[ I l~l~AllY XLV 2 3 I I WELLESLEY, MASS., JANUARY 22, 1942 No. 9 Wellesley Joins Campaign "7 ellesley Plans Fight Battle For More Books For Army Child Care Study Against Food Discussion Series to Treat Plan to Raise Ten Million Problems of Child In Value Waste Books for Men Enlists Students Choose National Emergency British Professor Urges Support of College Taylor Suite For ''Safeguarding the Physical and "Give a book and help a soldier", Educational life of the Child in Importance of Balance Tree Day Program the National Emergency", a In Rationed Foods is the marching song of the Vic­ course of 12 diseussion periods, tory Book Campaign which has as Deems Taylor's Through the has been organized under the aus­ In time of war when nations are its goal the collection of 10,000,000 Looking Glass suite, based on the pices of Wellesley College, the in particular need of good food, books for the use of the armed story by Lewis Carroll, will be the Wellesley School for Civilian De­ waste is one of the worst of sins, declared Professor Winifred C. services and. the merchant marine. theme of Tree Day for 1942. It fense, and the National Asso­ will be presented Saturday after­ ciation of Nursery Education. Its Culli.s, Director of the Women's This campaign sponsored by the purpose is to suggest ways of Division of the British Library of USO, the American Red Cross, noon, May 16th, at 2 :30 p. m. Beryl Weisman '42, is Chairman caring for children during the Information, opening the Nutri­ and the American Library Asso­ of Tree Day, and assisting her National Emergency and to open tion Education Week program, ciation seeks to supply libraries of are: Margaret Webster, Costumes; for discussion under expert lead­ Tuesday, January 20, with her dis­ interest and ~alue to service men Ruth Ohler, Properties; Jane ership questions which involve cussion of the "Food Front.in War child care during normal times. Time." in camps, at sea, or at some dis­ Pickard, Schedule; Gladys Toma· Suggestions will be offered for Professor Cullis Emphasizing the importance ~f .. :. tant outpost overseas. Fiction, jan, Programs; Matilda Clarke, Finance; Jean Newton, General courses and sources to which those the educational campaign for, .e., biography, history, and technical who wish to make a longer and plaining balanced diets and, ·the books, in that order, are most in Arrangements; Cora Parse, Fresh­ man Consulting Member; and more intensive study of ch.ilcl ca·re College Allocates best ways of using rationed 'g()ods, demand. The newer the books may turn. Professor .cullis cited the' metlio'ds are the better, and in case of Joan Guiterman, Dance. These students will supervise Registration is open to Welles­ Sum of $3,840 for of the British Ministry of Food, technical books they have to be ley citizens and Wellesley College which has been sending _f~~ new if they are to be useful. The the tryouts, which will be held in March. There are five solo parts: students interested in becoming Relief Activities demonstrators around the country reading taste of the American better informed on questions re­ to help the housewife in her ad­ soldier is much like your own. He Alice; The Little Hero; Humpty Dumpty; The Jabberwoclcy; and lating to child care. The course The War Relief Committee, in justment to wartime economy. wants the latest war books, best­ will meet on 12 successive Mon­ order to inform the student body "Today in Britain there is a con­ sellers on the fiction list, and the White Knight. The group dances are to be in five parts too; days, from 1 : 30-2 p. m., beginning of the work which bas been done tinuous war being waged against technical books ranging from February 9, when Dr. Abigail this past semester, wishes to make the lack of variety in diet," said Lawrence's Cost Accounting to The Chessboard characters; The Live Flowers; The Looking Glass Eliot, Director of the Nursing a brief report on its activities. In Dr. Cullis, who is also Professor Emily Post's Etiquette. Modern Training School, Boston, will dis­ conjunction with the Service Fund of Physiology at the University text books, particularly in science, Insects; The unusual animals known as, toves, borogroves, and cuss the factors involved in "The Drive, the War Relief Committee of London. Menus are publicized are very welcome. Many a young Care of the Young Child", has raised a total of five thousand suggesting new way.s of cooking soldier is having his first chance the Kings Henchmen. This year's theme was chosen especially during war time. dollars from donations. A total the same available· food stuffs in to read and study, thanks to his of $3,840 has already been allo­ as many appetizing ways as pos­ with the idea in mind of presenting Dr. James Janney, Assistant service in the army. It is the cated as follows: sible, and even the rabbit "is find­ an American composer, and at the Professor of Gynecology at Bos­ privilege of civilians to supply Wellesley College W o r k- same time of presenting something ton University, will discuss the ing himself in many different him with the books he needs. room .. , .. .. .. .. .... 