Wrap-up: Session 1 “Setting the scene : European Strategy for Particle Physics” • Problems, Action items, Way forward … • LHC full exploitation & HL-upgrade, accelerator R&D, ILC, LBN • Theory, Experiments with unique reach • Detector R&D, collaboration wit ApPEC FLARE, Accelerator Science, Focus, PSI, Astro … Session 1 Highlights: SERI statements 1. SERI will continue to support CERN in financial, organisational, political and diplomatic matters, help facilitating international contacts (e.g. with the United Nations) and is willing to consider further special contributions. 2. SERI acknowledges the increased need for funding for the LHC high-luminosity upgrade-period 2014-2024 and will examine this request seriously for the BFI Bill 2017-2020. SERI is not the only funding source and a joint effort is needed. 3. If corresponding requests arrive, SERI is willing to include “Distributed and High Power Computing Activities” in the update process of our national roadmap for research infrastructures. 4. We note that SERI together with SNSF should consider increased funding in the FLARE program to permit sustainable Swiss participation in international astroparticle physics projects. 5. SERI has a vital interest that outreach and education should receive adequate funding and be recognized as a central component of the scientific activity. The seed funding of the “Verflixtes Higgs” by SERI is a first excellent example. 6. SERI presently investigates solutions to strengthen and coordinate technology transfer. This activity will very likely be outsourced from SERI as of 2014 and pursued professionally including other international EIROforum organisations. Scientific Session …[number]2 …: Viewpoints from… CH[title]-Theoretical … Physics • Problems identified: - short-term: Godot didn’t show up - medium-term: Godot may not show up - long-term: Is this really a problem ? • Action items: - short-term: Wait for Godot - medium-term: Get used to the idea that we won’t meet Godot, just in case … - long-term: Don’t quit ! Vladimir and Estragon envisaged to hang themselves with a belt … … but the belt broke during a stress test • The way forward: We should in addition prepare (enthusiastically) for the scenario where ΛNP >> 1 TeV O. Schneider CHIPP Plenary 2013, 24-26 June 2013 3 Some remarks • Physics vs literature – Samuel Beckett got the Nobel Prize – I doubt there will be a Nobel Prize for showing that there is no BSM, but who knows ? • Swiss particle physics theory – (19+14)+43+54 = 130 is an impressive count – Diversity of research topics is also impressive – Keep diversity ! This is especially important in our « historical » context, where we wonder what our next big projects should be ... O. Schneider CHIPP Plenary 2013, 24-26 June 2013 4 Some more remarks • Statements made yesterday by Alain Blondel (not verbatim): – « The results of the analysis of the 13–14 TeV data will tell us in 2018 whether to go for high energy or high precision » – « We don’t know which precision we need, so we go as precise as possible », i.e. guided by the available technologies ... • But: – the 2018 decision may not be obvious • perhaps there is a 4th scenario (Pozzo and Lucky show up) – it may not make sense (or reasonable/affordable) to reach an arbitrarily high level of precision • Theorists can and should play an important role (even more important in absence of new observations) to guide future decisions and set appropriate targets for precision measurements ! O. Schneider CHIPP Plenary 2013, 24-26 June 2013 5 Scientific Session 3: Full exploitation of LHC: Status & Outlook The 4 talks were mainly targeted at presenting an impressive number of new results. For this reason, typically no problems or action items were presented. However, it seems to be clear that both, the energy upgrade to the full design energy, and the high luminosity upgrade are eagerly awaited. Technical (accelerator related) Problems identified: - beam-beam interactions, secondary electrons have a big impact on beam quality - new issues at LHC: luminosity too high, high brightness beams cause instabilities Action items: more R&D (already done at EPFL/CERN): crab cavities, advanced collimation systems, etc... CHIPP Plenary 2013, 24-26 June 2013 6 Scientific Session 4: Full exploitation of LHC: Swiss involvement in detector upgrades and HL-LHC • Problems identified: - short and medium-term: pile up/high data rate/ readout bandwidth/limits in mechanical precision ... - medium-term: radiation damage - long-term: end of detector lifetime • Action items: - short and medium-term: design studies/choose option/upgrade - medium-term: continuous upgrades - long-term: replace detector (or bigger parts of it) • The way forward: Fully exploit LHC/plan beyond LHC (Talk about Clic: problems & actions include test of accelerating structures, wake-field simulations/monitors) CHIPP Plenary 2013, 24-26 June 2013 7 Scientific Session 5: