Chelsea & Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Council of Governors Room A, West Middlesex Hospital 25 July 2019 16:00 - 25 July 2019 18:00 Overall Page 1 of 123 COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS 25 July 2019, 16.00-18.00 Room A, West Middlesex Hospital Agenda 15.00 – 15.50 Lead Governor and COG Informal Meeting PRIVATE (attended by the Lead Governor and Governors only) 1.0 STATUTORY/MANDATORY BUSINESS 16.00 1.1 Welcome and apologies for absence Verbal Chairman 16.02 1.2 Declarations of interest Verbal Chairman 16.03 1.3 Minutes of previous meeting held on 25 April 2019, including Report For Approval Chairman 1.3.1 Action Log Disclosure of Governor attendance Report For Approval Governors’ Qualification, Experience and Skills audit Report For Information 1.3.2 Governors’ iLog Report For Information 1.4 QUALITY 16.15 1.4.1 Audit and Risk Committee Report to Council of Governors Report For Information Nick Gash, NED, supported by Chief Financial Officer 16.30 1.5 Our workforce, including Health and Wellbeing Report For Information Nick Gash, NED, supported by Director of HR & OD 16.45 1.6 Non-Executive Director Nominations and Remuneration Report For Discussion Lead Governor / Committee /Approval Chairman - Update on recruitment of Non-Executive Director and possible approval - Review of Terms of Reference 16.55 1.7 COG sub-committees: 1.7.1 Membership and Engagement Sub-Committee report - Report For Approval Chair of Membership June 2019, including the Membership and Engagement Sub-Committee Strategy & Action Plan (for approval) 1.7.2 Quality Sub-Committee report – June 2019 Report For Information Chair of Quality Sub- Committee 2.0 PAPERS FOR INFORMATION 17.10 2.1 Chairman’s Report, including feedback from the 6 June Board Report/ For Information Chairman Away Day Verbal Overall Page 2 of 123 17.20 2.2 Chief Executive Officer’s Report Report/ For Information Chief Executive Verbal Officer 17.30 2.3 Performance and Quality Report, including Report For Information Chief Executive 2.3.1 People Performance Report Officer 17.40 2.4 Council of Governors election November 2019 - update Report For Information Company Secretary 3.0 OTHER BUSINESS 17.45 3.1 Questions from the governors and the public Report/ Chairman Verbal 17.55 3.2 Any other business Verbal Chairman 18.00 3.3 Date of next meeting – 31 October 2019, 16.00-18.00 Boardroom, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital *Items that have been starred will not be discussed, however, questions may be asked. Overall Page 3 of 123 Council of Governors – Attendance Record 2019/20 Governor Category Constituency 24.04.18 27.07.18 31.10.19 30.01.20 TOTAL 21.11.19 to date Away Day Nowell Anderson Public Hounslow X 0/1 Richard Ballerand Public Kensington and Chelsea ✓ 1/1 Juliet Bauer Patient X 0/1 Tom Church Patient X 0/1 Nigel Davies Public Ealing ✓ 1/1 Christopher Digby-Bell Patient ✓ 1/1 Simon Dyer Patient ✓ 1/1 Angela Henderson Public Hammersmith and Fulham ✓ 1/1 Anna Hodson-Pressinger Patient ✓ 1/1 Elaine Hutton Public Wandsworth ✓ 1/1 Jodeine Grinham X 1/1 Kush Kanodia Patient ✓ 1/1 Paul Kitchener Public Kensington and Chelsea ✓ 1/1 Minna Korjonen Patient ✓ 1/1 Johanna Mayerhofer Public London Borough of Richmond upon Thames ✓ 1/1 Overall Page 4 of 123 Chisha McDonald Staff Allied Health Professionals, Scientific and ✓ 1/1 Technical Mark Nelson Staff Medical and Dental ✓ 1/1 Fiona O’Farrell Public London Borough of Richmond upon Thames ✓ 1/1 Jennifer Parr Staff Management ✓ 1/1 David Phillips Patient ✓ 1/1 Tom Pollak Public Wandsworth ✓ 1/1 Cllr Patricia Quigley Appointed London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham ✓ 1/1 Sonia Samuels Public City of Westminster X 0/1 Jacquei Scott Staff Nursing and Midwifery X 0/1 Dr Desmond Walsh Appointed Imperial College ✓ 1/1 Laura Wareing Public Hounslow ✓ 1/1 Overall Page 5 of 123 DRAFT MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS 25 April 2019, 16.00 – 18.00 Boardroom, Chelsea & Westminster Hospital Present: Jeremy Jensen Deputy Chairman (JJ) Richard Ballerand Public Governor (RB) Nigel Davies Public Governor (ND) Christopher Digby-Bell Patient Governor (CDB) Simon Dyer Lead Governor/Patient Governor (SD) Angela Henderson Public Governor (AH) Anna Hodson-Pressinger Patient Governor (AHP) Elaine Hutton Public Governor (EH) Kush Kanodia Patient Governor (KK) Minna Korjonen Patient Governor (MK) Paul Kitchener Public Governor (PK) Johanna Mayerhofer Public Governor (JMa) Chisha McDonald Staff Governor (CMD) Professor Mark Nelson Staff Governor (MN) Fiona O’Farrell Public Governor (FOF) Jennifer Parr Staff Governor (JP) David Phillips Patient Governor (DP) Tom Pollak Public Governor (TP) Cllr Patricia Quigley Appointed Governor (PQ) Dr Desmond Walsh Appointed Governor (DW) Laura Wareing Public Governor (LWa) In attendance: Lesley Watts Chief Executive (LW) Sandra Easton Chief Financial Officer (SE) Nick Gash Non-executive