ENTR/2009/27 Task 10 Supplementary Information Theme Source/Owner Specification No. Product Weblink Data Format Area Coverage Scale / Resolution Topographic Data 1 Russian Military Russian Military Maps Russian Military Maps Raster Worldwide in 6x4 deg sheets 1:1000000 2 Russian Military Russian Military Maps Russian Military Maps Raster Worldwide in 3x2 deg sheets 1:500000 3 Russian Military Russian Military Maps Russian Military Maps Raster Worldwide in 60x40min deg sheets 1:200000 4 NGA/NIMA/DMA/AMS (US Military) GNC (Global Navigation and Planning Charts)NIMA_GNC Raster - ARDG Worldwide 1:5000000 5 NGA/NIMA/DMA/AMS (US Military) JNC (Jet Navigational Charts) NIMA_JNC Raster - ARDG Worldwide 1:2000000 6 NGA/NIMA/DMA/AMS (US Military) ONC (Operational Navigational Charts) NIMA_ONC Raster - ARDG Worldwide 1:1000000 7 NGA/NIMA/DMA/AMS (US Military) TPC (Tactical Pilotage Charts) NIMA_TPC Raster - ARDG Worldwide 1:500000 8 NGA/NIMA/DMA/AMS (US Military) JOG (Joint Operation Graphics) NIMA_JOG Raster - ARDG Worldwide 1:250000 9 NGA/NIMA/DMA/AMS (US Military) TLM (Topographic Line Maps) NIMA_TLM Raster - ARDG Worldwide 1:100000 10 NGA/NIMA/DMA/AMS (US Military) TLM (Topographic Line Maps) NIMA_TLM_50000 Raster - ARDG Worldwide 1:50000 11 NGA/NIMA/DMA/AMS (US Military)/ESRI Digital Chart of the World (DCW) Digital Chart of the World Vector - VPF/ArcINFO/MapInfo Worldwide 1:1000000 12 NGA/NIMA/DMA/AMS (US Military) Vector Map Level 0 (VMAP0) MapAbility VMAP0 Vector - VPF/ArcINFO/MapInfo Worldwide 1:1000000 13 NGA/NIMA/DMA/AMS (US Military) Vector Map Level 1 (VMAP1) MapAbility VMAP1 Vector - VPF/ArcINFO/MapInfo Worldwide 1:250000 14 NGA/NIMA/DMA/AMS (US Military) World Vector Shoreline Plus GeoDiscover WVS Vector - VPF/ArcINFO/MapInfo Worldwide 1:250000 15 British Antarctic Survey Antarctic Digital Database ADD Vector - ArcINFO Antarctica 1:1000000 16 United Nations Environment Programme Antarctic Coastline GeoDiscover Antarctic Vector - ArcINFO Antarctica 17 United Nations Environment Programme Countries, Coasts and Islands of Africa Africa Borders Vector - ArcView Shape File Africa 18 ESRI PC World Databank 1 (international borders)World Databank 1 Vector - ArcINFO Worldwide 19 ESRI Data catalogue for thematic data ESRI Geodatabase Vector - ArcView Shape File Worldwide 20 Bartholemews 1:5m World Database Bartholemew World DB Vector - ArcINFO Worldwide 1:5000000 21 Bartholemews 1:5m World Boundaries and Shoreline Bartholemew World Boundary Vector - ArcINFO Worldwide 1:5000000 22 United Nations Environment Programme World Boundary Databank UNEP World Boundaries Vector - ArcINFO Worldwide 23 ADC Worldmap ADC Worldmap Digital Atlas 4.0 World Boundary Databank Vector - Shape Worldwide 1:1000000 24 Spatial Insights Global Insight Global Insight Vector - Shape Worldwide 1:1000000 25 Wolters Noordhoff Bosatlas Vector - TIF Worldwide Varying Ministero dell'Ambiente e Tutela del 26 Territorio Aerial photos, topographic maps and DEM Atlante Italiano ECW Italy Varying EO Data NASA Earth Observing System Data 27 Gateway NASA EOS Data Gateway Raster World 28 DLR EOWEB Multimission satellite data EOWEB Raster World/Europe 29 Global Land Cover Facility Multimission satellite data