficient, new boiler 93% • Solar photovoltaic and solar hot water systems • Servicing and repair of all types of renewables • Energy performance certificates • Energy efficient electrical and plumbing services • OLEV approved vehicle charging installer • Home battery systems from Tesla/Powervolt/Enphase Degree qualified engineers will consult, specify and install your project Visit our website to view our completed projects and customer testimonials CubeRoot Energy Ltd 0116 2603545 www.cuberoot-energy.co.uk 82 Broad Street, Syston, Leicestershire, LE7 1GH Up the Wreake! The magazine provides an open forum for contributions on all aspects of life in the Upper Wreake villages and beyond. Opinions expressed in it are not necessarily the view of the trustees or the editor. Copy for inclusion in any particular month’s issue should reach the editor before 15th of the preceding month. Editor: Antonia Doyle, Warren Farm, 27 Main Street, Hoby, LE14 3DT Tel: 07768 193849 E-mail: [email protected] Advertising: Josie Brown, 3 Manor Farm Court, Tilton on the Hill, Leics LE7 9LS Tel: 0116 259 7663 E-mail: [email protected] Deliveries: Simon Blake Tel:01664 434580 E-mail: [email protected] Treasurer: Malcolm Britton, 34 Hall Orchard Lane, Frisby, Melton Mowbray LE14 2NH Tel: 01664 434490 E-mail: [email protected] 1 April 2019 Churches Together in the Upper Wreake April 3 9.15am Midweek Communion Frisby Parish Church Wednesday April 6 3.00pm Messy Church Frisby Methodist Centre Saturday April 7 8.30am BCP HOLY COMMUNION Frisby Parish Church Passion Sun. 10.30am CELTIC HOLY COMMUNION Hoby Parish Church Lent 5 April 10 9.15am Wholeness and Healing Frisby Parish Church Wednesday Eucharist April 14 8.30am BCP HOLY COMMUNION Brooksby Parish Church Palm Sunday 10.30am FAMILY SERVICE Rotherby Parish Church April 16 7.00pm People’s Passion at Saint Mary’s Melton Mowbray Tuesday Parish Church April 17 9.15am BCP Holy Communion in Holy Frisby Parish Church Wednesday Week April 18 7.00pm SWF Service of Holy Communion Burrough on the Hill Parish Maundy with Foot Washing and Stripping Church Thursday of the Altar April 19 10.00am Leicester @ the Cross starting at Leicester Cathedral, Good Friday Leicester Cathedral Leicester Market Place and Humberstone Gate 2.00pm Foot of the Cross Rotherby Parish Church 7.00pm Foot of the Cross Hoby Parish Church April 20 8.00pm SWF Service of, Pickwell Parish Church Easter Eve Lighting of the New Fire and Holy Saturday Easter Celebration April 21 6.00am SUNRISE SERVICE at Rotherby Rotherby Lane, EASTER DAY Lane Burial Ground Frisby. 8.00am BCP HOLY COMMUNION Ragdale Parish Church 9.00am EASTER BREAKFAST Frisby Methodist Centre 10.30am CAFÉ CHURCH Frisby Methodist Centre April 24 9.15am NO MIDWEEK SERVICE TODAY - Wednesday April 28 10.30am MORNING WORSHIP Ragdale Parish Church Easter 2 10.30am MORNING WORSHIP Frisby Methodist Centre 6.00pm EVENSONG Kirby Belllars Parish Church 2 LocalLocal Roman Roman Catholic Catholic Churches Churches –– MassMass www.dioceseofnottingham.uk/parisheswww.dioceseofnottingham.uk/parishes St.St. John John the the Baptist Baptist Thorpe Thorpe End, End, Melton Melton Mowbray Mowbray LE13 LE13 SunSun 9am9am 0166401664 562274 562274 1RB1RB StSt Francis Francis Convent Convent DalbyDalby Rd Rd Sat:Sat: 6pm,6pm, SunSun 10.30am St.St. Gregory Gregory the the Great Great 24,24, The The Banks, Banks, Sileby Sileby LE12 LE12 7RE. 7RE. Sun:Sun: 9am9am 01160116 2608476 2608476 TheThe Devine Devine Infant Infant of of 6363 Broad Broad St, St, Syston Syston LE7 LE7 1GH 1GH Sat:Sat: 6.30pm6.30pm PraguePrague www.divineinfantofprague.org.ukwww.divineinfantofprague.org.uk Sun:Sun: 11am11am St.St. Mary’s Mary’s 97,97, Ashby Ashby Road, Road, Loughborough Loughborough LE11LE11 SSat:at: 6pm6pm 01509 262123 3AB www.stmarysloughborough.org.uk Sun: 9am & 11am 01509 262123 3AB www.stmarysloughborough.org.uk Sun: 9am & 11am THETHE PARISH PARISH OF OF THE THE UPPER UPPER WREAKEWREAKE PriestPriest-in-in-Charge:-Charge: The The Revd Revd David David Harknett Harknett (01664)(01664) 434517 434517 Email: Email: [email protected] [email protected] ToTo whom whom all all initial initial enquiries enquiries for for baptisms, baptisms, weddings weddings and and funeralsfunerals shouldshould bebe made. Reader:Reader: Canon Canon Malcolm Malcolm Britton Britton (01664) (01664) 434490 434490 Email: Email: [email protected]@gmail.com Administrator:Administrator: Canon Canon Vic Vic