.. " ve . .' ., II 'on :y Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City Established in 1868 - Five Cenls a Copy Member of Associated Press LeaSl'd Wire and Photo Scrvice Iowa City, Iowa. Thursday, August 21, 1958 The Los Ip drawer e Dutch. I Sid Gill. im. I Gillman at on the watched :kJin han. and mis. ra 5 er wn eace an 'f the Na. reat pass. I COUldn't , I h. Dutch lle Phila. linterland ·· d D I I '-+---t ---. - . L·ttl R k All 10 Nations - which T gh away C' OUft Pelilione . 0 e oy n egfotlon In I e OC In Agreement dmit that I like the Ie former S~hool.. Board -- Over Mideast NO things I New Drive-In Restaurant :e orders May Be Presented To vhen nee. Asks Holdup 'Opens Today in Iowa City U.N. Assembly Today lade has LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (.f! - The lprentice· UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. Ib's num. Little Rock school board announced The first McDonald's drive-in, self-service restaurant in Iowa City (AP) _ All 10 Arab nations in Wednesday night it has petitioned Hill open today at 812 Soulh River~ide Dr., William O'Brien announced the U.N. announced with dra­ directlng the U.S. Eighth Circuit Appeals Wedn:.- day. The formal opening wiU be held Saturday. organization that h grown malic suddenness Wctlncsclay t of the Courl to stay ils order whicb would Thl' local IInil is !'urt of a natIOnal In exhibi. to more th:tn 90 McDonald's night. they had reached unani­ continue integration at Central I ____. ___ _ e pas ed t1 . High School. throu houllhc nitcd Stales in less , h~ mous agreement on a Middle ran for Eo t peace plan. Ie's real Supt. Virgil Blossom made the than three ycars. Weat er Th MeDonA)d \mlts. pcciaiize In The first reaction from West· m open announcement after a meeting with , ~inst the hamburgers, malls, and frcnch ern diplomats was that the plan Gov. Orval Faubus which lasted I 28 . iries. would win unanimous endorsement ,wo r()()k- nearly two hours. The local re laurant will be I of the 8l·naUon U.N. assembly, an4 :1\ 'j()\\t\?, 'FauDw:;, 1>&\n ne n&n 1:1 "vcry open lhe entire year and plan bring the emergency session to an Id Frank end within 48 hours. line Cat· friendly and amicable meeting" to be open Irom 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. for with Blossom and three school Sunday lhrough Thursday Dnd It /' It has been forwarded to Arab Rice home capitals lor approval. 11 \ols board members, He earlier chal­ a.m , to midnight on friday and m both," Is forthcoming it would. be PI:C' lenged lhe board to take quick ac­ Saturday. sented to Lhe Assembly today. l the po- irst rate tion on prevonting continucd inle· The nl'W restauranl hrro will be I U,S. Secret.,.., .t St.t' JeM gration. I10calJy owned by 1IIr. and Mrs. Foster Dulle. returned W..,... Earlier Wednesday. the gove(nor O·Brien and is th • econd MeDon· More thunderstorms <I re el(' d.. y nl.ht from .. fO.mlnllfe _ !'TACK clashed again with President Eis· aid unit in Jowa . Th other is 10' pected in lowil tod .. y and tonight ference with P,...ldent EI ... ler, "big cated in Davenport. with highs In the mid 80 •. A w ...k ho_r In W.. III","". He cenMllt. enhower. He assailed the Presi­ eel ImrMc..... ly with U.S. Am' I Pirates The black-lOp dl'ive has room fol' cool front moving slcwly IcrOIl dent's integration statement and b.. lI.. dor H.",.., LUt. tit Imber of the stlte il touching off the , .. In c:.w ~e, is in declared that if the President ex­ about 60 cars and is completely the Arn prepe.. t. suffering pected him to use military forces self·service. There arc no car-hops Itorms and will bring lower tem· A U.S. delegation spokcsman is· ~ight. CALLING FOR COMPLIANCE of Inte.r .. non orden W.dnesday, AS NEWSMEN GATHERED 1"1 LITTLE ROCK, GOY . Orval Faubus and patrons serve themselves from peraturlS by I.. te tonight. sued this statement: against Arkansas school districts, Preside",t Eisenhower adjulted hll tie .. nd told newsmen st.. t. gOY' told th.m WednesdllY that if Rrelid.nt Eisenhower expects him to the restaurant windows. Approxl. "Then I must say that my posi tion Frld .. y'. outlook Is for mostly "The U.S. delegation lhoroughly ernments should "suppress unl.wful force." in the schoOt integration use Itate troopi to enforce integr.tion "then I must say that my posl· mately 20 per ons will be employed f.. ir .. nd mild. of last fall is unchanged." approves the Arab countries trying cDnlrDlI8rsy. -AP Wirephoto. tion of la.t fll/l is uncll .. nged." -AP Wirephoo. by the establishment. to deal themselves with the prob­ The governor s!