J *# / 'a- , ";re THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE KENYA Published under the Author~tyof His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya Vol. XL.-No. 26 NAIROBI, May 17, 1938 Price 50 Cents Rematered as a Newspaper at the G P 0 Pubhshed every Tuesday TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Govt Not~ceNo 364--For introduction into Leg~slat~qeCouncll-A Blll to Amend the Bllls of Exchange Ordlnance, 1927 ,, ,) ,, 365-Arrivals, Departures, Appo~ntments,etc 99 ,, ,, 366-Legislative Councd-Appo~ntrnent ), ,, ,, 367-The Water Ord~nance, 1929-Appointments Govt Notices Nos 368-71-The Natlve Author~tyOrdlnance, 1937-Appo~ntments ,, ,? ,, 372-3-The Local Government (D~strictCouncils) Ordmance, 1928-Appo~ntments Govt Not~ceNo 374--The Local Government (Mun~c~pallt~es)Ordlnance, 1928-Appo~ntments ,, ,, ,, 375-The Electr~cPower Ordinance-Appo~ntment ,, ,, ), 376-The Ind~anand Colonla1 D~vorceJur~sd~ction Act, 1926 ,, ,, ,, 377-The Klng's Afrlcan Rlfles Reserve of Officers Ordinance, 1927 ), ,, ,, 378-The Mlnlng Ordinance, 1933-Appointment Govt Notices Nos 379-80-Kenya and Uganda (Transport) Orders In Councll, 1925 and 1927- Appointments Govt Not~ceNo 381-The Game Ord~nance-Appo~ntment Govt Notices Nos 382-6-The Farmers Assistance Ordlnance, 1936-Stay Order, etc Govt Not~ceNo 387-Honorary Consul of Flnland ,, ,, 77 388-The Publlc Health (D~v~s~onof Lanas) 01d~nance, 1928-Appointment Govt Not~cesNos 389-91-The Courts Ord~nance-Appo~ntments Govt Notlce No 392-Standmg Board of Econom~cDevelopment-Appointment Govt Notlces Nos 393-&-The Mlning Ordlnance, 1933 General Not~cesNos 672-720 SUPPLEMENT KENYAPROCL~MATIONS, RULES AND REGULATIONS (No 20) 512 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZETTE M ay 17, 1938 Sectlon 60 of the Pnnclpal O rdlnance whlch lt ls pro- posed to am end Banker paylng 60 W hen a b1l1 payable to order on dem and ls drawn demand draft on a banker whereon , and the banker on whom lt ls draw n pays the b1ll mdorsement Is m good falth and m the ordlnary course of buslnessm lt ls not Orged m cum b ent on the banker to show that the m dorsem ent of the payee or any subsequent lndorsem ent w as m ade by or under the authortty of the person w hose lndorsem ent lt purports to be, and the balzker ls deem ed to have pald the bill m due courses although such lndorsem ent has been forged or m ade wlthout authorlty M ay 17, 1938 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZETT E 513 C olony and P rotectorate of K enya G ovEaxsfEx'r N o'ncs N o 364 H 1s E xcellency the G overnor m Councll has approved of the follow m g B1l1 belng lntroduced m to the Leglslatlve Councll R W B A K E R -BE A LL , A ctlng Clerk to the L eglslatlve Councll A Bill êo A m end tlle Bills of Exchange O rdinance, 1927 BE IT EN A CTED by the G overnor of the Colony of K enya, w lth the advlce and consent of the Leglslatlve C ouncll thereof, as follow s - I Thls O rdm ance m ay be clted as the Bllls of E xchange short tltle (Am endm ent) O rdlnance, 1938, and shall be read as one wlth the Bllls of Exchange O rdlnance, 1927, herelnafter referred to No 7 of 1927 as the Prtnctpal O rdtnance 2 Sectlon 60 of the Prm clpal O rdm ance ls hereby Amendment of am