Section iii Finding What You Need: Resources for Archaeological Collections danielle M. benden About the Resources Whether you’re an archaeological collections manager, tribal historic preserva- tion officer, government archaeologist, CRM lab manager, graduate student, or other archaeological professional, chances are you’ve landed here because you’re in need of more information. There is now a myriad of resources avail- able about different aspects of archaeological curation, conservation, and col- lections care. Tracking them down is tedious and time-consuming, so we’ve carefully compiled the following relevant URLs and citations. These resources are organized thematically into seven key topics: Ethics; Laws, Regulations, and Guidelines; Collections Access and Use; Professional Development and Training Opportunities; Curation and Collections Management; Conserva- tion; and Funding. These resources are useful for various tasks undertaken by different stakeholders who are part of the archaeological process and who work in all sectors of archaeology. Although some of these resources are cited in various chapters, their the- matic organization will help you find what you need with greater ease at the spur of the moment and in context of related content. This is not an exhaus- tive list but provides a starting point for further exploration of various topics related to archaeological collections. All web-based links were accessed and live as of January 2019. We realize that Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) change and web addresses are constantly in flux. To ensure that the following internet- based 177 danielle M. benden resources remain accessible, we have provided Section III of this volume on the Society for American Archaeology’s website at https:// www .saa .org / publications /the - saa - press /section - III. Web links will be regularly updated, and additional resources added as they become available so that the usefulness of the document is maintained over time. Ethics American Alliance of Museums (AAM Code of Ethics for Museums): http:// www .aam - us .org /resources /ethics - standards - and - best - practices /code - of - ethics American Anthropological Association (Methods and Ethics): http:// www .american anthro .org /LearnAndTeach /Content .aspx ?ItemNumber = 2645 American Cultural Resources Association (ACRA Code of Ethics and Professional Con- duct): http:// www .acra - crm .org /code - of - ethics American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC Code of Ethics, Guidelines for Practice, and Commentaries): https:// tinyurl .com /y6ekhum4 Archaeological Ethics Database, RPA: http://archaeologicalethics.org/ International Council of Museums (ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums): https://icom .museum/en/activities/standards-guidelines/code-of-ethics/ Register of Professional Archaeologists (RPA Code and Standards): http://www .rpanet .org /rpa - code - and - standards/ Society for American Archaeology (SAA Principles of Archaeological Ethics): https://www .saa .org /career - practice /ethics - in - professional - archaeology Society for Historical Archaeology (SHA Ethics Principles): https:// sha .org /about -­­us / ethics - statement/ Society of American Archivists (Core Values Statement and Code of Ethics): https:// www2 .archivists .org/statements /saa - core - values - statement - and - code - of - ethics Childs, S. Terry (editor) 2004 Our Collective Responsibility: The Ethics and Practice of Archaeological Collections Stewardship. Society for American Archaeology, Washington, DC. Vitelli, Karen D., and Chip Colwell- Chanthaphonh (editors) 2006 Archaeological Ethics, 2nd ed. AltaMira Press, Lanham, Maryland. Zimmerman, Larry J., Karen D. Vitelli, and Julie Hollowell- Zimmer (editors) 2003 Ethical Issues in Archaeology. AltaMira Press, Walnut Creek, California. Laws, Regulations, and Guidelines Archeology Laws: A Guide for Professionals: https:// www .nps .gov /Archeology /tools /laws /index .htm Federal Historic Preservation Laws, Regulations, and Ethics: https://www .nps .gov / subjects /historicpreservation /laws .htm #archeology 1906 Antiquities Act [54 U.S.C. 320301–320303]: https:// tinyurl .com /ycm3gvfo 1966 National Historic Preservation Act [54 U.S.C. 300101 et seq.]: https:// tinyurl .com /y94pcaq5 178 finding What you need 1979 Archaeological Resources Protection Act [20 U.S.C. 80]: https:// tinyurl .com /y9kjukn2 1990 Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act [25 U.S.C. 3001 et. seq.]: https:// www .nps .gov /nagpra /MANDATES /INDEX .HTM 1990 Curation of Federally- Owned and Administered Archeological Collections [36 CFR 79]: http:// www .nps .gov /archeology /tools /36CFR79 .HTM and https:// www .law .cornell .edu /cfr /text /36 /part - 79 Guidelines For Preparing Legacy Archaeological Collections for Curation, written by Michelle K. Knoll and Bruce B. Huckell. Prepared by the Society for American Archaeology’s Committee on Museums, Collections, and Curation: https:// tinyurl .com /y8vs3u2r Federal Expertise on Collections Cultural Resources: Federal Facilities Environmental Stewardship & Compliance Assis- tance Center: https:// www .fedcenter .gov /programs /cultural/ Department of the Interior (DOI) Museum Program: https:// www .doi .gov /museum Griset, Suzanne, and Mark Kodack 1999 Guidelines for the Field Collection of Archaeological Materials and Standard Oper- ating Procedures for Curating Department of Defense Archaeological Collections. Legacy Resource Management Program, Legacy Project No. 98–1714. Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections, St. Louis, Missouri. https:// tinyurl .com /ydye8pme Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Col- lections, US Army Corps of Engineers: https:// tinyurl .com /yd69axtu National Park Service Museum Management Program: https:// www .nps .gov /museum/ Sagebiel, Kerry L., Kelly L. Jenks, Teresita Majewski, and Lauren E. Jelinek 2010 Archaeological Collections Management Procedures. Department of Defense Leg- acy Resource Management Program, Project 06–319. SRI Technical Report 07–41. https:// tinyurl .com /y895w2mj National, Museum, and State Repository Accreditation Processes American Alliance of Museums (Museum Accreditation): https:// www .aam -­­us .org / programs /accreditation - excellence - programs /accreditation/ History Colorado (Request to Serve as an Approved Museum or Curatorial Repository): https:// www .historycolorado .org /repository -­­information and https://www.history colorado.org/sites/default/files/media/document/2019/1426_1.pdf Texas Historical Commission (Curatorial Facility Certification): http://www .thc .texas .gov /preserve /projects - and - programs /curatorial - facility - certification Examples of State Curation Guidelines Arkansas: http:// archeology .uark .edu /forms - records/ California: http:// ohp .parks .ca .gov /pages /1054 /files /guide93 .pdf Delaware: https:// tinyurl .com /y9vgrfal 179 danielle M. benden Kansas: https:// www .kshs .org /p /archeology - curation - standards /14590 North Carolina: https:// archaeology .ncdcr .gov /programs /forms Pennsylvania: http://www .phmc .state .pa .us /portal /communities /archaeology/files / curation _guidelines _2006 .pdf Texas: https:// tinyurl .com /y7vkkb44 Wisconsin: http:// www4 .uwm .edu /Org /was /WASurvey /guidelines .html Examples of Guidelines for Submitting Archaeological Collections Burke Museum (Guidelines for Preparing Archaeological Collections for Curation at the Burke): http:// www .burkemuseum .org /sites /default /files /burke -­­curation -­­guidelines .pdf Maryland Historical Trust (Technical Update No. 1 of the Standards and Guidelines for Archeological Investigations in Maryland): https:// mht .maryland .gov /documents /PDF /archeology /Archeology _standards _curation .pdf Minnesota Historical Society (Curation of Archaeology Collections Under Repository Agreements): http:// www .mnhs .org /collections /archaeology /curation .php State Historical Society of North Dakota (Guidelines for Submitting Archaeological Col- lections): https:// tinyurl .com /yb7lr6l4 Collections Access and Use Resources for Finding Collections and Related Literature Mathewson- IGT Knowledge Center, University of Nevada, Reno: Resources for Finding Grey Literature: https:// tinyurl .com /y72xoujf Archaeology Databases: https:// tinyurl .com /y7g7cbrh Archaeology Journals: https:// tinyurl .com /y9auggqm National Archives: https:// www .archives .gov/ National Association of State Archaeologists: https:// archaeology .uiowa .edu /national - association - state - archaeologists National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers:http:// nathpo .org /wp / thpos /find - a - thpo/ National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers: http:// ncshpo .org /directory/ National NAGPRA Program Online Databases: https:// www .nps .gov /nagpra /onlinedb /index .htm Open Context: https:// opencontext .org/ The Digital Archaeological Record (tDAR): https:// www .tdar .org/ Collections Use for Research American Philosophical Society (oldest source of Indigenous archival materials): https:// www .amphilsoc .org/ 180 finding What you need Cantwell, Anne- Marie E., James B. Griffin, and Nan A. Rothschild (editors) 1981 The Research Potential of Anthropological Museum Collections. Volume 376. New York Academy of Sciences, New York. Chaco Research Archive: http:// www .chacoarchive .org /cra/ Colonial Encounters: The Lower Potomac River Valley at Contact,
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