GeneraI esden by us thru your ieads, effort.s or reco»n- Notice to ofth~e isric b. CEanstontoD niendations; does not inte rfere. wltb Glencoe Inclusive whoue naines appear ln the telephone dlrectory, or who are Rl. M. ROGERS your present work. strie. confid. j!gular subscribers to elther WILMETTE LIFE. WINNETKA TALI or Author-expert instructor. GLENCOE NEWS. Write Willmette Life B-154. 25LTN40-tfc 56LTN41-4te D,** 15cents à nln1 one paper. 25 cents. a Uninl any two papers. THE OIITDOOR RECREATION SCHOOL ~ 30 cents a Une ln ail threé WHITE MAID, COOKING ANDIDOWN- papers. MINIMUM CHARGE 60 tents. ANNOUNCES stairs work. Phone Glencoe 1107. &verage of five w.rdà. to the, lino. No black face type used. 10% discount un tfteYrnoon elass, for 1 girls from 9712 om ail cash with order advertisemente when brought to our office at> 1232 yer,3 afternoons a week. I-nstr.uc- 56L,41-Itp Central Ave.. .Wlmette, or 561 Lincoln Ave.. Wlnnetka. tion i swinming; tennis and horse- Iack ridlng. Small group. Reasonable 0$ SITUATION WANTED-FIEMALE rate. Class starts Monday July" 7. Deadine.for Is io7 _la Ildadvprtisern:ntew111 be afor PHONE MISS SFIAPKER, PAULINErS EMP A GENCY the WILMETTE WILMETTrE 746 ELM ST. PH. WINNETKA ý2662 LIFE or ail three per; Thursday 56o'clock for the 1068 Free to employer. WINNETKA TALK and Frlday 5::'loc for the GLENCOM NEWS, 25LTN41-1te We speclalize. In white: Téléphones: Wilmette 4300 or Wlhnetka 2000-2001. domestie. help., Applicanits registered at this office have referenceas.to char- 4.WATCHES. acter and abillty to perform such duties as applled for. May we asslst lu se- IN THESE MODERN DAYS eurlng that particular klnd of help for MODERN GIFTS ARE IN -ORDER- l'ou. .OLTrN35-tfc *FOR SALE-AUTO.S nèwew rýInciples, 4 FOR SALE-AUTOMS smart :deslgns in' our presenft selection of watches and dlocks. GRADUATE NURSE WITH PLEASANT FOR SALE-BUJICK COUPE, 9XCEL- Whatever your demand, coëtly or In- home'cares for.convalescent or elderly lent mechanical condition. $125., 228 You'1I Be Surprised expensive, we can show you just the p)eople. Ph. Wilmette 4299 Sheridan Rd.. Wlnnetka. 4LTN46-ltc 1mw little,:money it takes to bùy a good thig at. any- priée you wish to pay. 6OLTN41-4tc used. çar. PAUL DAVEY REL. WOMAN Wo say* good used car. and we meaà It. JEWELER WISHES HSWIC. IN- No matter, what you pay 1165 Wllmette cluding laundry. Col. Ph. Wilmette USED CARS fo~r jt. Ave. Ph. Wilmette 6 3059. $200-$400.-$700--$î,00 34LTVN41-1tc 60LTN41-te HOLIDAY SPECIALS îou will gket value for every dollar in- vée'sted when you bùy. frôom a Buick WANTED -DAY WORK, 0FANY Ford Modael. A-Tudor Sedan-1929 model 88 PAINTING AND DECOIRATIrG kind. Phone Winnetka 3291. Ford Model A--Spo'*rt Coupe, rumble seat 1928 Buick 7ýpass. sedan _._.$975 ,.W9model 1M28. iuSk .à puss. PAINTING,, P4PE1V JI4NG3D<O WANTEDG5:XEOLTN41-ltREF Ford seda Model A--Cabriolet, runible seat- l1'27 liuick 5 pass. sedan .$7 AND A1TISTIC DECORATFING. 1929 model 11)27 Buick 5 pa;ss. coupe .... $676 CARL FRANICELL Ph. University 3163. 60L41-Itp Ford Model A-:4 Door Sedan-1928 niodel 1426 Buick 4 pass. spi.........425 1568Wllmette Ave. Ph. Wllmette 3104 Ford Mode! A-Business Cou pe-192S WA$ NOW 38LTN20-tfcý EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS$ modet 1924 Cadillaé sedan......