Birmingham City Council Planning Committee 25 May 2017 I submit for your consideration the attached reports for the City Centre team. Recommendation Report No. Application No / Location / Proposal Defer – Informal Approval 13 2016/08443/PA 250 & 251 Bradford Street and 25-30 Green Street Digbeth Birmingham B12 0RG Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 130 residential units varying from 4-8 storeys together with 40 car parking spaces and associated works Defer – Informal Approval 14 2016/08444/PA Kingfield Heath building 230 Bradford Street Digbeth Birmingham B12 0RG Demolition of existing Kingfield Heath buildings and erection of 237 residential units varying between 5 and 8 storeys together with 71 car parking spaces and associated works. Approve - Conditions 15 2017/01760/PA Land fronting George Street & Holland Street Jewellery Quarter City Centre Birmingham B3 1QQ Demolition of 21 George Street and redevelopment of site to comprise the erection of a new four storey University building (Use Class D1) with ancillary uses: offices (Use Class B1), health facility (Use Class D1), exhibition space (Use Class D1) and gym (Use Class D1) together with a 158 space multi-storey car park and access, surface parking, landscaping and external alterations to McIntyre House Page 1 of 3 Corporate Director, Economy Approve - Conditions 16 2016/10675/PA 57-71 Cornwall Street & 6-10 New Market Street City Centre Birmingham B3 Replacement of the existing roof and construction of two additional storeys of residential units to create 13 no. apartments at 6th and 7th floors with rooftop plant, 1 no. infill apartment and external alterations at 5th floor (excluding alterations to ground floor and change of use of ground floor to 5th floor) Approve - Conditions 17 2017/01999/PA Land adjacent to Icentrum Holt Street Aston Birmingham B7 4BP Purpose built 4 storey building for use by micro- enterprises, small business and the city's five universities (Use Classes B1a and B1b) Approve - Conditions 18 2017/01595/PA Tennant Street Birmingham B15 1EH Reserved matters application for appearance, landscaping, layout scale following outline permission 2015/03050/PA for the erection of a residential development of up to 6 storeys to provide 13 car parking spaces and up to 40 residential self contained apartments Determine 19 2016/04205/PA 11-21 Great Hampton Street, 10 Harford Street and 20-26 Barr Street Jewellery Quarter Birmingham B18 6AX Conversion of 13-21 Great Hampton Street and conversion, extension and alteration of 20-26 Barr Street to residential apartments. Demolition and redevelopment of remaining site to provide an overall total of 156 residential units and 1,035 sqm of commercial floorspace (Use Classes A1, A2, A3, & B1a) together with associated works. Page 2 of 3 Corporate Director, Economy Determine 20 2016/04206/PA 13-21 Great Hampton Street Jewellery Quarter City Centre Birmingham B18 6AX Listed Building Consent for alterations including the installation of a new stairwell, new subdivisions and replacement windows to rear in association with the conversion of the building to form a commercial unit and 14 residential dwellings. Page 3 of 3 Corporate Director, Economy Committee Date: 25/05/2017 Application Number: 2016/08443/PA Accepted: 13/12/2016 Application Type: Full Planning Target Date: 08/06/2017 Ward: Nechells 250 & 251 Bradford Street and 25-30 Green Street, Digbeth, Birmingham, B12 0RG Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 130 residential units varying from 4-8 storeys together with 40 car parking spaces and associated works Applicant: ESRG Developments Ltd c/o Agent Agent: DPP Planning Sophia House, 28 Cathedral Road, Cardiff, CF11 9LJ Recommendation Approve Subject To A Section 106 Legal Agreement 1. Proposal 1.1. The proposed development seeks complete demolition of all buildings on the application site and the erection of a 4-8 storey development providing 130 no. residential apartments, car parking and associated development. Demolition 1.2. This roughly L shaped application site would see demolition of the existing now dilapidated Steiner building which is 3 storeys and occupies the corner of Alcester Street and Bradford Street, as well as other single and double height warehouse buildings. The existing locally listed building located at the corner of Alcester Street and Green Street and the adjacent industrial building do not form part of the application site. Overview of the Proposed Replacement Development 1.3. It is proposed to erect a wholly residential apartment scheme that would front Bradford, Alcester and Green Streets with a roughly ‘L’ shaped block running along the site’s western and southern boundaries and part of the east boundary. 1.4. A total of 40 on-site parking spaces are proposed (31%) adjacent to the vehicular entrance off Green Street, within the courtyard, on the western boundary and underneath the western wing of the building. 