Allston·dQWntown into winter wonderland shopping ... I Community Newspaper Company B www.allstonbrightontab.com FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2005 Vol. 10, No. 20 • 38 Pages 3 Sections 75¢ O,FORAL POFCO By Angela Kim ular method of dealing with bad gifts: he CORRESPONDENT Readers recall best, worst Christmas gifts they ever got re-gifted the set. Sure, everyone's supposed to love "It was a gift I literally had to give every holiday gift they ever tear open. But TAB's Reader's Advisory Network. a who are clueless on what to give. fork, spoon and knife setting for six peo­ away," said Leone. that doesn't mean it actually happens. group of volunteers from the communi­ For Dan Leone, a gift he received ple," said Leone. ''I don't know anyone This year, Leone, a father of three, Sometimes, gift-getters are left wonder­ ty, know the story well, and offer up eight years ago remains a vivid memory who gives gold-plated anything ... espe­ does have a concern about a certain type ing if the gift-buyer really loves them. some personal experiences and advice to in his mind. cially eating utensils." of gift he or his kids might receive - those receiving the unexpected and those "One year I got a complete gold-plated Much to his chagrin, he chose the pop- Members of the Allston-Brighton GIFTS, page 9 WILD SLIDE TALL TALE Ice rink in The willls - front of come ice rink tumblin' State a little slow clearing doWn sidewalk ice By Audltl Guha STAFF WRITER By Audltl Guha any months and ~200,000 later, a new cedar STAFF WRITER fence separating Allston from the Massachu­ With no snow removal since the snowstorm earlier Msetts Turnpike collapsed- a mere six weeks this month, areas of state-owned land in Cleveland after it was built. Circle are now like an uneven skating rink whk h It went up despite widespread dissatisfaction and pedestrians have to navigate, well, like they are on a two of its panels came down after the first snowstorm sheet of ice. of the season. lt faced repairs this week. Tuesday evening, pedestrians walked ginger!) Residents, who hav been demanding a stronger across precarious ice sheets. The sidewalks outside snow fence along Lincoln Street, are angry arld con- __Th_e_'t-~- -,-V-le_w__ the Reilly Memorial Rink on Chestnut Hill Avenue 8 are covered with thick, bumpy layers of ice, having cemed about their safety. page 5 10 seen no sign of a shovel since the snowstorm two 'The purpose of this -------­ weeks ago, residents said. fence was to protect Lin- 'This is crazy," said Anita Srinivasan, a student coln Street from snow being plowed off the new who lives on Commonwealth Avenue and takes the T breakdown lane that was being added to the west­ to college everyday. "It's not even snowing, but I have bound side of the Pike," said Mansfield Road resident to wear winter boots if I don't want to break my ne~k Harry Mattison. around here." ''The Turnpike Authority spent $200,000 on this Srinivasan is one of many who continue to make fence, that is now obviously defective in its design, their way through the icy stretches of Cleveland Cir­ construction or installution. Lincoln Street does not cle, all the way from Commonwealth Avenue and have the reliable safety barrier that it needs." wrapping into Beacon Street, around the Chestnut Two panels of the recently installed cedar fence Hill Reservoir. came down Dec. 11 at the end of the first snowstorm "It's like ice skating," said area resident Pralabh of the winter. Dayal, who takes the T to work everyday. Residents who saw the fallen fence said there was a He does not mind the ice much, though he said it huge pile of snow which pushed it down, possibly could be hazardous for elderly pedestrians. from plows clearing the Turnpike on the other side. Residents said the state-run sidewalks there have not been shoveled since the snowstorm earlier this Absolute disgrace month. STMF PHOTO BY K£1Tlt E. JACOBSON Franklin Street resident Mary Helen Black, who ''It's typical. We pay taxes and they don't clean the Celtics star Paul Pierce towers over Jackson DaSllva, a first.grader at the Jackson-Mann saw the fallen fence the Sunday after the storm, said it School, where Pierce had gone last Thursday to read the children's book "Clack, Clack, Moo, snow," said Brighton resident Anatol Zuckerman. Moo Cows" to the kids. was an absolute disgrace. SIDEWALK, page 13 FENCE, page 12 GIFTS O F HOPE Comfort, nOJOY• By Monica Deady ENTERTAINMENT STAFF W"'- ER Debra Sheffield stares at the gray conference table in front