G0l)4p- f ^ s k i (/> "*sf-V\v • • •'' .* » 2*^ " ^ • ^ 4 * tt -jJJfc, '' 1$ The Best The Only . * srf IN Advertising Newspaper 5 Medium •""rV'. & : : Published SPS*SL in ''-"* v in the Northern Town of Connecticut Enfield, Ct. COVERS AN AREA. POPULATED BY 30,000 PEOPLE imssw. Ill Fifty-Fifth Year—No. 19. THOMPSONVILLE, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1935 Subscription $2.00 Per Year—Single Copy 5c. "fill: School Opsnpg Date s Assignment To "•'if fsV< 9 Conduct Safety Campaign Here Third Party Ticket Km?:*,, , .,s .. Board of Education Complies With Request of SPECIAL TOWN BROWNE BEING Former Representative Said to Be Willing to En­ J Tobacco Growers to Defer Opening Which Was DRIVE BEGINS ter Local Political Arena Again—Will First to Be Sept. 3 for One Week—Teacher Vacancies MEETING TO BE NEXT MONDAY FELICITATED ON Oppose Hughes in the Democratic Caucus— Are Filled—Complete Roster For Year. HELD SEPT. 3RD ANNIVERSARY Endorsement of Third Party Is Certain. In order to make it possible At the meeting of the Board of Ed­ Electors to Act On Pro­ for every motorist in Enfield Local Merchant Show­ Apparently the local democratic PETITIONERS FOR 'ucation Tuesday evening it was voted organization is not going to be en­"SIDEWALK TO to defer the opening of the town and the vicinity to join in the ered With Congratula­ schools which was set for Tuesday, posal to Purchase Land statewide safe driving cam­ tirely free from internal strife, as CITIZENS TICKET September 3 to Monday. September to Permit Widening of tions On Completion of was first supposed, in connection with BE CONSTRUCTED 9. The change was made at the re paign, The Press has accepted the coming town election. Develop­ quest of the farmers and tobacco Alden Avenue to Elim­ the assignment to supervise the His 50th Year in Busi­ ments during the past week indicate SHOW 68 VOTERS growers who desire the help of the children to complete the harvesting inate Bad Intersection. movement here. Accordingly, ness Life Here. that at least one contest if not more IMMEDIATELY of the tobacco and other crops. pledge cards for individuals and _ will take place at the caucus on Sep- List Filed With Secre­ To succeed Miss Angela M. Sween­ First Selectman William J. Hughes Fnends from near and far are fe- m rp. „ „„„„ -vs-i, Work on Finishing Side­ ey, teacher of French in the High signature sheets for the larger licitating J. Francis Browne today tary of Statejndicates School, the board appointed Miss Hil­ stated this morning that it had been on the 50th anniversary of his asso- ;/ InL ntw! walk on Enfield Street da Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and decided by the board of selectmen to groups are being prepared by ciation with local mercantile life, nf firi? A i That Both Parties Are Mrs. M. A. Mitchell of New King call a special town meeting for Tues­ this publication and will be which he is celebrating beginning I • * • May Be Commenced Represented in Third street. Miss Mitchell was educated day evening, September 3, to act on ready for distribution here next in the local schools and is a graduate Monday. Monday then will be Within the Next Ten Ticket Movement. of the Enfield High School and the the question of the town purchasing Days. College of New Rochelle. Miss Es­ sufficient land on the north side of the actual opening of the cam­ throughout New England but practi- ; w Representative ther Smyth was appointed to succeed Alden Avenue between Windsor and paign. cally from every section of the coun- 'Tf M tt„i1:,,0„ < According to the petition filed at Church streets to widen the avenue The industrial plants and larger try. Former residents, political as-! • s, understood that Mr. Hullivan,;. , . Largely through the personal ef~ Miss Catherine C. Hannon, who died s nce cea connection with' fort of Arthur N. Jones of the Town the office of the Secretary of State recently, as teacher in the A. D. Hig- and eliminate the dangerous inter­ business groups will be provided with sociates, heads of manufacturing I * sed his conned _ ^ section at the junction of Alden Ave­ signature" sheets headed" by the Safe plants and wholesale concerns with j J£® Commission the'work 'of com- •during the past week, adherents to gins School. ut nue, Church and Whitworth streets. nviVJno. ami -mill v>Q ron,iaci<»i! whom Mr Bmwiio W VinH Vmcinpc;* l 7. Collector, has been strongly urg-,pleting a sidewalk on Enfield street both of the local political organiza To succeed Miss Rose Crowley as The action of the selectmen is the tions are about evenly represented on teacher in the North School, Miss result of a petition