THE IS EW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 7694. MORNING EDITION SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1852. PRICE TWO CENTO. HOMESTEADS. DRT GOODS. BOARDING AND LODOnVOS. IfETTS BY Affairs fn Albany. Highly Interesting from Month AmmrU-m. ^ ^ TELEGRAPII, CANAL trff.t. IN THKHKNATH.Til* BitL AHMLO IKT4HION OK Oil . X BUILDING A3 iOL'I ATION.INCORPO- FROM TIIC LATE FIR* Ilf ffROAD- american gentleman WISH** TO' TBI l.rQPOR AY AIJUII. UKKAT KXOrTg- PUfKNIrated Feb. 2/S, 1HOJ. WKTQOODS. (ireater bargains than ever, at llurdotfa oheap ATOVNQhoard in I French location hw Iff THK ABSMrtLlT, KTC. MKNT AT CAf.f.AO The Phu-nix is in a way. family. preferred very prosperous condition, and po»- Dry Goods store, l.'tfi Walker_streot. Hnokabaok Towel¬ Union* Park. Address, with partiuulara, II. D. M, Un<ou INTERESTING FROM WASHINGTON. special ro«*Knru"«D>:(>r(!r. or t»ik ksw tor* iifhald Borrow, 2. 1862. »e»se« nil the important and liberal features that are re¬ ling, t«rj fine, la. 2d. yard; hoe Birdseye Towels, all llton, Square, P. O. April quired to render it an cany. safo, and profitable institution. lis. a do ten tioo Birdsvye Diaper la. 4d. a yard, worth 'it. _ Albany, April 2. 1S52. Thi« following l« An e*trart from it letter dated Oallao, 1 be offlcors chosen this are men . by Association who are (id.: Large Counterpanes 13s worth (%¦ fka Linen Uaad- GENTLEMAN AND LADY CAN HAVE A PLBAS- of excitein*>»ft or general interest occurred in March Otli . There 1» tome excitement at this in well known to be competent und and entitled kerchiefs la. worth 2a. Linen Table Cloths ant second a »i»o Another Southern Out Nothing time to t lie fullest trustworthy, 3d., 6d.; 10#,, A story back room, with good closet, Congressman confidence. worth $2 50: IJrown Table Linen 2a. 6d. » yard: elegant Kn- unfurnished, with full board, or partial for the gentleman. eitlier houre to-day Th* Canal bill, which passed tho Callao. on account of tftn Intended invasion nf tluayaqull Entrance Fee. Dun*, J.I. la. fid. a Iriah For ex- Monthly Sharos, $SOi). hroidered Curtain Drapery yard; Linens, very terms, l»o., apply at 6V Jan utruot. Keferencos Against Gen. Scott. House at 11 o'clock last was transmitted to the a Two vessel* left, armed, with WILSON SMALL, President. W Ludlow street. flne, 3*. 6d. a yard; White Double Damask Table Linen is. changed. tight, by political party many AMOS WILLET8, Vioe President, 27« 1'e.irUtreet. 6d, a yard. Lota of other gooda at oorrespotodlng low prices. Senate thin morning, m rule no bill can bo read thn foreigner* on board numbering in all aWit 400 men. A. R. IlATnri.n, Chamber*' LADY ANT) DAUGHTER WUfH BOARD IN A lly Secretary. Office, Hall, No. second time on tho name unanimous con¬ The purty l«ivi' purchased one of the Pacific Steam Navi¬ ..'> Chatham street. GOODS! WET GOODS !!.FROM TUB LATE A French or Kpaniali family of re»yeetabilitjr. Location BUSINESS I R CONGRESS* day. except by for aot above Union miuare. a gation Coafvnj'i itetMim, $107,000, intending to WBTfiro in tl>e store of Merritt, Bliss & Co., at GEORGE References exchanged. Address sent. and this objection being raided by Mr. Cornell, en same A PUBLIC MEETING OP TIIE CITY :uy M., at tins office. send her ti'v inand Other vessels wlU follow, Mutuiil Loan and KEYS', Eighth avenue, between Twonty-scvonth and it was over TO-NIGHT.. Accumulating Fund Association will streets. The are (dem.) consequently laid until to-morrow. nnil no doU!rt is entertained that they will su;<-pM in be held at th« room of the Tweaty-eighth gooda damaged by water association, <111 Broadway, this only, and will he aold at oua quarter of the oost. LADY WISHES TO FIND HOARD FROM Hostile Invasion of South America. There U no doubt of its through tho Senate their attempt. evening, at 7% o'elook. The meeting will be addressed by AYODNGtho flrat of May iu a respectable family, whoso in¬ passing ; able speakers, who will the nature aird struction in and oil and in one that has in eonver.satlon tnnui- of the explain advantages MANTILLA OK TIIK SEASON IS NOW drawing painting from nature, only whin body association. The public are invited to attend. READY, the Gorman or French language*. will bo considered aneqiiiv- fMlted Burnt K. Secretory. W. President. THEat the New York Mantilla Emporium. W Canal street.. alont. References from tha Mil* any opposition to It. That tr Mr Clark, from _L HALL. 11. M. HELL, would call attention to hia liigbeit order. Addroti One-third ofChillicofhe in Ashes. Tlnkhart wan thil for bar¬ proprietor, " publio N. N. at the oflico of (hit paper. Ontario; but bo will when the arraigned morning, IK VINO