GLCF Catalogue Raster World 30 CONAE Multimission satellite data CONAE Catalogue Raster World various 31 Earthsat GeoCover Landsat TM Mosaics GeoCover GeoTIFF/MrSid Worldwide 28.5m resolution 32 Joint Research Centre Central Africa Mosaic Project (CAMP) JRC Africa Raster 477 ERS-1 scenes over Central Africa 100m resolution 33 Joint Research Centre Image2000 Landsat Image2000 Mapserver Raster Europe 27.5m resolution 34 SPOT Image (through VITO) SPOT Vegetation Vito SPOT4 Vegetation Raster World 1km resolution National Space Development Agency of 35 Japan Global Rain Forest Mapping (GRFM) - Africa GRFM Raster 2000 JERS scenes Central/West Africa 100m resolution National Space Development Agency of 36 Japan GRFM - South America GRFM Raster 2000 JERS scenes South America 100m resolution 37 NASA Earth Observatory MODIS Mosaics NASA Earth Observatory Raster World 38 ESRI Maps Geographic Network Site ESRI Shape, common raster format World various 39 Europe Space Agency (ESA) Satellite products Eoli catalogue CEOS Standard World various 40 SPOT Image Satellite products Sirius Dimap, CAP (CEOS standard) World 2.5-20m resolution 41 Eurimage Multimission satellite data Eurimage catologue various World various 42 Space Imaging Multimission satellite data Space Imaging catalogue various World 1m-5m resolution 43 Digitalglobe Multimission satellite data DigitalGlobe ImageAtlas GeoTIFF 1.0, NITF 2.1 or NITF 2.0 World 61cm-2.8m resolution 44 University of Maryland Multimission satellite data Earth Science Data Interface (ESDI) GeoTIFF, Mr.SID, BSQ World various 45 TruEarth Landsat Scenes & Mosaics TruEarth 1km & 30m Raster World - tiles any size - price/1x1deg tile 30m resolution, 1km 46 Living Earth 1 km night-/daytime mosaics Living Earth Mosaic TIF/MrSid World 1km pixel 47 WorldSat Landsat/AVHRR mosaics WorldSat Mosaics Raster North America 30m resolution 48 Spatial Mapping Ltd Landsat 5 5deg x UTM zone mosaics Landsat 5 Mosaics ECW/MrSid or user defined World - 5degxUTM zone 28.5m resolution 49 ResMap (Spatial Mapping) Landsat 7 5deg x UTM zone mosaics Landsat Mosaics ECW/MrSid or user defined World - 5degxUTM zone 14m resolution 50 Radarsat International Multimission satellite data Radarsat International Raster Africa 750m resolution 51 Alaska Satellite Facility RADARSAT Data Alaska Satellite Facility Raster Antarctica 250m resolution 52 USGS AVHRR Antarctic Mosaic USGS AVHRR Antarctic Raster Antarctica 1:5000000 53 Planetary Visions Limited Satellite Imagemap (AVHRR)- World - 1km pixelSatellite ImageMap Raster World 32km resolution DEM 54 USGS SRTM DTED Level 1 unfinished (3 arc s - 90m)USGS SRTM Products ArcGrid/GRIDFLOAT/BIL/TIF World 3 arc seconds - 90m 55 USGS SRTM DTED Level 2 unfinished (1 arc s - 30m)USGS SRTM Products ArcGrid/GRIDFLOAT/BIL/TIF North America 1 arc second - 30m 56 USGS SRTM DTED Level 1 finished (3 arc s - 90m) USGS SRTM Products ArcGrid/GRIDFLOAT/BIL/TIF World 3 arc seconds - 90m 57 USGS SRTM DTED Level 2 finished (1 arc s - 90m) USGS SRTM Products ArcGrid/GRIDFLOAT/BIL/TIF North America 1 arc second - 30m 58 USGS SRTM 3 arc s (SRTM format) USGS SRTM Products SRTM / DTED World 3 arc seconds - 90m 59 USGS SRTM 1 arc s (SRTM format) USGS SRTM Products SRTM / DTED North America 1 arc second - 30m 60 DLR - German Aerospace Center SRTM X Band DLR SRTM Products DTED World - not full coverage 1 arc second - 25m Page 1 ENTR/2009/27 Task 10 Supplementary Information Theme Source/Owner Specification No. Product Weblink Data Format Area Coverage Scale / Resolution 61 National Geophysical Data Center ETOPO2 2 arc min inc bathy ETOPO2 16-bit signed integer format World 2 arc mins - approx. 