$150 $100 day work, hand tronlng or clpanlng. Nash AdvancédSix Roadster 1926 Nash 7 pass. sedan .. $195 Ph. Wtlmette 3509. GOLTN43-tfp Ford Model A-SportCoupe, $140 .9 PETS rumble seat 15'27 Iodge A ý& B sedan ... $275 $225 -1928 model COLORED GIRL WANTS WORK BY Ternis or Trade' FOR SALE 2 BEAUTIFUL COLLIE FE- the week, stay nlghts. Ph. Uiniversity WINNETKA MOTOR CR male puppies 6 mos. old reas. 2150 .3258.60L,41-ltp AUTHORIZED FORD ,DEALERS No0rth Shore 1-')tick Co Chestnut Ave. Ph. Wilmette 3614. 664 Center St. 39L41-ltp WANTED Wiunetka 3491 1027 DAVIS ST. MORNING WORK FROM W 4LTN41-ltc OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNIYAYS to 12. Ph. University 7458. LOOK FQR SALE-MALE POODLE PUPPIES. 60LTN40-2tl) FOR THE GOLD SEAL BUICK 8 weeks 4LTN41-ltc old. $7. apiece. Ph. WiIînettc' FIRE WORKS AT HAYS 2889. 29L41-ltc. MIDDLE .AGED WOMAN 0F REFINE- FÔR nment wishes position as housekeeper in BUICK MASTER SIX COACH-. PAINTED SALE-FRANKLIN FOUR-DOOR1 sedan, 1925 mode] 10-C lu perfect condi- 44 SERVICE BUREEAUJ homie of widQwer without children. Cali blue and blavk. Tires and upholstéry tion and very good Sunnyside 3774. 60LTN41-1te lun good condition. A-1i . echaulcal, tires. Reas.* Ph. Gleneoe 323. HAVE r shape. A real buy at $265. 4LTiN,4I4tp YOIJR GOOD NEGATIIlVEM ENLARGED H. S * SENIOR WANTS TO CARIM FOPt children during OAKLAND G. O. FOR SALE QUICK SALE THIS WEEI< TI-NTED the day. Ph. Wilmette 1927. PÀINTED ROBIN' Chevrolet 2832. egg ý blue and blacek. A: very ceand sedan; Well kept. Excellent FRAMED 60LTN4-1te. car throughout. Very gooéd pmechanic'al runnlng cond. Ï.5. Owner Wilmette FOR $1.95 COMPLETE. OUR SPECIAL. codiin.O exceptional. bùy at $295. 4094. 4L41-1te NORSHORE CAMERA SHOP GENERAL HOUSEWORK, FOND 0F 1145 *Greenleaf Ave. Willnette 167î children. Colored. eHEVROLET RED) University 6B8., CBRIOLET. A il BIILDI- AN D CONTRACTING 44L41-tfe 6OLTN41-1tp very clean car tuhu with :gond C.ARPENTRY AND 510 GENERAIL EPAIRS ,paint and tire .A-i mnicanical conidi-. ALL KINDS 0F WANTÈD> WASHING -AND IRONIN . tion. Pricedd t $275. general contractlng. Remodelling a or s8peclalty. Day or contract. wil go out by diay. Ph. Wilmette Andergon IF YOU NE ED A CAIENTER* TELE- 3601Y2X. 60LT41-JItc. and Witte. 6438'N. Rich moud:St. Shel- phonie Carl drle10129.,.1L1N3-t Bengston! Hle doe aIl kinds TO"""M I-IY N. ýSON'.IN C. of carpenter work and repairlng. Wlnn. 181 Ridge Ae 2480. WANTED 'DAY WORK LAU, Greeýnleaf 0050 20 GARDENING 5OLTN31-'tfec cleaning. Victoria Brown.' versity 8957. 61 FOR SALEHIA-RDY PERENNIALS SITUATION WANTERD- and shrubs. Also expert gardenng- Good 6l" Rock gardens.a specialty.__Pli Win- nation iSel TI*hese 'Cars .Cheap Ford 4-door Sedan ..... $39! This Office wilI, accept classified advertising to be run YOUNG WHITE GIRL TO' ASSIST in THE EVANST4'ON RE-viEw, reacbing 16,000 fami- with hswk. Ph. Winnetka 3529.. lies in Evanston. ,REVXIEW copy snust be ini by 5 p. m. on Tuesday. GIRL, WHITE, DOG4ENERAL HOUSE- * . -~ . OL41-itp work andý cook 'for'couple wlth cldic An Glencoe. Must be.efiiet. Ca11 llat %WANTED TO PLrACE MY COLORIKD 626 Greenleaf couple pr.Excellent> cook, 1housemnan LTelephone Wilmette 4300 or Winneý-ka 2000 ave., GIencoe. orcaUffeur. Ph.. Kenilworth 2956. 56LT1441-ltp 62LTN41-1 tc.
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