THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF MERCYHURST COLLEGE SINCE 1929 CAMPUS SPORTS LIVING Top Ten Sports Brick House Coffee, Moments of this week’s “I Heart 2006-2007 Page 5 Erie” Page 13 Stories that topped headlines, page 14 Year in Review Year Vol. 80 No. 22 Mercyhurst College 501 E. 38th St. Erie Pa. 16546 May 2, 2007 Center to enhance college community The proposal states the Multi-Cul- President for Alumni Relations Cathy By Joshua Wilwohl tural Center will increase awareness of Anderson said the center is much- Editor-in chief diversity. needed for the campus. “The office advocates educational “The most consistent/persistent mes- Mercyhurst College President Dr. growth through scholarship, leadership sage regarding the ‘how to’ of improv- Thomas Gamble announced Tuesday and service. The MCC strives to imple- ing issues surrounding diversity on the that the college will develop a Multi- ment retention and personal enhance- Mercyhurst campus requires having Cultural Center. ment programs that are instituted for a person/office where leadership to “The Multi-Cultural Center (MCC) students to promote academic success resolve these challenges is intentional, is a comprehensive office that sup- and professional development,” states personified, comprehensive, and consis- ports and assists with the educational, the document. tent,” she said in the proposal. cultural, social and personal, needs of Vice President for Student Life Dr. “Dedicating resources, space, salary all students,” states the proposal for Gerry Tobin said the idea for a center and focus would show that the college the center. started several months ago. has chosen to visibly deal with these “The primary focus of the office is “After meeting with a number of issues as a college.” to develop leaders and scholars. Other constituencies, Cathy Anderson began Tobin said the location of the center areas of focus are to create campus wide the search for a multicultural center and has not been determined, but noted it Photo courtesy of Kelly CoFrancisco awareness in regard to socio-economic we’re bringing this forward,” he said. will be located in a high traffic area such Springfest ‘07 will take on a ‘Cinco De Mayo’ theme. issues and to bridge the gap between In a summary proposal about the as the student union. students and faculty.” multi-cultural center, Associate Vice Please see Promoting on Page 3 Renovations on freshman housing Springfest ‘07 Mercy Suites to start in mid-May to be red hot tion ride, are new activities at this year’s Ross said the future setup will include: By Casey Green Springfest. A caricature artist, Old Tyme Contributing writer two bedrooms, one bath, a living room photo booth and airbrush tattoos will and a study room. also be part of this year’s celebration. According to Ross, the renovation will With a platinum-selling artist, free “I am really excited about the roller be based on designs submitted by the food and countless activities, Spring- coaster simulation ride,” said Kelly Interior Design Studio II class. fest 2007 is sure to be a hit. Springfest Cofrancisco, SAC Chair and coordina- Ross said these designs include ideas 2007 is being sponsored by SAC and tor of this year’s Springfest. “We’ve for painting, carpet, furniture and MSG and will be celebrated on Cinco never had anything like it so it should lighting. de Mayo. be a lot of fun.” The renovation will leave two bed- As always, lawn inflatables are included Cofrancisco also said the most rooms that are 13 feet, 11 inches by 11 in the celebration. The usual inflatables requested activity was the Slip ‘N feet, 5 inches. such as the Bungee Run, the Deluxe Slide that was last included in the 2005 It will also make for a living room Bouncer, Bouncy Boxing and the Gladi- Springfest. The Slip ‘N Slide will be area that is 15 feet, 5 inches by 11 feet, ator Joust will all be available as well as next to the Student Union on the hill 5 inches, and a study area that is 11 feet, several new toys. leading down to the Grotto. 3 inches and 9 feet, 2 inches. A 93-foot long Titanic Adventure Ross noted that the suites will still Slide, a Super Size Twister Board and Please see on Cinco on Page 3 accommodate six people with three “The Screamer,” a roller coaster simula- students in each bedroom. Ross said the Residence Life Office Andy Finkel Photo is looking into different beds and lofts Design suggestions for the Mercy Suite renovations were that will accommodate three people in Men’s lacrosse submitted by the Interior Design Studio II class. one bedroom. He said, however, that constructing Residence Life Justin Ross, the suites a living room “…makes the bedroom By Joshua Wilwohl will undergo a complete renovation that a bedroom.” Editor-in-chief officially voted #1 involves removing a wall to make for a According to Ross, s design will be living room. finalized in the