of her and holds back tears. End of an era She is trying to talk about the Saturday in April when her daughter dropped her off at the Pine ... SEEPAGE37 Street Inn. ''I saw tears in her eyes," says Sheffield, of her ·daughter, Shondra. "I told her no matter bow it is, I'm gonna make the best of it." Sheffield. known to most as ''De," has large Commentary 10 brown eyes, short hair and a cheerful disposition. Community Notes 23 She has been staying at the women's emergency shelter since that spring day when her daughter, son­ Crime 6 in-law and two grandchildren moved to Atlanta. Although Shondra invited her mother to move STMF PHOTO BY DAVIO GORDON Destinations 21 Debra Sheffield, left, and other guests at the Pine Street Inn's women's shelter wait In the food line. The women get GIFTS OF HOPE, page 9 meals, a warm bed and access to health care, washers and dryers and donated outfits. Ubrary Notes 25 Obituaries 22 :\IA Et The Finest Call For a Free People 27 . Cll 1IU tPH.\( :TH : m Mortgage Loans Market Analysis! PolHlcal Notebook 24 Swiss Watch Repair Local knowledge. 1 Authorized 5.Jks & Semct IE Sports OF Experienced answers. Al Sizes I Wldlh8 5 2 BEST BOSTON ~21. \i_ Auto Mmy Styles Shawmut Properties ' Work Injuries (Al ALPHA OMEGA Peoples I Colors 134 Tremont Street• Brighton DIAM<>f<DS SINCE 1976 Feder~ Savings Bank , t-ica# 1/luclt I.:~.~ All AMERICAN HOKE Am, INC. Your Neigliborliood Realtor® 556 Camhridge St., Brighton Nalld< Mal SQ8.65S.0700 Allston 229 Nonh Harvard S1ree1 f,h, c1 1c ii Supp' es &mgton Mal 1a1-m-4015 Brighton 435 Markel Sutt! --~~~-----· Tel. 617-787-2121 (617) 787-8700 Prudenllal Ct Bosm 617""424-9030 (617) 254-0707 • www.pfsb.com 151 Sutherland Rd. • Brighton Hriard ~<e . Canmdge 617-864-1227 7 2 a \!-mll<r FDIC 617-713-4300 www. C2 1:!t'hnwmut. com ---i:-- ---------I---- • • 1n)1 Page 2 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, December 23, 2005 www.allstonbrightontab.com Hennigan not fmished iWith politics .•. yet -­.... ~.#. By David L. Harris Hennigan said she would run everyone o know how grateful I for the councilor to pay her bills she'll do after her term expires~ STAFF WRITER "I'm not going away for the $100,000-a-year job be­ am." and to finance her next cam­ the end of this mqn~. Hennigli1i ; After losing the mayoral seat and I've taken my cause she wants to remain an ad­ She said her most important ac­ paign. said she's always looked tow~ earlier this fall to incumbent vocate for the community. complishments were helping the "I have enough bills to choke a Robert Frost for inspiration. , :~ Thomas M. Menino, Maura Hen- . soapbox with me." ''You look at this horrible city's only trailer park residents horse," she said. "It's very im­ ''l took the road less travel¢a hlgan is now setting her sights on quadruple murder [in Dorch­ stay in their homes in West Rox­ portant to me to be able to run a by," she said. 'ti: used my kno~,h ~ounty turf. Maura Hennigan ester], the very slow pace of hav­ bury; mapng sure a parcel of competitive campaign. You see edge over 24 Years to help [coo~ : At a fund-raiser at the Corrib ing trials. Because it [the trial land near µie Jamaica Pond (Hen­ some of the issues I've been stituents] show how governm,xn\ pub in West Roxbury, the 54- process] isn't done in a timely nigan's favorite place in Boston) talking the whole year. I feel I've works and give them access to rear-old politico officicflly an­ "Who would know that this manner, it isn't much of a deter­ remained undeveloped; and help­ helped." government." nounced that she would run for was going to open up?" Henni­ rent," she said. ing bring }.n a mammography van But she's made one thing clear: the · Suffolk County Superior gan said in an interview last into the city. Helping staff she will continue to work for tourt clerk job, a position held by week. "So many people have Swansong "It was the people that sent me Hennigan said she's currently Boston's residents no matter fonner City Councilor John come up to me and said I should Hennigan's announcement there ... not the special interests," looking to find her staff jobs. Her where she is. Nucci, who's leaving to go to stay in public service." came just as the councilor was she said. campaign manager for the may­ "I'm not going away and I've Suffolk University. According to Tlllling was everything for the wrapping up her last City Council Hennigan had mortgaged her oral election, Mitch Kates, is al­ taken my soapbox with me.
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