June 20, 2008 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 9 13297 arsonists, well that is yet to be seen. There’s Agencies Appropriations Act, I would have labor challenges in the face of the financial a reason for the saying—‘‘Don’t mess with voted ‘‘aye.’’ downturn of the automotive ‘‘Big Three’’, said Texas!’’ Had I been present for rollcall 432, H.R. he often turned to Mr. Fraser for guidance and And that’s just the way it is. 2262, agreeing to Senate Amendment to support. f House Amendment No. 2 on the Military Con- struction and Veterans Affairs and Related Once Mr. Fraser retired as UAW president HONORING HOUSTON WHITE Agencies Appropriations Act, I would have in 1983, he became a professor of labor stud- voted ‘‘aye.’’ ies at Wayne State and launched another ca- HON. JEB HENSARLING Had I been present for rollcall 433, H.Res. reer that spanned 25 years. In that capacity, OF TEXAS 1029, on a motion to suspend the rules and he served as a guest faculty member at other IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES agree to a measure congratulating and recog- campuses, including the University of Michi- nizing Mr. Juan Antonio Chi-Chi Rodriguez for Friday, June 20, 2008 gan, Harvard University and Columbia Busi- his continued success on and off the golf ness School, where he was labor leader in Mr. HENSARLING. Madam Speaker, I rise course, I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ residence for 3 years. today to honor Mr. Houston White on the 60th f anniversary of his participation in the estab- It is with the deepest appreciation that I pay lishment of the Rotary Club of Rusk, Texas. HONORING DOUGLAS A. FRASER tribute to the long life of a hard-working, just If you’ve ever wondered what made individ- and passionate man, Douglas Fraser. He lived uals from the ‘‘Greatest Generation’’ so excep- HON. MARCY KAPTUR his years in service to his family, friends and tional, one must look no further than to Mr. OF OHIO– fellow United Auto Workers. May this ardent White. Ninety-five years old, Mr. White recalls IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES labor leader be showered with blessings into surviving the Great Depression by spending eternity and receive a loving peace. his days picking cotton in West Texas. During Friday, June 20, 2008 World War II, Mr. White volunteered for the Ms. KAPTUR. Madam Speaker. I rise today f Navy, but that was just the beginning of his to recognize Douglas A. Fraser of Southfield, volunteerism. Michigan. CENTENNIAL OF THE INTER- Mr. White, a graduate of Jacksonville High Douglas A. Fraser departed from this life NATIONAL BOUNDARY COMMIS- School and Jacksonville Baptist College, Saturday, February 23, 2008 at a fulfilling 91 SION helped establish the Rotary Club in Rusk, years old. Douglas will forever be remembered Texas in 1948. Since then, Mr. White has for his dedication to labor rights, as he con- been an active member and was selected to stantly sought after fairness and justice in em- HON. DON YOUNG serve as District Governor for Rotary District ployment practices. Douglas led the United 5910, one of the highest offices a Rotarian Auto Workers (UAW), though a period of tran- OF ALASKA can achieve. sition in the 1970s and 1980s. As the chief of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. White’s public service includes count- the United Auto Workers, he played an instru- less civic projects, volunteer efforts, and par- mental role in saving the former Chrysler Cor- Friday, June 20, 2008 ticipation in Rusk city government. In addition, poration from bankruptcy. Mr. YOUNG. Madam Speaker, I have the Mr. White has served as a deacon and Sun- Mr. Fraser commenced his career with the pleasure of informing my colleagues that the day school teacher at First Baptist Church. auto industry by taking a job at a DeSoto plant Mr. White is a husband to Freddye Banks owned by Chrysler that had been organized International Boundary Commission (IBC), the Dear, a father to George White, and grand- by the UAW. He rose rapidly in the ranks of entity responsible for making, maintaining and father to Christopher White. the union, eventually being elected of Local mapping the Canada-U.S. border, is cele- Abraham Lincoln once said, ‘‘In the end, it’s 227, in 1944, at the age of 27. After three brating its centennial this month. not the years in your life that count. It’s the life terms as president, in 1947 he was hired as Through the IBC, Canada and the United in your years.’’ Well, Mr. White has certainly a member of the union’s international staff. In States have collaborated for over 100 years to 1951, Mr. Fraser joined then UAW President made the past ninety-five years count. peacefully maintain the longest shared border Madam Speaker, I am honored to recognize Walter Reuther’s staff. Because of skills at ne- in the world, 5525 miles long, from the Atlantic Mr. Houston White as a resident in the fifth gotiation, he quickly became known for his to the Pacific to the Arctic Ocean. My state of district of Texas and would like to thank him shrewd bargaining ability. for his tireless service to Cherokee County, Respected for being both an artful politician Alaska shares more boundary with Canada Texas, and this great nation. and an impassioned activist, Mr. Fraser was than any other State, 1540 miles (Water and f one of the first labor leaders to take on many Land). Of those 1540 miles, 710 miles of land of the thorny issues facing the auto industry is defined by 90 mountain peaks and 97 inter- PERSONAL EXPLANATION today, from global competition to soaring mediate monuments from the Portland Canal health costs. to Mt. St. Elias. This summer, the field parties HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY Without Mr. Fraser’s aggressive lobbying on for both the U.S. and Canadian sections of the OF INDIANA Capitol Hill and among UAW rank and file, IBC will be surveying the land boundary in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Chrysler would not have been able to secure Southeast Alaska (710 miles). The main goal $1.5 billion in federal loan guarantees in 1979, of this project is to update the boundary posi- Friday, June 20, 2008 which saved the automaker from bankruptcy, tions to the currently used coordinate ref- Mr. VISCLOSKY. Madam Speaker, I was according to labor historians and top UAW of- absent from the House due to the funeral of ficials. Also, in the 1979, as president of the erence system, as well as identify and mark a close friend and therefore missed rollcall UAW, Mr. Fraser and his team achieved other the boundary points the original surveys were votes 430 through 433. breakthroughs: Incremental increases in pen- unable to physically occupy. Had I been present for rollcall 430, H.Res. sion benefits for current and future retirees, a The work of the IBC is fundamentally impor- 1230, on a motion to suspend the rules and substantial increase in reduced work time, im- tant to our national interest; to law enforce- agree to a measure condemning the post- provements in the cost-of-living allowance for- ment—land administration, customs and immi- election violence in Zimbabwe and calling for mula, and Chrysler agreement to union rep- gration; and to the management of the a peaceful resolution to the current political resentation on its board of directors. transboundary resources. The last 100 years crisis, and for other purposes, I would have In 1980, Mr. Fraser became the first Amer- of work of the IBC exemplifies the close and voted ‘‘aye.’’ ican union official to sit on the board of a large enduring Canada-U.S. relationship. Had I been present for rollcall 431, H.R. corporation. He even donated his board salary 2262, agreeing to Senate Amendment to to Wayne State University in Detroit. Madam Speaker, and my fellow members, House Amendment No. 1 on the Military Con- Current UAW President Ron Gettelfinger, join me in celebrating the centennial of the struction and Veterans Affairs and Related who has led the union through a period of International Boundary Commission. VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:45 Jan 28, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR08\E20JN8.000 E20JN8 WReier-Aviles on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with BOUND RECORD 13298 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 9 June 20, 2008 RECOGNIZING THE COMMITMENT school teacher prior to her marriage to Harris every cause she believed in. Equality for all OF THE ALI FAMILY TO THE L. Kempner on April 24, 1939. They had two people, regardless of sex, race or religion was COMMUNITY THROUGH THEIR sons, Harris L. ‘‘Shrub’’ Kempner, Jr., and one of those causes, and she fought for it BUSINESS, BEN’S CHILI BOWL Marion Lee ‘‘Sandy’’ Kempner. Sandy, a lieu- staunchly at a time when it took much cour- tenant in the United States Marine Corps, was age. She was particularly a role model for HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL killed in Vietnam in November 1966. many women who responded to her gracious OF NEW YORK She is preceded in death by her parents, toughness, and her willingness to express her- husband, son, and brother, Marion Levy of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES self very directly. Princeton, New Jersey. She is survived by her Mrs. Kempner was a courtly hostess, a Friday, June 20, 2008 son, Harris L. Kempner, Jr., and his wife Hetta steadfast friend, and a formidable enemy to in- Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, I rise today T.
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