,/ ■■ • »- . •Mo n d a y a u g u s t i, 19W V AvsfRgs Dally Nst Praaa Raa fO U B T E E ir fW Mm Waok BMad ,<■ iianrtiratrr $rralb JalySS.ltSS a t- The DAV No. 17 AuxiUary wiU Fete Future Bride You Can't luy lETTER Auto Insuranoo 11,223 bnM A regular meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m., at the VFW Home. Brittoh'Barrett Wedding r oC On AoMt . At Shower Here I M OtowlaUwn . Manche*ter—^A City o f ViUago Charm K*ry S. Bdimmdt of W. Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Cadder p" *.-*■ 'R WHY PAY MORE? and Mrs. Gadder’s mother, Mrs. White .gladioli and palmsT CMtor 8 t, end Miu OoomUo Miss Nancy J.., MscAlplne of' Son why AMstott sold moro ciuto Insuronco i(i 1954 (OtaMlllaS AivwUillBC m Pa«o IS) niictpivBcm E OuBon of S. Moln St., left ftom Rose J. Mayer, have returned to formed the setting at St. Bridget's Church at 10 o'clock this morning 1 103 Henry St., was guest of honor ^SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY. AUGUST *, 1985 tatewUd Airport Saturday for a their home, 247 Summit St:, after St a miscellaneous bridal shower than ony^ othtr eompohy'\|^s#d on direct writton YOU L X ^ , NO. 157 Sve WMka trip touring: Burope. an auto trip to the Pacific Coast foV the marriage of Miss Cynthia ■ Veronica Barrett, daughter of Mr. i Saturday evening, given by the tiMy plan pa visit several countries and return, during which they vis­ mother of her fiance, Mrs. Leo J. SoMPA^^**AND YOL'L^. FIXI>\llstate, the company .founded before retiminy in September. ited a number of places of interest. gbd Mrs. Joseph Barrett, 249 Ver-! non St., and Walter Edmund Brit-! Pelletier, at her home, 82 Foster by Scars, offers rates usually lower than those of moat companiea Poet Stevens Dies; St. _n really better auto insurance yalhe! At the same time, you Jean A. Murphy, seaman, USN, ' All persons interested In work­ ton. son of Mr, and Mrs. EMward Tlie bride-to-be opened her love­ Biittonj 402 E. Center St. The can count on Allstate for finest protection, friendl.v agent wp'lce aon of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. ing on the committee for St. ly gifts under a chaiinlng gaily and fast, fair claim settlements throiiwoiit the United States ,>.V Won Pulitzer Prize Miirpby Jr., «rf 278 Birch Moun- Bridget's Harvest Barasr sre in­ Rev. Robert Carroll performed the decorated shower umbrella, after vited to the nieetlng tomorrow- ceremony and . was the celebrant and Canada. \«-- - tatt> Rd.. reported to the naval which a delightful buffet luncheon Hartford, Aug. 2 (F>—Wal­ base at Cbarleston. S. C., July 12 night at 8:15 in the church base­ at the solemn high Maas. Mrs: was served hy the hostess. Contact vour local Allstate Insurance Co. dealer. Ailyne Garrlty waa organist. lace Stevene. insurance execu­ for duty with Commander Sub ment. Miss MacAlpine snd Daniel R. FRANK LANGMACK — Ml 9-5650 From Cdhada-hut tive who won the Pulitzer Oraup 1 . pefore entering the Kavy Given in marriage by her Pelletier will be married on Sat­ In l^bruaiy 1952, he attended father, the bi ide had as her' ma­ YouVf in Good Bdndj with Prize for poetry this yezr. J The official board will have a urday. Aug. 6. died at St. FranclB Hospital Manchester High School. meeting this evening at 7:30 at the. tron of honor, the bridegroom’s this morning. He was 75. South Methodist Church. j si.ster. Mrs. George I.,awler f i t W Stavehs was vice president Mr. and Mrs. Mltfchill SMmpIln- South Coventry. Bridesmaids Plan Story Hours in s u r a n c i c o m p a n y of the Hartford Accident and skl and Son. Henry, of 158 Kld- Mrs. Allan S. Taylor and daugh-1 were Mrs. Richard Schaller V Indamnity Oo.. and tha Hart­ Use of Force rldge St. left yesterday via Pan tere, Marilyn and Suranne, have! of 352 Woodland St.. Miss ford liveztock Insurance Co. June Rarretl of 249 Vernon St., At Library Here •y THK AJMOeXATBO Ofora evening in moet of Maaeachu- American Airlines for a 12-day returned to their home. 56 Henry | ’ !■‘J setu and during the evening in Ho was bom In Roading. vacation in Bermuda to visit their St., after five weeks at Smith's Miss Viola Britton of 402 E. Cen­ Brow - moist New Eng­ Fa., Oct. 2. 