Page 1 of 26 ईट셍न कोलफील्ड्स लललिटेड Eastern Coalfields Limited ( ) कोल इंडिया का एक अंग (A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited) अध्यक्ष सह-प्रबन्धक निर्देशक का कायाालय, Office of the Chairman-Cum-Managing Director, सं啍टोरिया, पो-दर्दशेिगढ़, जिला-वधामाि, Sanctoria, PO: Dishergarh, पजचिम बंगाल-713333 Dist. Burdwan. West Bengal - 713333. Office of the General Manager (P&IR). महाप्रबंधक(का/औ.स.) का कायाालय CIN-U10101WB1975GOI030295. CIN-U10101WB1975GOI030295. Telefax- 0341-2523586. फ़ै啍स- 0341-2523586. No. ECL/CMD/Rectt/Clerk-18/33/746 Dated: 05.12.2018 Sub: - Notice for written examination for selection of Clerk Grade-III from eligible departmental candidates of ECL. In repose to Internal Notification No: ECL/CMD/Rectt/Clerk-18/33/981 dated 02.02.2018 for selection of Clerk Grade-III from eligible departmental candidates of ECL, the candidates as given in the list are provisionally found suitable for written examination to be held on 22.12.2018 (Saturday) from 11:00 am to 12:00 noon at Asansol Engineenirg College, Kanyapur, Vivekanand Sarani, Asansol, Dist-Pashchim Burdhwan, West Bengal, Pin-713305. General category candidates securing 40% marks (24 out of 60 marks) and 30 % marks (18 out of 60 marks) for SC/ST candidates in the written examination will be called for Computer Test. However, it is subject to a maximum of 03(three) candidates against 01(one) vacancy position in each category. The passing marks for General candidates in Computer Test for final selection will be 40% of Computer Test mark (08 out of 20 marks) and for SC/ST 35% marks (07 out of 20 marks). Instructions for written examination (Please read carefully):- ● Candidates to carry the call letter issued by respective Areas along with their Employee Identity card issued by the company and produce as and when demanded by the authority persons. ● Candidates shall report at the examination centre 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination. No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination centre after the commencement of the examination and shall not be allowed to leave the examination hall before completion of the examination. ● The Management reserves the right to cancel or postpone the written test due to unavoidable reason/circumstances. ● Candidates are not allowed to carry any papers, notes, books, calculators, cellular/mobile phones, scanning device, etc. in the examination hall. Any candidate found using or in possession of such material or indulging in unfair means is liable to be summarily disqualified. The decision of the invigilator of the room/hall will be final in this connection. ● Written exam will consist of 60 marks and each question of written exam will carry 01 (one) mark each. ● Written exam will be of objective type comprising of multiple-choice questions. The candidates are required to answer in the Question cum Answer Booklet provided to them. ● In case, it is found that the candidate is not confirming to the eligibility criteria at any point of time before the final order of selection is issued, his/her candidature will be cancelled. ● The Area/establishment are requested to issue call letters from their end to respective candidates mentioning their roll number, Name, Father’s Name, Designation, Area Name, Unit Name, Exam Date, Etc.