Wright State University CORE Scholar The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities 2-26-1982 The Guardian, February 26, 1982 Wright State University Student Body Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/guardian Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1982). The Guardian, February 26, 1982. : Wright State University. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Daily Guardian FebruamXIvueM ' VotoneXVm Wright State Unlver.it,. Dayton. OMo t Psychology mm Government seat 'meetings up until the general election to By KIMBERLY WILLABDSON sents the student .body (of approximately up until election (student government participate' in discussions. AuocUltWriMc 100 students) by electing four represen- general election) time." tatives from eachdaas, who each serve for a St. Peter said he will move at the next Education representative Cathy Queener said,"We need as wide a representation as The School of Professional Psychology period of one year. student government meeting that a student we can get." (SOPP) will have • representative seat on The purpose of the SOPP student from SOPP ah in on student government next year's student government, as a result government is to represent the student of The special election held Monday and body to Faculty and Administration, to Class gives handicap priority Tuesday. • represent the student body to the WSU The second fMue on die special election Main Campus and to serve on standing and ballot, which asked whether the student ad^hpc committees, among other things. Elevator courtesy government general election should be Kline said that having a representative on Fohnstock, director of the Sign Shop.. moved up from the sixth week of spring the main -campuj^ student government ELDONHAWUNS The group made five signs-onefor each quarter to the third week^waa^defeated. would help' 'out ^students feel more a part of Aaaedate Writer the fWSU cfertnunits." floor in Millett Hall. They alio cut pictures The second issue faifed because it wAS out of magazines and made up captions for INVALID DUE TO NOT gN6UGH PEOPLE "Our sniaents don't identify with WSU A recent*controversy over the priority of handicapped'students' use of the elevators the pictures'to 'draw peoples' attention to VOTING. ON IT. A total of 349 votes were ( student:|'as much as they could," said the signs. • ' V needed to validate an election and only 335 Kline. J may be alleviated due to the work of a Com I^We also said that having a represen- 141 class. The group recently ran a survey with the people voted on issue two. * help of Handicapped Student Services to A total of 367 people voted on the first tative on- student government would A small group communications class group (Com 141) placed signs by the determine what kind of an impact the signs issuer" 345 yes apd 22 no. • broaden the base of student representation, elevators in Millett Hall reminding people really had. The group felt that they received Bruce Kline, president of the SOPP reduce the work load, ot current represen- to give Handic^jped students first priority a positive response from the survey. student government, said the SOPP has tatives, and provide a more effective student advocacy. .when it comes to elevator usage. Able-bodied students indicated that the been trying to get a representative seat on signs had made them aware of the Ai WRight State's student government According to Kline, the SOPP student Robert Waymeyer, a member of the handicapped students' needs. previous to last year's student government government has an urfique relationship with group, initiated the iclea to help handi- the SOPP administration,- and this relation- capped Student; with the elevator problem. The handicapped students indicated that . general election. they were given significant priority in SOPP is • graduate school for doctoral ship would be useful to. WSU's student Waymeyer, ^handicapped student, claims that able-bodied .people don't give the elevator usage after the signs had been degrees and has a. four-year curriculum. government in dealings with the adminis- 1 handieeppsd students priority in.using the placed in Millett Hall. , The school is located in Kettering tad has tration. In reference to the SOPP issue passing, .elevators: '' People crowd into the elevators The^igns were placed in Millett Hall on had its own functioning student govern- Feb. 10; ment for one and a half years, according to 'student government Liberal Arts represen- and don't let handicapped pe9ple -get into tative Jim St. Peter said," 'it will be the elevators.'' he said. Kline. ' . ,The group decided fo "place iignS by the The group said they hoped (hat future The SOPP »tudent government repre- interesting to tee what we will do from i ( ,elevjiiprs in Millett hall to remind