signed by fifty the list. There are 68 electors on the Alice Norian received a temporary taxpayers' which was filed with the list, most of whom are residents and appointment. The board transferred board this week requesting that such voters in Precinct 2 of the second Miss Laura Norris, a teacher of the a meeting be held. The proposal for veteran posts and auxiliaries, civic state and nation. jto seek the first selectmanship. The;State Administration at Hartford voting district. fifth grade in the Brainard School to this improvement is endorsed by the and religious organizations who may Local friends and business, social ^rategy of his candidacy, as, Monday and was assured that the The petition with the complete list the Center School in exchange with Town Plan Commission and this body want to sign the pledge in groups and fraternal associates "said it with'S*th?ed by f°nowers, is to go into undertaking came within the scope Miss Janet Stewart. On accbunt of 1C a s a can c f th e of the signers is as follows: "We, haslias alreadyaneauy approvedappiuveu theme plansVAttllS foraui willwin beD© providedproviaeu withwren thetrie sheetssneets forIOr flowers,"finwov=w,ycio> » aimand aS a icauii/result a<X section ofi^!:uj. j? „ xT-_ Vipq/1, -^ xS.flio 1 li. i ? ? Uv,i °, „j? j i desirable.v "a* projects which the undersigned qualified electors in continued illness as the result of an it. The strip of land that it will b«. that purpose. Sheets will be located the store this morning resembled »i First Selectman Huffhe^ who nn t Wf°U+l the Town of Enfield, Conn., do here­ accident last winter. Miss Catherine necessary for the town to purchase)in some of the principal business fl.°_we? shop with the scores of beau-j!P -X .of the f^ct th^, by pray you to allow us. to enter a McGinity, teacher in the Higgins to make the change would be taken places of the town, at the various fire tiful bouquets by means of which theif™j^Lly sleJl \ renomination. While | local administration was favorable to so-called Citizens ticket in the next School, has been granted a six-month from the properties of A. F. Javorski department headquarters and other good wishes of the people of the com- i i ,9? he will ^make a good [it. Mr. Jones was informed that an town election to be held in the town leave of absence. The board defer­ and Salvatore Arnone. It is under- convenient points for the convenience munity have been expressed. Hund- C^UCUf' Hullivan.'s immediate survey would be made to red the appointment of a teacher to n t peful of succ s in of Enfield, Conn.: Joseph Borys. Al­ stood that the land is now available of those who may wish to pledge in reds of people visited the store this | ?r ,1^ TI ?. ? determine the cost and the necessary take Miss McGinity's place until a allotment to complete the job. bert Setera, John Klimek, John Ten- and can be bought by the town. This i that manner instead of using the morning to extend their personal con-1 ^5. Hughes. His candidacy later meeting. The complete roster r so d fylI erowicz, Edmund Kososki, Michael was not possible when this improve- J card system. Nothing will be left gratulations and at the same time fniinwwf l ?Sj Under the new set-up by which the Socha, Sr., Frank Piorek, John Krzys iof teachers for the coming school ment was proposed some years ago. j undone so far as this publication is look over the extraordinary stock of I ? + ~ and will work will be done the government year is as follows: will pay for the labor and very pos­ Jr., Frank Smith, Stanley S. Niem- Under the plans prepared for the t concerned to make it possible for ev- the most modern furniture and house-1 PfZ i. for taking them along Enfield High School: Karl D. Lee, hold supplies with which Mr. Browne I sibly for a portion of the material, iec, Joseph Szetela, Michael Bajek, improvement, Alden Avenue would jery driver of an automobile in this M Hullivan is expected to receive Antoni Ziemnicki, Timothy J. Organ, principal; Harold A. Gleason, vice- be widened at the west end to direct-: town and vicinity to sign this safety has filled his establishment for this " " which under the old plan was entirely principal, mathematics; Viola R. Al­ notable celebration, the nomination without opposition. borne by the town. First Selectman Andrew Maciolek, Tony Palvis, John ly connect with Whitworth street, J pledge. The latter development, however, „. Flaherty, S. Poole, Stanley Tenerow- len, dean of girls, commercial bran­ eliminating the narrow intersection! In accepting this assignment to act The store, long one of the most at­ William J.
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