SIG OF · DELTA · SIGMA · PI NOVEMBER, 1929 Five Provinces Hold Meetings Beta Delta Chapter Installed at North Carolina State New House of Epsilon Chapter By E. W. HiUs, Epsilon . THE. DELTASIG. Published Quarterly by the International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi Professional Frate1·nity in. .Commerce and Business Administmiton H . G. WRIGHT, Editor 222 W. Adams St., Chicago ~----------------------------------------------'- ______________________Vol. XXII NovEMBER,________________ 1929 _________________Issue 1 ,_ Contents PAGE FIVE PROVINCES HOLD MEETINGS 1 BETA-DELTA CHAPTER INSTALLED AT NORTH CAROLINA STATE 5 THE NEW HOUSE OF EPSILON CHAPTER by E. W. HILLS, Epttilon 11 THE FRATERNITY WORLD 18 WITH THE ALUMNI 23 AMONG THE CHAPTERS 39 HmAD MASTERS FOR 1929-1930 42 1929 HONOR STUDENTS OF DELTA SIGMA PI 52 RECENT INITIATIONS 72 ROSTER OF GRAND AND PROVINCIAL OFFICERS OF THE FRATERNITY 74 CHAPTER ROLL AND LIST OF CHAPTER OFFICERS 75 A LUMNI CLUB ROLL AND SCHEDULE OF LUNCHEONS AND DINNERS 79 ~-------------------------------------------------------- THB DELTASIG, official magazine of the International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi, profeasional fraternity in the field of commerce and business administration, is published quarterly in the months of November, January, March and May. Neither the Editor nor the Board of Directors is necessarily in sympathy with any of the opinions expressed in THE DIILTA.SIO. We feel that one of the mo st important missions of a fraternity magazine is to cauae the members to think about th emselv es; thought being the chief desiredation, authors are aomtimes solicited for expressions of opinions in the feeling that their opinions are wrong, but likely to stimulate argument. Mrunbera of the fra ternity are invited to contribute special articles on business and fraternity topics, and news items, concerning alumni. Closing date for receipt of material for each iaaue is the ft rst day of the month of the date of issue. EDITORIAL OFFICE-222 W. Adams St., Chicago; III. PUBLICATION OFFICE-111 N. Walnut St., Champaign, Ill. Eutered as second-class matter a't the post office at Champaign, Illinois, under the Act of Auguat 24, 1912. THE. DELTASIG. VoLUME XXII NOVEMBER, I929 IssuE I Five Provinces Hold Meetings OR THE first time in the history Chapter House, 42 Cedar Street, and Fof Delta Sigma Pi all five prov­ they proved unusually successful and inces were able to hold conventions beneficial. B. C. Brumm, Director of this fall, all of which proved to be the Central Province, and several of unusually successful and were of the District Deputies participated m much benefit to the chapters. For sev­ this meeting. · eral years it has been the custom of The purpose of these meetings is our chapters to hold provincial meet­ simply to better acquaint the officers ings in the alternating years between with the requirements, practices and meetings of the Grand Chapter Con­ traditions of Delta Sigma Pi. The gress, but for one reason or another, chapter was also enabled to present one or more of these meetings have its local problems and a thorough dis­ not been scheduled each year. cussion and solution of same arrived The best record heretofore was in at. Grand Secretary Wright con­ 1927 when four out of five of the ducted a school of instruction, going provinces held conventions, but this into great detail concerning every year the dates were announced by phase of national activity and the re­ The Central Office sufficiently far in ports and requirements of The Cen­ advance so that each and' every chap­ tral Office and the Board of Directors. ter could plan accordingly and ar­ Two of the chapters in the Central range to have delegates in attendance. Province were unable to send dele­ These meetings were scheduled a week gates at this early date as their col­ apart in order that Grand Secretary­ lege did not open until several weeks Treasurer H. G. Wright could attend later. It was thought, however,- that all meetings. these meetings should be held as early in the college year as possible so that CENTRAL PROVINCE MEETS IN plans for the entire college year could CHICAGO be discussed and if any chapters had The first of these provincial meet­ particular problems confronting them, ings was held in Chicago on Septem­ solutions could be suggested and ber 14th, when twelve of the fourteen could be put in effect at the very be­ chapters · in The Central Province ginning of the· college year. Grand w re represented with delegates, sev­ Secretary Wright was able to visit eral chapters sending their entire the two chapters that were unable to group of principal officers. The busi­ be represented at the Central Provin­ ness meetings were held at the Beta· cial Convention several weeks later • 1 2 THE DELTASIG