ended by renum berlng the sectlon as < G 60 ( 1) ,, an( j y y addjng PSCCtIOn 60 0f the ljncm al thereto the follow m g new sub-sectton - Ordlnance &E(2) A ny draft or order (other than a b111 or a cheque) drawn upon a banker for a sum of m oney payable to order on dem and whlch shall, when presented for pay- m ent, purport to bc lndorsed by the person to whom the sam e shall be drawn payables shall be a suë clent authorlty to such banker to pay the am ount of such draft or order to the bearer thereof , and lt shall not be lncum bent upon such banker to prove that such lndorse- m ent, or any subsequent lndorsem ent, w as m ade by or under the dlrectlon or authorlty of the person to whom the sald draft or order w as or ls m ade payable elther by the draw er or m dorser thereof '' O BJEC TS AN D R EA SO N S The oblect of thls B1l1 ls to alord to bankers ln the C olony the sam e protectlon m regard to drafts as ls alorded to them m England by sectlon 19 of the Stam p A ct 1853 The proposed new sub-sectlon (2) follows sectlon 19 of the Engllsh Stam p A ct, 1853, except that the w ords çlother than a b1ll or cheque'' have been m serted w lth a vlew to m aklng lt clear that sectlon 60 (1) applles to cheques and bllls whlle other drafts are covered by sectlon 60 (2) N o expendlture of publlc m oneys w 11l be lnvolved lf the provlslons of thls Bll1 becom e 1aw 514 TH E O FFICIA L G A Z ETTE M ay 17, 1938 G OVERNMENT N olqcE N o 365 A R RIV A LS X R aza From Leave or on D ate of Leavm g D at,e of D ate of Arrlval *m * 1st Appozntm ent E ngland Em barkatzon at M om baaa .T T Marland Postmaster Leave 1 25th March, 1938 - 4th May, 1938! H T Aford Forester ., i ,, 17th Aprtl, 1938 t 6th May,j:,, .4' A D ove Educatlon Om cer ,, 25th A przl, 1938* - ,. c V J'ay Asmstant Inspector of Pollce ,, 14th A pnl, 1938 - 10th M ay, 1938 F M Sm urthw alte W arder M edieal D epartm ent ,, ,, - ,, Sergeant G Clark Arte cer Sergeant. M zlztary lst A ppozntm ent ,, - ,, G F A Perrln A sst Engzneer, Publzo W orks Department ,, 22nd Apml, 1938 23rd Aprzl, 1938 ) ,, * Duzban 't Cape Town t Genoa j Dar es Salaam D EPA RT U RES n On Leave or Tezm m atzon m e R ank D ate of D epartm .e of Appom tm ent 8zr A nm gel de V W ade, x.t , c M G Colonzal Secretaz'y Leave on U rgent Pnvate 5th M ay, 1938 Afau.s H R H arns Om ce A sst Loeal G overnm ent Lands Leave 6th M ay, 1938 and Settlem ent J' M acm unp E ducabzon Om cer ., 7th M ay, 1938 J' Scanlop T echnzeal Instructor, Educatzon D ept ,, ,, M rs M K Cazrns M atron G rade 11 E ducatlon D ept ,, ,, M J M scka.y Com puter Loeal G overnm ent, Lands and Fettlem ent M zss G A D onegan N ursm g Slster, M edzeal D epartm ent ,, M zss M A M arshall N urmng Szster, M edlcal D epartm ent ,, ,, E B D ove Superlntendent Class 11 # Approved Sehool Pm son D epartm ent ,, ,, J' D enw ett Stock Inspeetor, V eterm ary D ept ,, ,, G L M urray Stock Inspector, V eterznary D ept ,, ,, Lzeut P S Sandllands Com pany Om cer, M llztary ,. ,, (> Penfold A sslstant Superzntendent of Polzco ,, , G M Taylor Inspector of Polzce ,, ,. M zss C M E lglaar Clerk, Polzee D epartm ent ,, ,. J R M ay Asslstant Inspector of Polzce ,, ,, J L Brzerley Inspector, Postal D epartm ent ,, ,, B M M asters Clerk, Class