(Format of Blank Call Letter is enclosed as Annexure-I) S/d- General Manager (P/Rectt), ECL.Hq. Page 2 of 26 List of provisionally eligible candidates for written examination and corresponding allotted roll number is as under:- U.man Roll Sl. Name of the candidate Father's name Area Name no. No. 1 Azimuddin Ansari Lt Gulfan Ansari 16671 SODEPUR 50001 2 Lalji Roy Lt F P Roy 16771 SODEPUR 50002 3 Sri Arzoo Ahmad Khan L/ Matiur Rahman Khan 20880 SODEPUR 50003 4 Dipak Singh Lt. Chappa Singh 21002 ECL HQ 50004 5 Pabitra Ball Lt. Badal Ball 21098 SODEPUR 50005 6 Sunil Prasad Ram Lt. Rama Nand Ram 25994 KAJORA 50006 7 Subrata Laha Lt. Kinkar Ch. Laha 92984 ECL HQ. 50007 8 Prem Narayan Chowhan Dashi Chowhan 92997 ECL HQ. 50008 9 Hari Sadhan Maji Lt.Shankar Ch. Maji 93103 ECL HQ. 50009 Sabyasachi Shyamapada 10 100224 BANKOLA 50010 Chatterjee Chatterjee 11 Bappa Ditya Thakur Bireswar Thakur 100226 KAJORA 50011 12 Bani Kr.Chakraborty Lt.P N.Chakraborty 100260 Kenda 50012 13 MD. SAFIQUE ALAM Lt. Azad Mia 100957 Salanpur 50013 14 Santosh Kr. Singh Lt. Ram Ekbal Singh 100997 Satgram 50014 15 SANJOY MAJI LT. SITAL CH. MAJI 101464 SODEPUR 50015 SRI DHANANJAY KUMAR 16 LT. RAJENDRA SINGH 101737 PAND 50016 SINGH LT. BRAJ BIHARI 17 JITENDRA KR. SHARMA 101752 BANKOLA 50017 SHARMA Sonepur 18 Sonalika Ghosh Dulal Ch.Ghosh 101787 50018 Bazari 19 Smt. Shrabani Mukherjee Lt. Sitaram Bhattacharya 101793 KAJORA 50019 20 Mahesh Raut Lt. Ramprabesh Raut 102062 Satgram 50020 21 Swarnamoy Maji Lt. Umapati maji 102064 SODEPUR 50021 22 Kajal Chatterjee Lt. Sonatan Chatterjee 102065 Kunustoria 50022 23 Monoj Kumar Pati Sunil Kumar Pati 102066 KAJORA 50023 24 Subhadeep Goswami Lt. Chittaranjan Goswami 102087 BANKOLA 50024 25 Sukhen Pal Paresh Nath Pal 102091 Kenda 50025 Lt. Amiya Kr. 26 Smt.Barnali Mukhopadhyay 103204 ECL HQ. 50026 Mukhopadhyay 27 Suryamohan Mukherjee Gopal Chandra Mukherjee 103294 Satgram 50027 28 Kumari Sudha Singh Bhanu Pratap Singh 103304 Satgram 50028 SANAT KR. 29 SWAPNANIL CHATTERJEE 103319 BANKOLA 50029 CHATTERJEE 30 Md. Shahid Iqbal Lt. MD. Alauddin 103322 BANKOLA 50030 31 Ujjal Banerjee Lt. Niranjan Banerjee 103349 Kunustoria 50031 32 Lakhikanta Majhi Lt.Gopal Majhi 103360 Kenda 50032 33 Vikash Kr. Singh Lt. Srijadubansh Singh 103362 Kunustoria 50033 34 Anil Kr. Sharma Lt. H.P. Sharma 103363 Kunustoria 50034 35 Sri Achinta Kumar Pandey Late. G.D. Pandey 104722 Mugma 50035 36 Subrata Mondal Dilip Kr. Mondal 104779 SODEPUR 50036 37 MANBHAWATI DEVI LT LOCHAI RAM 104818 Mugma 50037 38 Manoj Kr. Prasad Lt. Sitaram Prasad 106366 Satgram 50038 39 SACHITANAND PASWAN LT RAJENDRA MAHATO 106373 SODEPUR 50039 40 Raman Das. Lt.Bigan Das. 106418 PAND 50040 41 Apurba Pal Arun Kr. Pal 106441 Kenda 50041 42 Kanchan Kr.Pal Dinabandhu Pal 106486 Kenda 50042 43 Ramjanam Harijan Lt. Magai Harijan 106536 SODEPUR 50043 44 Suresh Pd. Tanti Kishun Tanti 106580 Sripur 50044 45 Kabiram Ghosh Nimai Chandra Ghosh 106616 PAND 50045 46 Chanchal Chakraborty Sebananda Chakraborty 106629 PAND 50046 Sonepur 47 Ashok Kumar Ghosh Lt.N N Ghosh 106634 50047 Bazari 48 Bachhu Pal