upcoming weeks and The Mercy Suites freshman residence The current setup of each suite construction should start in mid-May. halls will soon receive a makeover. includes: three bedrooms, one bath and According to Associate Director of one large closet. Campus news briefs Compiled by editorial staff/from mercyhurst.edu Mercyhurst senior wins ter of Pi Sigma Alpha political honor of any organizations for which I ‘Erie Idol’ competition society welcomes Dr. Morton Cole- work.” Erie’s newly crowned “Idol,” 21- man to campus on Monday, May 7. The pledge program stems from the year-old Kayti Ostromecki, graduates Coleman is the Director Emeritus efforts of Sister Michele Schroeck, from Mercyhurst College in May with of the Institute of Politics at the Uni- RSM, director of service learning, and a communication degree but, if the versity of Pittsburgh and will deliver students: Nadine Beres, Julie Hranica, stars continue to shine on her, she may a lecture on “Politics: The Dilemma Vanessa Diaz, Jen Helbig, Stephanie be communicating as a pop vocalist of Media Consolidation and Frag- Prohaska and Zack Ufnar. rather than a PR professional. mentation” in Taylor Little Theatre Erie students can sign now through Kayti won the Erie Idol contest, at 8 p.m. Friday, May 11, from 11 a.m. to 1 sponsored by WFXP-TV, on the The talk is free and open to the p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. in the bookstore. strength of two performances: Aretha public. Graduates at Mercyhurst North East Franklin’s “Natural Woman” placed can sign May 14-16 in the foyer of her among the top five out of 20 in the Seniors asked to take a the Ridge Building from 10 a.m. to Idol finals on Thursday, April 26, and “green pledge” 3 p.m. Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance Graduating seniors on the Erie and Students who sign will receive a with Somebody” sealed the win. North East campuses still have time pledge card and their names will be to sign the Graduation Green Pledge posted on Mercyhurst’s graduation Pi Sigma Alpha welcomes that states: Web site. Contact Sister Michele at Dr. Morton Coleman “I pledge to explore and take into [email protected] for Don Eighmey Photo In celebration of the induction of account the social and environmental more info. The Mercyhurst men’s lacrosse team further distinguished its new members and graduation of consequences of any job I consider season by adding to their long list of accolades, in what may become senior members, the Mercyhurst chap- and will try to improve these aspects the program’s most successful campaign. Please see page 12. PAGE 2 THE MERCIAD May 2, 2007 NEWS To contact: [email protected] Magoc awarded Police and Safety Log for green efforts World Briefs April 24 April 28 International news By Jessica Kocent Larceny/Theft Larceny/Theft News editor 3828 Lewis Ave. Baldwin Hall Compiled by Prince Harry to be Closed Open Jessica Kocent deployed to Iraq Pending Investigation From BBC News On Monday, April 23, Dr. Chris April 25 Prince Harry will be deployed Magoc, Chair of the History De- Criminal Mischief April 28 to Iraq with his regiment, the partment, was presented with the 742 East 40th St. Larceny/Theft head of the British army has first ever Sustainability Award, by Closed Baldwin Hall confirmed. President Dr. Tom Gamble, Sis- Open Gen Sir Richard Dannatt said ter Maura Smith and the Green April 25 Pending Investigation he had taken the decision person- Team at the first annual Sister Larceny/Theft ally but stressed it would be kept Maura Smith lecture. Baldwin Hall April 28 under review. Magoc has been a vital part Open Larceny/Theft He called for an end to the of the environmental efforts on Pending Investigation Baldwin Hall “somewhat frenzied media spec- campus since coming to Mercy- Open ulation around this issue...” hurst College. April 25 Pending Investigation There have been fears for the He helped to found the Green Dr. Chris Magoc Burglary safety of the prince in Iraq amid Team in 2000, and most recently Athletic Center April 28 apparently worsening tensions in has helped to spearhead a Green Gamble to the daily efforts of Closed Criminal Mischief the country. Team initiative, which is await- Ken Stepherson and his physical 3937 Briggs Ave. Dannatt added “I will of ing approval by the Board of plant staff…to the impassioned April 26 Closed course keep that decision con- Trustees. and inspired leadership of the Criminal Mischief College Discipline tinually under review, and if The initiative will add a $15 fee students on the issue of green Hirt Center circumstances are such that I to student tuition to increase the energy…we now seem to be Closed April 30 Shia figures have said the change that decision, I will make Green Team funds to institute moving toward establishing a Liquor Law Violation prince will be targeted.
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