I K U R & I-I ,, J Sum m ers Clerk Class 1, K U R & H ., T R Lzndey Inspector, Class 1, K U R & H: ,, ,. G V N oble Inspector of W orks Speezal Class, K U R & H ,, ,, A E Stobbs Caretaker, H eadquarters Om ces If U R & H ,, ., .T A Cham bers Clerk Class IV , If U R & H ,, ,, A E Tw ohey Tram c Inspector, Class I K U R & H ,, , A PPO IN T M EN TS CHART.ES FARQUHAR A TKINS, to be D lstrlct O m cer, M eru D lstrlct, C entral Provlnce, wlth elect from the 1st M ay, 1938 ROGER A UBONE W ttxtxsox to be D lstnct Om cer, Istolo, N orthern Frontler D lstnct, w lth esect from the 28th A prll, 1938 ROBERT TATTON BRoww to be D lstnct Om cer (Cadet), M oyale, N orthern Frontler D lstrlct, wlth elect from the 21st M arch, 1938 JOHN BBRESFORD SINCLAIR-LOCKHART to be D lstnct Oë cer (Cadet), K erlcho D lstrlct, N yanza Provlnce, wlth eFect from the 4th M ay, 1938 PERCY W vw H AluuS to be A ctlng R esldent M aglstrate, N alrobl, w lth efect from the 10th M ay, 1938 A NTONY CUTHBERT SPIJRLING to be A ctlng Crow n Counsel wlth elect from the 11th M ay, 1938 W H A RR A G IN , A ctlng Colom al Secretary KpxvA Axo U G A N D A R A ILW A Y S A N D H A RBO U RS ENGINEER-LIEUTBNANT G EORGE FRo c FISHBR (late R N R ), Flrst Englneer, Lake Steamers, to be Englneer ln Charge, Lake K loga, wlth esect from 9th Feb- ruary, 1938 M ay 17, 1938 TH E O FFICIA L G A Z ETTE 515 G ovsawxrsvr x ovzcs x o 366 G ovsaxvsx.r N ovlcs N o 369 LEG ISLATIVE CO U N CIL TH E N ATIVE A U TH O RIT Y OR D IN A N CE, 1937 STANDING FINANCB Coxfwflrrcs (Sectkon 3, Ordlnance No 2 0/ 1937) A PPOINTMENT M D U N D ER Standlng Rule and O rder N o 56 H 1s Excel- TH E IN TERPRETA TIO N A N D G EN ERA L lency the G overnor has been pleased to appolnt- CLA U SES O RD IN A N CE The Rlght H on The Earl of Erroll (Chapter 1 0/ the Remsed Edltlon, sectlon 13) to be a m em ber of the Standlng Flnance Com m lttee of G OVCRNMENT N o-ncE N o 314 oF 1937 the Leglslatlve Councll durlng the tem porary absence A PPOINTMENT from the Colony of Lt -Co1 the H on Lord Francls Scott, K c M G , D s o IN EX ERCISE of the pow ers thereunto enabllng m e, I hereby appolnt the person nam ed In the Schedtlle N alrobl, W H A R RA G IN , annexed hereto to be an O ë clal H eadm an for the area 941 M ay, 1938 A ctlng Colonlal Secretary nam ed thereln N akuru, G OVERNMENT N oTlcs N o 367 9th M ay, 1938 TH E W ATER O R D IN A N CE, 1929 S O V H OD G E, A PPOINTMENTS A ctlng Provlnclal Com m lsstoner, IN EX ERC ISE of the pow ers conferred upon the .&I/z Valley Governor by subsectlon (2) of sectlon 18 of the W ater O rdlnance, 1929, the G overnor's D eputy has been pleased to appolnt the H on E H W rlght and the H on SCH ED U LE S V Cooke to be m em bers of the W ater Board mce N ANDI D lsn uc'r, RIFT VALLEY PROVINCE the late Colonel M arcuswell M axw ell and M alor G H Rlddell, M v o (reslgned) N am e j Area W ztsho emseet a om arks By Com m and of the G overnor's D eputy E dwzn W zlhe K apzet 11th A przl, On probatzon for slx N alrobl, H L G G U RN EY , arap B ozt 1938 m onth s , 'tace Szm ba arap Chem oror, dzsm ts- 10th M ay, 1938 for Actlng Colonlal Secretary eed A ppoznted m de G ovt N otlce N o 153 of 24th Feb .
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