BUILDING AND MUTUAL LOAN new stylo of Mantilla, the llorthe, which, from its ele¬ rery likely yield party in number of screws are The democrat s who iwe ing hispossosstairtt lottery SECONDAssociation. In consequence of the unpreceduiit suc¬ gance. grace, uud easy adaptation to any ttguro, will de¬ YOUTH OF STANDING, FROM TUB SOUTU, IH5- applied. ill iposnd to tent to srll He W* rvld to baK n cess of the Irving and Mutual Loan a cidedly hotho inoat popular article of drssa that haa oyer A sires to engage a room with full in the are Building Association, " pleasant board, Kossuth Speaking to the o( New Orleans. favor the bill Messrs Cooloy, Tandorbilt, Otis, Hogftm, and the Court lnU*»atvd that thejf coirtdthc^fW nxeu$^««;i«e ¦econd h _l in thia and ia without the People IVving been organised, and the subscription book appeared city, atyle" of the house of some private family, where ha may puraua hi* hail at had felt BO ¦Will he open on MONDAY, April It, at 344 Grand stroet. season. studies. The torms uiuat not exceed $1H per month. Board¬ Snow, Bristol, and Kirby. and probably two other*. *100,000, ihejr disposed. Office hours from 0 to 9 o'olock every evening. ing bouie keepers need not reply; and nono but persons of DEMOCRATIC Mem. Conger. Jones, Pierce. McMurray. and Entrance fee. value of CRAPB SHAWLS..A MAGNIFICENT AND Address W. at SOUTHERN BIGHTS CONTEN¬ '. Cornell," Houtliern D»taotr«U« $l. Monthly dues, $.1 Par sharos, stock ofthoae high respectability. F, L., the office of tha will renint its passage inch inc!i HlRlit* Oonw*ntlo«. $«00. CANTONvery oheap gooda, embroidered and plain, llorald, stating locatieu of rosidonce, which would be pre¬ TION IN GEORGIA. (democrats) by SNUOHMIMKNT OK TliK IA.LT1MOKK *f. ATKQIU*.A IUr The entrance foe will only he received. recently imported from China, la now oa sale, at the Pari* ferred near Union square, or between Ninth and Sixteenth The Senate spent most of the day upon the everlasting ALBERT H. NICOLAV, Ssoretary. Mantilla Emporium. streets. rlaim of W. W. Nilus for ullegeddaiuages in burning the JOHITY OK THB NATICNW. IIKI.KG A.TBH IN KATOK GEO. DULPIN, 301 (late 351) Broadway. shanties near Astoria, six years ago. Ills importunities, It OK BUCU ANAN» loaned at six per cent the second wanted.-the advertiser will re- is probable, contributed to its defeat, lie threaten* tl Macon,< Oft, MtptW 1, i a/i® MoneyChelsea Building and Mutual Loan Association. Is now TO THE LADIES..THE board for the summer in a PROCEEDINGS IN THE N. Y. LEGISLATURE. PARIS MANTILLA Boardquire season, pleasant persevere until death, and his heirs after hiin The Southern D'"^ratio Ooi ventaon in successful operation, and will loan its members money to NOTICEEmporium, rvmovod from 351 to 361 Broadway, ia now country farm houso, not over six to eight miles from Night* ni-a« build or purchase their own homos, and charge an Interest of open for the season, and containa tlio the Hall, for three and It was expected the Liquor law would como up for a spring largust, richest City himsolf, wife, ohildren, servant, was tembled at MUladgeville, at f-m-e o'clock ywterday. M» Bix per cent only, on the amount loaned. It is designed to and cheapest stock if Mantillas erer soen in America. and also stabliug for one horse. AddreM B. W. S., el&oe The Murderers of Lehman Sen¬ third reading in the House, to-day. but it postponed' make this association the most popular and advantageous to GEO. 361 of this paper. Young until Friday ot next week, about live days previous to the cording to adjournment, and f»«*-ived the -%itt>rt of tfe' of in existonce. BULP1N, (late 351) Broadway. borrowers, any tenced to Death. adjournment, purposely to avoid action in tho Senate thin Committee of Thirty-three, re affirming tb« Baltimore Ladies and gentlemen 're invited to call attheoffleo of the in the country is wanted by a gen- session. A large number of'bills were passed. W. association, ZM Ninth avenue, and got a book of the articles NEW PUBLICATIONS. Boardtleman, within an hour's distance by railroader steam¬ platform of 1K44 and 1HIH, omr tecomnmnd wg the ap of association. boat, and whoro tho advertiser could reach Wall street by CONFESSION OK TIIK ELDER SKUPIHSKI, of to th .Baltimore! The subscription hook Is fast tilling up, and an early appli¬ HISTORY OF RHODE ISLAND..SUB- 8H A.M., and return at fio'olouk. A oomfortablefarin house, COURT OF APPKAIjS OI'KNINGr OK TITK CANALS. pointment forty delegate* soventloo. cation will be neeessary. PETERSON'Sscrihers to the above w<n< are to oalt at the where there would bo few or no A Thia win and »'* werw store of Wm.
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