Allsop Allsop Group Group Office: Office: Great Great DalbyDalby MethodistMethodist ChurchChurch,, 2929 Main Main Street, Street, Great Great Dalby Dalby, ,Melton Melton Mowbray Mowbray, ,LE14 LE14 2ET.2ET. OfficeOffice hours:hours: TuesdayTuesday & FridayFriday 9.15am 9.15am to to 2.30pm.Tel.: 2.30pm.Tel.: (01664) (01664) 561909 561909 Email: Email: [email protected]@btinternet.com ChurchChurch wardens wardens (01664) (01664) (01664)(01664) FRISBYFRISBY PruPru Smith Smith 434468434468 SimonSimon BlakeBlake 434580434580 K.K. BELLARS BELLARS VacantVacant HOBYHOBY VicVic Allsop Allsop 434697434697 MaureenMaureen ColemanColeman 434120434120 ROTHERBYROTHERBY LesleyLesley Potter Potter 434511434511 SueSue SmithSmith 434175434175 BROOKSBYBROOKSBY MalcolmMalcolm Britton Britton 434490434490 JeanneJeanne KnowlesKnowles 07790779 623 5444 RAGDALERAGDALE JaneJane Burgess Burgess 434003434003 ContactsContacts for for our our Methodist Methodist Centres Centres BookingsBookings Frisby Frisby Centre Centre - -Mrs Mrs Jenny Jenny Hurst Hurst 01664 01664 840479 840479 [email protected]@yahoo.co.uk HobyHoby Centre Centre - -Mrs. Mrs. Deb Deb Charles Charles 01664 01664 812874 812874 [email protected] [email protected] PastorPastor - -Mrs Mrs Janet Janet Norburn Norburn 0116 0116 2695295 2695295 NonNon Church Church Activities Activities at at the the Frisby Frisby Methodist Methodist Centre Centre OnOn Fridays Fridays during during term term time time - -Stay Stay an andd Play Play (Toddler (Toddler Group) Group) 11--3030 -- 3pm3pm EachEach Monday Monday 10.45 10.45 - -11.45 11.45 Pilates Pilates - -Each Each Tuesday, Tuesday, 6.15 6.15 -- 7.15pm7.15pm AerobicsAerobics OnOn the 3rd. WednesdayWednesday afternoon, afternoon, Drop Drop In. In. 2 2 - -4pm. 4pm. EveryEvery 4th. 4th. Thursday, Thursday, Tea Tea & & Cakes, Cakes, 2.30 2.30 - - 4.30pm. 4.30pm. NonNon Church Church Activities Activities at at the the Hoby Hoby Methodist Methodist Centre Centre EachEach Monday Monday and and Thursday, Thursday, 10am 10am - -12 12 noon, noon, Computer Computer group.group. 3 4 5 Did you know? A sneeze travels out your mouth at over 100 m.p.h. Did you know? A sneeze travels out your mouth at over 100 m.p.h. Women blink nearly twice as often as men. Women blink nearly twice as often as men. Most of the dust particles in your house are dead skin. Most of the dust particles in your house are dead skin. Men can read smaller print than women. Women can hear better. HOBY RECREATION TRUST Calling anyone interested in organising anything for the recreation of Hoby residents of ALL ages! If you’d like to organise a children’s party, a teenager’s get together or a fun night out for Hoby residents and you need some financial support, please talk to any of the Trustees of the Hoby Recreation Trust and submit a request in writing to [email protected] The Hoby Recreation Trust was established many years ago from the proceeds of the sale of the Hoby school playground and its constitution is to further the recreation of residents of the village. Over the years Hoby Recreation Trust has sponsored the pensioners’ Christmas lunch, paid for benches on the footpaths, equipment for the Art Group, daffodil bulbs for the gateways to the village, a trip to Skegness, supported the play area and children’s Christmas party and cinema. So, if you would like to plan and organise something recreational for Hoby residents, why not talk to us about potential funding? TRUSTEES Angus Walker Anne Thomas Alexandra Fairhurst Rosemary Rainbow James Reid Nicky Ainscough Hoby Internet Café Can I remind readers that the Hoby Internet Café (The Greasy Spoon) is open on Monday and Thursday mornings at the Hoby Methodist Chapel, from 10.00am - 12.00 noon. We have laptops available and an IPad and can give basic instructions on their use to non technical people. If you have your own equipment and want some help bring it along , we’ll get you started. The café is open to everyone who lives in the area and a small charge of £2 is made to cover costs of your tea/coffee and biscuits. If you just want to pop in and have a natter, you are most welcome. Terry Fleming 01664 434442 6 Community Get-Togethers Community Get-Togethers Community Get-Togethers The Parish Community Hub held its most recent get together in The Parish Community Hub held its most recent get together in March at Sysonby Knoll, Melton Mowbray.
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