DOCUMENT RESUME ED 458 963 PS 029 922 AUTHOR Hollander, Vera; Torsney, Janet TITLE A Century for Children...It Starts with Us. Save the Children 2000 Annual Report. INSTITUTION Save the Children, Westport, CT. PUB DATE 2000-00-00 NOTE 55p. AVAILABLE FROM Save the Children, 54 Wilton Road, Westport CT 06880. Tel: 203-221-4000; Web -site: http://www.savethechildren.org. PUB TYPE Reports Descriptive (141) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC03 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS After School Programs; Annual Reports; *Child Welfare; *Children; Developing Nations; Females; Grants; Health Services; Hunger; Intervention; Neonates; *Philanthropic Foundations; Poverty; *Private Financial Support IDENTIFIERS *Save the Children Federation; United States ABSTRACT Save the Children was founded in 1932 as a nonprofit child-assistance organization to help children and families improve their health, education, and economic opportunities. This annual report presents information on the activities of the organization for the year 2000 and details its financial position. Beginning with highlights of the year's activities, the report continues with a letter from the president and chairman of the Board of Trustees noting the receipt of two multi-million dollar grants that will enhance the organization's ability to improve the lives of poor children. Other sections of the report discuss Save the Children's efforts related to:(1) children in developing countries, including efforts to ensure children's right to good health, the Saving Newborn Lives initiative, work to increase girls' school attendance and women's economic opportunities, and meeting the challenges of global hunger; (2) children in emergencies and crisis, including the work in Ethiopia, central Asia, Mozambique, and East Timor, as well as assistance to HIV/AIDS victims and children involved in natural disasters;(3) America's forgotten children, including information on the impact of the Web of Support, providing support for after-school programs for children in poverty, supporting teen leadership, and piloting a web-based campaign to inform, connect, and mobilize teens to help children worldwide; and (4) community solutions through sponsorship, including the sponsorship of individual children and community development. A map details the national and international areas served by Save the Children and the International Save the Children Alliance. The annual report also includes the financial report, a list of organization supporters, and a list of Save the Children staff. (KB) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 2000 Annual Report Office of Educational Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION yTh CENTER (ERIC) cn XiThis document has been reproduced as Save the Children. received from the person or organization originating it. 13 Minor changes have been made to 00 improve reproduction quality. A Century for Children ... It Starts with Us Points of view or opinions stated in this document do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy. PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY D. W s TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) 1 I '4 4: 13 ST OPY AVAILABLE . 441r Contents 1 The Year 2000 Highlights 2 From the President and Chairman 4Children in Developing Save the Children was founded in the United States in 1932 as a Countries nonprofit child-assistance organization to make lasting, positive change in the lives of children in need. Today we work in 19 12 Children in Emergencies and Crisis states across the United States as well as in 47 other countries in the developing world to help children and families improve 18 America's Forgotten their health, education and economic opportunities. We also Children mobilize rapid life-support assistance for children and families caught in the tragedies of natural and man-made disasters. 24 Community Solutions Through Sponsorship Save the Children is a member of the International Save the Children Alliance, an association of 26 independent organizations 28 Our Global Neighborhood that provide child-oriented emergency response, development 30 Financial Report assistance and advocacy for children's rights in more than 100 countries. 32 Our Supporters ^ TfSave the Children. www.savethechildren.org .40P1.& Mali, Ethiopia, United States Albania Young Kosovo refugees pose playfully. The Year 2000 Highlights In a year marked by both heartwarming success and continued Launched an education and suffering, Save the Children: advocacy campaign to help children by addressing the needs of their mothers II Maintained its global leader- Began the Saving Newborn ship role into the 21st century Lives global initiative, thanks through a major grant from by providing relief, support to a $50 million grant from the David and Lucile Packard and hope for the future to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation more than nine million chil- Foundation, to improve poli- Reached over 125,000 at- dren in nearly 50 countries cies and expand programs risk youths in 243 rural and worldwide