1897, son of the son A. 2. C. Walter Ssemplinski. Point, Lake Winnepesaukec. Mr. ter St. and Miss Kay Diets of E. Miss Mildred Simpson, librarian ConnecUciit, Rhode. laland and landers heard welcome news Capo Cod." late Oarrett B. and Marga- . USAF, who is stationed at Kind- Taylor spent ' his vacation and Middle Tpke. of the Whiton Memorial Library, retU Catherine Zeller Stevens. has planned a series of story hour/' today— the Weather Bureau Wamsest Night of Season ley Air Force Base. weekends wlth^hls family. Bernard Barrett 'of 249 Vernon Anyone who wondered why ao Ha attended Harvard.Univer­ St., brother of the bride, was b'est ■ ■' for children from 5 to 12 years of TIRE SPECIAL iorecaat relief ffom the heat ; M many New Englanders looked sity as a special student.and. Calls Fliers’ Release A son was bom at the St. Temple Chapter Sewing Group man. and ushers were Richard age during the month of August. by evening. But another day took a degree In law at New y The first of the story hours will fniaaled today could coneult thia ^ » Francis Ho^^Ul in Hartford on will meet at the'home of. Worthy Schaller of 352 Woodland St„ Ed­ HRST LINE DUNLOP TIRES of 90-degret temperaturea explanation from the Weather York Law School. In later life July 80 to Mr.-Jand Mrs. Frank Matron Mrs. Virginia Lewis, 52 ward Adamy of 45 Goodwin St., be ■held tomorrow morning St 10 , he received several honorary o'clock on the west lawn of the must pass before that hap­ Bureau: Fbndna, 150 Birch St. Wadswbrth St., tdmorrow evening George Lawler of South Coventry 4.75x19 .. $9.95 Plus Tax "Last night waa probably our degraes Including doctorates and Robert Cavedon of 27 Pitkin library,: next week on Thursday pens. from Harvsrd. Mt. Holyoko Move Toward Pea(?e at 7:30. morning’ at the same hour. 6.50x16 .. $12.95 Plus Tax "Gbolsr air from Canada Is slow­ warmeatt .......mjptt of------------- current— summer....... — ^ St. foY many areaa in aouthem New’ College, Wesleyzn Unlverelty, Richard and Guy Schaller. Selected stories from “Grand­ $14.95 Plus Tax ly noMhg nouUiwnr J through New Yale University. Bard College. Lakota Couhcil No. 61, Degree father's Tale.s.'' "Just So Stories," 6.70x15 .. Knglai^” the Weather Bureau England. In Booton, the mercury Place Orders Early! of Pocahontas, will meet Wednes­ nephews o f the bride, carried her did not drop out of the 80a and even Columbia University a p d Wssliington, Aug. 2 (/P)—SsertUry of Stats JJaUes said by Kipling, —Pete, the Crow-" and 7.60x16 .. .f. $15.95 Plus Tax said In an early sumMry. "The Hartt college of Music. For School, For Csmp Use day night in Odd FellowsHall. The train. cool air vriU ehow an Increased in the intarior suburba the tern todsy th« United States hopM evfentually to obtain from Red Tha bride wore an alt - white others will be told by Mia-Simpson cool Air WHl anow nn incr««««u —L VT 7. 7 aw Wk- Easy To Apply meeting will itart at 78 o'clock and Mrs. Rosamond Carter, chil­ These Are Odd Sizes; See Us For Prices On Other Sizes speed In lU Southward movement P*.!ili.^7v^.*l^irMVtur« wU?^oulck China a declaration renouncing th« use of force. aharp and all members are urged Chantilly lace gown of nylon tulle dren's librarian, who will take B ^ w e expect that relief from the . T?***?7 ■ Dulles told a news conference such a broad commitment by to be on time. pinpointed with tiny pearls and . .-------... ly climb well Into the 90s. Thunder- - fa.shioned with long sleeves, illu­ turns. In ca.se of rain the diildren's SERUKE present heat wllt^rive In south showers this' afternoon will drop PoKce Use Gas the Chinese Reds would clear the w a/ for extenrive nego­ N a m e T a p e s sion Mandarin collar and full room of the library will be used. om New EngUnd IhU evening." temperatures back into the SOs. tiations on major problems between them and other coun­ skirt with train. She also wore a Yesterday the i^ecmometer Low readings tonight will be In tries, including the United States.-^ ' little crown hat trimmed with STHTIOn climbed to 100 degreea at Man­ the middle <0s. Fair and cooler, Against Foes of VANS chester. N. H.; to 98 at Concord, weather is expected for Wednesday He said the United States will not negotiate vHth a pistol DEVELOPING pearls with .fingertip lengtli veil LET ITS FILL YOUR N. H.. Boston and Hartford. Cionn., iOO (or $1.50 f, PRINTING- attached. She carried a cascade Hartford Rd1 . Manchester,Conn. with afternoon temiJeraturee In the at its head. ’’ of white roses. and to S5 at Lebanon. N. H.‘ 'The lower 80s." Peron’s Party And the most important thing now, h« added, is that the J' The matron of honor was attired TELEPHONE Mitchell 9^8066 reading in'Boston equalled an Aug.
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