i:! IlLIGAN TUNE IN c11 the W J H L A!R THE BUFF ALO RANGE 4 p.m. every Sun. Pu"!Jl-ished by the A lumni Association - VOLUME 1 MILUGAN COLLEGE , TE NN. FEBtRAR Y 13 1 19~9 NUMBER 6 PARDEE HALL THE BOY'S HOME PAG~ TWO THE ST AM PEDE s. 0. s. Please He!p Us Find These Lost Children We have not heard from the following former students. Any- one knowing addresses of any of these. please communicate with the Range. for. J!,ll1s Robert Veatch Gordonville, Va. Leftand toMr right· d MrM. an d M rs. A. p aul Daugherty, Dallas; Mr. and Mrs.\\ illiam D. Daugherty, \Vaco· · an rs. J. Charles Dau,;herty, Nacogdolhe.3, , Mr. Arthur ] rancis Woods At the international conven- CATHERINE T. HANCOCK New Ca.,tle, Penn. tim which met rerently in Den- _ __ DAVID SINCLAIR BURLESON Mr. Lyle William-. vcr, Colo., the Daugherty broth- Tampa, Fla. crs and their wives were signally Mrs. Catharine T. Hanco 'k, David Sinclair Burlo~ou. rd honored by the convention and formerly Catharine Thomas, 221 College Dean; born in Carter Mr. A is Williams the city of Denver as well. The West Fifth Street, San Dimas, County, Tennes. ee, 1871, was c/o Toote and Davis headquarters hotel The Albany California, graduated from Mii- the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. w. Atlanta, Ga. gave the_m. special recognit.ion; ligan College in 1913; attended Burleson. He received his B.A, W.W. Williams the_ Chnstian 1<:vangalist got Los . A:ngeles Conservatory of degree and his M.A. degree from Tampa, Fla. th -11· pictures for runningwilh a Music m 1931 and 1935; she has Milliga~ College in 1891 and 1898 Mr. A.Z. Updyke story later; and th~ Denver Post futher studied under Dr. Walter respect1vPly; graduate student., Merchanicsburg Ky gav c them a large picture space Barkley and Olga Steeb ; her pre- University of Virginia, 1896-98 ' · and a headline on the second sent occupation is piano teacher traveled in Europe. summer 1909 Mr.d Jesse Boyd page of the first section. in San Dimas, California. She i, 1927; Harvard summers 1901-02 Br1 geport, Ala. This was not the Daugh ,rty organist at the First Christian University of Chicago, summer, Mrs. B. W. Thomas brothers' idea but almost as soon Church and social editor of the 1911 Prinr.iple of Academy, New Linden Ave as it was learned that the three ~an Dimas Press. Her community Castle Virgina, 1894; Profe 3sor A heville, N. C. 1 brothers and their wives were at 11_1terest are Sunday School, mis- of1892 MathmeticS1, J Tazwell, Virginia Mr • R.,, L • -.h. orn b urg the conv,ntion they were herd- s10nary work, organist for the ; I rofessor of Mathematics, Ashland Ky •' cd into the press rooms. First Christian Church, order of Tazwell, Virginia, 1893; Head, ' · Only three children in the the Eastern Star and a member F~epartment of Language, Mr. Clyde Turrentine family and all of them ministers and publicity chairman for the wrence, Alabama, State Normal Shelbyville, Tenn. in the Christian church and in Pomone Valley Musicians Club. School, summer and fall, 1908; Mrs. E. M. Sutton the same state. And the father Immediately after graduating Professor of English Literature, Marion, Va. and mother, Mr. and Mrs. from Milligan College t,he taught East Tennessee State Teachers Herbert s tt Daugherty are also in Texas. at Sweetwater Seminary for two College, since 1911; Dean of the Tamp F~ on Mr. W. E. Daugherty the fath years. She ha a son Lambreth East Tennessee State Teachers a, a. 0 ' . - J · h · . ' . ' C 11 · · Mr Mack Sutt n er was for years state evangelist r. w o 1s now twenty one years o ege smce 1920; Acting Presi- · t ' of Florida and was listed in the of age. He is specializing in Jour- dent of the East Tennessee State ArmS ead, W. Va. ''Who's Who of the Ministry.'' nalis~11 and has been editor and Te~chers College, summer and Mr. and Mrs. Sues And hi father, Mr. Charles R publtsher of the "La Verne Lead- sprmg, 1925; Secretary of the Murphy, N. C. Daugherty, was at Eno-lewood. er'' for the past year. Mrs. Han- East Tennessee Educational As- Miss Laura Bell Stacy Tenn., many year, while Charle~ cock writes : sociation since 1922; Author: Grundy, Va. R.'s brother, Mr. W. A. Daugh- ''~!though I have been very Prac~ical E_nglish Grammar, Mrs. Maggie Stuart erty (great uncle of the brothers) ~low m responding since r ceiv- Applied English Grammar, and Atlanta, Ga. preached for 50 years at Nona- mg the Alumni edition of the Grammar Manual; Joint author Mr. George W. Stacy burg, Tenn.; and the great-grand- "Stampede", I wish to say it was of AppJied English Language Aloran, Va. father, Mr. S. C. Daugherty, an read -- every word - _ and and Ai-,plied English Language Orangeman in Ireland, upheld br?ught b~c~ many happy mem- ~anual} Co-a~thor: Adventures Mr . Eunice Shockly 111 Protestanti~m there in the home~ ones of M1lhgan CollAge days. I Enghsh(series of six. books). Leaksville, N. C. land. shall ever hold a warm spot in- Married Mary Henley Dew of Mr. Wilbur Stanbery my heart for Milligan. The West Point, Virginia. 