that will reduce newborn urban programs in 19 states deaths in developing coun- Helped avert famine from through our Web of Support tries where the problem is drought in Ethiopia, Pakistan for U.S. Children, a national most severe and Afghanistan, and brought initiative to assist local critical relief to victims of Supplied micronutrients and communities in providing flooding in Mozambique, basic health training to more after-school programs of through the rapid deployment than 200,000 children in 475 academic, cultural and recre- of Save the Children's emer- schools in 11 countries ational enrichment gency resources through our innovative School Assisted local communities Health and Nutrition program Delivered educational and in Africa to build village medical assistance to victims Expanded economic opportu- schools and expand literacy of HIV/AIDS, especially in nities through microloans for and educational opportunities sub-Saharan Africa, where more than 87,000 women in for almost 200,000 girls the pandemic has reached 16 countries, enabling them ®Facilitated the relief and alarming proportions and to better feed and take care development support of more orphaned millions of children of an estimated 348,000 than 90,000 needy children children and their families and their families worldwide through the generosity of their caring sponsors in the United States From the President and Chairman Dear Friends: We are living in an age of tremendous O In the United States, 14 million opportunity. The combination of children one in every five unprecedented economic growth and live below the poverty level. technological progress gives us a The means already exist to change this very real chance of accomplishing dramatically. We simply have to act our mission to build a better future for all the world's children. An Historic Opportunity nes,. At Save the Children we know that This year we reached a major it will take significant financial milestone, in the form of two multi- Malawi Two friends, both AIDS resources and political will to make million-dollar private grants that orphans, sit by the shore of Lake Malawi this world-changing goal a reality. in Chimwala. will enhance enormously our ability Consequently, we are redoubling our to make a world-changing impact efforts in communications, advocacy, in the lives of poor children. international cooperation and program Through the Saving Newborn Lives efficiency. We will tap every avail- initiative, we aim to reduce the per- able resource in order to help lead sistently high death rate of newborns the way in making the next 100 in developing countries, an estimated years a century for children. five million babies each year. The facts speak for themselves: We are grateful to the Bill and o Three fourths of those individuals Melinda Gates Foundation for their most frequently and severely $50 million grant to allow Save affected by humanitarian crisis the Children to help hundreds of are children. thousands of the world's most vul- Over the last decade, armed nerable children. conflicts have killed more than This five-year initiative will address 2 million children and seriously the most common and preventable injured another 6 million. causes of newborn mortality through: o More than 130 million children O Research partnerships in medicine are not in primary school; two and technology thirds of them are girls. O Education and prenatal health O To date, 4 million children have services for pregnant women Guatemala Maria watches as her died from HIV/AIDS, and more than O Public awareness programs mother, Marta, practices writing; like 40 million will become orphaned by most women in Quiche, Marta had O Political mobilization with local never learned to read or write. the disease by the year 2010. communities to implement life- O 600 million children one tenth saving policies and procedures of the world's population live on less than $1 a day. O Expanded distribution of El Salvador Save the Children president Charles MacCormack visits Yamina Elizabeth Torres, 11, and her sister Raquel Sarai, 7, at their community school in the rural village of Corral Viejo. The girls are among 125 children sponsored there by Save the Children. (left) Vietnam Save the Children Board chairman Thomas Murphy at a nutrition, education and rehabilitation program in Thai Binh, where children and their mothers jointly learn about health and how to prepare nutritious food. (right) simple, low-cost intervention were well prepared to assume a to take place. We share their commit- measures leadership role in the world's ment on behalf of the world's poorest response to a number of natural children, and with their continued Through the Every Mother, Every Child disasters, armed conflicts and poten- help we will make an even greater campaign, we will build support for tially devastating health crises. impact in the future. giving mothers in the developing world the tools they need to help their Emergency relief was mobilized, for This September, Save the Children children survive and thrive.
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