PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862. TOL. 13, PORTLAND. THURSDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 14, 1875. m-n. 1t[ ^—————————————— ■■ THE PORTLAND PRESS DAILY ENTERTAINMENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. INSURANCE. The Farmer and the Stale. Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the _CLOTHING._ THE PRESS. PORTLAND PORTLAND MUSEUM. PUBLISHING CO., CHARLES H. KIMBALL, 1835 1875 WYER & ARNOLD Proprietors. WHAT THE THURSDAY HORSING, OCT. 14, 1875 Extract front the Address of Got. At 109 Exchange St., Portland. Dinghy Coro of Congress and Exchange Street. ARCHITECT OCTOBER .1st, 1875. at the West Oxford Agrtcnltnral Show Terms Eight Dollars a Tear in advance. To Every regular attache of the Press is furnished mail Dollars a Tear if MONDAY nud Fair at Fryebarg Oct. 13. subscribers Seven paid in ad- FYEN!NO, Oct. llth, ISO 1-2 BIDDLE STREET, with a Card certificate countersigned by Stanley T. duce and until further notice, the beautiful romantic Pullen, Editor. Ail railway, steamboat and hotel Drama in Seven Tableaux, entitled the (Boyd Block,) Itatlier THE MAINE STATE PRESS managers will confer a favor upou us by demanding than attempt to give an abstract of “TWO ORPHANS.” PORTLAND, MAINE. credentials of every person claiming to represent our the whole of Gov. Dingley’s address at e every Thursday Morning at Frye, published 82.50 a journal. we year, if paid in advance, at 82.00 a Every Scene Entirely New. _ burg, print entire his remarks as to the year. Plans, Details, Superintendence, etc., for every de- Insurance Company Music written expressly for the piece by Chas. W. ception of building. dec28tf causes which make agricultural life iu Maine Rates of Advertising: One inch oi Grimmer. We do not read anonymous letters and communi- space, the Scenery by Dave Richards. Mechanical Haa Dane for irksome and have lencth of column, constitutes a it* Policy-Holder*. resulted iu a movement of “square.” effects by A. D. Page. cations. The name and address of the writer are in 81.50 per square daily first week; 75 cents week CHAS. H. HOWE & SON. to the per all cases not population cities, manufacturing towns after; three insertions, or less, 81.00: indispensable, necessarily tor publication continuing Special Notice for the Matinees. Total amount to from and the West: every other day after first week, 50 cents. Civil Engineers and paid Policy-Holders but as a guaranty of good faith. Hall tbiee to the length of the the Two Architects, organization to Jan. 1. 1875.$17,902,465 square, Insertions, or less, 75 cents: one Owing piece Orphan We cannot undertake to return or CAUSES OF DECAY—HASTE TO GET BICH. Matinee will commence on Total amount ot investments for reserve commu- week, 81 00; 50 cents per week after. Wednesday and Saturday present afternoons at 9 o’clock 176 Middle MADE Policy-Holders..... nications that are not used. 1. The intensity, almost Special one third addi precisely Street. READY CLOTHING 13,581,118 growing reaching to Notices, ional. Total Under head of “Amusements.” Box office open daily from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. for the premium receipts from or- madness, which marks the of and “Auction BOYD BLOCK. to Jan. pursuit riches, Sales,” 82.00 sale ot tickets. ge2dtf ganization 1,1875.... $28,252,125 aDd the belief that wealth per square per week; three Insertions Total interest received. The last Ogdewbarg Excursion TRAIN prevalent can be r less 81-50. my22dtf 3,261,458 secured much more rapidly and in Advertisements inserted goes THIS MORNING at 8.15. A few successfully in the “Maine State HOLMES’ AND trade, commerce and manufactures—pursuits Press” (which has a circulation in $31,483,483 $31,483,583 tickets cau be obtained at the large every part PERRY & FOSS, EASTERN which necessarily concentrate even of the State) for 81.00 per square for first insertion, Thus it will be seen that the entire principal, and population, over TICKET OFFICE. if not tor convenience located in and 50 cents per square tor each subsequent nsertion. GENERAL $3,000 000 of interest has been Baved to the Mem- originally Address all communications to bers of this Company, after having paid all the ex- cities. PORTLAND PUBLISHING Co. Dancing Academy. penses of conducting the business. Or, in other In new countries where nature is to be sub- Commission Merchants, words, the Company’s payments to, and present in- The Ohio Election. dued, and unbounded resources developed, the MR. H. J HOLMES, assisted by MR. A. vestments for, its amount to and Wholesale Dealers in Policy-Holders, $3,231,- The result of the Ohio natural desire of men for money and the ob- lMA JORDAN, will open a school for instruc- FURNISHING GOODS. 