post-LHC accelerators • Problems identified: - short-term: No new physics. Japan’s involvement not official. - medium-term: Many circular and linear collider options. - long-term: Hopefully enough $ to support at least one of them. • Action items: - short-term: LHC starts running at 13 TeV in 2014, upgrades underway. LHC HL upgrades should be established soon. Decision in 2013 regarding LC in Japan? - medium-term: Involvement in HL LHC ? - long-term: Involvement in next collider ? • The way forward: It has been brought up the need to have add an accelerator physicist to Switzerland given than in the next decades accelerator physics R&D central for defining particle physics direction. CHIPP Plenary 2013, 24-26 June 2013 8 Scientific Session 6: Detector R&D and Future Higgs Physics Opportunities • Detector R&D: cryo noble liquids (M. SCHUMANN) Argon Tube Argon ArDM 1t LAr TPC Installed at Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc (LSC) XENON1T hybrid PMT+APD TPC @ UZH • R&D for CLIC detectors (K. ELSENER) • CLIC do not pose stringent requirement on radiation damage or on timing performance as LHC but will have similar challenge in term of occupancy and background rates. • Also High precision is a must: jet energy resolution, momentum resolution impact parameter resolution. ECAL - 30 x 30 x 3 mm3 scintillator tile Demonstrator chip designed with fully functional 64x64 pixel matrix 65 nm CMOS technology Small pixel pitch (25 x 25 μm2) Simultaneous 4-bit ToA and ToT per pixel Front-end time slicing < 10 ns 100 chips delivered in February 2013 3 TDHCAL tests prototypes 1 m “Analog HCAL”: scintillator tiles 3x3 cm2 read-out with SiPM’s Hamamatsu MPPC coupled to side face “Digital HCAL”: RPCs 1x1 cm2 (top on the plot) with optical grease + tail catcher (steel absorber) 1x1 mm array 50 m pitch Gain: ~7.105 at 25 C CERN PS 1-10 GeV, CERN SPS 10-300 GeV test beam runs • Higgs Physics at the ILC (M. SPIRA) • HIGGS properties ( (self)-coupling. CP, spin, etc) SPIN @ ILC: threshold behaviour σ(e+e− → ZH) ∝ βJ+1 COUPLINGS Self-coupling LHC • Precision tests of Higgs physics & the EW theory at a circular e+e- collider (A. BLONDEL) A circular e+e- machine located in the 80km tunnel that will eventually contain also the VHE-LHC offers a feasible multi-step long-term strategy Precision on couplings, cross sections, mass, width, Expected precision on the total width + ILC350 ILC1000 TLEP240 TLEP350 5% 5% 3% 2% 1% LEP ILC TLEP √s ~ mZ Mega-Z Giga-Z Tera-Z #Z / year 2×107 Few 109 1012 (>1011 b,c,) Polarization Yes (T) Easy Yes (T,L) Precision vs LEP1/SLD 1 1/5 to 1/10 ~1/100 Error on mZ, 2 MeV – < 0.1 MeV √s ~ 2mW #W pairs / year Few dozens 2×105 2.5×107 Polarization No Easy Yes (T) Error on mW 220 MeV 7 MeV 0.5 MeV √s = 240 GeV Oku-W # W pairs / 5 years 4×104 4×106 2×108 Error on mW 33 MeV 6 MeV 0.5 MeV √s ~ 350 GeV Mega-Top # top pairs / 5 years – 100,000 500,000 Error on mtop – 30 MeV 13 MeV Precision tests of EWSB Error on t – 40% 15% Scientific Session 6: Detector R&D (Chair: T. Montaruli) • Problems identified: - short-term: DarkSide & Gerda found out that Hamamatsu R11065 PMTs spark in LAr (*), no problem observed for Xenon 1T tubes, no clear understanding yet if it is a real issue; - medium-term: feasibility of ultra-thin sensors and their assembly and connections - long-term: Power pulsing; to what granularity of vertex detectors we want to go? - Action items: - short-term: construction started of 1Ton Xenon detector. Light detection technique in various environments important: SiPM/APD or hybrid solutions are an important development since they work particularly well at low temperature(*) - medium-term: 64x64pixel matrix of 25x25 um2 chip is a reality, time res 1ns. - long-term: high granularity ultra-light vertex detectors for linear colliders and infinitesimally small (3 um) single point resolution calorimeters. • The way forward: Switzerland has a large number of cryo-noble liquids and can host a renowned center (Darwin) for this technique serving DM, double beta and solar neutrino related topics. What techniques are needed for future accelerator programs is related to the selection of the future machines. 14 Scientific Session 6: Future Higgs Physics Opportunities • Problems identified: - short-term: SM is extremely successful but open problems on mechanism for EWSB, GUT, space- time structure @short distances require precision measurements. Signs that it’s not sufficient are neutrino masses, non baryonic DM, matter-anti-matter asymmetry. Do we need more precise measurements and by how much to understand if there is something beyond SM? HL-LHC can say a lot on how many Higgs, what Higgs, SUSY, CP mixing(20%), couplings. - medium-term: no agreement on best program to pursue. Need good tool to test symmetry of EW interactions reduce theoretical uncertainty on self interaction of Higgs, invisible width of Higgs.
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