3.5km 62 National Geophysical Data Center/NIMA GLOBE 1km GLOBE DTED World - 16 tiles 30 arc s - 1km 63 USGS GTOPO30 GTOPO30 16 bit binary World - 33 tiles 30 arc s - 1km 64 NIMA DTED0 30 arc s (1km) DTED DTED World 30 arc s - 1km 65 GeoSys MonaPro 3 arc s (75m) MonaPro GRID/GeoTIFF/Erdas Europe - 0.5x0.5 degree blocks 3 arc seconds - 75m 66 GeoSys MonaPro 100m MonaPro GRID/GeoTIFF/Erdas Europe - 0.5x0.5 degree blocks 100m 67 GeoSys MonaPro 250m MonaPro GRID/GeoTIFF/Erdas Europe - 0.5x0.5 degree blocks 200m 68 USGS/Eros DCW DEM DCWDEM ArcInfo World 30 arc s - 1km 69 GETECH Global GETECH DTM Raster World 5 arc min 70 GETECH Europe GETECH DTM Raster Europe 2.5 arc min 71 GETECH South America GETECH DTM Raster South America 3 arc min 72 ESRI World Shaded Relief Map GeoDiscover Shaded Relief MrSid World 30 arc s - 1km 73 Radarsat Antarctic DEM Radarsat Antarctic DEM ArcInfo/Binary Grid Antarctica 1km / 400m / 200m 74 UNEP Europe 30 arc sec DEM UNEP Europe DEM ArcInfo Europe 30 arc s - 1km 75 UNEP Africa 30 arc sec DEM UNEP Africa DEM ArcInfo Africa 30 arc s - 1km 76 UNEP Antarctica 30 arc sec DEM UNEP Antarctica DEM ArcInfo Antarctica 30 arc s - 1km 77 UNEP Asia 30 arc sec DEM UNEP Asia DEM ArcInfo Asia 30 arc s - 1km 78 UNEP North America 30 arc sec DEM UNEP North America DEM ArcInfo North America 30 arc s - 1km 79 UNEP South America 30 arc sec DEM UNEP South America DEM ArcInfo South America 30 arc s - 1km 80 NOAA - NGDC Global Relief DEM + Bathymetry Global DEM + Bathymetry ArcInfo World 30 arc s - 1km 81 SPOT Image DEMs based on SPOT5 HRS stereopairs SPOT Image DEM Dimap oder DTED World - not full coverage 1 arcs Page 2 ENTR/2009/27 Task 10 Supplementary Information Theme Source/Owner Specification No. Product Weblink Data Format Area Coverage Scale / Resolution Thematic Data 82 Multi-Theme ComputaMaps Continental Dataset - Africa ComputaMaps Continental MapInfo/ArcView Africa / Middle East 1:1000000 83 ComputaMaps Continental Dataset - Asia ComputaMaps Continental MapInfo/ArcView Asia / Australasia 1:1000000 84 ComputaMaps Continental Dataset - S. America ComputaMaps Continental MapInfo/ArcView South / Central America 1:1000000 85 NGA/NIMA/DMA/AMS (US Military) VMAP0 GeoDiscover VMAP0 Vector - VPF/ArcINFO/MapInfo World 1:1000000 86 FAO AfriCover AfriCover ArcINFO Africa - country by country 1:200000 87 American Geological Institute (AGI) Global GIS - Africa AGI Continental Data ArcView Africa 1:1000000 88 American Geological Institute (AGI) Global GIS - Europe AGI Continental Data ArcView Europe 1:1000000 89 American Geological Institute (AGI) Global GIS - Central and South America AGI Continental Data ArcView Central and South America 1:1000000 90 American Geological Institute
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