OF DELTA SIGMA PI and held a post convention at that and Sunday, September 21st and time and passed on the findings of the 22nd, found every chapter in the meeting to their officers. Eastern Province, with one exception, represented, and Alpha-Kappa Chap­ DENVER ENTERTAINS WESTERN ter at the University of Buffalo sent DELEGATES down thirteen of their eighteen un­ The Western Province met a week dergraduate members, indeed a rec­ later at the Cosmopolitan Hotel, Den­ ord. The business meetings were held ver, Colorado on September 21st. Saturday morning and all day Sun­ Four of the five chapters in the West­ day, a recess being taken Saturday ern Province were represented with afternoon to enable the delegates to delegates and the Alpha-Nu Chapter attend the New York-Vermont foot­ at Denver delightfully entertained ball game and watch the Violet team, the visiting brothers with a dance at with Brother Len Grant as captain, the Cosmopolitan Hotel Saturday rounce Vermont some 70 to O-we lost evening following the adjournment of count of the score. A banquet was the business session. · held Saturday evening followed by a dance at the Alpha Chapter House. EASTERN MEETING HELD IN Two members of our National NEW YORK Board of Directors, E. L. Schujahn The jump from Denver to New and Clarence B. Wingert, were pres­ York was quite a long one but Broth­ ent at these meetings, as well as sev­ er Wright had a couple of days in eral of the District Deputies in the The Central Office during that week Eastern Province. Several of the and was also enabled to visit three chapters sent one or two carloads of chapters en route from Denver to brothers to attend these sessions and New York. they too, as the other meetings pre­ The Eastern meeting held at the viously held, proved to be very suc­ Alpha Chapter House on Saturday cessful. B. C. BRUMM, Beta RUDOLPH JANZEN, A.lpha.-Epsilon FRED B . WENN, A.lpht> Director, Ct!ntra l Province Directol', Misr;:ouri Valley District Deputy, District No. 1, Province Southern Province FIVE PROVINCES HOLD MEETINGS 3 SouTHERN HosPITALITY ExTENDED Iowa City, where on October 12th the AT ATLANTA Missouri Valley Provincial Conven­ Th( following Saturday, October tion was. held. Epsilon Chapter had 5th, found the Southern chapters in just moved into their wonderful new session at the Henry Grady Hotel, chapter house and the visiting broth- Atlanta, and the largest ers were unanimous in attendance of all of t h e i r praise of the these provincial conven­ achievements of this ex­ tions was at this meet- cellent chapter and of ing. Every chapter was their v e r y fine new represented and several home. Brother Rudolph of the chapters sent un­ Janzen, Director of the Missouri Valley Prov­ usually la:&ge delega­ ince, and several of the tions. Kappa proved to District Deputies were be · a perfect host and present and this too the whole meeting was proved a very successful conducted with clock- meeting. like p r e c i s i o n . The In his travels around brothers attended the the country to partici­ Georgia Tech-Mississip­ pate in these various pi Aggies football game RAYMOND J. BRANDT, atpha·Nu provincial conventions, Saturday afternoon and District ~=~~~~;; fj~~i~c;. No. 4, Grand SecretaryTreas­ a stag banquet was held urer Wright was able to at the Henry Grady Ho­ visit several of the chap­ tel that evening with ters and also to visit all one of the largest at­ of the chapters that tendance of brothers in were unable to have del­ the history of the Kap­ egates at our provincial pa Chapter and Atlanta. conventions except two. For the most part our In addition to the chapters are in a satis­ brothers present at this factory condition and meting, one of our peti­ the reports for the fall tioning groups in the are indeed more than South sent two of its of­ satisfactory in all but ficers to be present and four or five instances. become acquainted with The proposed Nation­ the representatives of al Endowment Fund, the various Southern which was approved by chapters. Si;!!~~r~,sf~icr;A~~~~~Y. ~Jf~~ict the Board of Directors No. 4, Southern P··ovince of Delta Sigma Pi at IowA CITY ENTERTAI~S THE M1s- their meeting held in The Central souRr VALLEY DELEGATES Office the latter part of August, Another unusually large delegation was presented to all of the provincial of brothers from all of the chapters conventions and without exception in the Missouri Valley Province greet- the chapters were unanimous in their ed the Grand Secretary-Treasurer at praise of this proposed new legisla- 4 THE DELTASIG OF DELTA SIGMA PI tion. With such response evident on make the provinces smaller and als() the part of our chapters, the Board of to give them a better geographical Directors is having the necessary con: distribution.
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