458 more than it has received in premiums. hotly-contested which it will secure is entertainments. tion in Plain and Fancy at is jects Inevitably stiengtb- i^W| Dancing, COCN1RY It is evident, the Company that absorbs the least campaign calculated to produce a feeling of eued. is IjHnrasier Hall '• burn day even PRODUCE, There something iu the atmosphere /WfB •n* In can furnish Life Insurance the IA lb. at 8 o’clock. running expenses, thankfuiness and relief. Inflation has re- of free where man has ^AjOrtober The term 9 Moulton Street, head of cheapest. institutions, every equal "^^^^will consist of nine two assemblies Long Wharf to carve out a fortune and SOCIAL lessons, ceived a serious check if not a total opportunities name and a GRAND BALL. New England Co.’s expenses of de- JFESTIVAJL. PORTLAND, ME. manage- for himself, which still further stimulates ac- Tickets for the term—Gents $4; Ladies 50. Sec- ment to total assets in 1874 was. 1.31 cent. feat. We do not $1 EBE.N N. FERRY. The Most p apprehend that the feel- lustances of the rise of real THE ond lessor. October 18tb. MAYHEW 0. FOSS. and Most De- Average expenses tor all Life tivity. rapid Monday, oc8dlw Largest, Complete, Companies of estate and limber lands doing business in Massdchusetts in ing gratification will be con- consequent on the un- for strictly Ladies of the India St Uniyersalist t3T“Agents Cbipman & Ayer’s “Surprbe 1874.. £. 3.81 cent. fined to the exampled growth of new cities and develop- Society Yea.t.” the best yeast in the world. Republicans. Many Democrats ment of business busi- will hold a Social Festival in xuc tuuuusiuu iu wuicu careiui anu encourage! speculative the Vestry of their CONCERT! TRY IT.myl7dtf investigation must over the Church on rhurs unbiased lead one rejoice halt of their in ness habits, and fostered the desire of ay and Friday Afternoons sirable Stock Ever Shown in judgment will is, that there is party hasty and EvcniugM) Oct. 14th and 15th. Refreshments nothing desirable in Life Insurance, which may not its progress toward the advocacy of national accumulations. The opening of gold mines and a variety of useful and articles will be for be secured by a Policy Holder in the old New Eng- fed the fire, and young and old alike became fancy N. S. land dishonor. The is sale. Adnuwion Free. ocl2d4t* M. Company of Boston. victory more than a impatient with the old slow and sure THE Robinson, D., par- methods Energetic and reliable men wauled to tisan one and every honest citizen should feel of life. MUSIC PORTLAND. represent this Company in Maine. Address Then came the war with HALL, Portland at Retail ! profoundly tuankful at the result. its gigantic expend- 55 FREE STREET. itures aud inflated and consequently depre- It is now to draw One V. C TAR early lessons from the ciated currency, to still farther stimulate spec- Kvcning Onlv. Association BOX, ulative aud create au issue of the campaign. Fuller returns will habits, increasing dis- Haydn taste Ceaeral for every occupation, and — particulraly WILL — Office 2 Agent. furnish a basis for and Thursday, October 14th. Honrs, to 4 P. H. analysis comparison. agriculture, from which all opportunities for sep23 deod3m Office—Cor.•( Middle & Exchange Kneels, To men will to speculation were shat oat. The old- H. T. .... day hard-money prefer spend healthy, PADDOCK, MANAGER B Y REQUEST NO OLD GOODS OF ANY DESCRIPTION. Portland, Maine. fasbioned method of G. 4. CLARK, M. D. oct9dtf in To-morrow is soon acquiring property through rejoicing. enough to slow accumulation is sneered and The Supreme Favorite and Pearl of the American at, the reproduce Schumann’s beantitnl Cantata moralize. But one or Stage, 74 FREE STREET, two suggestions in- men who are talked about in every hamlet, bead of Brown 81. who become the ideals of the on Opposite trude themselves even iu the very flush of boys the farm ^Office Haora 2 to 4 P. M. and who are too surelv the business We take great pleasure in being able to show our Cus- Marine The conflict has been moulding a!6 Insurance! of OF victory. productive lueais ui are me MAGGIE MITCHELL PILGRIMAGE TOG ROSE ! dtf_ toousaniis, jay uouius, the one It has to Daniel the Jim Fisks and the —AT- great good. served educate the Drews, Ralstons, tomers and friends this Fall a stock that is whose fortunes were made in a Supported by Ibe Sterling Actor, H. L. GREGG & people iu sound financial The short time by CO., * principles. those mysterious and methods n nnnop f YT Ina n a __ A. £ questionable MR. WM. HARRIS, UNION HAUL, SHIP BROKERS. ATLANTIC known as “operations.” It is Dot — — the under AND A greenback, the uses and abuses of paper surprising that, growing up Commission & such influences, the young men and wo- FIRST CLASS COMPANY.
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