Board member (NG) Steve Gill Non-executive Board member (SG) Eliza Hermann Non-executive Board member (EH) Pippa Nightingale Chief Nursing Officers (PN) Liz Shanahan Non-executive Board member (LS) Thomas Simons Director of HR & OD (TS) Vida Djelic (Minutes) Board Governance Manager (VD) Apologies: Sir Thomas Hughes-Hallett Chairman (THH) Nowell Anderson Public Governor (NA) Juliet Bauer Patient Governor (JB) Tom Church Patient Governor (TC) Jodeine Grinham Staff Governor (JG) Sonia Samuels Public Governor (SS) Jacquei Scott Staff Governor (JS) Sheila Murphy Interim Company Secretary (SM) Public Session 1.0 STATUTORY/MANDATORY BUSINESS 1.1 Welcome and apologies for absence JJ welcomed members and attendees to the meeting and apologies for absence were noted as above. 1.2 Declarations of interest Page 1 of 8 Overall Page 6 of 123 None. 1.3 Minutes of the previous meeting held on 14 February 2019 and Action Log Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true and accurate record, subject to the following change: - p.6, item 3.2, first line, replace ‘AH’ with ‘AHP’. JJ highlighted that all green rated actions have been either completed or actioned appropriately. He focused on actions which were still open and the following updates were received: Action 3.2 – DP stated that he had been told by a patient that blankets were light weight and short in supply. PN clarified that there was an unlimited supply of blankets in the hospital and explained that they are light weight for the reason of easy washing; she further added that thick and warm blankets increase a risk of patient acquiring pressure ulcers. DP further stated that the comment was received from the patient during cold winter period and the patient felt the thickness of blanked did not match the season. LW further clarified that it is important to ensure that hospital blankets meet infection control criteria; a research on the weight of a blanket was undertaken couple of years ago and hospital blankets comply with the outcome of this research. She added that she has personally checked supply of blankets and did not find any shortages in hospital. JJ thanked DP for raising the issue and the Executive for looking into it. He encouraged DP to get in touch with the Executive colleagues directly should the need arise with such issues in the future. Action 1.4.1 – LW clarified that this action is linked to staff survey and a paper will be brought to a future Council of Governors meeting. SG informed the governors that a comprehensive discussion on the survey results took place at the March People and Organisational Development Committee (PODC). Subsequently, divisional action plans to address the survey results were shared with the PODC at its April meeting with a discussion being planned on the implementation timetable for the May PODC; if required it will also be discussed by the Board at its June Away Day. JJ concluded that staff survey results including the action point on potential correlation between workforce and race discrimination will be brought to the July Council of Governors. Action: TS to bring staff survey results paper including the action point on potential correlation between workforce and race discrimination to the July Council of Governors. Action 1.5 – JJ noted that a finance session to go through the operational plan has been confirmed for 17 May 2019. Action 2.1 – JJ confirmed that Associate NED post will be considered by the Nominations and Remuneration Committee with a recommendation being brought to the Council of Governors in due course. Action: The Council of Governors Nominations and Remuneration Committee to consider and come back with a recommendation. (THH) Action 2.5 – AH, AHP and LW expressed interest in attending dementia training. Governors were encouraged to send expressions of interest to VD. COG Away Day agreed actions In response to the action regarding option for mandatory disclosure when seeking re-election, JJ invited governors’ views. Page 2 of 8 Overall Page 7 of 123 KK felt it was a useful metric for members to understand how many meetings governors standing for re- election attended before casting their vote. EH suggested that this might be done in coordination with the Lead Governor providing feedback to governors standing for re-election however KK suggested there was a risk it would be perceived as a subjective decision. In the spirit of transparency MK supported the view of attendance disclosure when seeking re-election. AH suggested the importance of attending COG meetings could be highlighted at the Governor induction process. ND commented that in some circumstances the reason for absence could be described on the attendance register. JJ supported a view that governors draw attention to attendance in their election statements if they wish and where it is not disclosed members can request a copy of governor attendance.
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