1948<t1988 Universal Declaration of Human Rights Declaration universelle des droits de l'homme FRONT COVER/This graphic depic­ habitation canadienne tion of obstacles and housing options presented to the average citizen was created by Toronto designer Karen Gillies. ©Karen Spring/Printemps 1989, Vol.6, No.1 Glllies. FRONT INTRODUCTION The human right to housing/Le droit fondamental au logement by!par 2 f. David Hulchanski COMMENTARY Do all Canadians have a right to housing? by ]. David Hulchanski 4 CHRA ALMANAC President's message on rights, developing non-profit housing, nominations, letters ... 12 MIDDLE ESSAY International legal foundations to the right to housing by Scott Leckie 20 REPORT The case for social and economic rights by Havi Echenberg and Bruce Porter 26 OPINION Housing is not a basic right by Walter Block 30 COMMENTARY Rights: Where do they come from? Is housing a right? by David Baxter 32 PERSPECTlVE Discrimination in housing by Bruce Porter 36 COVER STORY The right to homeownership by Thomas Axworthy 40 ARTICLE Aids and housing rights in Canada by Scott Leckie 47 ESSAY The human toll of Expo '86 by Kris Olds 49 WORLO REPORT Mass evictions in Calcutta by Habitat International Coalition staff 54 ARTICLE International campaigns for housing rights by Scott Leckie 57 BACK Third World shelter, UN global strategy, federal loan fund, United States' POTPOURRI "social deficit," current research on Alzheimer's disease, CMHC, New Brunswick's housing task force report, calendar ... 60 PUBLICATIONS Organizing for the homeless reviewed by CCSD, new releases, books for review 74 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Classified listings 77 How aboriginals in Canada approach the concept of rights/Comment les BACK PAGES peuples autochtones du Canada pen;oivent-ils le concept des droits by/par Rosalee Tizya 78 Spring/Printemps 1989, Vol.6, No.1 1 INTRODUCTION habitation canadlenne I EdHorlR6dlCtrice en chlf: Huather Lang·Runlz ~ Change of Addreu: by/par J. David Hulchanski To avoid m/Sslng CtJpies, send old and new address, date of move, and old address label to CANADIAN HOUSING, P. 0. Box 3312, Station D. Ot­ tawa, OntariDKIP6HB. Cbang1m1nll d'adnme: Pour 6viler des inteffuptions de service, veuiYez faire parvenir /'an· cienne et la nouvelle adresse, la date de ctem6nagement, et une an· cienne 6fiqUfJtte AHABITATION CANADIENNE, C.P. 3312, Succursale D, Ottawa, Ontario K1P6H8. The human right to housing Le droit fondamental Mtmbtl1tllplhltlcrlptlon Rita:: au logement Annual rates for CAHRO membership: Active(Voting) Members $40; Stuth!nt (VOiing) Members $20; Associate (Non-voting) Membars $35. canadlan Housing subscription only: $20 one year: $32 two years. (Duis/de Canada: 1 year $24; 2years$40.) Prix d'tdllftlollld'lbonn11111n1: During 1988, the Canadian Housing and Au cours de /'annee 1988, /'Association Drolts d'adh6sion annue/s a /'ACRHU: membre aclif (avec droll de Renewal Association marked its 20th anniver­ canadienne d'habitation et de renovation vate), 4-0$;6tudiant(avec drOilde vote), 20$; membreassoci6(sans sary. A great deal has changed in Canada's urbaine a marque son vingtif!me anniversaire. droit de vote), 35 $. Abonnement a Habitation canadltmne seu/ement: unan20$, deuxans 32 $. (A /'6tranger, unan24$, deuxans40S.) housing institutions and public policies since Beaucoup de choses ant change au sein des the late 1960s. Yet, housing issues and institutions de Jogement et au niveau des poli­ Encullve Direclor/Dl1ectrice glinlirale: Sylvia Haines problems continue to be at the top of the public tiques publiques au canada depuis la fin des 8o1nl of Dltecton/Consell d' 1dmlni1lr1tlon: agenda. annees 1960. Pourtant, /es problemes et /es One increasingly heard phrase in the housing questions de logement continuent de figurer en E1tecutlve Commltlee/Comltl Hicutlf: Peter Smith (Presiden//President) debate is the claim that housing is a right. ti!te de /iste du programme public. Robert Player (I st Vice-presiden/11~' vice-president) What does this mean? Is it a valid claim? If Dans le dfbat sur le Jogement, on revendique Claude Roy (2nd Vice-presiden/12" vice-prBsiden/) so, how can it be implemented? de plus on plus que le logement constitue un Jane Brackley (Secretary/Secretaire) Denise LeBlond (TreasurertTresoriere) To help infonn this debate, Canadian droit fondamental. Qu 'est-ce que cela veut Richard Peddie (Past-presiden//Pr8sident sortant) Housing is pleased to present a special issue dire? Cette revendication est-elle valable? Si with a focus on the human right to housing. oui, comment l'applique-t-on? Pour aider a Regional Directors/Dlrecleurs r!glonau1t: On December 9, 1948, the member countries David Hulchanski (British Columbia and Yukon Regional edairer ce debat, Habitation canadienne est Director!Direc/eur regional de la Colombie-Britannique