PROJECT JUSTIFICATION REPORT PICKING OF BALU/BOULDER/BAJRI MINE ATVILLAGE- DHAKRANI, TEHSIL- VIKASNAGAR, DISTRICT- DEHRADUN, UTTARAKHAND STATE COVER 2.5893 HA AREA IN RESPECTOF ASSAN WETLAND CONSERVATION AREA : PROJECT PROPONENT SMT, KUSUMLATA W/O YESH PAL SING C/O SHIVA DREDGERS , VILLAGE- RUHALKI DAYAPUR POST –BHAGWANPUR DISTRICT-HARIDWAR, UTTARAKHAND PROJECT JUSTIFICATION REPORT For Picking of Balu, Bajri & Boulder Mine at Village- Dhakrani, Tehsil- Vikasnagar, Tehsil- Vikas Nagar of Dehradun District and Uttarakhand State cover 2.5893 hectare of area TABLE OF CONTENT Sl. No. Description Page No. 1 Project Background 2 2 Site Location and Description 2 3 Salient Features of the Study Area 2 4 Mining Methodology 3 5 Mine Lease land 3 6 Mining Minerals 3 7 Existing Land Use Pattern 3 8 Mine Description 3 9 Reserves 4 10 Solid Waste Generation & Its Management 4 11 Infrastructure 4 12 Disposal of Mining Machinery 4 13 Safety and Security 4 14 Environment Management Plan 5 PROJECT OWNER/LESSEE Page I SMT, KUSUMLATA W/O YESH PAL SING C/O SHIVA DREDGERS, VILLAGE- RUHALKI DAYAPUR POST –BHAGWANPUR DISTRICT-HARIDWAR, UTTARAKHAND UTTARAKHAND PROJECT JUSTIFICATION REPORT For Picking of Balu, Bajri & Boulder Mine at Village- Dhakrani, Tehsil- Vikasnagar, Tehsil-Vikas Nagar of Dehradun District and Uttarakhand State cover 2.5893hectare of area 1. PROJECT BACKGROUND The project has been proposed for an annual production of72513 TPA (403285cubic meters)of Balu, Bajri & Boulder by open cast manual extraction method in river bed. The lease area is private land. The organization is a partnership firm. The project cost is Rs. 6.5 lac. There is practically no soil cover on top profile of river bed section proposed for mining, however, if some soil is available it will be removed and carefully stored for use in plantation purpose. No solid waste other than negligible quantity of silt/silty clay, which gets deposited as crust material on the bed profile, shall be scraped and carefully stored for depositing into the mine pits in the river bed or in the upper terraces earmarked for plantation purpose. During monsoon season, when the river reaches high stages, Yamuna River has significant catchment area and its transports bed load material and sediments which gets accredited at such stretch which has wider river width and has concave bank. 2. SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The mine lease is located at Dhakrani Village, Vikas Nagar Tehsil and District-Dehradun of Uttarakhand. The coordinate of mine lease area is between 30026’45.4” N” ”and 77042’14.7” Ethis is a river bed mining project. Figure 1 shows the location map of the mine lease area. SALIENT FEATURES OF THE MINE LEASE AREA The details are described in below table: Particulars Details Mine Lease Coordinate Latitude : 30026’45.4” N Longitude: 77042’14.7” E Village Dhakrani, Mine Lease Area 2.5893hectares Interstate Boundary Yes (Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh) Site Elevation Highest Elevation: 420 m AMSL Lowest Elevation : 420.5 m Topography TheAMSL mine lease area lies in the river bed. The elevation of the mining site varies between 421 to 421 m AMSL. No change in topography shall take place due to removal/collection of balu, bajri and boulder in shallow depth pits up to 1.5 m. Toposheet No. H43L15 Nearest Town Vikas Nagar 6.5 km in SES direction from the mine lease area Nearest National / State Highway NH-123, 2.8 km in SES direction from the mine lease area Nearest Railway Station Dehradun Railway station about 38.0 km in SE direction from the mine lease area PROJECT OWNER/LESSEE Page 1 SMT, KUSUMLATA W/O YESH PAL SING C/O SHIVA DREDGERS, VILLAGE- RUHALKI DAYAPUR POST –BHAGWANPUR DISTRICT-HARIDWAR, UTTARAKHAND PROJECT JUSTIFICATION REPORT For Picking of Balu, Bajri & Boulder Mine at Village- Dhakrani, Tehsil- Vikasnagar, Tehsil- Vikas Nagar of Dehradun District and Uttarakhand State cover 2.58935hectare of area Particulars Details Nearest Airport Jolly Grant Airport about 68.0 km in SE direction from the mine lease area Ecological Sensitive Areas The mine lease area is 2.35 km away in SW direction from the (Wildlife Sanctuaries & National boundary of Assan Wetland Conservation Reserve, Dehradun. Park) Nearest River / Water Body Mining is being carried out in the river bed of Yamuna River. Seismic Zone Seismic zone-IV (as per 1893:2002) 4. MINING METHODOLOGY Opencast manual method of mining was proposed to be adopted in the proposed river bed mine. The opencast mining process for extraction of stone, sand and bajri primarily involves scooping the mineral through use of implements like spade, pick axe and shovel etc. The loading of mineral shall be done manually and transported by tipper (with capacity 9.0 to 10.2 metric tonnes), tractor trolley small (with capacity 3 metric tonnes), tractor trolley big (with capacity 6 metric tonnes) to the storage points located outside the mining lease. DRILLING: - No drilling has been proposed nor has been done and as such there is no change in the proposed method of mining. BLASTING: - Since no blasting has been proposed nor has been done, there is no change in this system. 