people _ Small Group Communications classes ' that .the elevators were installed to enable would make signs and place theirt in other • students in wheelchairs to.get from floor to buildings throughout WSU's campus • floor of the?buildingS. • - Waymeyer noted that the elevators in The group felt that it was high time that- Oelman Hall are-too small and there are people,gave handicapped students priority some students who ar* forced to use the . la use of the elevator*, j . • freight elevators instead. •The grojip had to have the project The group members are Jackie Bartonra ipproved by their teaching assistant, the sophomore marketing student; Bob Way- • , Student Development office, and Bob meyer, a jiinior Communications student-; Irown.' Director of Facilities and Main- Dale Payne, a Junior business student ; Dick enance. •_ Wonderly. a freshman Communications Brown donated the materials to make the student; Tom Enciso. a junior in Communi- • signs. The group made the signs in the cations; and Lora Martin, a sophomore ia Jniversity sign shop with the aid of Chuck communi WSU Student pleads guilty Joseph Flewetlyn. arretted at Wright j him with' disorderly, conduct, assault. State Oct 1. pleaded guilty Feb 19 to his resisting arrest and escape. ' felony charge of escape. Flewellyn will go " ALSO ARRESTED WAS Greg Une. V before Judge Ed Kimmel in.^he Greene . student at W$U; who was charged with V County Court of Common Pleas for complicity to escape which.is also a felony. sentencing April 22. •Two WSU officers requested assistance at -7 flewellyn also pleaded guilty to t/e charge 2:40 a.m. Oct. 1. from Fairborn Police ' of resisting arrest. He waa (fated 1100 plus Department 'after being assaulted bj- court costs. Flewellyn waa alio sentenced Flewellyn. '• .' . to five days in jail, three of. which we4e Lane and Flewellyn were reportedly trying * diamiased v— to enter Hamilton Hall. Flewellyn had been ^ addition he pleaded guilty to the charge told to stay off the premisesdue ttLpreviou* of disorderly conduct and waa fined >100 instancea at ah earlier date. pirn court costs. His aaaaok cfcnrge was Both partes were attested and bound to a Greene County Grand Jury and reieaaed . WSU dMoen arrested PMweByn. diarging alter poering a II .000•bond,. t J Tht Daily GmmrSmm Ftknery 26, 19*2 Despite infraction A. review of Wright State's radiation jafety program" by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRO found that the univer- Caution Radioactive . sity is doing "an eicellent job," despite oae Materials infraction of NRC regulations. The review, which took place Tuesday to : Friday of last week, was called a "very positive report" by ' Radiation Safety Committee chairer Adrian Rake. Rake, s biology professor, said the commission roast periodically review all rsdislton safety programs. He said the commission is far behind hi their retfew schedule, but because the university's Cos Heart Institute used radioactive material la two pacemaker^mplintationa. the eariy review was inandattd. Rake said the review ihoweU that the university 's radiation safety program waste good shape. Rake, however, called the oae tefractka "It gives Wright State confidence in the "a traffic ticket." tricky area of radiation Handling, " he*said. "The violation was not really bad. We "Wih the inspector finding only one obviously." hewmtinued. "donit like to get infraction of regulations In a four day, total it, but It's no big deal. If it happens again university review, it Is a very positive we will be fined." . the results were so positive," he said. »fhe results of the review are *Wy report. ' Rake congratulated Bruce Austin, radia- Afistin said the "review gives Wright positive. We have been working hard to The infraction occurred, according to a tion safety officer, for the way he ran the' State a dean bill of health. The one ke^P the program going with limited spokesman for the NRC. when the inspector program. infraction. occurred moments before the. re»°urces and funding cuts; obviously. found a researcher drinking coffee in a lab "ft speaks very well for Mr. Austin that investigator was leaving. we've been successful." area where nuclear, material is used. Earn money over Spring Break MATH/SGIE3VpE ; American Circle A MCKGROUND? needs students as • sale representatives V- WE CAN MAKE YOU 1) free and immediate training AN ENGINEER 2) earn $20 aii hour-l^OW If you already have a kaccalau?®ate clegreeVthe Air Force will pay yo\i up '3) work your ov^ hours (o Si 7,000> year and, pay tuition and - fee-s for'up to 18 months of school 4) now investment ^ necessary to complete in engineering ' degree. Seniors,, this may be your golden opportunity to expand your 5) no previous experience A careef*- possibilities.
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