300 dresses." light, in view of the world crisis. problems related to safeguarding $ Books may be left during the British Workroom, Village .. 250 the physical and emotional health next three weeks in a box pro­ Foster parent plan . .. , .. , , 45 Tryouts to Compete For vided at the College library in Educator to Discuss of mothers during pregnancy, with emphasis on steps which may United China Relief . 300 the Circulation Hall and marked American Friends Service . 1,000 Narrator in Production "Books for Soldiers and Sailors". Pr9blems of Teaching be taken during the present emer­ Mrs. Millicent Mdntosh, Head­ gency, February 16. l)r. Harvey (Of this $1,000, one h:;i.lf Of Peter and the W ol/ A list of types of books desired is Tryouts for the _Narrator's part mistress of the Brearley School in Spencer, Pediatrician and Psy­ went for work in English posted by this box showing which Air Raid Shelters, and the in Peter and tke Wolf, which is to subjects are most needed right New ·York City, will discuss chiatrist in Children's Clinics, will other half for work in un­ be given by tlie' Dance Groups, now. Contributors with larger "Teaching in a Democracy in War discuss the problems of "Safe­ occupied France) Orchestra, and Barnswallows, will numbers of books than can be Time" in her lecture tonight in guarding the Physical Health of Foster Parents' Plan for a be held after midyears. The time carried conveniently should call Pendleton Hall at 8 p.m. the Young. Child" February 23. Mr.s. Mcintosh, iormerly a dean British Dormitory . 500 and place will be posted later on the library for "pick-up" service. The speakers and topics at fur­ Dance Boards in Founders. in Bryn Mawr College, has been ther meetings will be published Near East Foundation for All those interested in tryina Volunteer workers to help in Head of the Brearley School since later. Mrs. Vanderpool . 200 sorting and collection of books 1930 when she succeeded Carl Van American Field Service to- out should familiarize themaelvea should apply to Miss Kathleen A. Doren. An extension of the course will wards ambulance for the with the recording. There is a be planned if 15 or more students Kennedy, Librarian of the Welles­ The Brearley School, a day forces of Gen. deGaulle . 300 set of records available in Miss register who are unable to take ley Public Library, the local chair­ school of 500 students, includes Red Cross Fund for Nation- McEwan's cabinet in Alumnae the course on Mondays. Interest­ man of the campaign. Miss Ber. several Wellesley graduates among al Defense .. , . , , ... , .. , 500 Hall, off the ballroom. Anyone ed students should see Mildred tha Monica Stearns is the faculty its faculty members. Mary Tieb­ Overseas League Tobacco who is unable to hear a recording Donovan or Claire Richter before should get in touch with Joan member from the Committee on out, Elizabeth Tompkins, and Lois Fund • . 25 February 5. the National Emergency who is Stevens, three members of the The $80 which is not accounted Guiterman '42, Tower Court West. in charge of the campaign on the cla.ss of 1941, are now teaching for in the total mentioned above campus. there. Dr. Bailey Joins was raised for United China Re­ Council to Hear Report lief by signers of the Jade Book, Of Fall Survey Results Bible Department which has gone to Madam Chiang The next meeting of the Welles­ Economics Students Test Luncheon Kai Shek. Mrs. Vanderpool is the ley College Council will be held on Professor Moses Bailey, lec­ sister of Mr. Jeffries of the Art Thursday, February 19, at 3,:30, For Palatability and Price Value turer in the Department of Department and is caring for chil­ in the Academic Council Assembly Biblical History for the second dren on her estate in Greece. Hall, 444 Green Hall. At that by Elizabeth A. Curtiss, Lecturer in Economics semester, was a member of the The Committee has also spon­ time a full report of the results department for ten years. He left sored thP, adoption of children by of the first College Council survey "Is this Jemina ?" "No, this is which cvuld be bought at high and Wellesley in 1932 to accept the various houses. Dower and Stone will be given. The Council will Keturah; the first one was Jem- at low prices.
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