400 Daytona -character Bulldlna First of All- Buffalo Range makes it possible -Christian Education, Hope of World· Elizabethton, Tenn. to keep in touch with friends of Mr. Lawrence Richard Stephens The modern housewife walks other days and while I live so far that was my privilege. My heart- Wytheville, Tenn. a mile preparing a meal -- half a away, when it is possible I felt wishes are ~xtended for the Mammie Baylor Simpson mil(! to and from the delicatessen always visit the school again. It succegs to continue Character store. Bluefield, W. Va. has been ten year now since Builcling as done at Milligan." (Continued on page 7) rrHR RTTl?Ft-_l,O RANGE PAGE THREE Who They Are Where They Are What They Are Doing O. Neil Hall, 312 D. Street Marv Hendrickson, class Elizabeth Lcatitia Wilso n, Elizabethton, T ennc.3 see, class of Jf 1891 of El Monte, Kent, Oregon; ffas:5 of 1905; she 1933; is now assi-- t ant to Chief California has Re nt m a was formerly Kizabeth Leat:tia Auditor at American Bemberg poem called " lV:illigan, The Kelly; she is the wife of a whe:1t Corporation, and North Ameri- Beautiful." She has written in rancher and mother of fi ve boy ,::. ran Rayon Corporation. Eliza- reference to the poem , the fol- and one daughter; comm~mity bethton; is a member of the Red lowing quotation; ··Reading the intere:--t ::; are church, Gran ~e , and Cro s. Fellowship Bible Class of Range and seeing the pictures of all civic intere ts. She enclosed Fir~t Baptist Church of Eliza- familiar scene,, of more than half one dollar for a years subs3rip- bethton, Cherokee Athletic a ce ntury ago, resulted in a little tion to the Buffalo Range. A sociation. poem whi ch you can use as a --R-- -- R -- chi nk-filler for the Range when Ella B. Payne, E towah, Mrs. Helen Tranum Nave, you are in need of more materi al. T'ennessee ; class of 1932; she is 226 E. Chilhowie Avenue, \nd lest some one should waste teacher of Civics and History Johnson City T ennessee; member pity over my seemingly hard lot and serves as Teacher-Librarian of class of 1935; Rhe is a.7si ta? t 1· I'll add that I am now retired, at Etowah High School; her in- EUGEN"IA ADAMS03 to Mrs. H.J. Derthick at Mil- not on a pension, but savings tere:5t are Parent-Teacher Asso- ligan College ; her intcrestb are from past activities _. alsa a good e;iation, Sunday S :! hool, and After gaaduatin g Irom ¥ il- Church and Scouting. home with my sister. But be:-;t of Church. ligan College in 1932, E ugen.a -R-- -- R -- all, t he Lord is my Shepherd. " Adamson taught in the City Steve B. Lacey, 116 W. Mable Dyer, Jonesboro) Schools of Gadseen, Alabama ; in Unaka Street, Johnson City, Tennessee; class of 1933; she is 1936_37, attended the Li brary Tennes3e ; member of class of M II h B f I ~1 ow teacher of Home . E 3onomics School of Georgia Peabody Col- 1931 · has attended Duke and the ) I i igan t e eauti u m Boones Creek High Schoo1, lege receiving her B.S. in Library Univer ity of Cali fornia. Present I -- Jonesboro,. T ennessee; she . has , S c1<• ,,n ce i·n June , 1937 ,• since occup~tion, H ead Coach of Foot- 0 Milligan the beautiful, taught i_n the same_s~ hool smce September 1937 she has been ball lf,rack, and Girls' Basketball How d~ar thy scenes to me; . graduat10n from Milligan. li brarian at Hiwassee Colb ge. at Milliga:o. Coll ege; interests T he bn ghtest years of all my hfe -R-- --R-- are Church and anything that Wer- those I spent in thee. Martha Shepherd, Mosheim, aids the underprivileged ; he as Tennesse0; class of 1926; present Lucy Louise Hatcher was a Thy hills and dales and crystal held the fo llowing P ublic positi- occupation teaching Biology and member of the class of 1905; since creek, onf3: Athletic ,Director of Mary Mathematics in Mosheim High le~ving ~ illiga~ College, she re- With graceful shade trees t all Hughes High School, Prin ipal School; community interests are ~e1ved tliplo a from East Tenn- AnJ grand 04:l Buffalo mo,mtain.
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