1.5. Overall the proposed development would provide 130 apartments with the following breakdown: Page 1 of 18 Apartment Type Number Percentage Min. Size Max. Size 1 bedroom 54 42% 45sqm 61sqm 2 bedroom 76 58% 64sqm 80sqm 1.6. During the course of determination officers have secured amendments to the design, massing, number and mix of dwellings proposed. Initially 148 apartments were proposed and the mix comprised 61% one bedroom apartments and 39% two bedroom apartments. Detailed Proposals 1.7. The Bradford Street frontage would comprise 7 storeys on the western end, reducing to five storeys and marking the corner with an 8 storey building. As the building would turn the corner onto Alcester Street the height is reduced to 4 storeys next to the locally listed building. Green Street would be 5 storeys high. The scheme would be entirely single aspect onto either the surrounding roads or the internal courtyard area. Side elevations onto adjoining sites would be blank. Vehicular access is proposed from Green Street. 1.8. A bin store is proposed on Green Street, 136 cycle spaces at lower ground floor level adjacent to the rear elevation of the industrial unit (which is excluded from the application site). Two plant rooms are proposed; one to the rear of the ground floor apartments on Alcester Street and the other on Green Street adjacent to the entrance lobby. 1.9. Architecturally, the proposed building would be flat roofed and the elevations are broken up into two distinct designs. The ‘book ends’ on Bradford Street and the elevation fronting Green Street are framed in a contrasting blue brick surround. At the upper two levels, façade treatment includes an aluminium rain screen cladding system finished in metallic green/blue (Spectra two tone) along with textured white stone fins. Beneath the upper two floors the ‘book ends’ give way to a lighter blue brickwork façade, detailed to include contrasting horizontal brick banding. 1.10. This palate of lighter blue brickwork, framed within contrasting blue brick piers and horizontal banding continues within the central section on Bradford Street, Alcester Street elevation and the central courtyard facing elevations. Street fronting elevations are also designed to include a mix of full, externally hung balconies, and glass Juliet balconies. Within the courtyard elevations, glass Juliet balconies alone are adopted. 1.11. Window and door reveals are framed within deep recesses, with further contrasting metal cladding frames set inside the reveal. Dark grey metal window casements are also proposed to all openings. 1.12. The ground floor of Bradford Street and Alcester Street would be set back approximately 2m from the street to allow defensible space to the front of the ground floor residential units. The building would also be set back on Green Street on the lower ground floor level to ensure the balconies above would not overhang the public highway. Boundary treatment on all 3 elevations would consist of a variety of metal railings on masonary walls, some of which are dwarf walls. 1.13. All the residential units on Alcester Street would be accessed from the street whilst access to the apartments on Bradford Street would be from an internal lobby. More broadly, access to the apartments is largely provided via two entrance lobbies; one Page 2 of 18 on Bradford Street, the other on Green Street, both at lower ground floor level. A third entrance is proposed at ground floor level on Alcester Street. In addition, there is a resident access to the courtyard adjacent to the vehicular access on Green Street. 1.14. The highest block is 8 storeys and marks the corner at Bradford Street and Alcester Street and the height has been guided by that of the Abacus residential scheme on the opposite side of Alcester Street. A roof garden is proposed on top of the 5 storey element on Bradford Street and would be accessed from the circulation corridor. The roof garden would be surrounded by a 1.1m high parapet. 1.15. This application is accompanied by detailed plans; a Planning Statement; Design and Access Statement; Noise Assessment; Flood Risk Assessment and Sustainable Drainage Report; Transport Assessment, Preliminary Energy Strategy and Viability Assessment. 1.16. EIA screening Opinion was undertaken by the Local Authority and it was confirmed that an EIA is not required. 1.17. Link to Documents 2. Site & Surroundings 2.1. The application site, totalling 0.3ha is roughly ‘L’ in shape and has frontages onto Bradford, Alcester and Green Streets. The site contains a number of dilapidated buildings namely the 3 storey Steiner building which occupies the corner of Alcester Street and Bradford Street albeit set back on the Alcester Street boundary. It is understood the 1960s factory building was used for the manufacturing of motor vehicle components, however it has been vacant for a number of years and has fallen into a poor state.
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