5. MINE LEASE LAND The mine lease area is about 2.5893hectare of private land and belongs to project proponent and the mining will be for five years. 6. MINING MINERALS The reserve of the minerals in the mine lease area is balu, bajri and boulder and will be mined out with manually. The balu, bajri and boulder production target from the mine lease area is 72513 TPA (403285 cubic meters)considering the mining in 1.5 m depth. The mine will be worked only in day time. The proposed annual target production has been worked out on the basis of mineable area with maximum mining depth of 1.5 m, due to formation of big island of shoal deposits extending in about 300-400m width. On the basis of the nature of RBM (River Borne Material) in the boulder reach of the river, the matrix comprises of the bed load, mainly comprising of boulder, pebble, cobble, bajri and sand. During monsoon season, the high intensity and duration of rain fall result into high floods and sometime the flesh flood also. The bank of the river in the upper reaches are made-up of friable material, which is easily eroded. The river bed material and the suspended solids material mainly constitutes of balu, bajri& boulder, which gets settled into the beds with depressed elevation and into PROJECT OWNER/LESSEE Page 2 SMT, KUSUMLATA W/O YESH PAL SING C/O SHIVA DREDGERS , VILLAGE- RUHALKI DAYAPUR POST –BHAGWANPUR DISTRICT-HARIDWAR, UTTARAKHAND PROJECT JUSTIFICATION REPORT For Picking of Balu, Bajri & Boulder Mine at Village- Dhakrani, Tehsil- Vikasnagar, Tehsil- Vikas Nagar of Dehradun District and Uttarakhand State cover 2.5893hectare of area such pockets formed during the mining in pre-monsoon season. The annual target production is likely to be achieved during the year of normal rainfall in the catchment of Yamuna River. 7. EXISTING LAND USE PATTERN The land use of the mine lease area is river body classified as private waste land and belongs to project proponent. 8. MINE DESCRIPTION Topography: - The mine lease area is a river bed and flowing from NE to SW. The highest elevation of the mine lease area is 420mRL while the lowest elevation is 420.5mRL. General Geology: - Geologically Dehradun can divided into three major units; Lesser Himalayan Formation, Siwalik Formation and the Alluvium covered valley depression. The important rock types exposed in the area are phylites, slate, quartzite and sandstone belonging to the Krol Formation. The Middle Siwalik is dominated by friable grey colored sand stones & upper siwaliks is represented by conglomerates, which show an upward-coarsening succession in the alluvial fan system. Middle Siwalik it is composed of grey, salt and pepper textured poor to moderately sorted, fine to coarse grained multistoried sandstone with subordinate amount of mudstone. Multistory sandstone complex of Middle Siwalik exhibits vertical facies variation from sandstone-mudstone to sandstone-mudstone- conglomerate. The Upper Siwalik is predominately made up of thick succession of Pre-Tertiary clast derived from the Lesser Himalaya with subordinate sandstone and mudstone facies, represented by Boulder Conglomerate Formation. Doon Gravel: - The valley areas are filled by the alluvium. On the basis of lithology and structural framework, the Doon gravels are further categorized into three units (A, B and C). Unit-A: - It is mainly composed of clast derived from lesser Himalayan limestone, shale/slate and Lower Tertiary purple and bff colored green sandstone. The clasts are sub-angular to sub-rounded, granular to pebble size, embedded in fine grained matrix. Unit-B: - It is predominantly composed of rounded to sub rounded boulders and pebbles, mainly of quartzite together with sandstone and phyllite. This composition of clast indicates that Unit-B is derived from the Upper Siwalik Boulder Conglomerate along with Middle Siwalik sandstone and Lesser Himalayan phyllite and quartzite. Unit-C: - This unit consists of poorly sorted angular to sub-angular granules and pebbles interlayered with large pebbles and sometimes boulders. Unit-C gravel is widely distributed along the south of Santaurgarh thrust and represents the youngest gravel unit of the fan. Away from the thrust clast size decrease and mud and silt content increases. PROJECT OWNER/LESSEE Page 3 SMT, KUSUMLATA W/O YESH PAL SING C/O SHIVA DREDGERS , VILLAGE- RUHALKI DAYAPUR POST –BHAGWANPUR DISTRICT-HARIDWAR, UTTARAKHAND PROJECT JUSTIFICATION REPORT
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