Copyaiuiir, 1885, IT TUK SPOBTISG LIFE Pi'BLiimiNQ Co ^v^^^^^^ ^^^^» ^^^MM^^P ^^ ENTEBiD AT 1'HILA.'HiLA. FOOTPiwr Omc*Assico!fi>CLASSiuTKB.Itmr** A a av/wu-n M . .-,..•, u . __•»« VOLUME U, NO. 1. PHILADELPHIA, PA., OCTOBER U, 1885. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. FROM DETKOIT. whole base ball world centres in the event of this con­ Another Rank Specimen of Umpiring Sprung test, and I believe it is sate to (my that, with this inter­ THE SPORTING LIFE LATE NEWS. est in their favor, these two clubs have taken in more on Detroit—The Team Playing Remarkable BASE BALL. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT money than all the other dabs put together. Does any Ball, Etc. one iu h's senses suppose that this overpowering intere«t No. 202 South Ninth Street, FbJlada. DETROIT, Oct. 7. Editor SPOUTING LIFE: The is to cease with the termination of this year's battles? BY THE worst is over. "Chump" Sullivan, another rank Or that Iwth th.' contestants are not keenly alive to the EVENTS OF A DAY. NEWS OF THE WEEK fact and watching for every opportunity to reinforce it Sparling Life Publishing Company, umpire, has been taken from our midst, much to strength or to gain an advantage over the other? Or ia the relief of our audiences. He is enough to rattle eit'ier club to weaken itself for parsimonious Boston, To u'tose order all Clitckt, Drafts, Money Ordtn any pitcher by his judgement on balls impecunious Providence, peccant St. Louis or wavering and Remittance* muat be made payable. Results of Saturday'sIBall'Games and strikes, but his cheek carries every­ Funny Work by Detroit-News Uetroit? I trow not. Theso lesser clubs are but the pins with which the athletes play their games and add POST OFFICE BOX, 9IS. thing before it, and IB only equalled to their scores, and as to Chicago and New York have and Other Sporting Events. by a circus fakir. Last Saturday, the 3d inst., Gathered by Correspondents. come the success and the money so to them must remain. TKTfMTB- was the day set for the final game between De­ alid coue the strength. troit and Providence. It had rained during the (Subscription, per annum (postage pud)............... 82.26 TAMPERING WITH PtAYEKS. But mouths................... " " ............... 1.85 THE FINISH. forenoon and wet the grounds enough to make FROM CHICAGO. nree months............... " *' ............... .65 it a trifle spongy, but an hour before the time for Detroit Said to be Working on the Quiet- Single copies................. " " ............... Oc. The Last League Championship Games— game the ground was in excellent condition. Mr. The Big Four—Detroit Inviting Trouble. Close of the League Season at the Garden INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. Philadelphia and Providence AVinuers. Sullivan stepped upon the grounds a moment ST. Louis, Oct. 6. Editor SPORTING LIFE:_In City — A Word Concerning the Last New CHICAGO, Oct. 10. The last championship game later, looked around, and declared the game off to spite of the Saratoga agreement Hanlon, of the York-Chicago Series. ADVERTISING RATES: of the season was played to-day before a small the attendant. When Manager M'atkins, of the Detroits, was in this city yesterday endeavoring CHICAGO, Oct. S. Editor SPORTING LIFE: (FIXED AND FINAL) audience. The home club played a decidedly in­ Detroits, arrived shortly after and heard of to pledge Dunlap to play in Detroit next year, as When the Xew York and Chicago teams left here this fact he was red hot and started to find the Oiie insertion.................. 12^ cents per line, Nonpareil ferior game in the field, while the Phillies played Dunny has an agreement from Lucascas not to re­ last Suuday for Louisville the public interest and Tbrw months................. 1O " 4i " 4i almost perfectly. In batting, too. the visitors car­ cheeky official, but he took pains to keep out of erve him for next year. Detroit plead ignorance enthusiasm, which has made this seriA amo»g Six months..................... 9 " t; " " sight, and the spectators who were gathering in rance the most memorable upon record, went with them, One ywir........................ 8 " t; " " ried off the honors, Clarkson being badly pounded, when they made the deal with the ''big four," but while Ferguson was rather troublesome. Krieg, good numbers,had to turnback jinti wait for another tor the question of the championship, in the minds ADVERTISERS should forward their favors so as to reach time. The home nine were couso^neutly frozen out of this latest scheme looks as if they did not propose t» by 6 P. M. Saturday, as this paper goes to press every lute of the Brooklyn?, caught for the home club, an easy victory over the crippled clam-eaters. to be bound by any agreements made at Saratoga. of every man posted, had been most satisfactorily Saturday evening. and Ryan played centre Held. Score: A protest was immediately sent in against fur­ settled, and the slim chance which Xew York CHICAGO. AB.R. B. P. A. E PHILA. AB.R. B. P. A. ther service by Sullivan, and it had a good effect, .