Lt. Dhirendranath Pal 106710 PAND 50048 Page 3 of 26 49 Ashim Ghosh Ram Chandra Ghosh 106888 PAND 50049 50 Nimai Karmakar Lt. Batakrishna Karmakar 106894 Satgram 50050 51 RATHINDRA NATH ROY Lt. Kashi Nath Roy 106936 Salanpur 50051 52 Sadhan Kumar Panda Lt. Bhubaneswar Panda 107010 KAJORA 50052 53 Monoj Kumar Mondal Lt T. D. Mondal 107019 Kenda 50053 LT. SUNIL KR. 54 UJJWAL KR. CHOWDHURY 107168 PAND 50054 CHOWDHARY 55 Shyamal Kr.Mondal Lt.B. K.Mondal 107170 C H KALLA 50055 56 Shyam Hansda Lt. Lakhi Ram Hansda 107323 Sripur 50056 Sonepur 57 Sudan Mondal Biswanath Mondal 107367 50057 Bazari 58 Ram Babu Chouhan Lt. Mongal Chouhan 107370 KAJORA 50058 59 Hiranmoy Chakraborty Lt. S.P Chakraborty 107446 ECL HQ 50059 60 Benugopal Roy Lt. N.G.Roy 107462 ECL HQ. 50060 61 Arup Misra Lt. Subhash Ch. Misra 107480 SODEPUR 50061 62 Ajoy Kumar Singh Rambilash Singh 107516 KAJORA 50062 LT. RAMESHWAR 63 Bipin Kumar 107664 Mugma 50063 DUSAD 64 Raju Bhuia Lt. Prasadi Bhuia 107754 KAJORA 50064 65 Sadhan Ghosh Sudhir Kr. Ghosh 107831 BANKOLA 50065 66 Pintu Mukherjee Kt.Nikhil Mukherjee 107884 KAJORA 50066 67 Rajendra Pd. Yadav Lt. Bindeshwari Yadav 107917 Sripur 50067 68 Krishnamohan Dusad Sahadeo Dusad 108717 KAJORA 50068 69 Kali Shankar Dutta D.N Dutta 108722 Sripur 50069 70 Alimuddin Ansari Ch. Isuf Mia 108779 Kunustoria 50070 71 Gopal Gope Lt. Gokul Gope 108794 Kunustoria 50071 72 Bikash Hazra Lt. Sushil Hazra 108795 ECL HQ 50072 73 Sailen Paul Sri Subhash Ch. Paul 108871 BANKOLA 50073 74 Md. Ashraf Ali Warish Ali 109262 KAJORA 50074 75 Awadhesh Kr. Pandey Lt. Ramdas Pandey 109316 PAND 50075 LT. SWAPAN 76 KOUSHIK MUKHERJEE 109448 PAND 50076 MUKHERJEE 77 BIPUL KUMAR SINGH NAGESHWAR SINGH 109464 S P Mines 50077 78 Amiya Kr Chatterjee Lt.Netai Ch Chatterjee 109474 J.K.Ropeways 50078 79 Arjun Yadav Ramdhani Yadav 109520 KAJORA 50079 80 Sri Shambhu Nath Ram L/RamLakhan Ram 109539 SODEPUR 50080 81 Shri Lalan Kr.Jaiswal Late B.N.Jaiswal 109653 Rajmahal 50081 82 Provati Hembrom (Patrick) Lt. Joseph Hembrom 109668 Kunustoria 50082 83 Sikandar Yadav Baldeo Mahato (Yadav) 109694 PAND 50083 84 Manas Kumar Kolay Lt.Rabindra Nath Kolay 109711 KAJORA 50084 85 Manas Maji Ajit Maji 109715 ECL HQ 50085 86 Tarun Kundu Jitendra Nath Kundu 109744 BANKOLA 50086 87 Ganes Ch. Nandi Late Hari Sankar Nandi 109745 BANKOLA 50087 88 Sondip Roy Late Pranab Kumar Roy 109901 BANKOLA 50088 89 Kousik Chakraborty Narayan Chakraborty 109907 KAJORA 50089 90 Miten Ghosh Lt. Rabi Ghosh 110248 BANKOLA 50090 91 Abhay Kumar Ram Ashray Gope 110552 Satgram 50091 92 Maloy Kr. Nandi Lt. Manik Nandi 110578 ECL HQ 50092 93 Manik Chand Kumar LT HIT LAL KUMAR 110616 Mugma 50093 94 MUNNA KEWAT LT CHHOTELAL KEWAT 110625 BANKOLA 50094 95 Bireswar Banerjee Balaram Banerjee 110761 Kunustoria 50095 96 Sakaldeo Prasad LATAR NONIA 110956 Mugma 50096 RAMAN CHANDRA 97 Lt. HARIPADO MAJHI 111093 Mugma 50097 HANSDA 98 Sri Pankaj Kumar Shaw L/ Jugal Shaw 111123 SODEPUR 50098 99 Syed Afsor Ali Syed Asraf Ali 111135 Kunustoria 50099 100 Sanjay Bhuiya Lt. Giridhari Bhuiya 111176 Satgram 50100 101 Purna Chandra Pal Lt. Narayan Ch. Pal 111181 Satgram 50101 102 Prasun Chakraborty Lt.
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