\id after the meet­ - ._------ .----------------------------- ----------------------~----------------------- lem of protecting the independencc ing that "the board answered many tion delay order June 21 on petition questions posed by me in a previ­ ous statement. " of the school board. Ike ·Won't Support GOP Des MOI'nes LI'nk p' 1 the~~::c:f~~~I~::~:~::c~~:t u.s. delegation is studying JI Asked if the meeting triggered b d These questions were demands to ( Bake r - ra e carefully." know whether the board planned a decision to ca ll or not call a · any concrete maneuvers aimed at F f H P P h P' S I' M d 111 V· ·I S 'th MAin Points special legislative session. the gov· oes 0 is et rOlects WASHINGTO t4'I - Senal\! Ithe hearmgs. w en lerre II IOger, I r. an rs. Irgl nu, op- These Were ul\derstood to be the preventing a resumption of school ernor said: ".If and when I reach , WASHINGTON Lft - President clear any candidates in this catc- investigators dcvelop d .Wl'dnc day a .staff in.vestlgalor (or lh com- crators .of the Rambler MUlel in main points In the Arab plan: integration at Little Rock next a decision it will be announced. " . there have been close lles betw en mlttee. saId he has traced II Jot of IDe Momes, swore Baker paid his month. - Asked his views on a telegram Eisenhower has banished from his gory needn.t seck hIS hclp 10 the 'Teamsters strongboy Barney Baker telephone calls and found Baker bill from money in an envelope 1. R!A'FIRMATION of Arab Faubus said the board couldn't from the National Association for political camp any Republican fall campaign for control of the and Lou Farrell of Des MOines. Ihad been In touch witb "some of that looked like an envelope re- LfeeraegnUcee IPnledthgeeaSrfaallrasinOsftothenOrnlAnterarb' answer some of the questions be­ the Advancement of Colored People Congressionallo foreign aid. candidates reCiprocal oppo tradesed Senate and House. Iowa. There were suggestions the leading gan ters in the United Iceived by employer representative countrl'es, cause the answers were not yet demanding that he use state force and defense reorganization. However, he be doesn 't expect Farrell had been a payoff man Stales" over a long period. E. J. Weinheimer. known to the board members. to continue integration. Faubus for employers. , For in lance, Salinger said, Baker denied Weinheimer paid 2. A REQUEST to Secretary Gen· Blossom said of the meeting with said be had not yet read the tele· Mr. Eisennower said Wednesday 100 per cent support from GOP Under que tioning in lhe wit . there were 49 long distance tele- him $J.OOO in $100 bills in three erai Dag Hammarskjold to set up gram and added: "1 have very sel­ that these measures are absolutely legislalors. ness chair of the Senate Rackets phone calls at vanous periods In white envelopes to end a Team- the necessary arrangements to Faubus that "we further agreed to vital to the national welfare. He I d b B k d k Ibl th I ·· ... thdr wal dum, if ever, been in agreement "I ha ve never specifl'cally stated Commitle. e. Baker sa.id. he lad no 11956 an 1957 etween a er an ster strike at the Esco r.totor Ex- rna e poss e e ear y WI a explore every legal angle available said that where anyone was "com- IfF II [ US t f Leb d with the NAACP. " nyone man's one vote or recol ection 0 rccelVlng money arre. hibitor 's Service Co. in McKees 0 .. roops rom anon an to the school board wilh reference pletely at loggerheads" with him that a I t B k d Ib d F II B ·U h I .- J .. _- , to sustalnlng Judge Lemley's decis­ A newsman aSKed if he and the on those issues, "1 would not con- one expressl'on was gOI·ng to put from Farre J lo settle Teams ers a er escr (' arred f II' da Rocks, Pa. rl S orces .uom oruau. ion" postponing integration here board reached "a meeting or sider we belonged really in the him forever in the category that strike two years ago against the reslaurant owner and ear rlen. "r never got "aid no $1,000." 3. A IAN on inn.mmatory for 2~ years. He referred to U.S. minds" on any points. Faubus re­ same local political camp." 1. could not support." Mr. Eisen- Midwest Burlap Bag Co ., Des ISalinger termed him a gangster Baker said.
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