- till held of tieing the Chicagos for first place was Dalrymple, If. 4 2 3 0 01 Manning, rf... 422 0 00 as instead of Sully for the Boston aeries we had the gen­ TO THE TRADE: . deemed scarcely worthy of mention. I gave you Byan,cf........3 1 1 3 0 3 Andrews. If... 3 2 2 210 ial Bob Fergusou, king of them all. This is the man a brief synopsis of the first two games in my last trade is supplied at liberal rates by all the leading Kelly, rf....... 4 0 0 2 1 1 Ferguson, p... 5 3 2 082 who should have a voice iu the selection of League um­ It is now stated that the ''big four" will be news companies. Anson,lb......4 0 2 8 0 1 Mulvey, 3b... 5 0 1 0 00 pires and less difficulty would arise from experiments. separated next season, Brouthers covering first bag letter, and as the readers of the LIFE are already Pfeffer, 2b..... 401 1 41 Farrar.lb...... 512 6 00 The opening of the Bost )n-Detroit series this week for Chicago, Anson retiring from the field and familiar with the result and doubtless many of the \Villi'ms'n,3b 400 2 11 Fogarty, cf.... 400 2 00 was marked by very chilly and damp weather, and the details of the last two, a very brief review of some THE SPORTING LIFE 1* for Sale by Burns, ss...... 301 2 11 Myers,2b...... 512 2 50 managing the team. Richardson is spoken of as audience and players looked like a lot of frozen turnips. going to the Athletics. Simmons was in Buffalo points in the play, which perhaps may not have All Newsdealer* in the United Clarkson, p... 3 0 0 0 8 6 Bastian.ss..... 5 1 2 521 The boys played with a vim and a good game was the reached them, will suffice. The third game States and Canada. Krieg. c........ 300 6 2 2 Cuskk, c....... 4 0 0 10 31 result. The audience howled, kicked and stamped in last week looking for him, and John B. Day, of efforts to keep off the chill. At the end of the eighth Xew York, also has feelers out for him. It is of the series was a clean and unques­ Total........ 3J3 8 241717; Total........ 401011 27 194 inning game was called in favor of Boston by 3 to 2, all stated on good authority that the Buffilo deal will tionably square defeat for the "giants. PHILADELPHIA, PA., OCTOBER 14. Chicago........................! 00000002 due to a little error by Detroit on which three runs McCormick's pitching was an enigma Philadelphia.................. 4 1300002 x 10 cost Detroit §10,000, and they may yet find they were piled up. Buffinton and his support were at their have captured nothing but a worthless franchise. to the heavy-hitters from New York, which they Earned runs Chicago 3, Philadelphia 4. Home run best. The second day, with Weidman and Bennett for could not solve, as was shown by their record Dalrymple. Two-base hit Ryan. Three-base hit the home nine and Stemmyer and Tate for the visitors Several delegates are going to the League meet­ of BILLIARDS. Myere. Passed balls Krieg 1, Cusick 1. First on balls as batteries, Detroits hit the leather well, and on ing with blood in their eyes, and lively times are three lonely little base hits. Welch did better Chicago 1, Philadelphia 4. First on errors Chicago numerous errors by the new battery succeeded in win­ looked for. In the meantime the four bones of than upon the preceding Tuesday, holding our 1. Philadelphia 7. Struck out Clarkson 5, Ferguson 8. ning the game (in a five-inning contest) by 7 to 1 contention are laying off without salary and claim boys down to eight, with a total of ten, bases, but THE NATIONAL BUXIARD ASSO CIATION Double plays Williamson and Anson: Pt'effer and An- Wood, our excellent left fielder, is on the sick list and our hits were so admirably and opportunely made son. Left on bases Chicago 2, Philadelphia 9. Time will not play in any more games this aeasoa. that some one will have to settle for their lost The Annual Meeting and Election of Officers. 2hrs. Umpire Gaffney. Next week the team starts on an exhibition tour, play­ time. Several presidents of League teams have and the errors of the visitors proved so costly to them that we broke their hearts in the opening of ' The annual meeting of the National Billiard PROVIDENCE WINS TWO GAMES.
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