et of the United Nations met in a special session heureuse de presenter un numero special trai~ du Yukon) to adopt the Universal Declaration of Human tant du droit fondamental au Jogement. Daryl Kreuzer (Alberta Regional Director/Directeur regional Rights. Article 25(1) states: "Everyone has the de !'Alberta) Le 9 decembre 1948, /es pays membres des Yvon Dumont (Manitoba and Northwest Territories Regional right to a standard of living adequate for the Nations unies se sont reunis en assemblee Director!Directeur regional du Manitoba et des Territoires health and well-being of himself and his family, extraordinaire pour adopter la Declaration du Nord-Duest) including food, clothing, housing, medical care, Sybil Frenette (Ontario Regional Director/Directrice nJgionale universe/le des droits de /'homme. L 'artide 25 de /'Ontario) and necessary social services.·· (1) stipule que: "Toute personne a droit a un Martin Wexler (Quebec Regional Director/Directeur regional The 40th anniversary of this declaration pro­ niveau de vie suffisant pour assurer sa sante, du Quebec) Wayne Purchase (Newfound/and and Labrador Regional vides an opportunity to pause and reflect on son bien-ftre et ceux de sa famille, noamment Director!Directeur regional de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador) its meaning for housing. The articles in this pour /'alimentation, /'habil/ement, le logement, Bill Todd (New Brunswick Regional Director!Directeur region­ special issue discuss the significance of the Jes soins mfdicaux ainsi que pour Jes services al du Nouveau-Brunswick) or~ Jimmy Macinnis & Jennifer Foster (Nova Scotia and Prince 1948 Universal Declaration and other imp sociaux necessaires. '' Edward Island Regional Directors/Directeurs r8gionaux de tant international human rights covenants and Le quarandeme anniversaire de cette decla­ la Nouvelle-Ecosse et de /'ile-du-Prince-Edouard) conventions related to housing. ration nous oflte ]'occasion de nous arrEter et C1n.i11n HDllllng, the offlclal pubf1Cation of /he Ganadian Association The two-pronged aims of this special issue de retlechir sur sa signification pour le Joge­ of Housing and Renewal Officials. is circulated to 1000 are to infonn and to stimulate debate. Infor­ ment. Les articles publies dans ce numero spe­ subscri~rslmembers, including municipalities, individuals engaged in mation about these international declarations housing policy, Mem~rs of Parl/ament, and CMHC branch offices. cial examinent la signification de la Declara­ and agreements is provided; a number of tion universelle de 1948 et d'autres Hlbltlllon cu1dl•nn• est la publ/catkJn de /'Association canadienne des responsables de !'habitation et de l'urbanisme, envoy6e a1000 authors debate the meaning and policy conventions intemationalee majeures portant membres!abonnls, y comp.tis /es mun/cipalites, Jes respansables de la relevance for canadians of the assertion that sur Jes droits de la personne relativement ala pa/i/ique d'habilallon, /es membres du Parlement, et !es bureaux de la housing is a fundamental human right. SCHL. question du logement. A broad range of views is presented, from Ce numero special vise un double objectif: ISSN0826-7278 a well-argued denial that housing is a human d'abord d'infonner et, ensuite, de stimuler le · right (Walter Block's article) to an argument debat. ''Second Class Mail RegistratkJn No. 688()'' that not just housing but homeownership is Vous y trouverez des renseignements au a tight (Tom Axworthy's article). sujet de ces declarations et conventions inter­ Translallon!Traduction: Yvon Lepage, Montreal, Quebec In additon to articles of a philosophical nadonales. Divers autours et auteures se pen­ TypesetlingfComposition & Printing/Impression: nature, other articles cover particular fonns of chent sur la signification et la pertinence des Love Printing Services Lid., Stittsvil/e human rights violations related to housing. Dis­ politiques pour Jes canadiens et Canadiennes Initial Design/Conception lnltlale: Quorum Graphics Ltd., Ottawa crimination in the housing market is discussed decouiant de /'affirmation vouiant que le loge­ by Bruce Porter. Scott Leckie looks at the ment soit un droit fondamental. Vous y CAHRO gratefully acknowledges the 11ssistance of the Canada Mortgage problem of housing discrimination as faced by trouverez un large eventail d'opinions, alland and Housing CorporatkJn, as well as the Department of the Secretllf)' of people with AIDS. The problem of forced evic­ d'un expose bien documente soutenant que le Stare. wilhaut whom the pubf/calion of this magatine would not~ possible. tions is discussed by Kris Olds, who provides logement n'est pas un droit fondamentaux 2 canadian housing habitation canadlenne a detailed review of the Expo '86
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