Caboolture to Maroochydore Corridor Study Final Impact Assessment and Land Use Transport Strategy and to promote urban forms which minimise transport 5 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING requirements and improve the efficiency of land supply and infrastructure provision. Actions suggested of government to achieve these 5.1 Introduction objectives include: This Chapter describes the existing environment along q Those which involve the continuation of urban the alignment of the proposed scheme and in the public transport systems, integration and general area. It also includes a description of the coordination of different modes of transport and environmental planning policy framework before improving service quality; considering a review of the environmental q Continue to integrate landuse and transport characteristics of the areas in the vicinity of the planning with an emphasis on urban development proposed scheme. that minimises the need for fossil fuel based transport; 5.2 Relevant National Policy Framework q Provide for a range of densities in urban areas with higher densities particularly encouraged in 5.2.1 National Ecologically Sustainable areas near employment centres and public Development (ESD) Strategy 1992 transport services; and q Seek ways of reducing fringe development and In 1990 the Commonwealth Government suggested focus future development more within the existing the following definition for Ecologically Sustainable built up area of Australian cities. Development (ESD) in Australia: The strategy also addresses the issue of energy use ‘using, conserving and enhancing the community’s and transport with the objective of encouraging resources so that ecological processes on which life switching to alternative transport technologies or depends, are maintained, and the total quality of life, modes where this reduces greenhouse gas emissions now and in the future, can be increased’. per passenger unit and to optimise the modal mix of transport to achieve greater economic, environmental Following a national consultative process in 1992, and social benefits. Australian Governments adopted the principle of ESD as a national strategy. At its 1992 meeting, the 5.2.2 National Greenhouse Response Strategy Council of Australian Governments (COAG) endorsed the ESD Strategy. Australia ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in December 1992. The core objectives of the strategy are: The Convention entered into force in March 1994 and more than 150 countries are now signatories to it. The q To enhance individual and community well-being ultimate objective of the Convention is to achieve and welfare by following a path of economic stabilisation of greenhouse gas concentrations in the development that safeguards the welfare of future atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous generations; anthropogenic interference with the climate system. q To provide for equity within and between generations; and In 1992, Australian Governments also agreed to q To protect biological diversity and maintain National Greenhouse Response Strategy (NGRS) as a essential ecological processes and life-support basis of working together on greenhouse issues and, systems. in particular, to meet Australia’s international obligations under FCCC. The NGRS outlined a range The strategy document sets out the broad strategic of objectives and sectoral strategies to address and policy framework under which it is intended that greenhouse issues. Since that time the Kyoto Protocol governments will cooperatively make decisions and has been negotiated and Australia became a signatory take actions to pursue ESD in Australia. It will be used in 1998. As a result of the Kyoto Protocol, developed by governments to guide policy and decision making countries, as a whole, will strive to reduce their and is critical in setting the scene for the required greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels by at least broad change in direction and approach that 5% by 2008-2012. Australia’s requirement is to limit governments will need to take in order to ensure that greenhouse gas emissions in the target period to no future development is ecologically sustainable. more than 8% above 1990 levels. With respect to urban and transport planning, the The National Greenhouse Strategy 1998 expands the objectives of the strategy seek to encourage the future program of action launched by all governments in development of urban transport systems. This Australia through the 1992 National Greenhouse provides opportunities to limit the use of fossil fuels, Response Strategy. G:\ENVIRON\PROJECTS\9727\STAGE3\FINALIAS\FEB2000\CHAPTER05 Part A 5-1 February 2001 Caboolture to Maroochydore Corridor Study Final Impact Assessment and Land Use Transport Strategy The strategy states that transport was responsible for - promotion of development near public transport 17% of Australia’s net greenhouse gas emissions and systems which incorporates higher residential and 24% of emissions produced through activities involving commercial densities and appropriate mixed uses the use of energy in 1996 (National Greenhouse Gas (including residential, commercial, retail and other Inventory 1996). Cars were responsible for 56% of employment activities); these emissions. National Greenhouse Gas Inventory data indicates that, from 1990 to 1996, national - the development of regional retailing and office transport emissions grew by 15%, the fastest growth of centres and other substantial trip-attracting land any sector. In addition, work by the Bureau of uses such as educational institutions and Transport Economics projects that, in the absence of hospitals, as part of an appropriate mixed use further measures to limit greenhouse emissions, environment located on major public transport domestic transport emissions will increase by 42%, on routes.... 1994 levels, by the year 2015. ....(iii) working with local governments in their The National Greenhouse Strategy focuses on jurisdictions to pursue strategies which encourage modules (or actions) that limit net greenhouse gas increased population density in appropriate areas emissions. Of relevance to the CAMCOS project, within their municipality. Possible approaches to Module 5 addresses Efficient Transport and promote this outcome could include one or more of the Sustainable Urban Planning. following: Module 5 outlines action on: - identification of areas where it is appropriate for medium-density housing to be encouraged, q Integrating land use and transport planning; especially near public transport and major q Travel demand and traffic management; commercial, retailing or employment locations; q Encouraging greater use of public transport, walking and cycling; - promotion of choice (mix) in housing types and q Improving vehicle fuel efficiency and fuel mode of transport; technologies; and q Freight and logistics systems. - establishment of targets for population growth within existing urban centres. A key facet of this module is the integration of land use and transport planning. The Intergovernmental Panel Planning schemes will be amended as necessary to on Climate Change concluded that: support these approaches.” “changes in urban and transport infrastructure to Travel Demand and Traffic Management reduce the need for motorised transport and shift demand to less energy-intensive transport modes, may In relation to travel demand and traffic management, be among the most important elements of a long-term reducing the demand for travel and facilitating strategy for greenhouse gas mitigation in the transport smoother traffic flows are key elements in limiting sector. In some circumstances, the resulting traffic greenhouse gas emissions from transport. Initiatives reductions can result in greenhouse gas emission in this area provide complimentary benefits in terms of reductions of 10% or more by 2020, while obtaining improvements in local air quality and traffic congestion. broad social and environmental benefits”. (1996 Report on Technologies, Policies and Measures for Initiatives in this area proposed by the CAMCOS Mitigating Climate Change). project include decreasing the proportion of trips made by private vehicles. Integrating Land Use and Transport Planning Encouraging Greater Use of Public Transport, Measures to integrate urban land use and transport Walking and Cycling planning defined in the strategy that are of relevance to the CAMCOS project include: The substitution of public transport, walking or cycling for car-based travel significantly limits greenhouse gas “(i)preparing and implementing integrated land use and emissions, particularly in urban areas. These actions transport strategies for current or emerging major also improve local air quality and reduce traffic urban regions through planning, zoning and other congestion. program management systems. A major objective of the strategies will include a reduction in greenhouse The measures proposed in the Strategy that are gas emissions. supported by the introduction of CAMCOS include: The strategies will encourage: q Improving public transport services - attention is focused on developing efficient public transport G:\ENVIRON\PROJECTS\9727\STAGE3\FINALIAS\FEB2000\CHAPTER05 Part A 5-2 February 2001 Caboolture to Maroochydore Corridor Study Final Impact Assessment and Land Use Transport Strategy systems which are responsive to customer the future. demands, through improvements to service reliability, comfort and personal safety, service 5.3 Queensland State and
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